04-28-1994 Workshop Meeting CITY OF CLERMONT
April 28, 1994
A Workshop Meeting of the City Council of the City c~f Clermont was held Thursday,
April 28, 1994 in the City Hall meeting room. The meeting was called to order by
Mayor Pool at 7:00 p.m. With the following Council Members in attendance: Council
Member Turville, Council Member Cole, Council Member Norquist, and Council
.Member Ivey. Also present was City Manager Saunders, Richard Bell and Cal
Hetfinger of Bell's Ceramics, and Forest Michael of Michael & Michael.
Lake Minneola Waterfront Park
City Manager Saunders explained that Richard Bell and Cal Hettinger, representatives
of Bell's Ceramics, had been invited to the meeting to discuss the proposed
improvements to the Lake Minneola waterfront and the effects they would have to
Bell's Ceramics Property. A' conceptual plan presented by Forest Michael was
reviewed which indicated the roadway to be removed along with a rebuilding of East
Avenue from Grand Highway to the intersection of Lake Minneola Drive with a new
access drive to Bell's Ceramics from East Avenue.
Mr. Bell indicated that they would also need a one-lane drive leading from the front
parking lot along the north side of the building to the rear of the building. Mr. Bell
was also concerned about the access to their storage building located on the lake side
of Lake' Minneola Drive and several solutions were discussed concerning this building
and the accesS. Mr. Bell and Mr. Hettinger left the meeting at approximately 8:30
Sentinel News Article on Tower Chemical Spill
City Manager Saunders informed the Council that Mr. Bob Mandell had contacted him
regarding the recent coverage in the newspaper about the Tower Chemical site and
asked if the City would submit a letter to the Sentinel showing the City's displeasure
with this type of reporting. It was the consensus that no letter should be sent at this
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Workshop Set for May 19
City Manager Saunders explained that Mr. Mandell would like to have a workshop
with the City Council regarding annexation and water and sewer service to the
proposed development adjacent to Greater Pines.
This workshop was scheduled for May 19.
Clermont Community Church Picnic
A request from the Clermont Community Church to utilize the beach area for a picnic
was discussed. It was suggested that they be informed about the Highlander Hut
which would seem more appropriate for their use.
KIAROS Request for Jenkinq Auditorium
A group called KIAROS which is a prison ministry group has requested use of Jenkins
Auditorium for 3 days. During this time their team would actually live at the
auditorium while they are presenting programs at Lake Correctional Institute.
City Manager Saunders suggested that Jenkins is not equipped for overnight use.
Council Members agreed that this type of use should not be allowed.
Neighborhood Center Site Plan
The Council was presented with the proposed site plan for the new Neighborhood
Center building to be located on DeSoto Street. After discussion it was suggested that
the Neighborhood Center could be located at the old Cooper Memorial Library
building which is now occupied by the YMCA.
The Council discussed the YMCA's use of the building which was meant to be on a
temporary basis. The Council asked that City Manager Saunders contact the YMCA
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and explain that the City has other obligations and needs for City owned facilities and
that the YMCA should move ahead with locating to a permanent facility.
Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
~,obert A. Pool, Mayor'
h E. Va'~-~ile, City Clerk