Resolution No. 2022-025R6: CLER ChNu CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO 2022-025R A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021-2022 WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following budget amendments are necessary for the Fiscal Year October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022: BUILDING SERVICES FUND Building Services Fund Revenue Account Description 2022 Current Budget Proposed Budget Amendment Total 2022 Revised Budget Beginning Reserves $1,090,939 $902,346 $1,993,285 Building Permits $1,421,000 $500,000 $1,921,000 Inspection Fees - Contractor $56,000 $44,000 $100,000 Admin Assess-Bica/Radon $4,200 - $4,200 Interest Earnings $7,000 ($5,000) $2,000 Total Building Services Fund Revenue $1,488,200 $539,000 $2,027,200 Building Services Fund 2022 Current Proposed Budget Total 2022 Revised Expense Account Description I Budget Amendment I Budget Regular Salaries $794,207 $65,793 $860,000 Part Time Salaries $53,395 - $53,395 Overtime Salaries $1,100 - $1,100 Fica $59,898 - $59,898 Defined Contribution Pension $69,860 - $69,860 Group Insurance $188,377 - $188,377 Life Insurance $2,502 - $2,502 Employee Assistance Plan $428 - $428 Workers Compensation $4,546 - $4,546 Pro Svc -General $14,045 - $14,045 Drug Screens $35 - $35 Medical Services $153 - $153 Pro Svcs -Computer Consultant $8,500 - $8,500 Pro Svcs -Investment Advisor $354 - $354 Pro Svices-Building Services $405,955 - $405,955 6' CLERWONT Building Services Fund Revenue Account Description Travel & Per Diem Telephone Postage & Freight Commercial Insurance Repair & Maint-Vehicles Repair & Maint-Copiers Printing Administrative Services Bank Service Charges Office Supplies Operating Supplies Gas & Oil Tires & Batteries Uniforms Minor Equipment Safety Shoes Software Renewals/Support Subscriptions & Dues Training & Education Cap Out -Vehicles Capital Equipment Ending Reserves CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO 2022-025R 2022 Current I Proposed Budget I Total 2022 Revised Budget Amendment Budget $2,500 - $2,500 $5,000 - $5,000 $2,000 - $2,000 $13,928 - $13,928 $1,000 - $1,000 $1,500 - $1,500 $2,000 - $2,000 $179,627 - $179,627 $199 - $199 $1,000 - $1,000 $1,000 - $1,000 $5,000 - $5,000 $1,000 - $1,000 $1,800 - $1,800 $1,232 - $1,232 $500 - $500 $82,632 - $82,632 $5,000 - $5,000 $10,768 - $10,768 $30,079 $78,688 $108,767 $5,368 - $5,368 $622,651 $1,296,865 $1,919,516 Building Services Fund Total Expenses $1,956,488 $144,481 $2,100,969 BUILDING SERVICES FUND BALANCE -Net Increase of $1,296,865 INFRASTRUCTURE FUND Infrastructure Revenue 12022 Current Proposed Budget I Total 2022 Revised Account Description Budget Amendment Budget Beginning Reserves $1,537,996 $1,146,983 State Infrastructure Tax $3,951,038 $448,962 Interest Earnings $5,000 ($3,000) Total Infrastructure Fund Revenue $3,956,038 $445,962 $2,684,979 $4,400,000 $2,000 $4,402,000 CITY OF CLERMONT CLER' RESOLUTION NO 2022-025R Choice & Champions Infrastructure Fund Expense Account Description I 2022 Current Budget I Proposed Budget Amendment I Total 2022 Revised Budget IT - Cap Out -Other Imp Fiber $204,916 ($4,916) $200,000 IT - Capital Equipment $0 $35,000 $35,000 IT - Capital Equipment $0 $2,000 $2,000 IT - Capital Equipment $0 $2,000 $2,000 IT - Cap Out- It Equipment $120,284 - $120,284 IT - Cap Out -It Server $44,000 - $44,000 IT - Cap Out -Pro FibrNetwrk $11,224 - $11,224 Gen Gov - Pro Svc -Investment Advisor $299 - $299 Gen Gov - Bank Service Charges $169 - $169 Gen Gov - Cap Out -Other Imprvment $30,575 - $30,575 Police - Cap Out -Vehicles $678,093 - $678,093 Police - Capital Equipment $6,186 $10,800 $16,986 Police - Debt Svc -Cap Lease Eqpt Prin $39,979 - $39,979 Police - Debt Svc -Cap Lease Eqpt Inter $5,806 - $5,806 Fire - Cap Out -Vehicles $688,786 - $688,786 Fire - Capital Equipment $111,048 - $111,048 Fire - Cap Out -Pro Svc Fs#2 22101 $141,072 - $141,072 Fire - Debt Svc -Cap Lease Eqpt Prin $48,874 - $48,874 Fire - Debt Svc -Cap Lease Eqpt Intere $7,098 - $7,098 Fire Inspection - Cap Out -Vehicles $35,000 - $35,000 Streets - Repair & Maint- Resurfacing $520,552 - $520,552 Streets - Cap Out -Sidewalks $83,702 - $83,702 Streets - Debt Svc -Cap Lease Eqpt Prin $885 - $885 Streets - Debt Svc -Cap Lease Eqpt Int $129 - $129 Grounds - Cap Out -Other Improvement $15,175 ($13,175) $2,000 Grounds - Cap Out -Other Improvement $95,000 ($33,000) $62,000 Grounds - Cap Out -Recreation $74,500 - $74,500 Grounds - Cap -Pro Lk Hiawath Pier $203 - $203 Facilities - Cap Out -Other Improve. $35,500 $14,500 $50,000 Parks - Cap Out -Other Improvement $5,896 - $5,896 Parks - Cap Out -Recreation $147,015 - $147,015 Events - Cap Out -Equipment $5,583 - $5,583 Events - Cap Out -Buildings $0 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Events - Cap Out -Other Improvement $23,771 ($23,771) $0 Events - Capital Equipment $9,100 $5,900 $15,000 CPAC - Cap Out -Other Improvement $50,000 - $50,000 CPAC - Cap Out -Equipment $23,600 - $23,600 CPAC - Cap Out -Pro Svc $9,400 - $9,400 S CITY OF CLERMONT CLER " O RESOLUTION NO 2022-025R Tfr To Dsf-Master Pln $1,608,337 - $1,608,337 Tfr To Dsf Police Hq $422,277 - $422,277 Tfr To Cpf/320 $190,000 - $190,000 Ending Reserves $0 $597,607 Total Infrastructure Fund Expenses $5,494,034 $995,338 INFRASTRUCTURE FUND BALANCE - Net Increase of $597,607 CEMETERY FUND $597,607 $6,489,372 Cemetery Fund Revenue Account Description I 2022 Current Budget Proposed Budget Amendment I Total 2022 Revised Budget Beginning Reserves $1,404,762 $127,353 $1,532,115 Interest Earnings $7,000 ($5,000) $2,000 Net Incr/Decr In Fv Of Invest $0 - $0 Cemetery Lot Sales $150,000 - $150,000 Reimbursements $2,000 - $2,000 Total Cemetery Fund Revenue $159,000 ($5,000) $154,000 Cemetery Fund 2022 Current Proposed Budget Total 2022 Revised Expense Account Description Budget Amendment Budget Regular Salaries $52,518 - $52,518 Overtime Salaries $500 $1,500 $2,000 FICA $3,609 - $3,609 Defined Contribution Pension $5,302 - $5,302 Group Insurance $16,101 - $16,101 Life Insurance $165 - $165 Employee Assistance Plan $33 - $33 Workers Compensation $1,088 - $1,088 Pro Svc -General $12,840 $17,160 $30,000 Pro Svcs -Investment Advisor $400 - $400 Contract Svcs -General $0 $5,000 $5,000 Electric & Gas Service $3,500 - $3,500 Water & Sewer Service $500 - $500 R&M -Buildings $1,500 - $1,500 Repair & Maint-Vehicles $4,000 - $4,000 Repair & Maint-Trees $15,000 - $15,000 R&M -Grounds $500 - $500 CITY OF CLERMONT CLER �%' RESOLUTION NO 2022-025R croa cn.mprns Repair & Maint-Sod $1,500 - $1,500 Repair & Maint-Equipment $790 - $790 Bank Service Charges $226 - $226 Gas & Oil $1,000 - $1,000 Tires & Batteries $650 - $650 Uniforms $500 - $500 Minor Equipment $750 - $750 Safety Equipment $200 - $200 Safety Shoes $100 - $100 Software Renewals/Support $0 $100 $100 Cap Out -Other Improvement $40,000 - $40,000 Ending Reserves $1,400,490 $98,593 $1,499,083 Total Cemetery Fund Expenses $163,272 $23,760 $187,032 CEMETERY FUND BALANCE - Net Increase of $98,593 RECREATION IMPACT FUND Recreation Impact Fund Revenue Account Descripti Beginning Reserves Res Impact Fees/Du-Recreation Interest Earnings Total Rec Impact Fund Revenues Recreation Impact Fund ipense Account Description Pro Svcs -Investment Advisor Bank Service Charges Cap Out -It Fiber Optic Cap Out -Pro Svc Cap -Pro Svc Wtrfrnt Park 72904 Cap Out -Buildings Cpa Out - Pickleball Court Capital Equipment Cap Out -Pro Svc Cap Out -Pro Svc - Pickleball Court Design 2022 Current I Proposed Budget Total 2022 Revised Budget Amendment Budget $2,340,693 $788,624 $1,500,000 $500,000 $7,000 ($2,000) $1,507,000 $498,000 $3,129,317 $2,000,000 $5,000 $2,005,000 2022 Current I Proposed Budget I Total 2022 Revised Budget Amendment Budget $371 - $371 $209 - $209 $3,600 - $3,600 $10,000 - $10,000 $12,500 ($12,500) $0 $296,339 $14,500 $310,839 $0 $450,000 $450,000 $2,500 - $2,500 $5,136 - $5,136 $0 $25,000 $25,000 6= CLERWONT ��eof�ha Tfr To Dsf Master Plan Debt Tfr To Dsf Arc CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO 2022-025R $321,961 $247,657 - $321,961 $247,657 Ending Reserves $2,947,420 $809,624 Total Rec Impact Fund Expenses $900,273 $477,000 RECREATION IMPACT FUND BALANCE - Net Increase of $809,624 POLICE IMPACT FUND Police Impact Fund Revenue Account Descri] $3,757,044 $1,377,273 2022 Current I Proposed Budget Total 2022 Revised Budget Amendment Budget Beginning Reserves $301,193 $536,955 $838,148 Res Impact Fees/Du-Police $240,000 $60,000 $300,000 Comm Impact Fees/Sf-Police $100,000 $100,000 $200,000 Interest Earnings $4,000 ($2,000) $2,000 Total Police Impact Fund Revenues $344,000 $158,000 $502,000 Police Impact Fund I 2022 Current Proposed Budget Total 2022 Revised Expense Account Description 1 Budget I Amendment Budget Pro Svcs -Investment Advisor $212 - $212 Bank Service Charges $120 - $120 Cap Out -Vehicles $400,000 - $400,000 Capital Equipment $123,700 - $123,700 Tfr To Dsf/220 Arc 72118 $14,763 - $14,763 Ending Reserves $106,398 $694,955 $801,353 Total Police Impact Fund Expenses $538,795 $0 $538,795 POLICE IMPACT FUND BALANCE - Net Increase of $694,955 FIRE IMPACT FUND Fire Impact Fund Revenue Account Descr Beginning Reserves Res Bldg/ Flat Fees 00201 2022 Current Proposed Budget I Total 2022 Revised Budget Amendment Budget $1,387,212 $557,968 $270,000 $100,000 $1,945,180 $370,000 CITY OF CLERMONT CLER RESOLUTION NO 2022-025R Chdce of Chartpian Fire Impact Fund 2022 Current Proposed Budget Total 2022 Revised Revenue Account Description Budget Amendment Budget Comm Impact Fees/Sf-Fire $135,000 $125,000 $260,000 Interest Earnings $5,000 ($3,000) $2,000 Total Fire Impact Fund Revenues $410,000 $222,000 $632,000 Fire Impact Fund 2022 Current I Proposed Budget I Total 2022 Revised Expense Account Description Budget Amendment Budget Pro Svcs -Investment Advisor $247 - $247 Bank Service Charges $139 - $139 Cap Out -Vehicles $106,835 - $106,835 Cap Out -Pro Svc $0 $25,000 $25,000 Capout-Prosvc New Fs#2 22101 $94,048 - $94,048 Ending Reserves $1,595,943 $754,968 $2,350,911 Total Fire Impact Fund Expenses $201,269 $25,000 $226,269 FIRE IMPACT FUND BALANCE - Net Increase of $754,968 WATER IMPACT FUND Water Impact Fund 2022 Current Proposed Budget Total 2022 Revised Revenue Account Description I Budget I Amendment Budget Beginning Reserves $6,183,878 $129,455 $6,313,333 Res Impact Fees/Meter-Water $1,252,000 $373,000 $1,625,000 Comm Impact Fees/Meter-Water $115,000 $270,000 $385,000 Interest -Impact Fees-Oth $23,000 ($16,000) $7,000 Total Water Impact Fund Revenues $1,390,000 $627,000 $2,017,000 Water Impact Fund 2022 Current Proposed Budget Total 2022 Revised Expense Account Description Budget I Amendment I Budget Pro Svcs -Investment Advisor $1,166 - $1,166 Bank Service Charges $659 - $659 Cap Out -Water System $87,400 - $87,400 Cap Out-Wtrsys Low Fl Acq $6,000,000 ($5,000,000) $1,000,000 Cap Out-Wtr Sys Johnik Wm $250,000 ($250,000) $0 Cap Out-Prosvc Low Fl Acq $486,706 ($200,000) $286,706 Cap-Wtr Sys Mains Ps Fac $362,481 - $362,481 Cap -Pro Svc Welns Way-Supp Well Irr $0 $100,000 $100,000 CLERWOIT Trans To Water Fund Ending Reserves CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO 2022-025R $331,319 - $331,319 $54,147 $6,106,455 Total Water Impact Fund Expenses $7,519,731 ($5,350,000) WATER IMPACT FUND BALANCE — Net Increase of $6,106,455 SEWER IMPACT FUND Sewer Impact Fund Revenue Account Description Beginning Reserves Res Impact Fees/Meter-Sewer Comm Impact Fees/Meter-Sewer Interest -Impact Fees-Oth Total Sewer Impact Fund Revenue Sewer Impact Fund ,nse Account Descril Pro Svcs -Investment Advisor Bank Service Charges Cap Out -Bldg -Wwtf Exp Cap -Sewer Sys Ps Fac 49000 Cap Out -Ps Wwtf Expansio Cap -Pro Svc Wellness Way 95112 Transfer To Sewer Fund Ending Reserves Total Sewer Impact Fund Expenses $6,160,602 $2,169,731 2022 Current I Proposed Budget I Total 2022 Budget Amendment Revised Budget $16,283,488 $189,780 $2,596,000 - $220,000 $1,180,000 $93,000 ($70,000) $2,909,000 $1,110,000 $16,473,268 $2,596,000 $1,400,000 $23,000 $4,019,000 2022 Current Proposed Budget I Total 2022 Revised Budget Amendment Budget $4,895 - $4,895 $2,765 - $2,765 $15,000,000 ($11,000,000) $4,000,000 $375,163 - $375,163 $841,246 ($605,000) $236,246 $0 $20,000 $20,000 $589,258 - $589,258 $2,379,161 $12,884,780 $15,263,941 $16,813,327 ($11,585,000) $5,228,327 SEWER IMPACT FUND BALANCE — Net Increase of $12,884,780 Change to Fund Balance — All Funds — Net Increase of $23,243,847 CITY OF CLERMONT CLER - RESOLUTION NO 2022-025R ChaceodChn a NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above said budget amendments of the City of Clermont for the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 are hereby adopted. DONE AND RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, this 23rd day of August, 2022. CITY OF CLERMONT Tim Murry, Mayor ATTEST: Tracy Ackroyd Ho e, MMC City Clerk