Proclamation #2021-023PPR.00fAi7 TTON
Whereas, Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women in the
world, and second leading cause of cancer death among women in the
United States. More than one in eight women and one in 833 men in the
U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetimes. In 2021, an
estimated 284,200 Americans will be diagnosed; and
Whereas, The metastatic breast cancer awareness tri-color ribbon includes teal, pink
and green: The teal color portrays healing and spirituality. Green represents
the triumph of spring over winter, life over death, renewal, hope, and
immortality and the thin pink overlay signifies that the cancer originated in
the breast; and
Whereas, Metastatic breast cancer occurs when breast cancer spreads to other parts of
the body, including the bones, lungs, liver and brain and has an average life
expectancy of 26 months. An estimated 44,130 Americans, will die from
breast cancer in 2021, equal to 115 women and men per day, with 98% due
to metastatic breast cancer; and
Whereas, Metastatic breast cancer affects all races and socioeconomic classes. While,
Caucasian women see slightly higher incidence rates of breast cancer, the
mortality rate for Black women with breast cancer is 41 percent higher than
that of Caucasian women, and breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer -
related death for Hispanic women.
WO'W, 'Therefore, I, Tim Murry, Mayor of the City of Clermont in the State of Florida,
do hereby proclaim the 131' Day of October, Two Thousand and Twenty One as:
In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the
City of Clermont to be affixed this 12a' Day of October in the year Two Thousand and
Twenty One.
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Tracy Ackroyd Howe, City Clerk
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