05-11-2004 Regular Meeting City of Clermont MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING May 11, 2004 The Clermont City Council met in a regular meeting on Tuesday, May 11, 2004 in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Hal Turville called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the following Council Members present: Council Members Caputo, Ash, Mullins and Renick. Other City officials present were: City Manager Saunders, City Attorney Guthrie, and City Clerk Ackroyd. INVOCATION Council Member Caputo gave the invocation, followed by the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. REPORTS City Manager Saunders scheduled two Council workshops for May 24, 2004 at 6:00pm and 7:00pm to discuss the CRA. Attorney Guthrie - No Report Council Member Ash - No Report Council Member Caputo encouraged everyone to attend the softball tournament to be held at Hancock Park next week. Council Member Mullins informed the Council the Sales Tax Committee met on April 29 and stated the sales tax funding is being spent appropriately. Council Member Renick - No Report Mayor Turville - No Report PROCLAMATION Mayor Turville read the Civility Month Proclamation aloud for May 2004. Council Member Renick read the Asthma Screening Month Proclamation aloud for May 2004. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Turville advised the next item on the Agenda for consideration was the Consent Agenda and requested anyone wishing to have any item pulled for discussion to please come forward at this time. Item 1 - Library Impact Fees Inter-local Agreement for collection of impact fees Council Member Caputo moved adoption of consent agenda item l; seconded by Council Member Mullir~. The motion passed with all members present voting "aye." NEW BUSINESS Variance Request- South Lake Hospital Planning Director Brown stated this variance request is to allow for the installation of St. Augustine grass instead of a drought tolerant species at the South Lake Hospital Medical Offices Building. The St. Augustine grass has already been installed and is requesting permission to leave the grass in place. Staff recommended approval of the variance. 1 City of Clermont MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING May 11, 2004 Mayor Turville opened the public hearing. City Clerk Ackroyd swore in John Moore and Charlene Forth. John Moore, 1984 Brantley Circle, represented the hospital and was available for questions. Charlene Forth, 939 W. Desoto Street, voiced concern with the City Council continuing to grant variances. Mayor Turville closed the public hearing. Mayor Turville commented the Council should uphold the City's standards and does not support the variance request. Council Member Caputo stated he met with John Moore and Leslie Longacher from the hospital several months ago. They explained what happened and the approximate cost of $20,000 to $30,000 to replace it. Council Member Caputo does not support the variance and is in agreement with Mayor Turville. Council Member Renick expressed concern with water conservation by having to replace the grass. With the sprinklers set for the allotted two (2) days per week watering, if the grass dies, the hospital knows they cannot replace it with St. Augustine. She further explained this situation is unique in which the hospital was caught between two (2) landscape ordinances. Ms. Renick suggested cutting back on the turf areas and put in more zeroscaping which would be money better spent rather than starting all over again with the heavy watering period. Council Member Mullins stated he is in agreement with Council Member Renick. Furthermore, the cost of $20,000 to $30,000 to replace grass seems to be wasteful. Judy Goodgame, 2118 St. Ives Court, inquired how much square foot of grass would have to be replaced. John Moore responded that it is approximately 5,000 square foot. Council Member Caputo moved denial of the variance; seconded by Council Member .dsh. The motion passed 3 to 2 with Council Member Renick and Mullins opposing. JPA Review Planning Director Brown advised Council of a request for rezoning in the Joint Planning Area. The request is to amend Lake County's Planned Commercial zoning to allow additional uses on a separate parcel to include an automotive repair. The county approved the original zoning in 2000 for the project. Then, in 2001, the City agreed to provide water and sewer service to the site. Staffsupports and recommends approval of the requested rezoning. Staff listed 7 stipulations to the project; however, only items 1 and 4 can be adhered to because the project has already been constructed. Item 1 refers to prohibiting all temporary signage and item 4 refers to lighting. Mayor Turville stated this is a public hearing and encouraged input from the audience. Council Member Mullins inquired whether balloons were considered part of item 1. Mr. Brown confirmed balloons would be added to the stipulation. Council Member Caputo would like to add a restriction not allowing vehicles overnight or will have to be in the bays. Council Member Renick suggested staying with the original zoning. 2 City of Clermont MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING May 11, 2004 Council Member Caputo recommended the County not approve it and to keep it the way it is. Council Member Renick moved to stick with the original plan; seconded bp Council Member Caputo. The motion passed with all members present voting "aye." Planning Director Brown stated Council's intent of the motion to be the uses are not appropriate to that location and that was not the project Council agreed to serve water and sewer to. Ordinance No. 483-M- Introduction Mayor Turyille read Ordinance 483 M aloud by title only. An Ordinance of the City of Clermont, Florida, adopting a small scale comprehensive plan amendment for the City of Clermont, pursuant to the local government comprehensive planning act, chapter 163, part II, Florida Statutes; setting forth the authority for adoption of the small scale comprehensive plan amendment; setting forth the purpose and intent of the small scale comprehensive plan amendment; providing for the adoption of the small scale comprehensive plan amendment; establishing the legal status of the small scale comprehensive plan amendment; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date. Council Member Caputo moved to iritroduce Ordinance 4833/I' seconded by Council Member Mullins. The motion passed 5 to 0 on a roil call vote with all members present voting "aye." City Attorney City Manager Saunders informed Council that staff is recommending approval for services to be provided by Dan Mantzaris of the firm DeBeaubien, Knight, Simmons, Mantzaris and Neal with a starting date of June 1at. Council Member Caputo moved to permit the ci~ manager to enter into a contract with Mr. Mantzaris and his firm to represent the cit~; seconded by Council Member Ash. The motion passed with all members present voting "a~e. " Council Appointtnents Community Redevelopment Agency Board is made up of the 5 Council Members plus two citizen members. There is a vacancy on the board. Charlene Forth stated that she is interested in serving on the board. Council Member Caputo moved to appoint Charlene Forth to serve on the CRA; seconded by Council Member Renick. The motion passed with all members present voting "aye." City Manager Saunders informed Council that the city needs to appoint a Member to the MPO Citizens Advisory Committee and to the Technical Advisory Committee. Suzy Gibson has been recommended for the citizen appointment and Sharon Farrell recommended to the Technical Advisory Committee. Council Member Caputo moved to appoint SuzĀ„ Gibson to the Citizens AdvisorF Committee and Sharon Farrell to the Technical Advisor~ Committee; seconded by Council Member Mullins. The motion passed with ail members present voting "aye." Mayor Turville stated this is the end of the published agenda. 3 City of Clermont MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING May 11, 2004 Charlene Forth inquired about vehicles lined up along the roadway for sale. City Manager Saunders responded that the property in question is not within the city limits. Bill Banzhaf, The Old Bicycle Shop, informed Council the downtown district had a great First Friday event and thanked staff for their support. ADJOURN: With no further comments, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm. APPROVED ATT~EST: Tracy Acl~oyd; City Cler~ 4