1996-66 8 . INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN LAKE COUNTY AND THE CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA RELATING TO CONTRIBUTION OF INFRASTRUCTURE SALES TAX FUNDS FOR COMMUNITY RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS 8 8 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN LAKE COUNTY AND THE CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA RELATING TO CONTRIBUTION OF INFRASTRUCTURE SALES TAX FUNDS FOR COMMUNITY RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS Thls lS an Interlocal Agreement between: LAKE COUNTY, a polltlcal subdlvlsion of the state of Florlda, ltS successors and asslgns, herelnafter referred to as "COUNTY" , through lts Board of County Commlssloners; AND The CITY OF CLERMONT, a munlclpal corporatlon pursuant to the laws of the State of Florlda, In Lake County, Florlda, its successors and asslgns, herelnafter referred to as "CITY", through ltS Clty Commlssion. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Chapter 125, Florlda Statutes, subsectlon 125.01(1) (f), authorlzes countles to provlde communlty recreational facllltles; and WHEREAS, Chapter 163, Florlda statutes, Sectlon 163.01, Florlda Interlocal Cooperatlon Act of 1969, subsectlon 163.01(4), provides that publlc agencles of the State of Florlda may exerClse jointly wlth any other publlc agency of the State of Florida, any power, prlvllege, or authority whlch such agencles share in common, and whlch each mlght exerClse separately; and WHEREAS, Chapter 163, Florlda Statutes, subsectlon 163.01(5), provides that a ]Olnt exerClse of power by such publlc agencles may be made by contract In the 1 8 8 form of an lnterlocal agreement; and WHEREAS, both COUNTY and CITY are "publlC agencles" wlthln the meanlng of Chapter 163, Florlda Statutes, Section 163.01,; and WHEREAS, COUNTY has allocated certaln lnfrastructure sales ~ax funds for communlty recreational purposes for Flscal Year 1996-1997; and WHEREAS, CITY operates parks and communlty recreatlonal facllltles whlch provlde leisure and communlty recreatlonal actlvltles for cltlzens of all ages, races and creeds resldlng In CITY and COUNTY; and WHEREAS, COUNTY lS desirous of providlng these lelsure and communl ty recrea~io~al êctivltles for Cltlzens Ilvlng throuqho\Jt the County; and WHEREAS, COUNTY and CITY are deslrous of promotlng the health, safety and welfare of cltizens In the COUNTY and CITY; NOW THEREFORE , IN CONSIDERATION of the promlses, mutual covenants, condltions and payments herelnafter contalned, the partles do agree as follows: Sect~on 1. Recita1.s. The above recltals are true and correct and incorporated hereln. Section 2. Ob1.iaations of COUNTY and CITY. COUNTY agrees to pay to CITY up to Seventeen Thousand, Nine Hundred Dollars ($17,900.00) from County Infrastructure Sales Tax funds from Flscal Year 1996-1997 for park and communlty recreational capltal lmprovements. It lS understood and expressly agreed that sald funds shall be used excluslvely by CITY for only those communlty recreatlonal and capltal improvements descrlbed In Exhlblt A, whlch lS attached hereto and lncorporated herein. Fundlng payments made to CITY by COUNTY shall be subJect to the followlng terms and conditlons: A. COUNTY shall not be obligated to pay any fundlng monles to CITY unless CITY has prevlously dellvered to COUNTY documentary correspondence sufflciently detalled and satisfactory to evldence CITY'S lmmedlate intent and commltment to construct and to complete the constructlon of the facility proJect or proJects speclfled In Exhlbit A, herelnafter referred to as "PROJECT", 2 8 8 B. The time of payment and the amount of funds payable to CITY by COUNTY at anyone t1me dur1ng the term of this Interlocal Agreement 1S d1rectly dependent on the amount of funds encumbered or COmITc1tted by CITY for the PROJECT as evldenced by the correspond1ng documentat1on spec1f1ed 1n paragraph A above. Notw1thstanding the forego1ng, in no event shall COUNTY be obl1gated to pay to CITY total monies in excess of SeventeeD Thousand, N1ne Hundred Dollars ($17,900.00). C. CITY has complied w1th all the rema1ning terms and cond1t1ons of th1S Interlocal Agreement. Section 3. Expenditure of Funds bv CITY. The CITY shall prov1de to COUNTY a full account1ng at the end of each quarter of the expend1tures of any funds pa1d ~o CITY dur1ng the quarter. The CITY understands and further agrees that 1f all funds paid by COUNTY pursuant to th1S Interlocal Agreement are not expended by CITY by September 30, 1997, for the purposes enumerated here1n, the unused funds shall be forthw1th returned to COUNTY. Section 4. Des~an. Construction and Operation of Facilitv. CITY 1S solely respons1ble for the des1gn, construct1on and operat1on of all community recreatlonal facilities and equ1pment funded hereby, and for the content of the program and superv1s1on of programs at the PROJECT. Section 5. Identifv~nq Fundinq Sian. The C1ty shall erect a permanent