Proclamation #2021-019PPROCLAMA2' OW Whereas, residents of assisted living communities are active members of the larger community, offering their knowledge, life experiences and involvement; their past contributions continue to be a vital part of Clermont's rich history; and their ongoing participation deepens our identity; and Whereas, assisted living is a critical long term care option for older adults and individuals with disabilities that fosters choice, dignity, and Whereas, assisted living communities are committed to excellence, innovation and the advancement of person -centered care; and Whereas, in 1995, the National Center for Assisted Living established National Assisted Living week to honor the contributions of assisted living communities; and Whereas, this year's theme for National Assisted Living Week is "Compassion, Community, Caring" and highlights the incredible care and compassion provided by essential caregivers in assisted living facilities across the country; WOW, Therefore, I, Tim Murry, Mayor of the City of Clermont in the State of Florida, do hereby proclaim the Week of September 12 - 18, Two Thousand and Twenty One as: WAITOJVAI ASSISTPD LI V-TJ fG WEEX In Witness Whereo_ f, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the City of Clermont to be affixed this loth Day of September in the year Two Thousand and Twenty One. ATT ST: 46 Tracy Ackroyd Howe, MMC City Clerk Tim Murr�, y FILE COPY