Contract 2021-052A#2021-052-A ATKINS Atkins North America, Inc. 482 South Keller Road Orlando, Florida 32810-6101 Telephone: +1.407.647.7275 www.atkinsgiobal.com/northamerica Task Work Order # TBD City of Clermont, Florida Lake Winona Basin 12A Drainage Improvements Continuing Services Contract: 2020-99 Scope of Services April 2021 Atkins Project Manager: Chris Rader, PE (Chris.Rader(&-atkinsglobal.com) Atkins Deputy PM: Carlos Estrella, PE, PMP(Carlos.estrella(datkinsgiobal.com) Background In 2017 City of Clermont completed a Stormwater Master Plan for the Lake Winona Basin. The study identified drainage sub -basin 12A as a candidate for a water quality improvement project. Subsequently the CITY applied for, and received, a grant to design a combination stormwater treatment train to reduce the pollutant load to the lake by installing baffle boxes and/or an underground retention facility connected to an outfall discharging into Lake Winona. The City asked Atkins to prepare a set of construction plans consistent with the approved grant and stormwater master plan. Reference to Baffle Box are understood to mean brand name or approved equal. The project will include a requirement of the contractor that if supplying an equal vendor product, then the technical support for the substitution of brand name must be provided for consideration. Hereinafter all references to CITY will mean City of Clermont and all references to CONSULTANT will mean Atkins. The fee negotiated for this project includes all incidental expenses such as mileage to field reviews and meetings, printing, etc. Deliverables for this project are anticipated to be in PDF format and digitally transmitted. Fees shall be based upon on a lump sum basis except for those items specifically indicated as not -to - exceed. Scope of Services The CONSULTANT shall collect site information and prepare construction plans and specifications for the project with sufficient information to allow for bidding, constructing, and permitting. Work shall also include four plans submittal stages (30%, 60%, 100%, and Final) and a permit application to the St. Johns Water Management District (SJRWMD), as necessary. ATKINS Member of the SNC-Lavatin Group The purpose of this scope of services is to describe the scope of work and the responsibilities of the CONSULTANT and the CITY in delivery of the requested tasks. Task 1 — Data Collection The CONSULTANT shall conduct a desktop investigation of available GIS, permit or other relevant data which may be used for the project. The CONSULTANT shall perform an initial site review to observe and document existing conditions at the project location. This will include a visual review of the condition of the existing above -ground drainage structures. Video inspection of the existing drainage pipe is not included. The CONSULTANT shall perform a "plans -in -hand" site visit after the 30% plans have been approved to identify potential conflicts and concerns that may impact the proposed. Task 2 — Surve The services for this project will include 1950 feet of route survey as required to facilitate the design of 2 (two) baffle boxes in the Lake Winona Basin along West Avenue from 30- feet north of W. Magnolia Avenue to W. Minnehaha Avenue; the intersection of West Avenue and W. Magnolia Street, and W. Minnehaha; 11th Street from 150-feet north of W. Minnehaha to W. Minnehaha Avenue; and W. Minnehaha Avenue from 50-feet west of 11 th Street east to the waters edge of Lake Winona. Accordingly, the limits to be surveyed will include the areas between the East and West right-of-way lines of 11th Street and West Avenue and the area between the North and South right-of-way lines of W Minnehaha Avenue and 10 feet beyond the beyond the right-of-way lines. The limits of the surveys are shown in blue in Figure 1 at the end of this document. Atkins surveyors will utilize a combination of robotic total stations, RTK GPS and Fixed Scanning Technology to collect information throughout the limits of the surveys. Specific Survey Tasks will include: • Establish horizontal and vertical control points along the routes of the proposed water mains. These control points will be set at approximately 500-foot intervals along the roads within the routes. The control points will be tied to the NAD 83 (2011 adjustment) of the Florida State Plane Coordinate System and NAVD 88 Elevations. • Establish a Baseline for routes with a minimum of two (2) benchmarks every 1000 feet and one (1) at the beginning and end of each route labeled for future construction • Review the recorded plats and property appraiser's maps to determine the apparent limits of the public rights -of -way along the roadways within proposed Lake Winona Basin 12A Drainage Improvements, 03/29/2021 2 ATKINS Member of the SK-Lavalln Group routes. Locate Section, Right -of -Way, and Property Comers along the routes to help verify the rights -of -way. • Locate aboveground features within the limits of the public rights -of -way and 10 feet beyond