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10: Citi ofClm'Uont
DATE: Mir¡27,2O04
A "ffi""NTfON:
LOCA nON: Clermont City Hall
Ti;JS Agteerllent mad/'. and ellt~ed into by a!ld between HUFCOR/Or1ando.lDc. &"ing busine$s in the State
of Florida.,. bd'cmafter rðfm~d to as "Company" and
Con~'"'t: Troy Sheridan
HereináftH 1'.)&;1"(00 to as "P11r.:hase.r"
ThaI for the cousiderdtíolu herein contained,. the CQ~Y fI.lId plJTcbaser covenant and agree as
HCFCOR/Orll:!Jldo, me, proposes k,1 fumish material and ío; tabor described, for the sillUlisted
b~lí)W in accorœa.ce with the tenus herein:
We [rI'opose to perfOI1!l our Inspection Service aDd Preventive Maitrtenance work on a 'il:A.RL Y basjs to
L'1orude: ServJce all Operable Pa.>t1tlons in the MEETIN ROOMS
(a'J All tnc.ks, trolleys. curves, imersectìoDll. switches and support:>
(b) All acoustica] se2.1s, inc1udin¡ opeIable top an.d bo'ttoan seek
(c) All panels, and pane] roee :tinish ma1eriaJs.
(d) Alljambs. hinges, pass doors and poçket doon.
(t':) Electric mO1QI'S, aU s...it¡;hE$ ao.å drive coxnponents.
(il) CleiUJiug and lubric:atfug all ttack as required,
(b) AQJU5~ all panel to plWi1b çm.1dition.
(c:) Lubrica'Ûn¡ all trolleys, hinges and other moving 'pui¡¡.
(d) Adjtl~tWg optrdblc top and bottom sfals,
(I:) Tightening kase aoousticaJ 3tals, hinges! pa.ne1 trim and troUeys.
(f} Adjusting l.ixcll switcheg, cJutches and clWDs on ~Iedric witIh-.
(a) Any and all unsafe conditions,
(b) Panels out cf1eveJ or plumb that reQ.1.Ò11: repain.
(c) Worn, damaged or broken pW and çQmpon~tS requiring repiac:ement.
(d) A price for material a:ndlor Jabor to Ç:or.te~ de.u.c.ít:l.'lcies.
All Preventive M<ÙIllemmee ¡)Drj St)tvice will 'be coordinatoo with the cngineuil1g depm-:r,lt.'Ht i'lDd
¡,cheduled fro as not ttl i.rItedere with facility use.
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purchaser °F-Jees to pay Company for the pedon,\~.II.('.e of jnspc¡}f.ion service and prewoUlti.ve
f.1)jiimeu&.11.c"", work, the sum of SSOO.OO YEARLY
Pll1'chaser agrees to pay toIJt.mctor tbf tot'!l amount due withìD Thirty (30) days UiJOÙ (:ol.npletion
of work.
Contractor agn:es to repalt' or replace any or all components that fail, not dut to mbUi!C or abuse,
betwe~n scheduJed yearly services as long as purchaser agrees to all repain aud replacernont parts
proposed iD the de-ficietlC'y report submitted to The purchaser at tile 1am inspectlcro.
The party to whom this COltttl\ct is r.1bmitt:d will be called the "Purchaser" and
HUFCORfOriando,l:1c,',.. wm be caned the "Company." The word "parties" means col1ectiv~ly
the Purtwer aud the Compacy.
(a) The CompacJ)' re$trves!be right to accept 01 reject an~' proposal by .Pu:rc..ía9cr.
(b) All proposC\.Ìs tl(:cepted by the Company shall bè subje...., to aU the terms and cor.dìtions StaI~'d on
the fate and baCk. oJ thìs C'.ontraL.'t.
11:ú5 Proposal, when accepted by an offi~er of the COIIIJ'&Ily, shall cO't,Sl'itute the complete
a,gree:me1tt betwet;l' the parties hereto and it is expressly agreed and Stipul8teå th£t there a...-e DO
promi5eS, l'~p¡-eSl"ntations. provisions or understandmgs of!ltt)' nature whatsoever pertaining to the
subject matter hmof 1'.ot exprðSS]y stated herein,
No roodificat.1tm of this COOtr1l.c:t and no modmtlltÌOD óf IUIY ensuing agreemcmt shall be of iWY
force and effect ImJess the sar'tlC shall be in writiDg, sigI;ed by the duly authorized r{¡pre:;entative of
tbe P\ln'.hbSel' and thereafter accepted by an officer oftbe Company, indicating the agr~edprir;:e
and $Cbedule adj1.ìSl'.ment, if any.
