1995-40 ..-- f<1 PROPOSAL 8 Professional painting . 404- Diy. of Carle Bishop Inc. No. 749 Chestnut Street Date 7-/4 .cqç Clermont, FL 34711.2909 (904) 394.1922 Sheet No. I Name Street City State Phone Proposal Submitted To: ATrIJ ~ IJi ;(..1- of G{u..MD~ Po 0 . 130 X fZ.D 2. tCt CL€f€.M-OAJt Fl 3Cf 4 - 4o~1 ~~ Work To Be Performed At: Ft. We hereby propose to furnish the materials and perform the labor necessary for the completIOn of '. P,~su(e c..,(eA#J FxTer¿ID~ Ð F fV1e-,At... u...t9{Gk:: t "S7l..tt:C.O ~12frK£5 &;f E.~(~TlÍ\I& Dlo(9' to (~u£ DIRT ¡ud~c..J ~ cQ)(íD'I7..~O .Þ-A~k3T FilM. . '2. q:)r~,A- ~ é.. Sc...t k' FA<:::-e 5 Tb be.. ~ I Î.J TtZ D - CAu! ~ c.rAc..,~ ~ EfY1U(1. vO I Q S IÑ fV\ ~Nr'1 LA i-HA e{A-S7Z) M ~lc- C¡6rU/~l~¿ ~ 1~V1INb ~~~IJ/)S. L L "'- a ~~~. ~é. CoAT -tt:- s4 pr~æ.£- SEM~ -ro pL...' E)(lSTt~ 4.. A-f:JPLv. u) CÃUÉ. CðA-T t:l: >"{¿-7'B E{A-~mM~I(:' ~rtÌ"~.Lt.. ~ IJ.íLL ~~7fi.a..\óe S'{l.A.~ $.t: F~. (Gt:>[oR- -tz, MA-~, T ('..,t-o ø~ 1Je(.ù ~ I Tl.-O,ù. , .. , 5: tf p'~:-:--4U) Dué CoAl ~;2CX::> ¡q'£.$ lDO% ~l,è.. -I-r11V\ ¿¡ /G~~'}:RìM- e~e1-+ö (\'\e.f1A.~ .pA-AJ~$ -~lolZ.. to M~ GOlDa.. o-r J:)A1Urz.,\~ où (U~ ADD ltlbN -L. . _I . ~. ~p~ Ú)I cp..;E ~ ~ 2-QD Se4"ii-S . ~ -t"ð ALL ~x \£-JtLÕ(l.. PA\u T EZ- 0 ~D~S ou E">G\c;.r f.,~ b b~. ¥- kLL £.Ut>rLk I S q~~O ~i< . 5" ~ ~ ~. All material IS guaranteed to be as spec~led, and the above work to be performeö In accordance with the drawings and specificatIOns submitted for above work and completed in a substantial workmanlike manner for the sum of ~ Dollars 1$ 23S"o ~J. ð\ l..-UoR..k: . with payments to be made a;; ~I?ws: Vi.. Ç)oÙ ~ ~ \e..+ LOt.J Spec. \+-l~O ~(þÐU ~ Any alteration or davlatlon from above speCIfications involving extra costs, will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charga over and above the estimate All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control Owner to carry fire. tornado and other nacessary Insurance upon above work Work, men's CompensatIon and Public Liability Insurance on above work to be taken out by Respectfully submitted ~<2~ Per '- Note- This proposal may be withdrawn by us If not accepted within ~ days. ACC:=PTANCE OF PROPOSAL Tha aDOIJ8 ::;.'IC3S, s:J8c!;icê~iol1s E:"d cm:c;"¡:ions ere s£tls'8ctor~ end ara iT3rsbv accapted. You are e:utÌ1cr:zaci \;0 cio ¡;; 18 wor!{ as specified, Paymant II'!II b3 m8cie 83 :Jut!íilzd e:;:mvs. Date 9/ L-.{ '1 S' Signe:~ure Signature TOPS. FORM 3850 OAIŒNAl LITHO IN USA