the rights -of -way. These features will typically include edge of pavement, driveways, sidewalks, walls, fences, utility features, trees (with DBH of 12" or larger), signs and mailboxes. • Measure elevations sufficient to develop approximate 1-foot contours throughout the limits of the surveys. • Measure the invert elevations and pipe sizes of the accessible gravity storm and sanitary sewer structures along the design route. • Locate the rim or lids of the electrical manholes, pull boxes or concrete vaults. • Locate surface utility features such as: water meters, fire hydrants, valves, back flow preventers, poles, risers, transformers, manholes, and drainage structures. • Atkins will collect the location of the utility designates and up to 10 utility verification test holes performed by ECHO. • The survey deliverables will include 1 "=20' scale base file drawings in AutoCAD Civil 3D format showing all information listed in tasks 1 through 9 above. Task 3 — Subsurface Utility Engineering, (SUE) and Utility Coordination Provided by Echo UES, Inc. See attached scope for more detail. Task 4 — Utility Adjustment Plans and Coordination The CONSULTANT shall identify all existing utilities within the project area. Distribute all plans, conflict matrixes and changes to the affected Utility Companies. Coordinate with all relevant owners affected within the project area and confirm that all necessary arrangements for utility work on the project have been made and will not conflict with the construction schedule. The CONSULTANT shall request a Utility Work Schedule (UWS) from each affected owner showing a schedule for relocating/adjusting of affected utilities. UWS shall include estimated length of time for each utility in conflict to be relocated and start date for each utility in conflict to be relocated. Any utility that can be relocated prior to construction should start around 60% finalized plans time frame pending no major changes in design. The CONSULTANT shall provide all documentation of all utility coordination as defined above to the contractor. The CONSULTANT shall provide a letter to the CITY indicating all utilities have been coordinated with and there is a plan in place for relocation prior to construction. Lake Winona Basin 12A Drainage Improvements, 03/29/2021 3 ATKI N Member of the SNC-Lavalin Group Task 5 — Geotechnical Services Provided by Andreyev Engineering, Inc. See attached scope for more detail Task 6 — Wetland and Seasonal High Water (SHW) Determination The CONSULTANT shall perform a field investigation to determine the wetland line and seasonal high water (SHW) elevation along Lake Winona. The wetland line and the SHW will be geodetically located using sub -meter Trimble GPS equipment. The findings will be presented in a technical memorandum. Task 7 — Modelling The CONSULTANT shall prepare the necessary modelling to determine project flows through the baffle boxes, as well as, pre- and post -development hydraulic calculations documenting changes in the stormsewer hydraulic grade lines (immediately upstream of the project) due to the installation of the baffle boxes. The CONSULTANT shall prepare an Interconnected Channel and Pond Routing (ICPR) model to ascertain that design will not adversely impact existing drainage in the basin. The storm events to be checked will be the mean annual / 24-hour, 10yr/6hr, 25yr/6hr, 25yr/24hr, and the 25yr/96hr as required by SJRWMD. The CONSULTANT shall size the underground detention systems as needed. Task 8 — Design Reyort The CONSULTANT shall prepare a report documenting the supporting hydraulic calculations for the project, and the decisions and conclusions reached during the development of the construction plans. Task 9 — Construction Plans The existing and proposed conditions including existing topographic survey, existing right- of-way, proposed improvements, and proposed right-of-way or easements shall be shown on the construction plans. The following sheets shall be included in the plans set, as needed. • Kev Sheet, General Notes, Summaries of Quantities and Pav Items — Cover page detailing project locations, EOR, County PM, governing standards, specs, and index of sheets. General notes and pay item notes, and summaries of pay items and select quantities. • Project Layout and Access Plan — survey, baseline, reference points, benchmarks, datum information for the layout of the project. Proposed plan for contractor access to construction site. • Plan Sheet(s) - locations and descriptions of existing conditions and proposed improvements in plan view and profile view • Drainage Structure Details - miscellaneous details for baffle box, partial structures, pipe collar, etc. • R pAdwav Details - miscellaneous details required for the restoration of impacted pavement, curb, sidewalk, pavement markings, and signs, if necessary Lake Winona Basin 12A Drainage Improvements, 03/29/2021 4 ATKIN5 Member of the SNC-Lavalin Group • SWPPP and Erosion Control Plan(s) — locations and descriptions