Proclamation #2021-007PPROCLAMArIO.N'
Whereas, bicycles provide the means to travel to work, school, and parks, and play an important
role in the lives of millions of Florida's resident and visitors as a popular form of
recreation and exercise and motivating ecotourism; and
Whereas, bicycles provide and economical means of transportation, thus increasing access to
employment, providing active transportation options for those without access to a motor
vehicle, and reducing traffic congestion, emissions and air pollution; and
Whereas, Florida was named the 10'i' most Bicycle Friendly State in America by the League of
American Bicyclists for 2019 and Florida ranked first in the Infrastructure and Funding
Category reflecting a strong statewide commitment to building a safe bicycle
infrastructure; and
Whereas, FDOT and many local governmental agencies across the state have adopted complete
streets goals and policies to develop a multimodal transportation system that supports
walking and biking as safe transportation options; and
Whereas, of Florida residents, 60% live within one mile of bicycle facilities, and the Florida
Greenways and Trails System Plan establishes the vision for implementing a connected
statewide system of greenways and trains for recreation, conservation, alternative
transportation, healthy lifestyles, a vibrant economy, and a high quality of life;
Whereas, the City of Clermont is placed uniquely in the exact middle of the Coast -to -Coast
connector trail which will link communities between St. Petersburg and Titusville,
providing a "safe, scenic and sunsational" multi -use trail allowing residents and visitors
to explore Central Florida by bicycle and on foot; and
Whereas, the City of Clermont is recognized nationally and internationally for its commitment to
sports and being home to champion tri-athletes, bicyclists, Olympians, and all other
active lifestyle enthusiasts.
Wow, Therefore, I, Tim Murry, Mayor of the City of Clermont in the State of Florida, do
hereby proclaim the Month of March, Two Thousand and Twenty One as:
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the City
of Clermont to be affixed this 23 Day arch in the year Two Thousand and Twenty One.
Tim Murry, ayor E
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Tracy Ackroyd Howe, City Clerk Copy