Contract 2020-067A.01DocuSign Envelope ID: 5705EEOA-37F6-4EF6-876D-ED53D4D4DA43 CHANGE ORDER FORM Contract / P.O. Number: 2019-55 Bid Number: RFB 19-051 Change Order Number: 1 Change Order Date: Apr 21, 2021 Project Name: Streetscape Phase 2 Department: Public Services Job Location: Minneola Ave. and Osceola Street VENDOR INFORMATION: Company Name: Traverse G Address: P.O. Box 121754 Contact Name: Alicia Roehn , Inc. City, St., Zip: Clermont, FL 34712 Tel e p h o n e :352-409-6630 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Alteration, deviation, addition, or deletion caused by conditions encountered during construction not covered by the specifications and drawings of the project (attach additional pages if necessary). Additive change order to provide conduit and bore duke energy, sewer storm conflict STA 3+30 D232A and drainage issue becker rear parking & 8th St. ITEM A. I ORIGINAL CONTRACT VALUE: B. AMOUNT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: Must be within the overall scope of services in accordance with contract specifications. C. PERCENT OF CONTRACT VALUE THIS CHANGE ORDER (B/A): D. AMOUNT OF PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: E. TOTAL AMOUNT OF ALL CHANGE ORDERS (B+D): F. PERCENT OF CONTRACT OF ALL CHANGE ORDERS (E/A): 10% Maximum G. NEW CONTRACT VALUE (A+E) This Change Order is not valid without the following signatures: FADocuSigned by: �tUA. f°b(,!r AA, 4/23/2021 CONTRACTOR Date AMOUNT $ 4,310,565.37 $ 124,914.85 2.9% $ 0.00 $ 124,914.85 % 2.9% $ 4,435,480.22 E ocu3lgned by: _ 4/23/2021 PROJECT ARCHITECT / ENGINEER Date L:F LDoeu3igned by: DocuSigned by: Sf6 1/� �AdA.S6V1 4/26/2021 �IASAaA, 6. VA.U, ais 4/26/2021 DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR Date PROCUREMENT DIRECTOR / Date CITY MANAGER Council approval is required if change order(s): 1) exceeds $49,999; 2) exceeds the greater of $100,000 OR 10% of the original contract amount for construction projects; 3) the funds are not available in the approved budget for the department. CITY OF CLERMONT ATTEST: NOT REQUIRED MAYOR Date CITY CLERK Date Rev. 1 - 1 -2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: 5705EEOA-37F6-4EF6-876D-ED53D4D4DA43 :Kcillts• • .- • ■ - • ■ • : • • ■-ist.7l.��r;l■il:��tyl.7��csldu,■rF� Un€t Price Extended Pnce CONDUIT AND BORE DUKE ENERGY $118,804.35 8.2 F & 1 1-2 In. Sch 40 Conduits Per Duke Energy Specifications 865 LF $ 20.00 $ 17,300.00 8.4 F & 1 1-4 In. Sch 40 Conduits Per Duke Energy Specifications 510 LF $ 20.00 $ 10,200.00 8.19 4" PVC Sweep w/ Concrete 25 EA $ 75.00 $ 1,875.00 8.20 2" PVC Sweep w/ Concrete 35 EA $ 25.00 $ 875.00 7.20 4" Conduit Bore 1725 LF $ 35.00 $ 60,375.00 7.21 2" Conduit Bore 1070 LF $ 33.00 $ 35,310.00 8.21 Final Set Sweeps at Pull Box and Transformers 19 EA $ 500.00 $ 9,500.00 1.11 As Builts 1 LS $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 1.2 Payment and Performance Bond - Increase due to bonding charge(s) at the end of the Phase I for change order increases (No charge backs for Phase 1) 1 LS $ 1,369.35 $ 1,369.35 6.22 CREDIT -Sanitary Bypass 3 EA -$ 6,500.00 -$ 19,500.00 ADDT OF 21 DAYS TO CONTRACT $ 118,804.35 SEWER STORM CONFLICT STA 3+30 STRUCTURE D232A $ 6,110.50 5.17 6' Conflict Manhole 1 EA $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 6.01 Remove and replace 6" sewer lateral 1 EA $ 1,250.00 $ 1,250.00 6.33 6" Maxi adapter 2 EA $ 250.00 $ 500.00 6.34 6" 401 Epoxy DIP 20 LF $ 40.00 $ 800.00 1.2 Payment and Performance Bond - Increase due to bonding charge(s) at the end of the Phase 1 for change order increases (No charge backs for Phase I) 1 LS $ 60.50 $ 60.50 ADDT OF 1 DAYS TO CONTRACT $ 6,110.50 BECKER FUNERAL HOME REAR PARKING LOT TO 8TH ST DRAINAGE NO CHARGE ISSUE Installed HDPE at back of Beckers rear parking lot along with structure to resolve drainage issue and excessive run off onto 8th Street fAT NO CHARGE, 1 LS $ - $ - NO CHARGE CHANGE ORDER #1 TOTAL 124,914.850