of BMP items such as turbidity barrier, silt fence, inlet protection, etc. Task 10 — Permits The CONSULTANT shall conduct a pre -application at the beginning of the project to present the concept plans and receive a determination from the St. Johns Water Management District (SRJWMD) on what type of Environmental Resource Permit will be required. The CONSULTANT will coordinate with CITY staff on dates and times of the meeting if their attendance is desired. Includes time for preparation. The CONSULTANT shall prepare and submit an Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) application upon approval of the 60% plans and ICPR model by the CITY. This task assumes one (1) request for additional information. An estimated on-line permit fee for a project area less than 10-acres and less than 1-acre of wetland and surface water impact of $1,190 is included in this proposal. The water management district will require the permit application be advertised in the paper. An estimated $400 advertisement fee is included in this proposal. Task 11 — Specifications The CONSULTANT shall coordinate the specification year to be consistent with the construction contract and shall reference the FDOT specifications where necessary. Minimal effort is anticipated for the preparation of project specifications or bidding documents but will include the specifications for the baffle box to be provided by the manufacturer. Task 12 — Construction Cost Estimates and Durations The CONSULTANT shall provide construction cost estimates with each submittal. Construction duration will be provided with the final submittal. Task 13 — Project Management and Project Administration This task includes project oversight and general administration. The project manager shall provide general project control and team coordination, monthly status reports and invoices. The project manager and a lead designer shall attend five (5) meetings with the CITY: one (1) kickoff meeting, and one (1) review meeting at each submittal stage (30%, 60%, 100%, and Final). The meetings will be held virtually. Task 14 — Quality Control This task includes quality control review for each submittal to the CITY or public agency. Task 15 — Bid Phase Services The CONSULTANT shall provide a bid tabulation form, review contractor bids and respond to questions from bidders. ATKINS shall attend the pre -bid meeting, if requested by the CITY. The following are as -requested services to be invoice on a Not -to -Exceed Basis Lake Winona Basin 12A Drainage Improvements, 03/29/2021 5 ATKINS Member of the SNC-Lavafin Group Task 16 — Legal Descriptions and Sketches The CONSULTANT shall prepare legal descriptions and sketches for one (1) easement or right-of-way, as needed. This will be determined during final design. Task 17 — Public Involvement Generate exhibits and/or roll plots for public information. Attend one (1) small group meeting in person or virtually host a meeting (due to current social distancing guidelines). The CONSULTANT shall address all inquiries received from the public in writing, phone, or email format. Exclusions • Structural design. Design of Nutrient Separating Baffle Boxes will be by others / provided by vendor. • Maintenance of Traffic plan sheets or details. Plans will reference appropriate FDOT Index in the General Notes. • Army Corp of Engineers, wetland, or other permitting not explicitly stated • Dredge and fill sketches • General or Individual ERP Permitting with SJRWMD • CEI services • Ecological services and wetland survey • Sovereign submerged lands determination or survey • As -built survey • Existing pipe or structure inspection • Post Design Services Assumptions • Facilities or areas to be surveyed are readily accessible. • Locations with access obstruction are excluded and the engineer will be informed such areas. Obstructions include, but not limited to, fences, gates, or any structure with sealed or locked covers. • Sites where natural hazards that create obstruction (e.g., downed vegetation, submerged pipes, or nuisance wildlife) or that which would otherwise impede the field observations at the time of the Survey will not be surveyed and the engineer will be informed such areas. • If available, the City will provide ATKINS with digital files of the existing Right of Way. • If available, the City will provide ATKINS with copies of any previous surveys within the area. • ATKINS will locate gravity structures along the design route. They will only measure the rim and invert elevations for accessible gravity sewer structures. • ATKINS will locate the rim or lids of the electrical manholes, pull boxes or concrete vaults. (ATKINS will not open any electrical manhole, cabinets or pull boxes, per company policy for safety reasons.) Lake Winona Basin 12A Drainage Improvements, 03/29/2021 6 ATKINS Member of the SN6lavafin Group • Other than a review of the existing subdivision plats, Right of Way Maps and the Property Appraiser's maps, this proposal does not include researching title, ownership or existing easement information unless said easements are shown on the recorded plats. • The location of property lines shown on the survey will be approximate and will be based upon existing subdivision plats, Right of Way Maps and the Property Appraiser's maps. • ATKINS will produce a Topographic Survey Map and Surveyor's Report (ATKINS will not be cutting separate map sheets) as a part of this scope of services. • The merging of the new Topographic Survey to any exiting file IS NOT PART of this proposal. • The end products will not represent a field boundary survey. