2003-18 ~ . . . ~F1 S T A TTT". W C ~~ 0 UTH ~ ELLNESS. ENTER Part of South Lake Hospital 1099 CrrRUSTOWER BLVD, 0 CLERMONT, FL 34711 0 PHONE: (352) 314-7444 June 18,2003 Wayne Saunders, City Manager City of Clermont P. O. Box 120219 Clermont, FL 34711 RE: Corporate Membership Agreement Dear Wayne Saunders: Congratulations! The commitment you have made to your employees is one to be commended. Both you and your employees will reap the rewards of fitness! Enclosed you will find a copy of the Corporate Membership Agreement between City of Clermont and the South Lake Wellness Center (SL WC) and an informational flyer that you may either post or distribute to your employees. Every member of the SL WC is required to complete a health history form at the time of enrollment. Women age 50 and older and men age 40 and older are required to have a Physician release form completed before taking membership with the SL we. I have enclosed these forms that you may keep them on file to expedite the enrollment process for your employees. We are pleased that City of Clermont has partnered with the SLWC, We look forward to working with you. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 352-241- 7144 x 4207 if we can be of additional assistance, Sinr;; a JJìa6 Lee A. Jones, BSE Manager Enclosure ~ðò'S - I ~ /61 TNa~X).a1 ~ raJlP]I1g ~ Center The South Lake Wellness Center (SLWC), located inside the USA Triathlon National Training Center, on the campus of South Lake Hospital in Clermont, invites you to take part in the . City of Clermont Corporate Membership Agreement City of Clermont has teamed with the SLWC to provide you with full membership opportunities at a discounted rate, As a member of the SLWC, you will have access to: . Cardiovascular Equipment . Weight Training Equipment (Cybex, Hammer, Ground Zero and free weights) . Aquatic Center . Track Complex . Group Fitness Classes (including Tai Chi, Yoga, Step, Aquacise, Cycling, etc.) . Each member receives a complimentary fitness evaluation and orientation upon joining. During these appointments, you will be exposed to the following screenings, tests and services: . Height, weight, heart rate and blood pressure screenings . Flexibility, body composition and girth measurement testing . Sub-maximal aerobic capacity testing, when applicable . Individualized exercise prescription and fitness consultation . One-on-one supervised initial exercise session We also have Massage Therapy services available to our members at an additional fee. Feel free to call us at 352-241-7144 for more information, . We look forward to serving your fitness needs, J~SOUTH LAIŒ WELLNESS CENTER At the USA Triathlon National Training Center , J~N 04 2003 4:46PM MAY-21-2003 15:21 P,B2 HP LASER JET 3200 ORHS LAKE CTY.SCS, p.2 352241 4646 Asourn LAKE WEUNESS CENTER Ar rht USA T,.¡.rIJ." NMi"",¡ rr4¡,.Þv C.llltI, . CORPORATE M EMBERSIfJP ACREEMENT ibis agreement IftIde and entered. in as of May 21, 2003, by and between Soulh Lltl(~ Wollnoss Center, hereinafter refemd ro IS "SLWC," anlf City ofC.1ermonr, hereinafter referred ~ II "City orClcnnunt:' WhcraJ the SL WC, 15 a community service, maintains 8 rtbless fKlllty and heallh JI"Omotion progratlls to serve members orthe community and businesses, Whereu City ofClermom desires to provide buIiness memberships to the SLWC (lIcUlIY for their employees and families. . . II, ~< III, . Now, therefore. It rs mutua1lya¡reed 15 follow,: J, Services; 11Ie SL we will provide weJlness prosramm inK to City or Clennclnl inc lUlling: A. Complimentary PitneR Bvaluatiøns and OriCntllions provided It the SLWC in accordance with 1heir IcJu:dWing processes include: I. Heighl, weight, heart rate snd blood pressure. 