AU provisions of the contract shall be subject to all resni~ons end regulations of the Ul.Ùted
S~h~, of a.,>, State Govemmem or any subdi viflion Of agency thereof, whether imposed ;y Ie;;]
Of administrative authority or by vohmtmy cooperation with any agency. public or private, in
exiStence 9.t the tim~ the Company accepts this Proposal. The goods and/or services described
berein (or on the specification provided herewî1l1) comply with applicable safety a!ld health
$t&1dards :issued pursumt to the OC:CUpatiOD.a1 Safety and H:taItb St..mdards A~ of 1970 ("tba
Act"') and iu effect OD this date i!3 sut."-h statldard$ are interpreted and understood by (he Comþ!\.'1j'.
The5:e SWI.dards may be amended aDd/or tbeÙ' meaning may be clarified prior to shipment or
perfonnanr.e, and if such cbælge or c 'l.\¡ificalicn requires changes in the goods and services
descn~d herein, the Company sb.aJl make the necessary cba!1¡es a-vailab1e to the Pw:chaser.
Purctmt:T shall pay tbe Company for any end all such changes at the Co!O.pa1JY's prit'es th.e-refor ill
e.ftèct at tirot' of shipmeat or varfÖl"nlßnce. as the case may be. Be~use ac:tu.aJ comp!ia.llc~ by
tJr.nployers 10 the Act is beyond the control of the COIl¡pany, the Compzny cannot and does not
represent that the- 1.!Se oftbe good:J described herein nor \hI;! location. .installadO!! or mainte:.lliIaCe
thereof~ will :omply with the A'.:t or regulations and standards issued pursuant thereto. 'I'll"
Company .makes nö :representation of compliance with safety and bea!t.b. standnr\is w.Qtaineri ill
any ~tatute,1'tgu1ation or ordinance of any State orpofuica1 subdivision theleo.fappUc~ble!o thf'.
goods and/or !iet'\llces doscribed herein l.Icles~ the Purcbaser bfCI noti~ed the Coæpauy of (hI;
e."\istence and contents of such standard and the Company has agreed in wrltiDg to the
i-ncorporadoo of such standilTds in the specificatio.os ¡elating to such goods and/or se!VÍces, Tbt
foregoing provisions shall Dot be ti>ll5trued to modify or affect in any manner wbats';)eve-; t.ì.1!:
Company's disclaimer of ¡my liability for consequen'tial dam~es ;;contained elsewhere ù., these
tenns and C(lnditì:ms of sale,
I'i-:' 'J. Ii. ~ ,JI,;{,
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The Company shaH be e,~u5ed from ali responsibìliry or }jability Îor nonperformæ.lce or delayed
per.í(,.>rmaD.Ci;! cwsed by failure of the Purchaser to convey information necessary fer /.he. Company
to complete .it:; work, any labor diffi"wty, fire, flood, accident, transportation difficulty, material
or tht.l o.r power $bonage, war, ¡ovemmenta! actio!ì. Of any contingency of whatSoever uat:.U'e, in
wboll;! or it, pat"., be}'cnd its control. If. cIuring the period of delayed :?erformance resultini from
any <""S\.I$e in wl:tole OJ in part beyond tb.¡: Company's control, 1he Company's cost<> me incl'ea.'ied,
t1\e Coropany snaU be entitled to pass those cost increases OIl to the Purchaser 1m:! Purchaser
hertby a.gr~,*, to PIIY tawe. If any delay oot within the Company's control, ÌD whole or in part,
l'íeVtJ:'1U pe:rtot':I1:JJ.Ilc:e (or twelve (12) month5 or more, the Purchaser or the Company may canee]
me: remaining u}perfhrm~d portÏ(JJ1 ofrhi.s 'Proposal.
The Company r~erves the: .right to $ubstituti! material when made necessary or aò'tlsable, in me
sole diSl."tetion of the Company, by governmental actioo or other caUSei beyond its cQIltrol.