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A. Time of Completion / Schedule The CONSULTANT shall complete the assessment within 180-days following the issuance of the Notice -to -Proceed. This is contingent on the availability of City staff to participate on kickoff and progress meetings. A formal project schedule will be provided at the kick-off meeting once NTP is received. B. Limitations • The CONSULTANT assumes the CITY has real property interest for the purposes of submitting a SJRWMD permit. If not, ATKINS assumes that the CITY will obtain a new easement that will be sufficient. • The CONSULTANT cannot guarantee receipt of SJRWMD ERP permit. • The CITY will obtain any additional easements, rights -of -entry, or temporary construction easements necessary to allow for construction of the project. • The CONSULTANT cannot guarantee receipt of Utility Work Schedules from utility owners. Lake Winona Basin 12A Drainage Improvements, 03/29/2021 7 rA-ALAliL Andreyev Engineering, Inc. Groundwater V Environmental V Geotechnical TO: Atkins 482 South Keller Road Orlando, Florida 32810 Attention: Mr. Carlos A. Estrella, P.E., P.M.P. SUBJECT: Proposal - Geotechnical Investigation City of Clermont - Baffle Boxes Clermont, Lake County, Florida Dear Mr. Estrella: CLERMONT OFFICE 1170 W. Minneola Avenue Clermont, Florida 34711 352-241-0508 Fax: 352-241-0977 Construction Materials Testing March 25, 2021 Andreyev Engineering, Inc. (AEI) is pleased to present the following proposal to perform a geotechnical investigation for the above referenced project. The purpose of this investigation is to obtain geotechnical data to assist in the future design of a combination of a stormwater treatment train which will include two baffle boxes and an underground retention facility connected to a new outfall discharging into Lake Winona. PROPOSED SCOPE OF SERVICES • Mobilize crew and drilling equipment to the site. • Perform two (2) Standard Penetration Test borings to a depth of 20 feet below ground surface within each of the two proposed baffle box locations. • Perform four (4) auger borings to a depth of 8 feet within the proposed underground retention facility areas. • Measure the stabilize groundwater table at each boring location. • Perform three (3) field permeability tests. The proposed scope of services will be supervised by a geotechnical engineer registered in the State of Florida. The results of the exploration will be presented in a geotechnical report. This report will specifically address the following: Existing site condition. Exploration, testing, and sampling methods. Subsurface soil conditions encountered and soil classification. Depth to groundwater at the time of the exploration and estimated seasonal high groundwater table. Provide evaluation of the soil and groundwater table as they relate to the proposed project. Prepare a geotechnical report with our findings and evaluations for retention pond deisgn. PROJECT SCHEDULE Based on our present schedule we are prepared to mobilize to begin the field operation on this project within 5 days following your authorization to proceed, assuming access permission is obtained. We anticipate the field portion of the study to be completed in three (3) days. Engineering analysis, necessary laboratory work and report preparations should be completed within approximately 1 to 2 weeks after the completion of the fieldwork. However, we can provide you with verbal information immediately following the completion of the fieldwork. ESTIMATED COST We estimate that we can perform this study for the lump sum cost of $3,891.00. In computing the above estimate, we have assumed the site is accessible to our drilling crew, that we have the right of entry to the site and that we will not experience delays due to reasons beyond our control. Additional work required beyond the scope of services included in this proposal will be invoiced on a time and expense basis. You will be contacted for authorization should additional work beyond the estimated budget be required to complete the scope of services. AUTHORIZATION To authorize us to proceed with this project, please sign on the space below and return a copy for our records. Authorization should be indicated by the person or firm responsible for payment of our invoice. CLOSURE AEI appreciates the opportunity to submit this proposal, and we look forward to working with you on this project. If you have any questions or if we can provide any additional information, please feel free to call us at your convenience. Sincerely, ANDREYEV ENGINEERING, INC. r�- Rob Cornelius, P.E. Vice President ACCEPTED: TITLE: PRINT NAME: DATE: COMPANY: ADDRESS: PHONE: EMAIL: C.