Contract 2020-063A.1DocuSign Envelope ID: E2856547-6DE9-4EB5-A791-A7FA12BF900B CHANGE ORDER FORM #2020-63A.1 Contract / P.O. Number: Bid Number: Change Order Number: 1 Change Order Date: Dec 7, 2021 Project Name: Streetscape Phase 3 - Design Department: Public Services Job Location: Montrose Street phase 3 streetscape VENDOR INFORMATION: Company Name: Halff Address: 902 N. Sinclair Ave City, St., Zip:Tavares,FL 32778 Contact Name: Duane Booth Telephone:352-343-8481 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Alteration, deviation, addition, or deletion caused by conditions encountered during construction not covered by the specifications and drawings of the project (attach additional pages if necessary). Additional work on 7th street to include water main, and locates. Additional work on Montrose to include water main. ITEM AMOUNT A. ORIGINAL CONTRACT VALUE: $ 306,385.00 B. AMOUNT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: $ 13,738.50 Must be within the overall scope of services in accordance with contract specifications. C. PERCENT OF CONTRACT VALUE THIS CHANGE ORDER (B/A): % 4.5% D. AMOUNT OF PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: $ 0.00 E. TOTAL AMOUNT OF ALL CHANGE ORDERS (B+D): $ 13,738.50 F. PERCENT OF CONTRACT OF ALL CHANGE ORDERS (E/A): 10% Maximum % 4.5% G. NEW CONTRACT VALUE (A+E) $ 320,123.50 This Change Order is not valid without the following signatures: EDocuSigned by: E 2/17/2022 97CC96F6EBA64F2... CONTRACTOR Date PROJECT ARCHITECT / ENGINEER Date 5J ^DocuSigned by: DocuSigned by: r" �IWOVtat 2/17/2022 S 2/17/2022 96EC958C84E7... 6D1E431F57D413554D6... DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR Date PROCUREMENT DIRECTOR / Date CITY MANAGER Council approval is required if change order(s): 1) exceeds $49,999; 2) exceeds the greater of $100,000 OR 10% of the original contract amount for construction projects; 3) the funds are not available in the approved budget for the department. CITY OF CLERMONT ATTEST: MAYOR Date CITY CLERK Date Rev. 1-1-2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: E2856547-6DE9-4EB5-A791-A7FA12BF900B B0zo-�3-�+ 902 N. Sinclair Avenue Tavares, Fl- 32778 (352) 343-8481 ADDITIONAL SERVICES CONFIRMATION TO: James Maiworm DATE: November 30, 2021, Assistant Director Environmental Services revised December 7, 2021 City of Clermont 3335 Hancock Road AVO: 043826.158 Clermont, Florida 34711 FROM: HALFF Duane K. Booth, P.E. Operations Manager, VP dboothgb-halff.com VIA: imaiworm, Oxiermontfl.om PROJECT: Clermont Downtown Streetscape Phase 3 As per your request we understand that you would like HALFF to provide the additional services described below. PHASE 1400 SUBSURFACE UTILITY LOCATING ADDITIONAL 7TH STREET (PRECISE LOCATING SERVICES, INC.) Designate the horizontal positions for but not limited to Gas, Buried Power, Water, CAN, Fiber and Telephone R/W to R/W along 7th Street north from Montrose Street to Minneola Avenue and east on Minneola Ave for 50 feet. This does not include lane closures, permits, or bonds. Utility locates are for proposed water main design. FEE: $1,633.50 PHASE 1500 ADDITIONAL UTILITY LOCATES FOR PORTION OF 7T" STREET Existing utility lines as flagged by underground locator will be field surveyed and delivered in cad to engineering department for proposed water main design. FEE: $2,485.00 Additional Services confirmation Halff Associates, Inc. (200611a) DocuSign Envelope ID: E2856547-6DE9-4EB5-A791-A7FA12BF900B ONE HALFFA 902 N. Sinclair Avenue Tavares, FL 32778 (352)343-8481 GENERAL AREA FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS 7TH STREET 0- 11. 118 6W 644G7, O in Additional Services Confirmation Halff Associates, Inc. (200611 a) DocuSign Envelope ID: E2856547-6DE9-4EB5-A791-A7FA12BF900B :01 : HA I F F 902 N. Sinclair Avenue Tavares, Fl- 32778 (352) 343-8481 ESTIMATED START DATE AND COMPLETION TIME FRAME: We are currently experiencing a heavy workload and backlog in our survey department and we are trying to finish projects in the order in which we received signed proposals. Currently we estimate our start date for new projects to be about the 2nd week of December. At this time, we cannot guarantee a start date due to our current backlog, weather delays and COVID. Please be aware that we have several outstanding proposals, and some are being executed and returned that may impact the start date." After "START DATE" this project will take an estimated 30 TO 35 business days to complete. PHASE 1600 7T" STREET WATERMAIN DESIGN Design +/-380 LF of 10" DIP water main from Minneola Street to Montrose Street and tie into proposed 10" water main on Montrose Street. FEE: $2,320.00 PHASE 1700 MONTROSE STREET WATERMAIN DESIGN Provide services to design +/-1,750 LF of 10" DIP watermain from West Avenue to Lake Street along Montrose Street. FEE: $5,800.00 PHASE 1800 FDEP WATER PERMIT Prepare and submit FDEP General Permit application for water distribution system. Coordinate with the City of Clermont for review of potable water system and signing of FDEP application as utility provider, attend meeting(s) with City, and respond to request for additional information (RAI) from City or FDEP. FEE: $1500.00 SCHEDULE FEE SUMMARY [PHASE AMOUNT PHASE 1400 $1,633.50 114-Ld PHASE 1500 $2,485.00 NJ-VJ PHASE 1600 PHASE 1700 $2,320.00 KJLAJ $5,800.00 NkA� PHASE 1800 $1,500.00 TOTAL $13,738.50 Additional Services Confirmation HaHfAssociates, Inc. (200611a) DocuSign Envelope ID: E2856547-6DE9-4EB5-A791-A7FA12BF900B US HALFF 902 N. Sinclair Avenue Tavares, FL 32778 (352)343-8481 We request your signature below to confirm the scope and fees. By.— rint name) Title: Aist`f _ Signature: �i•,,'A-Q_� 14 0,;-Jod -- Date: 12-/ 7 2- (_ r ❑ Attachments: SIGNED: �'`�---- Duane K. Booth, P.E. COPIES: ❑ File ❑ Owner ❑ Contractor ❑ Other: Additional Services Confirmation Haft Associates, Inc. (200611a)