The provi&ions ofthr; comract ¡("an be .intetpnrted and e::tforced in accold.llnçe v.itb The l<1'¥S of the
Stare of Florida.
The provisicrns of the r'oJ'lttact shalt be binding upoi:'l theheinl. adr.oiu.i$1J.1Iton, exeçutoF.~ le.\:a1
represr:ntatives, successors or &.!isigns to the parrie!lher~ro.
'IDe Pll11,;haser shall provide at no cost 10 the Cömpany. Hf.s. WII!C1", elf:ctriCÎ.)'.. te1ephon~ anti.
siULitary fadHties ìlllÌ.e:ì$ otherwise agreed in writÎ.1'lg. tfthe service s1l]Jer:i!ttEnÙf1r\.t f:.t1ds that tb.ese
lltilitle:i are not available or ilia!. for any mher !e1IJ>OJ\ the site h not ready for :servi.c.,¡, it $1:laU be {be
oblig¡rt.io.n oftbe Purchaser to assume all CO!'>I'!! o(;casioned by failure to tir¡u~~y supply such
utDiüi:S, proper i!Úonnation or adequaic storage.
11 is agre~:d ¡:hat tbe IlUterial or equipment describ:xi on th~ face hereof is !lot ;;:OI1Su.'!1t,'T goods ~d
that title tbert:to remains in the Company illltil the iotal price Iw been paid in C8:ò!1., al which 11m:
tIde will pass to 1lle pllJ'cbas::-r, unless tht' Terms cfPaym~t as described Of'¡ Ihe tàre ht~rt(1f
otherwise proviLæ.
To the fullest e.-Cleot permitted by Jaw. the C0%!3pany shall indem"'1ity, defenj arid hold hann.le~
?ilJ"cbaser cram and ag,ains1 all clahns, damages, losses and expl:n.ses, indudiug but not l.tr.dt~d to
~tt.orueys fues ariSln¡¡; or re-ru1.tiDg from performance of 6... work. providediliat such claim,
douœge, loss or expeI!.Se is attn1\utable to 00däy injury, siclmess, ilisea.o¡e or d~lIih or r.c injury to aT
de~tJ'Uçt:(lI! of tangible property (othathan ih~ work it.'òelt) includiog less of use resulting
tbereftow, bu¡' only to !be extent caWJed in wb:Jle or pari: by the n~gligi:'n:! acts or omis!\ions of the
CoIDlI4UY. In <11.1)' and all claims against the Purc:base.r by any employee of the Company tile
ÍDdellln.i5cation ubJigatil)n UDder this plL~pb shiill not be lìmí¡td .in any way by anyllirÜtiJtion
on the IIllit;.'unt or type of clwJ.¥es, compensation 01' beJ!efits payable by tb.~ Company under
worke¡'s c'JwpeIlSIttioo '"-1s. disability benefits acts or other emplo,'ee bençfit ~ts. The obliga1ivl!
Qf the Ci:JmpiW} lISSUIDe.;! hereunder sball in no event be construed to extend to !.he jabili1:y of auy
æcl1.itect or engin~t'r retzliued by the Purchaser or others. In no event shall the Comp¡my b; Dahl:
to tl,~ Purcbaser on 1\ çJaim of any kind, :indudIDg negligence, for AllY ÍDtem;ptiolJ of~perdti\Jn.
]()SS of anticipated pro.fit!. or. fix $pec.ial, iudÏ."'tct IX CODSe\l1JentiuJ da.tüages of iaDY nature. The
Pnrchas~r wl.l11 ill.œl'(lui-fj 8J1d b....!d tbc Company Þ.3nUtess fro:œ. my ]o~ 01' duma.ge to thi:
Company" work 0; ¡:uateridl r~~ulti.r.g (rom weather. .tir;:, Hood, w:ín:btç,tm, other tca..ies or ~,1))
other peril or catlSc 1101 wirhh:; tM ~~:xclU$iVt', ':"».tro( of the Co:l1I:PaJlY.
An:,,' amount past du.::: shan aCCf!1.JI: it\re¡eg( ar. l,5~/G per \t1OI:lth.
The Cotapany sbal! bç eut1ùed l'O recovl';!' aU t~ga.l fees and other oos!.q of cOneetkln of p8.yt:\'1.t:f!t
:!Tom Purcha-o:er.
