Contract 2021-013A#2021-013-A KINZ CONSULTING LLC January llth, 2020 Mr. Stoney Brunson Public Services Director City of Clermont 685 W. Montrose Street Clermont, FL 24711 Subject: Task Order #2-Proposal for Emergency Response Plan in Compliance with America's Infrastructure Act of 2018 Dear Mr Brunson: Kinz Consulting, LLC is pleased to provide this proposal for professional consulting services to complete the City of Clermont's Community Water System Emergency Response Plan. On October 23, 2018, America's Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) was signed into law. AWIA Section 2013 requires community (drinking) water systems serving more than 3,300 people to develop or update risk assessments and emergency response plans (ERPs). The law specifies the components that the risk assessments and ERPs must address, and establishes deadlines by which water systems must certify to EPA completion of the risk assessment and ERR Each community water system serving more than 3,300 persons shall submit to the EPA Administrator a certification that the system has conducted a risk and resilience assessment in accordance with the Act prior to- • March 31, 2020, in the case of systems serving a population of 100,000 or more; • December 31, 2020, in the case of systems serving a population of 50,000 or more, but less than 100,000; and • June 30 2021 in the case of systems servin a vopulation greater than 3.300, but less than 50,000. Each community waters stem serving more than 3,3010 Dersons is also required to ce li& its Completion o an ewer enc res onse lan as soon as reasonably possible, but no later than six months after certi&iniz completion o its risk and resilience assessment. Clermont's projected population is approximately 40,000, with a utility service area of approximately 43,000. Therefore the completion date is mandated as June 30, 2021 for the risk and resilience assessment and December 31, 2021 for the ERP. Kinz Consulting completed the Risk and Resilience Assessment in January of 2021 with certification to follow. This proposal is a continuation of the AWIA requirements that implement the critical findings of the Risk and Resilience Assessment into the required Emergency Response Plan. 1 Task Order #2 Task 2a — Emergency Response Plan No later than six months after certifying completion of its risk and resilience assessment, each system must prepare or revise, where necessary, an emergency response plan that incorporates the findings of the assessment. The plan shall include: 1. strategies and resources to improve the resilience of the system, including the physical security and cybersecurity of the system; 2. plans and procedures that can be implemented, and identification of equipment that can be utilized, in the event of a malevolent act or natural hazard that threatens the ability of the community water system to deliver safe drinking water; 3. actions, procedures and equipment which can obviate or significantly lessen the impact of a malevolent act or natural hazard on the public health and the safety and supply of drinking water provided to communities and individuals, including the development of alternative source water options, relocation of water intakes and construction of flood protection barriers; and 4. strategies that can be used to aid in the detection of malevolent acts or natural hazards that threaten the security or resilience of the system. Kinz Consulting will to the extent possible coordinate with local emergency planning committees established under the Emergency Planning and Community Right -To -Know Act of 1986 when preparing the emergency response plan as required under the AWIA. Clermont must maintain a copy of the assessment and emergency response plan for five years after certifying the plan to the EPA. The format of the plan shall focus on the following elements: • Critical Utility Information • Resilience Strategies • Emergency Plans and Procedures • Mitigation Actions • Detection Strategies Task 2b — Certification Process Each community water system serving a population of 3,301 people or greater, must certify the completion of its Emergency Response Plan for every individual PWSID number - City of Clermont 3350215 and City of Clermont East 3354779, either collectively or individually as required by EPA. 2 Task Order #2 Fees for Service - Professional Fees for consulting services detailed in Task 2a & 2b for a total of $35,000 lump sum to be billed monthly based on percentage of project completion. We appreciate the opportunity to serve the Clermont Community and will provide the exceptional service that is expected and deserved by the City. Sincerely, Kinz Consulting, LLC James Kinzler James Kinzler, EA CPM President 3 Task Order #2 Authorized by: City of Clermont By: Sys L Date:_ 112