Proclamation #2021-027PWhereas, Mobility Week is a cooperative effort by the Florida Department of
Transportation and its partner agencies to promote awareness of safe,
multimodal transportation choices by hosting an annual collection of
outreach events; and
Whereas, Mobility Week is an ideal time for counties, cities, and transportation
agencies to highlight achievements, introduce new initiatives, and/or
implement new policies promoting sustainable transportation; and
Whereas, Mobility Week is an opportunity for individuals to explore various
transportation choices available and consider how multimodal
transportation reduces traffic congestion, benefits the environment and
improves community health; and
U ereas, Mobility Week is consistent with the City of Clermont's key priorities for
the planned development of road infrastructure to sever the current and
future needs of its growing population; and
WhereaS, the City of Clermont, as part of its requirement as a state partner in Mobility
Week, will promote transportation events within the city and region;
NOW, T erefOre, I, Tim Murry, Mayor of the City of Clermont in the State of Florida,
do hereby proclaim the Week of October 29 - November 5, Two Thousand and Twenty
One as:
MoarrrTY tivEEX
I1'1, Vit'i2eSS -WhereOf, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the
City of Clermont to be affixed this 26th Day of October in the year Two Thousand and
Twenty One.
Tracy Ackroyd Howe,
City Clerk
4' of ' �,;'�; Tim Murry, ayor