1999-58 .' .." . .,-' . .f FJO"I RILLE' S£LLEN FAN NO.1 422112' 18-21-98 89117A P.82 DEVELOPMJ!:NT AGREEMENT . This Agreement, by and betWeen the City of C1ermont, Lake County, Florida. a Municipal Corporation, ("Cityj and Parle Square Enterprises. Inc. a Florida. Corporation, \Owner"'). Wbcras, -'Owner" has requested 4«;ity" to te-zone cCltain lands in the City ofClamont. and Whereas, the parti~ ba~c rc&Ched an agretmcnt as to development of said lands. Now thcreCôrc, In consideration of the 1n11ma1 eQ\'tIWlts and conditions contained herein. the p~es as=: as follows: '. 1. "Owner'" ba$ mÅ“nittcd au application for fe-zoning or cenain 12I1ds in the ccnporata boundaries of "City". said lands described in Exhibit" A" attached heretO. 2. In the ~vent of fe-zoning of said lands, "City" agrees Ihat the lands shall be z.oMod an R-l classification subject to the fonawing conditions which "Own~'1\u agreed to follow: a. AU minimum t~uircmc:nts of R~l zoning classification man be met by' '.Owna" with we exception of the total squar~ footaGe onats, which shan be 9,1S0 square feet. ,', , .;: .~. . . - - . r ". FAX NO.1 422J32' FlaK- nlLLE~ SElLEN , .- . 18-23-" 1'137R ~..3 b. All other land development regu1ations shaJJ be rneL 4t 3. This Agn:cmcnl i& 5ubjcct to 8I\d conditioned upon the fomW rc- zoning oCthe said lands. Cued this ~cL day of {)C.tDtJer . 1998. Witnessü: .. ~ Aueü: "1bJ¡U~;'~\ fYh~ ty Clerk " " '; :'....' , Pad; Square Enterprises. Ine. by: CityofCleanont ~.()