slgn 1dentifY1ng Lake County as a funding source of proJect construct1on. Section 6. Use of PROJECT bv COUNTY Res~dents. The COUNTY and CITY understand ¿nd expressly agree that the PROCECT is to be ut1l1zed by both CITY and COUNTY residents. In the event that CITY implements a fee for the use of such PROJECT, then such user fee for the PROJECT and any anc1llary property, such as park1ng lots adjacent thereto, shall be the same for COUNTY res1dents that is charged for CITY res1dents. Sect~on 7. Durat~on of Aareement. Th1S Interlocal Agreement shall become effect1ve on the date the last party executes the Agreement and shall cont1nue 3 8 8 through September 30, 1997. Section B. TerminatJ.on. This Interlocal Agreement may be terminated by elther party with thirty (30) days wrltten notlce of lts intent to termlnate. Such wrltten notlce shall be sent as provlded in Section 10, Notices. Section 9. Te:rmJ.natJ.on of Aareement or Refusal. or InabilJ.tv to Perform bv CITY. If CITY should termlnate thlS Agreement as provlded ln Section 8 or lf CITY should subsequently refuse or lS unable for any reason to comply wlth the requlrements of thlS Interlocal Agreement, all unused fundlng monles shall be forthwlth returned to COUNTY by CITY. Section 10. NOTICES. A. All notlces, demands, or other writlngs requlred to be glven or made or sent in thlS Interlocal Agreement, or WhlCh may be glven or made or sent, by elther party to the other, shall be deemeà to have been fully glven or made, when sent in wrlting and addressed as follows: COUNTY County Manager Lake County Adrnln.Bldg. 315 West Maln Street Post Offlce Box 7800 Tavares, Florlda 32778 CITY Mr.Wayne Saunàers Clty Manager Clty of Clermont P. o. Box 120219 Clermont, Florlda 34712-0219 B. All notlces requlred, or WhlCh may be glven hereunder, shall be consldereà properly glven if (1) personally dellvered, (2) sent by certlfleà Unlted States mall, return recelpt requested, or (3ì sent by Federal Express or other equlvalent overnight letter àellvery company. C. The effectlve date of such notlces shall be the date personally dellvered, or lf sent by mall, the date of the pos~mark, or lf sent by overnlght letter dellvery company, the date the notice was plcked up by the overnight letter àellvery company. D. Partles may deslgnate other partles or adàresses to WhlCh notlce shall be sent by notlfYlng, ln wrl ting, the other party ln a manner deslgnated for the fillng of nO~lce hereunder. Section 11. Amendments. No modificatlon, amendment, or alteratlon of the 4 8 8 terms or conditions contained hereln shall be effectlve unless contained In a equal dlgnlty herewlth. wrltten document executed by the parties hereto, wlth the same formality, and of Section 12. Entire Aareement. This document incorporates and includes all prior negotiatlons, correspondence, conversatlons, agreements, or understandlngs applicable to the matters contalned hereln, and the partles agree that there are no comHQtments, agreements, or understandings concerning the subject matter of thls Interlocal Agreement that are not contalned In thls document. Accordlngly, It lS agreed that no devlatlon from the terms hereof shall be predlcated upon any prlor repr~sentations or agreements whether oral or wrltten. Agreement lS Section 13. Severabi1itv. the unenforceabllity held to be unenforceable In the event any provision of thls Interlocal for any reason, thereof shall not affect the remalnder of the Interlocal Agreement WhlCh shall IN WITNESS WHEREOF, remain in full force and effect and enforceable In accordance with ltS terms. partles the hereto executed this have made and Agreement on the respectlve dates under each signature: Lake County through its Board of County Commlssloners, slgnlng by and through ltS Chalrman, authorized to execute sa~ by Board action on the ~I~day of ~~ ,19~, and Robert A. Pool, Mayor, duly authorized to execute s~ . ATTEST: IL~~ James C. Watklns, Clerk of the Board of County COmHQSSlOners of Lake Counc:y, Florlda COUNTY LAKE COUNTY, through ltS cj;dJ:;:.°ø/ll; William "Bill" H. Good, Chairman Th1S :J./Elctay of ~- 1997. c/ Approved as to form and ~n£~ ~'-~ ~ Assistant County Attorney 5 8 8 CITY ATTEST: CITY OF CLE=NT~ m~:/~ Robert A. Pool, Mayor Clty Clerk 7~ ThlS -1.b.... 19~. day of :Dec.., .L~, Approved as to form and legality: c- - L~~-- ~-r ------- Clty Attorney EXHIBIT A The purchase and construction of playground equlpment and a half court basketball court at Montrose West Playground located between Montrose Street and 12th Street, both Parks are owned, operated by and located wlthin the Clty of Clermont. Also the resurfacing of 18 shuffleboard courts at Kehlor Park, located at 5TH Street and Mînneola Street. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN LA1Œ COUNTY AND THE CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA RELATING TO CONTRIBUTION OF INFRASTRUCTURE SALE S TAX FUNDS FOR COMMUNITY RECREATIONAL PROGRAMS t \users\kelly\docs\clermont agr 6