2003-16 . . ADDENDUM #2 TO THE JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE LAKE COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY AND THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR THE CENTER LAKE STORMWATER RETROFIT PROJECT . THIS JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT entered into by and between the LAKE COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY, a Special District of the State of Florida authorized and governed by Chapter 29222, laws of Florida, as amended, its successors and assigns, whose address is 107 North lake Avenue, Tavares, Florida 32778, hereinafter referred to as the "AUTHORITY," and THE CITY OF CLERMONT, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, whose address is Post Office Box 120219, Clermont, Florida, 34712-0219, hereinafter referred to as IClERMONT" is herein amended to extend the project funds administration date, Therefore, Paragraph IV is amended to read as follows: IV. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE AND TERMINATION This agreement shall remain in effect until December 31,2003, unless terminated or extended in writing by mutual written agreement of the parties. . The lCWA or the CITY, upon fifteen (15) days written notice to terminate may terminate this Agreement without cause. Such notice shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, or personal delivery to the address stat~d iD Section V, Notices, In the event of such termination by either party, the lCWA and the CITY agree to pay the consultant for all work previously authorized and completed prior to notice of termination. This addendum, upon execution by all parties, is herewith made an integral part of the aforementioned Agreement and this addendum shall supersede the Agreement in the event of any conflicts. Date: April 24. 2003 LAKE COUNTY WATER UTHORITY \ ) Attest: ~dtL ~o- Date: t - //;-1/ CITY OF CLERMONT Attest: -r¡~ ~Q . amerritle of person signing /Y'\ AJ of¿ - CAy 0 r {2 f f' ~.r¡ DI/ -J... . ¡ . . q I 7-41 ò ?' w ADDENDUM #2 TO THE JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE LAKE COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY AND THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR THE CENTER LAKE STORMWATER RETROFIT PROJECT . THIS JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT entered into by and between the LAKE COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY, a Special District of the State of Florida authorized and governed by Chapter 29222, laws of Florida, as amended, its successors and assigns, whose address is 107 North lake Avenue, Tavares, Florida 32778, hereinafter referred to as the "AUTHORITY," and THE CITY OF CLERMONT, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, whose address is Post Office Box 120219, Clermont, Florida, 34712-0219, hereinafter referred to as "CLERMONT" is herein amended to extend the project funds administration date. Therefore, Paragraph IV is amended to read as follows: IV, PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE AND TERMINATION This agreement shall remain in effect until December 31,2003, unless terminated or extended in writing by mutual written agreement of the parties, . The LCWA or the CITY, upon fifteen (15) days written notice to terminate may terminate this Agreement without cause. Such notice shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, or personal delivery to the address stated in Section V, Notices, In the event of such termination by either party, the lCWA and the CITY agree to pay the consultant for all work previously authorized and completed prior to notice of termination, This addendum, upon execution by all parties, is herewith made an integral part of the aforementioned Agreement and this addendum shall supersede the Agreement in the event of any conflicts, Date: April 24, 2003 Attest: ~~n~n~C) Dale~ Attest: CITY OF CLERMONT ~-~ ~-~~é? NamelTitle of pers?n signin,A . mAYOr¿ ,City o(CI,,¡Jmön!- . " '\, '5-~q\D~ , . LA County WATER AUTHORITY Michael 1. Perry, Executive Director James C. Watkins, Secretary-Treasurer , 107 North Lake Avenue Tavares, Florida 32778-3119 (352) 343-3777 Fax (352) 343-4259 E-mail: info@lcwa.org www./cwa.org . April 24, 2003 Tamara Richardson, PE City Engineer City of Clermont P.O. Box 120219 Clermont, FL 34712-0219 RE: Stormwater Retrofit Grant Time Extension Dear Ms. Richardson: . At the April 23, 2003, board meeting of the Lake County Water Authority, the Board approved your request for a second extension to your Center Lake Stormwater grant. I have enclosed two original stormwater retrofit grant addendums. Please execute both addendums and forward one of the documents to us for our records. The second is for you to keep. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, ~ Lance M. Lumbard Water Resources Project Manager LL:lm Enclosures . BOARD OF TRUSTEES District One Ann Wettstein Griffin District Two Nancy H. Fullerton District Three Larry M. Everly, Sr. District Four Stan Bainter District Five Susan Ryan At-Large Joe E. Hill At-Large Robert W. Taylor