Resolution No. 2020-45RCITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO.2020-45R A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE TENTATIVE BUDGET FOR THE 2020-2021 FISCAL YEAR. WHEREAS, the City of Clermont, Florida held a public hearing as required by Florida Statute 200.065; and WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida that the sums of money included in Exhibit A, attached hereto, totaling $157,736,418 or as much thereof as may be authorized by law are required for the operation of the government of said City for the Fiscal Year of October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the attached said budget for the City of Clermont for the 2020-2021 Fiscal Year and appropriations therefore are hereby adopted. DONE AND RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County Florida, this 3`d day of September, 2020. Gail L. Ash, Mayor ATTEST: Tracy Ackroyd Howe, City Clerk BUDGET SUMMARY CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 EXHIBIT A Millage per $30D0 CLASSIFICATION 4.2061 General Fund Special Revenue Funds Debt Service Fund Capital Projects Funds Enterprise Funds Internal Service Fund TOTAL BUDGET ESTIMATED REVENUES Ad Valorem Taxes 13,769,021 453,229 14,222,250 Other Taxes 5,662,012 2,666,687 8,328,699 Licenses & Permits 3,500,300 2,851,000 3,333,000 9,684,300 Intergovernmental Revenues 3,578,433 700,000 750,000 5,028,433 Charges For5ervices 2,298,801 2,500 - - 19,610,000 5,463,465 27,374,766 Fines & Forfeitures 114,200 - - - 114,200 Miscellaneous 1,091,383 151A00 2,400 175,000 708,600 105,055 2,233,838 Interfund Transfers 2,147,211 2,832,993 - 920,017 - 5,900,221 ESTIMATED REVENUES 32,161,361 6,124,816 2,835,393 875,000 25,321,617 5,568,520 72,886,707 NON -REVENUES Beginning Reserves 8,426,830 6,933,415 1,808,175 15,930,165 50,430,364 1,320,762 84,849,711 NON -REVENUES 8,426,830 6,933,415 1,808,175 15,930,265 50,430,364 1,320,762 94,849,711 TOTAL REVENUES & RESERVES $40,588,191 $13,058,231 $4,643,568 $16,805,165 $75,751,981 $6,889,282 $157,736,418 EXPENDITURES General Government 4,958,988 20,463 2,807,855 1,009 5,712,326 13,500,641 Public Safety 21,662,866 2,537,365 - - 24,200,231 Physical Environment 956,966 7,093,045 42,654,337 50,704,348 Transportation 2,950,164 116,911 - - 3,067,075 Economic Environment 159,782 410,758 3,099,300 3,669,840 Culture/Recreation 3,134,267 96,840 - - 3,231,107 Interfund Transfers 218,467 2,614,526 - 3,067,228 5,900,221 EXPENDITURES 34,042,500 5,796,863 2,807,855 10,193,354 45,721,565 5,712,326 104,273,463 RESERVES Ending Reserves 6,546,691 7,261,368 1,835,713 6,611,811 30,030,416 1,176,956 53,462,955 RESERVES 6,546,691 7,261,368 1,835,713 6,611,811 30,030,416 1,176,956 53,462,955 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & RESERVES $40,588,191 $13,058,231 $4,643,568 $16,805,165 $75,751,981 $6,999,282 $157,736,418 * THE TENTATIVE, ADOPTED, AND/OR FINAL BUDGETS ARE ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED TAXING AUTHORITY AS A PUBLIC RECORD.