1999-22 ~- . , . . TRANSPORTATION CONSULTING GROUP March 26, 1999 Mr. Barry Brown Principal Planner City Of Clermont P.O. Box 120219 Clermont, FL 32712-0219 Re: City of Clermont Comprehensive Plan Amendment/Annexation Analysis (TCG No. 99-107.99) Dear Barry: Transportation Consulting Group is pleased to submit this Scope of Services in response to your request for transportation consulting services. These services involve the preparation of a trans- portation analysis of the impacts of property annexed into the City between September 1996 and May 1998. For purposes of this agreement, Transportation Consulting Group will be referred to as the Consultant, the City of Clermont will be referred to as the Client, and the Comprehensive Plan Amendment/Annexation Analysis will be referred to as the Project. Transportation Consulting Group's Planning Department will complete the tasks identified in this Scope of Services. Beth Lemke, Transportation Consulting Group's Director of Planning, will serve as Project Manager. SCOPE OF SERVICES The Consultant will provide a transportation analysis of the impacts of property annexed into the City between September 1996 and May 1998. The deliverable would be similar in nature to the annexation analysis conducted by the City in 1995 entitled "ORC Report Calculation Sheet" SCHEDULE The Consultant shall complete the tasks described above by April 2, 1999, provided all required information is provided by the Client by March 29, 1999. FEE The work described above will be completed based on a lump sum labor fee of $1,800.00, including reimbursable expenses. 1201 SOUTH ORLANDO AVENUE. SUITE 200 . P.O. BOX 2547 . WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32790 File:99-107 Scope (BGL) 407/628/0875 . FAX 407/628/5773 0 recycled paper '-. Mr. Barry Brown Page 2 March 26. 1999 . . Meetings and additional work not included in this Scope of Services will be completed on an hourly basis plus reimbursable expenses, according to the attached hourly rates. Reimbursable expenses incurred, multiplied by 1.15, will be charged to the Client. Standard rates are as fol- lows: $0.31 per mile, $0.18 per copy, $1.00 per facsimile page and $9.50 per hour of computer usage. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CLIENT It will be the responsibility of the Client to provide: 1. All necessary land use information (density/intensity approved under the County's plan vs. densitylintensity approved under the City's plan). 2. Advanced notice of scheduled meetings that the Consultant will be asked to attend. TERMS OF AGREEMENT During the course of work if the Client finds it necessary to terminate the work, the work will be stopped by the Consultant upon receipt of written notification. The Client will pay for services and expenses incurred to the point of termination based upon the Consultant's estimate of per- centage of work completed. Invoices for work completed will be submitted every four (4) weeks and are payable upon receipt. In the event that an invoice is not paid within thirty (30) days, the Consultant reserves the right to stop work, after notifying the Client in writing, until such outstanding invoices are paid in full. For work done on an hourly basis, the Consultant reserves the right to increase its hourly rates on the anniversary date of the rate schedule attached to this contract. Under no circumstances will this contract be reassigned without Consultant approval. Reassign- ment without approval will result in this contract being null and void. Should it become necessary for the Consultant to utilize its attorney to collect fees due the Con- sultant under this agreement, the Client agrees to bear the costs of collection, including reason- able attorney fees. Additional services that are not included within this scope of work will be treated as extra work. The Client will be given notice of any additional services that are needed to complete the project. The Client must give approval before work is begun. Extra work charges will be made in accor- dance with the Consultant's Hourly Rate Schedule in effect when the work is performed. Invoices for extra work will be rendered every four (4) weeks and are payable upon receipt. '.. Mr. Barry Brown Page 3 March 26, 1999 . . While all work will be performed with professional care, the Consultant cannot guarantee the actions of government officials and agencies to grant the desired approvals. This proposal shall be null and void if it has not been executed within thirty (30) days from the date of preparation, unless otherwise indicated by the Consultant. If you are in agreement with this proposal, you may execute the agreement by signing on the following page and returning one copy for our files. We look forward to working with you. Respectfully, íT-RANSPORTATIO CONSULTING GROUP ~~; J,åmes W. Lee, P.E. President L/ JWLlBGL:bll cc: TCG Accounting l~~ SIGNATURE Harold S. Turville, Jr., Mayor TITLE City of Clermont COMPANY April 1, 1999 DATE . "'.. . . TRANSPORTATION CONSULTING GROUP 1999 HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE Principal Chief EngineerlPlanner HOURL Y RATE $ 160 $ 130 $ 120 $ 100 $ 90 $ 75 $ 60 $ 100 $ 85 $ 70 $ 60 $ 45 $ 30 Senior Engineer/Planner II Senior Engineer/Planner I Engineer/Planner III Engineer/Planner II Engineer/Planner I Chief Designer/Analyst Senior Designer/Anal yst II Senior Designer/Anal yst I Designer/Analyst II Designer/Analyst I Technician Administrative Assistant $ 45 Clerical/ Admi n. CADD/Computer Charges $ 35 $ 9.50 Plus all direct expenses including travel, subsistence, and out-of-pocket expenses times 1.15. For expert testimony at depositions, hearings, etc. and for services in court, a minimum of eight hours will be charged for each day of appearance at a rate of 1.5 times the above stated hourly rates. March 26, 1999 1201 SOUTH ORLANDO AVENUE. SUITE 200 . P.O. BOX 2547 . WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32790 407/628/0875 . FAX 407/628/5773 .- .. recycled paper