2003-47 or . . . LAKE CO. PUBLIC WORK 352253 4915 01/12/04 06:32pm P. 002 . REN ~, AL OF LEASE AGREEMENT BE LA.Kl~ COUNTY, FLORIDA AND THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR A SHERIFF'S SUBSTATION AT 882 DeSoto Street, Clermont, Florida "fEEN This is a Renewal to Lease Agreement bctween Lake County, a potitical subdivision ofthe State of Florida, its successors and assigns" hereinaftetTefen-ed to as "COUNTY" through its Board of County Commissioners, and the City of Clennont, its successors and assigns, hereinafter the «LANDLORD." WHEREAS, on December 3, 2002, the parties .did enter into a lease agreement to lease property located at 882 DeSoto Street, Clermont, for the purpose of a sheriff substation; and WHEREAS, the parties now desire to renew the agreement in accordance with Section 4 of the Agreement, providing for three (3) one year renewals. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the; mutual covenants, promises and representations herein, the parties agree as follows: Section 1. Option to Renew. A. The original Agreement dated December 3, 2002, and valid through November 30,2003, shall be renewed effective from December 1, 2003 through Novemher 30, 2004. The rent for the renewaJ. term shaH be increased by ~ .%........ ..~- percent to the sum of ~¿ 0 ~o per month until November 30, 2004. B. c. The parties reserve the right to renew this Agreement for two (2) additional one yearperiod.s at the: same pricing structure, scope of services, and tenns and conditions as the initial Agreement. Section 2. Other Provisions. All other provisions of the original Agreement dated December 3, 2002 shal1 remain in fun force and effect [The remainder oft/tis page ùltentionally left blalrk} 1 J LAKE CO. PUBLIC WORK 852 258 4915 01/12/04 08:82pm P. 008 Renewal of Lease Agreement P 'cco Lake County and the City of Clermon J)cSoto Street, Clermont. Sheriff Substation located at 882 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this CoJJuact on the respective dates under each signature: COUNTY, Lake County, Florida, through its County Manager and LESSOR, the City of Clcnnont. through its duly authorized representative to execute samc. COUNTY LAKE COUNTY. through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ö.~f) -- ~ _.~~ """ Bill Neron, County ManageT This 2.05 day of ~~2003. Ap .. "1cgaIity: San rd A. Minkoff County Attorney . CLERMONT ~~ ~'o/t-'(ø-5. - Thi. t1day òf. fY! ~ , 2003. Approved as to orm and Legality: . 2