�prr-yinn-F, 1P�- 3y�1 Conditions of Acceptance: The above proposal is acceptable. This proposal constitutes a binding contract between AEI and the client. It is agreed by the client and AEI that there are no additional terms, conditions, or agreements with respect to the project, other than the items referenced in the proposal. Payment terms are "net thirty", and for past due invoices, interest shall be accrued at a rate of 1.5 % per month. Client also agrees to reimburse AEI for reasonable attorney fees, in the event that payment is not submitted to AEI for services rendered. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED BAFFLE BOXES AND UNDERGROUND RETENTION FACILITY CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA I. FIELD EXPLORATION A. Mobilization of Men and Equipment $ 450.00 B. Standard Penetration Test Borings 40 LF @ 12.75/1-F 510.00 C. Auger Borings 32 LF @ $10/LF 320.00 D. Field Permeability Tests 3 tests @ $325.00/test 975.00 E. Boring Location and stabilized groundwater measurements Engineering Technician (4 hours @ $65/hour) 260.00 Subtotal Field Exploration $ 2,515.00 11. LABORATORY TESTING A. Visual Classification and Limited Testing of Soil Samples Lump Sum $ 200.00 Subtotal for Laboratory $ 200.00 III. ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES A. Principal Engineer 2 hour @ $195.00/hour $ 390.00 B. Project Engineer 4 hours @ $150.00/hour 650.00 C. Drafting 2 hours @ $68.00/hour 136.00 Subtotal for Engineering Services $ 1,176.00 Total Estimated Cost $ 3,891.00 FCHO UTILITY ENGINEERING & SURVEY ECHO UES, Inc. 888.778.ECHO www.echoue Grow, Inspire, Make a Difference March 25, 2021 Carlos A. Estrella, PE, PMP Project Manager, Water Resources North America Engineering, Design and Project Management ATKINS GLOBAL PROPOSAL FOR UTILITY INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES Project: Basin 12A Water Quality Project; City of Clermont, Lake County, FL Dear Mr. Estrella: At ECHO LIES, Inc. (ECHO) we value your consideration and appreciate the opportunity to provide a technical proposal for the provision of professional services. This technical proposal, inclusive of economical offer and schedule, details the approach we consider as the most suitable for this project. Project Synopsis: Based on the information made available to ECHO, we understand the project consisting of engineering design services for design and construction of two (2) baffle boxes to be constructed along W. Minnehaha Ave. in Clermont to collect and treat the stormwater runoff from the Basin 12A prior to discharge into Lake Winona. ECHO's professional services were requested to provide utility investigation services in support of this work. Utility information as provided by ECHO will then be surveyed by Atkins Global for inclusion in the project plans. Project Limits: ECHO's proposed services will be performed within well-defined limits (i.e. Project Limits) as shown on the attached graphic representation. Utility Investigation Services Using a combination of field investigative techniques and technology, including surface geophysical instruments and vacuum excavation if needed, ECHO will perform the following services. 1. Identification and marking of existing utilities. Utilities potentially in conflict with the project and located within the project limits will be investigated in the attempt to identify their position. The results will be marked on the ground surface using the 1 most appropriate method (i.e. pin flags, paint etc.) and showing the approximate position of the identified utilities. ECHO will attempt to identify and mark detectable utilities located within the project limits, with the exclusion of irrigation lines, services lines and gravity (storm and sanitary) lines. 2. Verification of utility location and characteristics. At specific locations ECHO will attempt to expose utilities via minimally intrusive methods (e.g. use of vacuum excavation) to confirm their characteristics (e.g. type, size, material, direction, configuration) and provide an accurate location. At completion of each excavation (test hole) ECHO will record all verifiable utility information, mark the utility location with the most appropriate method (e.g. wooden lathes, "X" mark on concrete, disc and nail on asphalt) and restore the field to as close as possible to its original conditions. ECHO proposes to perform up to 10 utility verification test holes at locations identified by the EOR. Deliverables: - Field deliverables will consist of field marks (e.g. pin flags, paint marks, wooden lathes, nails/discs etc.) showing the position of the designated and located utilities. - Office deliverables will consist of: • Images and a sketch (not to scale unless otherwise stated) based on the project plans or aerial imagery publicly available. • Test hole data sheets containing all the information obtained via test holes and visual verification. Proposed Schedule: To be discussed and agreed upon with the client following acceptance of this proposal. The proposed schedules shall be valid barring any unforeseen conditions. Notes and limitations: 1. Client shall facilitate access to the site and provide any relevant project information. 