Resolution No. 2022-031RCITY OF CLERMONT CLERWOIT RESOLUTION NO 2022-031R �e�am A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021-2022 WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following budget amendments are necessary for the Fiscal Year October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022: WATER FUND Water Fund 2022 Current Proposed Budget Total 2022 Revised Revenue Account Description Budget ( I Amendments Budget Beginning Reserves 10,610,378.00 3,366,538.72 13,976,916.72 Water Sales 5,200,000.00 - 5,200,000.00 Reuse Irrigation 2,448,000.00 - 2,448,000.00 Meter Sales 200,000.00 400,000.00 600,000.00 Interest Earnings 78,000.00 (20,000.00) 58,000.00 Sale Of Fixed Assets 2,500.00 - 2,500.00 Surplus Property Sales 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 Reimbursements 6,000.00 - 6,000.00 Miscellaneous 300,000.00 50,000.00 350,000.00 Transfer From W/S Impact Fund 331,319.00 - 331,319.00 Water Fund Revenue Totals 8,570,819.00 430,000.00 9,000,819.00 Water Fund 2022 Current Proposed Budget Total 2022 Revised Expense Account Description Budget Amendments Budget Regular Salaries 1,630,142.00 (130,000.00) 1,500,142.00 Part -Time Salaries 20,980.00 - 20,980.00 Overtime Salaries 28,700.00 - 28,700.00 Fica 119,808.00 - 119,808.00 Defined Contribution Pension 140,950.00 - 140,950.00 Group Insurance 513,570.00 - 513,570.00 Life Insurance 5,135.00 - 5,135.00 Employee Assistance Plan 1,174.00 - 1,174.00 Workers Compensation 20,308.00 - 20,308.00 Pro Svc -General 232,500.00 - 232,500.00 Background Investigations 2,000.00 - 2,000.00 Drug Screens 1,500.00 - 1,500.00 Medical Services 2,000.00 - 2,000.00 CITY OF CLERMONT CLERW RESOLUTION NO 2022-031R Water Fund Expense Account Description 2022 Current Budget Proposed Budget Amendments I Total 2022 Revised Budget Pro Svc -Alternative Water 100,000.00 - 100,000.00 Pro Svcs -Laboratory 25,000.00 - 25,000.00 Pro Svcs -Investment Advisor 4,402.00 - 4,402.00 Pro Svcs -Safety Training 10,000.00 - 10,000.00 Pro Svcs -Utility Locates 2,500.00 - 2,500.00 Pro Svcs -Cup Requirements 50,000.00 - 50,000.00 Contract Svcs -General 10,000.00 - 10,000.00 Contract Svcs -General UB 30000 6,000.00 - 6,000.00 Contract Svcs -Cleaning 3,600.00 - 3,600.00 Contract Svcs -Mowing 9,300.00 - 9,300.00 Contract Svcs -Pest Cont 2,400.00 - 2,400.00 Contract Svcs -Gate Maintenance 1,200.00 - 1,200.00 Travel & Per Diem UB 30000 1,200.00 - 1,200.00 Travel & Per Diem -Treatment 460.00 - 460.00 Travel & Per Diem -Distribution 7,200.00 - 7,200.00 Telephone 32,000.00 - 32,000.00 Internet Service 8,000.00 - 8,000.00 Postage & Freight - 1,500.00 1,500.00 Postage & Freight UB 30000 65,018.00 - 65,018.00 Electric & Gas Svc -West Trtmnt 62,000.00 - 62,000.00 Water & Sewer Service 7,500.00 - 7,500.00 Solid Waste Disposal Fees 20,000.00 - 20,000.00 Electric & Gas Svc -East Trmnt 500,000.00 - 500,000.00 Rentals -Equipment 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 Commercial Insurance 155,455.00 - 155,455.00 R&M -Buildings 33,500.00 - 33,500.00 Repair & Maint-Vehicles 16,000.00 - 16,000.00 Repair & Maint-Sod 3,500.00 - 3,500.00 Repair & Maint-Tanks 