2. Flexibility, body composition IIId girth mcasUlðmenls ), Sub-maximal aercbic capacity &csbnl, when Ipplicable 4, lJIdividuaUzed exercise prescription and fitness consultation S. Onc-on-one Iupem8ed iIIirial exercise slssion B. Full memberships U) rile SLWC for City ofC1ennont employees ta inc:hJde acc:ess to: I. Cardiovucullr Equipmllllt 2. Weight Training Equipmenl (Cybex, Hammer, CroWld Zero and fi~e weights) ), Group Fitness Schedule (aerobic. specially and aquatic classes) 4, Aquatic: Center S. Track Complcx 6, F..II Service Jockerrooml 1. Other pro818ftU1Ùft8 options avallaille to members Bt additional cost C, Cit)! of C1e.rmOJlt asrces 10 coordinarc the proD1Otion of these services with tlte SL we Eligibility: The emplDyets ofCiry ofClermonr must firat be a m.mber uncl"r the Corporate. Mombcrshlp AørccmcDt before dlcAr spouse øndlor dependent clUldren, ages 14-2J, may be considered for membership under these remls. City DfClermont will determine wheEher they will allow employee ¡POUlOS :and/or dependent children, ages 14-21, to be el¡sible for membership under die lenns of this Ageemem. / (pLEASE CHECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING ELIGIBILITY OPTIONS) Iþ"". Vest spouse. andlor dependenr children, age. 14,21, Ire allowed under the terms or this Agreement C Yes, only spouses will he allowed under the terms orthis AlJ"Ccmont C No. 0.,1)' employees orCity ofClerrnont will be a/Jowed under rhe terrns ofrhis Agreement, CompensariOJ\: The ¡nitilllion fee on J 00 per person will be waived. Each Cil)' of Clennont employee's ønd eligible .rld1i1y member's SLWC lCÇount 5"all be charged a rate of SJ S.OO as I monthly membership fcc, (PLEASE CHECK ONE OF THE FOLLOW1NO PAYMENT O JTIONS) C Payments shall be assessed Bgainst City of Clermont Ind remined 10 SL we ror th~ above rendered geNie.. by the IS'" of cadi monlh, )f SLWC wtllinvoicc ead City orClermOl\t employee and eligible fam;ly member imUvidllaUy, ì J~N 04 2003 4:46PM MAY-21-2003 15:21 P.03 .. . VI. VII. HP LASERJET 3200 DRHS LAKE CTY.5CS. p.3 352241 4646 Page 2 of2 &Y. Requirements: City of Clermont must have I minimaun of three (3) employe:es complete me membership process II one scheduled time (to be coordInated through SL WC), If at any time City ofClermom membership falls below the required :3 members, all remaining employee rates will ¡aereue to the non-COYPOIIle rate ofS45 pcr month. These cllanlcs will W(. affeci on the t'l of each month and 1101 be IUncndcd or adjllSled until the following month, if a )plicablc. City 01 Ctermonl shalJ provide till: SL we with a complele listing of al1eli¡ible employees and will provide updates to the SL we hi-monthly, or IS nCC:C55lry, V, Tetm: This Aareemmt shall become effective on May 21, 2003 an4 conrinl.'c for one year. The agreement shall be renewed 8I1lu18l1y unlCJs lennlnaled 115 provided herein. . Any effective prict chan&c by the SLWC shaJJ be provided to City of Clemo lit in writillg and reeeiyed by City of ClemlOftl at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration GrEbe initiallerm ()f l!tis ABleemenl and elch rwu:wII tènn. E1t.her'plI1Y, upon thirty- (30) days written nelite. may give tcnnination to this AcNement. Equipment Ind Facilities; The SLWC shall provide al1 f.cilitles IlK! equipment for tho UHssmenlS and memberships. Medical Reœrds: for a period of no I less than seven (7) years all individlill records shall be maillwned by IIId bl considered the property orSouth Lake Hospital. Said records shall remain confidential Uld.t no time will die resulrs of any ~sU be released without the wrinen consent of the individual. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the puties hereto have eX8euted this Acnemenr the day and year first above written. By: . Le Mlftager So~h Lake WIlIness Center B~ -ik#. . e Saunders C of Clcnnont ~~~ Itne.s . V:\Sthlake\weJlness Cerlt8I'\OV='\Cðrpor,te\CONmACT #2,doc . , TOTAL P. 03