2. Site must be clear from obstacles impeding access to any portion of the project limits. 3. Standard work hours are from 7:00am to 4:00pm, Monday through Friday; additional charges may occur (following discussion with the Client) in case of weekend or nighttime work. 4. ECHO will not work on any site that is known to be contaminated with any hazardous or harmful substance. 5. Any permit or fee requested to perform the work complying with any stakeholder's requirement will be submitted to the Client with a 5% administrative markup. 6. FDOT Design Standards (Index 600 Series) will be utilized for the Maintenance of Traffic (MOT). Should the site require modification to the Index 600 for non-standard MOT arrangements, ECHO will seek the Client's concurrence to obtain signed and sealed project's specific MOT plans (to be provided by others). 7. Any cost associated with signed and sealed MOT plans will be submitted to the Client with a 5% administrative markup. 4 8. Unless otherwise stated within this proposal, test holes have usual depth of up to eight (8) ft. from the ground surface, and diameter of up to 1 ft. Should there be a need for deeper or wider excavations, additional charges may apply. 9. The original ground surface at each test hole location will be restored to as close as possible to its original conditions, using concrete mix or asphalt cold patch as applicable. Any deviation from this standard (e.g. use of hot asphalt, flowable fill etc.) may require additional charges and the use of specialty subcontractors. 10. Regardless of the type of estimate proposed (e.g. lump sum, time and materials, etc.) such estimate should be considered indicative and based on preliminary information. Should any situation out of ECHO's control heavily impact ECHO's field work performance (e.g. adverse site conditions), ECHO reserves the right to seek additional funds to complete the work. 11. The exact location of any underground utility is not guaranteed unless clearly exposed and visually verified at a specific location. Utility characteristics, methods of installation, soil conditions and the surrounding environment all may impact adversely the results of any utility investigation with surface geophysical instruments and technology. No guarantee is made that all utilities will be found and identified. 12. Independently from ECHO's scope of work and performance, the Client shall comply with the relative chapter from the Florida (or any other applicable) Statutes: "Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act" and call 811 prior to any excavation taking place. 13. Subsurface Utility Engineering, Designating and Locating terms all refer to the American Society of Civil Engineers / Construction Institute Standard for the Collection and Depiction of Subsurface Utility Data (ASCE/CI 38-02). Should ECHO adopt this standard for the performance of the scope of work and preparation of deliverables, clear mention to the Standard shall be made throughout the deliverable. Fee: ECHO's competitive offer, which is inclusive of all field, office, materials, supplies, and equipment costs is detailed below. - Utility investigation services, inclusive of up to 10 utility verification test holes; Fixed Fee: $5,320.00 Acceptance: We will honor this proposal for 90 days. If accepted, please return to our attention together with a professional services agreement / task work order authorization and official Notice to Proceed. At ECHO UES, Inc. we believe in collaboration and communication with our clients and are driven to understand their needs and provide time efficient and cost-effective solutions. ECHO strives to provide quality utility and survey reliable data to design better, build faster, and safely enhance Engineering, Design, Construction and Maintenance of infrastructure. Thank you for considering ECHO for this important project and please do not hesitate to contact me directly should you have any questions or concern. Sincerely, %f Carlo Pilia Vice President ECHO UES, Inc. I : w D S � pie 12TH ST - cn i co > .. { 6 f ! r r m 0 x r10 L r^ ! ROSEWOO DR 0 r ! g h f cn I I I I E ;I I i f I + j Vt O X I - - - S IITHST Ch _. Q r m ` N SH6RFCREST •� '(TH sT- AKHOLLOW RR c t5iizSF �WIM. —SHORE ❑R 14fh ST m f 31^ ST n Roswaaa OR 7C c m --I � /O y� � Z 0 1LjTQaf.* I Z A en N w r WESTAVE y 9TH ST z r m _ Z 0 Is NIL s �+ z n rm wn ►�r r x. LAKE AVE 5tH' ST N1TTA PZ �`� F T y z � Y Y 4TH L Sl RYAN S, O m 1RD ST X n Sr LI { S 2M] S7 iST ST m KNAFIP- ST x EAST AVE i ter. ,m �n r R1 x a ❑ Qmri hvf a rn a fi'