11,000.00 - 11,000.00 Repair & Maint-Systems 1,100,000.00 - 1,100,000.00 Repair & Maint-Equip-Treatment 60,000.00 - 60,000.00 Repair & Maint-It Equip 5,500.00 - 5,500.00 Repair & Maint-Water Wells 25,000.00 - 25,000.00 Repair & Maint-Security System 15,000.00 - 15,000.00 R&M -Meter Replacements 850,000.00 - 850,000.00 R&M Meters For New Customers 460,000.00 40,000.00 500,000.00 Repair & Maint-Copiers 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 Printing 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 Printing UB 30000 23,050.00 - 23,050.00 CITY OF CLERMONT CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO 2022-031R Water Fund Expense Account Description 2022 Current Budget ( Proposed Budget Amendments I Total 2022 Revised Budget Advertising 1,500.00 - 1,500.00 Other Current Charges UB 30000 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 Administrative Services 529,391.00 - 529,391.00 Uncollectible Accounts 11,550.00 - 11,550.00 Bank Service Charges 18,100.00 - 18,100.00 Security/Monitoring Service 23,000.00 - 23,000.00 Permit Fees 8,000.00 - 8,000.00 Collection Agency Fee UB 30000 1,200.00 - 1,200.00 Payments In Lieu Of Taxes 101,292.00 - 101,292.00 Office Supplies 4,500.00 - 4,500.00 Office Supplies UB 30000 500.00 - 500.00 Operating Supplies -Treatment 10,000.00 - 10,000.00 Operating Supplies -Distribute 10,000.00 - 10,000.00 Operating Supplies-Constructn 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 Gas & Oil 60,000.00 20,000.00 80,000.00 Tires & Batteries 8,000.00 - 8,000.00 Uniforms 11,000.00 - 11,000.00 Minor Equipment -Treatment 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 Minor Equipment -Distribution 12,500.00 - 12,500.00 Minor Equipment -Construction 12,500.00 - 12,500.00 Minor Equipment ES Admin Bldg 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 Safety Equipment 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 Chlorine 42,000.00 18,000.00 60,000.00 Corrosion Control 25,000.00 - 25,000.00 Safety Shoes 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 Laboratory Supplies 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 Community Relations 12,000.00 - 12,000.00 Water Conservation Supplies 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 Software Renewals/Support 96,000.00 - 96,000.00 Software Renew/Supp UB 30000 18,132.00 - 18,132.00 Subscriptions & Dues 3,600.00 - 3,600.00 Training & Education UB 30000 426.00 - 426.00 Training & Education -Treatment 3,700.00 - 3,700.00 Training & Education-Distribtn 6,300.00 - 6,300.00 Licenses & Certifications 2,500.00 - 2,500.00 Cap Out -Water System 100,491.00 - 100,491.00 Cap Out -Johns Lk Wtr Lin-33115 489,500.00 (489,500.00) - Cap Out-Wtrsys Ut Relocat33600 10,963.00 - 10,963.00 Cap Out-Wtrsys Stscape 1,200,000.00 - 1,200,000.00 T_ CITY OF CLE"ONT CLERWONT RESOLUTION NO 2022-031R Water Fund 2022 Current Proposed Budget Total 2022 Revised Expense Account Description I Budget I Amendments Budget Cap-Wells/Houses Pumps 33201 100,000.00 - 100,000.00 Cap-Recl Wtr Reuse Tank 33203 45,000.00 - 45,000.00 Capital Equipment 56,000.00 44,000.00 100,000.00 Cap Out -Pro Svc 200,000.00 (125,000.00) 75,000.00 Cap Out -Pro Sv Altwtrsup 33103 100,000.00 - 100,000.00 Cap Out -Ps John Lk Wtrmn 33115 70,650.00 - 70,650.00 Cap Out -Pro Ut Relocate 33600 1,450.00 - 1,450.00 Cap Out -Pro Ut Relocate-Hartwood Mar - 50,000.00 50,000.00 Capout-Prosvc Cdbg Ffyl7 38123 12,560.00 - 12,560.00 Debt Svc-2017 W/S Bond Prin 316,440.00 - 316,440.00 Debt Svc-2017 W/S Bond Interes 80,021.00 - 80,021.00 Tfr To Gen Fund -Water Sales 1,155,000.00 - 1,155,000.00 Tfr To Gen-Confin/Trench 33116 41,542.00 - 41,542.00 Water Fund Expense Totals 11,453,860.00 (571,000.00) 10,882,860.00 Ending Reserves 7,727,337.00 4,367,538.72 12,094,875.72 WATER FUND BALANCE — Net Increase of $4,367,538.72 SEWER FUND Sewer Fund Revenue Account Description Beginning Reserves State Grant -Cost Reim Dep 35301 Sewer Service Fees Interest Earnings Reimbursements Transfer From W/S Impact Fund Sewer Fund Revenue Totals Sewer Fund Expense Account Description 2022 Current Budget 11,503,353.00 1,000,000.00 8,350,000.00 60,000.00 1,000.00 589,258.00 10,000,258.00 Proposed Budget Amendment 475,291.66 (1,000,000.00) 150,000.00 (20,000.00) (870,000.00) Total 2022 Revised Budget 11,978,644.66 8,500,000.00 40,000.00 1,000.00 589,258.00 9,130,258.00 2022 Current Proposed Budget ITotal 2022 Budget Amendments I Revised Budget Regular Salaries 1,670,659.00 (70,659.00) 1,600,000.00 Overtime Salaries 33,700.00 - 33,700.00 Fica 121,491.00 - 121,491.00 Defined Contribution Pension 148,757.00 - 148,757.00 CITY OF CLERMONT CLERWow RESOLUTION NO 2022-031R Sewer Fund Expense Account Description 2022 Current Budget Proposed Budget Amendments Total 2022 Revised Budget Group Insurance 506,850.00 - 506,850.00 Life Insurance 5,248.00 - 5,248.00 Employee Assistance Plan 1,163.00 - 1,163.00 Workers Compensation 18,102.00 - 18,102.00 Pro Svcs -General 152,500.00 - 152,500.00 Background Investigations 1,500.00 - 1,500.00 Drug Screens 500.00 - 500.00 Pro Svices-Laboratory 32,000.00 (9,000.00) 23,000.00 Pro Svcs -Investment Advisor 3,433.00 - 3,433.00 Pro Svices-Safety Training 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 Pro Svices-Utility Locates 2,500.00 - 2,500.00 Pro Svcs -Sewer Readings 22,500.00 (22,500.00) - Cont Svcs -General 4,000.00 - 4,000.00 Cont Svcs -General UB 30000 2,000.00 - 2,000.00 Contract Svcs -Cleaning 2,400.00 - 2,400.00 Contract Svcs -Mowing 20,000.00 - 20,000.00 Contract Svices-Pest Cont 2,400.00 - 2,400.00 Cont Svices-Odor Control Ea 30,000.00 - 30,000.00 Contract Svcs -Gate Maint 1,200.00 - 1,200.00 Travel & Per Diem 220.00 - 220.00 Travel & Per Diem UB 30000 1,016.00 - 1,016.00 Travel & Per Diem - Collection 300.00 - 300.00 Telephone 37,000.00 - 37,000.00 Internet Service 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 Postage & Freight UB 30000 21,673.00 - 21,673.00 Water & Sewer Service 15,000.00 - 15,000.00 Solid Waste Disposal Fees 2,700.00 - 2,700.00 Electric & Gas Svc -East Plant 510,000.00 - 510,000.00 Electric & Gas Svc-W Lift Sta 70,000.00 - 70,000.00 Electric & Gas Svc-E Lift Sta 320,000.00 - 320,000.00 Sludge Disposal -East 225,000.00 - 225,000.00 Rentals -Equipment 2,000.00 - 2,000.00 Commercial