Purchaser :>halJ, upon I.l.ocke of completion ()f service of each sep¡L-able u11it of CtJmpatly's work..
inspect same. The 'Purchaser sbi11l æJX:lusively be presumed to bave mad~ Cûmpl~\"' 3Dd fillS]
accepta!lœ theroof 'Jl11e.'1s written erbjo:ction is co;J.veyed within ten (1 ÇJ) days of Comp&J1Y' s nOI1ct:.
Any dispute between the parties arIsing out (If or pertaining in any wáy to t.bjg ProposaJ. the
contract e!b11ÍJJ,g 110m it. mdlor any goods purcb.:ised or work pe;¡fo!med by the C '>.mpaLly shall, at
the Company's !;ok- option, 'be resolved to' binding arbitntiO'll held in Sanford, FJcridu or :md.l
other I~'t:elri()n as th~ ClJmpany may select :ad give ootice of said location to Purchaser.
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Un1.tI~$ otherwise specifically stated ou tue fa('.e ofthi,s proposal, al1 prices are:
S\!'bj\:ct to tevi$i.on to confo1.J1\ to the çoœpaDY's price :i.n effect at time of sb.ipm~J;'.t;
Do not include ¡lJl! CùSI of any 9urety bund fer performance or pilyment of the Comp;-.lll)' . 5 work,
Based on full-time.. contim!ous IVOT without interruption during regular working 110U1'8 until ;wJ
SUl:!.îéCI to revision if the Pur;,}ha.:;er requkcs o..'ertime work or char..ges to the work., Í-11ciudi.,!g
additional time for performance, Ù'lcreltSt)d labor costs, overhead and profit,
Unle~s oili~rwis~ !:pecifically sIDted on file fllCe hen:of, all deliveri~s and slùpments UTe 5ubje::r, ~O
the following co.oditloos:
Partial shIpment!; may be tIWde at tœ Comr.any's sole discretion. Payment 1'Or ~u¡;h þarti<!l
shipmc:at( ii) shall be made in the proportion of the contract price that the pa.rda2 shipmeni. bears I,v
the whole, in acGO!dance wiili the terms ofpa}ment set fortJ:¡ O!l the filce hereof. .ID.d
Shipping dates ate approximate. It sball be t1:le responsibHity of the Purclmer to advis: as to me
ear1i.est shipping dates when material may be con,'eyed. as governed by <lCtua.l buildillg C'ouditiva:;,
If sbipwent is .T.ade and the bulldíng if; not ready to ret.:eive the equipment, the Purchaser ID-ü5t
amwge stornge in a dr)' place and ¡¡sume resp<w.sfbility for same.
The CoI!lprmy's respor.lSíbility for Joss, damag¡,\, deJay, or lion-delivery ceast5UpOD delly!:!) of
,lLJÃteria) or equipment to ~ public cwriçr, iiIIld my such claim IDU3'1 be filed agmt ilie çanier by
the coilSiglJee or the Purchaset'. CIahDl; tor shortages, errors in packing o!' overchitrges !.nuS'. be
made to the Company withiIJ twenty (~O) d~ys after receipt of iliìpment cr such c1iLÌID shIill bç
deemed to have bel:!] waived.
:Mea¡,'UJ'~lUents. dim¡;o.J.l5ioD..'I md weights firt.! 5'.1l>ject 10 vwtiO1..1.!i and are Dot gu.¡sl~teed by tbe
IN WITh"'ESS WP:EREOF. the p¡lrtÎes have ca:¡sed 1hi5 agreemer;t to be duly exe;;u.td I:nÏ;cti-~ ~
of the day &.I\d year 5nl above wriUel\.
Çitf of ç),enocnt
Ht.1fCORJOrlMdo, 11:\1':
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¡Tint Name: H:~Q..o1çL_S,_kr.Yj_U.~...
Tille: InAð..D.'í'.-..- .---..----------. ---.-,--.-,-
Dare; J~~.Q._:D_td._._._---_.._-----_..-
Print Name:.. ..lgl? ï---.S~~g--(Ð.~.¡.)
Title: ..:5EJJ,~JJ_u..l3..- .--~.A.JV &, 6f-R-
Date: _l_:".._k_:.. P. ~.__.- -- - - -.-.---'- ----.-