2000-43 , ,-. I ' . . Annexation Agreement This agreement is entered into this 1 ih day of December 2000 by and between the following: City of Clermont, 1 Westgate Plaza, P.O. Box 120219, Clermont, Florida hereinafter referred to as the CITY and Rock Properties, Inc., 1600 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida, 32804 The CITY agrees to annex certain property as described in City of Clermont Miscellaneous Ordinance 407-M. As a condition of the annexation, Rock Properties, Inc. and all successors, lessees, or assigns, agree to the following: 1. The following uses shall not be allowed on the annexed property: convenience stores, gas stations, and auto sales. 2. If the City determines it is necessary, the wall along the western property boundary shall be continued to the south along the western side of Parcel #2, the undeveloped parcel, and limits may be placed on the height of iighting fixtures. 3. The property owner shall meet all of the terms of the attached agreement, Exhibit "An, between Rock Properties, Inc. and the Vistas Homeowners Association that do not conflict with the Clermont Code of Ordinances, the construction plans as approved by the Clermont Site Review Committee, or terms of this developers agreement. , . , . . . . ,., The agreement is a binding contract, entered into by Rock Properties, Inc. and the CITY freely and with consideration, and may be enforced by Rock Properties, Inc. or the CITY in any court of competent jurisdiction, or by any other method agreed to by the parties or alloweQ by law. ATTEST: CITY OF CLERMONT q-.vr ~~ ROCK PROPERTIES, INC. .~ , : I . ,;..- . . ~XI-IIB'T \.f\ II ROCK PROPERTIES, INC. 1600 North Orange Avenue Orlando, Florida 32804 407/898-6999 FAX 407/898-7755 March 8, 2000 Mr. David Pape Vista Home Ownets Association P.O. Box 120901 . Clermont, FL 34712 VIA U.S.MAIL RE: Proposed Walgreen's Dear David: Thank you, the Vista Homeowners Association and residents for the opportunity to present our proposed plans to construct a new Walgreen Drug Store at the SWC of S.R. 27 & Vista Del Lago Blvd. at your February 23, 2000 meeting. We enjoyed meeting you, discussing the project, the community concerns and look forward to working with you and the HOA. Pursuant to the meeting, we propose the following improvements in conjunction with the proposed development. . 1. We will construct a 6' foot high masonry or precast masonry wall along the West property line (adequately inside the property line to plant trees outside the wall) the entire length of the property both North and South of Vista Del Lago Blvd., approximately 600 linear feet per the attached Exhibit "A & Bn. We will agree to landscape the Walgreens portion of the project substantially in a manner consisten~ with the landscape plans we provided to you at the meeting and attached as Exhibit "A". We will remove the landscape median in Vista Del Lago Blvd. and create the new landscape features along Vista Del Lago Blvd. in a manner consistent with the landscape plans we provided to you at the meeting and attached as Exhibit "An. We will dedicate any land we have on the North side of Vista Del Lago Blvd. to the Homeowners Association. We will plant approximately 50-55 Arizona Cypress Trees spaced 12 feet on center (or a similar comparable tree) on the West side of the masonry wall to create an additional visual buffer; the trees will be 65 gallons and 9-10 feet in height. This tree was chosen because it grows rapidly when it is young, grows to t 2. 3. 4. 5. . ~ , . . , ' , 7. be 30-70 feet in height, has a 10-15 foot spread depending on the distance between the trees, requires full sun, is relatively hardy, and is typically used for screening or as a wind break. These trees can be seen at Cherry Lake Tree Farm, 7836,Cherry Lake Road Groveland, FL 34236. We will contribute $ 25,000 upon a building permit being issued to the HOA. , We will contrib1;l~e an additional $ 5,000 to HOA for a new entry sign feature at the same time. ' We will make.: appliçations to FDOT and Lake County and any agencies necessary, and use our best efforts to obtain the access points as depicted on the site plan prepared by American Civil Engineering Company that we provided to you at the meeting as attached as Exhibit "8". We will agree with the HOA and City of Clermont or Lake County not to develop. the adjacerlt lot for a convenience st.ow. Lt~.e...... ft.:J. r"e ,':A,'j()r'j)L.I~!J 6.,/ He; II:~/(".-- : We will agree to develop the Walgreens property substantial~Ý in accordan~ with "\ / the site plan as provided to you at the meeting (Exhibit "8") and will work with -A\}..- the HOA regarding the site lighting so as to not have light fixtures shining into the (ß /' , adjacent homeowners' ~omes.. . ,. . n . /,' .""" ,1 / ~ *" i-lD.A ~j ~.~ J'Ið(- -10 tIJ,#. 'UP .sCMcV ~f tV ilbJ,-/ c. u. 'i ý.ê.c:<5c7?œlo/~' , J 0 v Please review the enclosed at your earliest convenience ~d do not hesitate to call with :1 any questions. It is to my understanding that the above is satisfactory to the HOA and we are in agreement. Therefore, we will have the full support of the HOA with respect to our proposed development and submittals to the City of Clermont and Lake County. If this is your understanding, and the above is acceptable please sign where indicated below. 6. 8. 9. I look forward to speaking with you soon. Sincerely, Rock Properties, Inc. )ju, '« ~. Gregg I. Zuckerman Cc: Tom McGee Acknowledged and Ae:reed Rock Properties, Inc. 8Y:~~ ~-~ President / / Date: ...1 'J z..,.,o I f t . . ROCK PROPERTIES, INC. 1600 North Orange Avenue Orlando, Florida 32804 407/898-6999 Fax 407/898- 7755 December 20, 2000 Wayne Saunders, City Manager City of Clermont P.O. Box 120219 Clermont, FL 34712-0219 VIA U.S. Mail RE: Annexation Agreement Dear Mr. Saunders: Enclosed please find one original fully executed Annexation Agreement. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Rock Properties, Inc. ~~ Gregg 1. Zuckerman ,:)(: " : : ;,8,,' : 8 " ..Z : ';I!.. ~I, ;f " .. , , '.....-..,-....,....-.,--'.' ¡ / "f, .i. 'j' ',' ,,' ('~~\(~ji:(:;!,~\¡~:.¡.(,t1 " ....' ,/ '..' ,,1" , -'. ,: "'~¿~~) \.i1. ,~,~,~} , (ß ,,"",,"«', J;¡ ffJ~¡ "'Vi! , ¡i."" 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