Insurance 192,894.00 - 192,894.00 R&M -Buildings 10,000.00 - 10,000.00 Repair & Maint-Vehicles 40,000.00 - 40,000.00 Repair & Maint-Sod 300.00 - 300.00 Repair & Maint-Systems 40,000.00 - 40,000.00 Repair & Maint-Equip-Treat 50,000.00 - 50,000.00 Repair & Maint-Equip-Lift Stat 130,000.00 - 130,000.00 Repair & Maint-It Equip 1,200.00 - 1,200.00 Rep & Maint-Security System 10,000.00 - 10,000.00 6; CITY OF CLERMONT CLER� RESOLUTION NO 2022-031R Sewer Fund Expense Account Description I 2022 Current Budget I Proposed Budget Amendments Total 2022 Revised Budget Repair & Maint-Copiers 1,200.00 - 1,200.00 Repair & Maint-Copiers UB 30000 - 750.00 750.00 Printing 850.00 - 850.00 Printing UB 30000 7,800.00 - 7,800.00 Advertising 600.00 - 600.00 Other Current Charges 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 Other Curr Charges UB 30000 100.00 - 100.00 Administrative Services 510,828.00 - 510,828.00 Uncollectible Accounts 15,750.00 - 15,750.00 Bank Service Charges 17,554.00 - 17,554.00 Security/Monitoring Service 10,000.00 - 10,000.00 Payments In Lieu Of Taxes 107,161.00 - 107,161.00 Office Supplies 2,500.00 - 2,500.00 Office Supplies UB 30000 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 Operating Supplies -Treatment 5,500.00 - 5,500.00 Operating Supplies - Construc 500.00 - 500.00 Operating Supplies -Collection 5,500.00 - 5,500.00 Gas & Oil 60,000.00 10,000.00 70,000.00 Tires & Batteries 9,000.00 - 9,000.00 Uniforms 11,000.00 (5,000.00) 6,000.00 Minor Equipment UB 30000 - 500.00 500.00 Minor Equipment -Treatment 8,000.00 - 8,000.00 Minor Equipment - Construct 8,000.00 - 8,000.00 Minor Equipment -Collection 8,000.00 - 8,000.00 Safety Equipment 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 Chlorine 90,000.00 110,000.00 200,000.00 Safety Shoes 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 Laboratory Supplies 3,500.00 - 3,500.00 Polymer 35,000.00 5,000.00 40,000.00 Software Renewals/Support 17,345.00 - 17,345.00 Software Renew/Supp UB 30000 1,364.00 1,200.00 2,564.00 Training & Education UB 30000 426.00 750.00 1,176.00 Training & Education -Treat 1,940.00 - 1,940.00 Training & Education -Collect 3,775.00 - 3,775.00 Licenses & Certifications 330.00 - 330.00 Cap Out-Wwtp Cost Reim 35301 1,000,000.00 (1,000,000.00) - Sewer Manhole/Lat Reh35108 105,000.00 - 105,000.00 Cap Out -Sewer Sys Main 95113 250,000.00 - 250,000.00 Lift Station Improvements 699,000.00 - 699,000.00 Ls Pump Replace 35104 455,000.00 - 455,000.00 Cap Out -Equipment UB 30000 - 2,500.00 2,500.00 CLER Ch- fC Sewer Fund Expense Account Description Debt Svc-2017 W/S Bond Princip Debt Svc-2017 W/S Bond Interes Tfr To Gen Fund -Sewer Svc Fee Sewer Fund Expense Totals Ending Reserves CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO 2022-031R 2022 Current I Proposed Budget I Total 2022 Budget Amendments I Revised Budget 562,560.00 142,260.00 1,260,000.00 9,901,049.00 11,602,562.00 SEWER FUND BALANCE — Net Increase of $581,250.66 STORMWATER FUND (975,959.00) 581,250.66 562,560.00 142,260.00 1,260,000.00 8,925,090.00 12,183,812.66 Stormwater Fund Revenue Account Description I 2022 Current Budget Proposed Budget Amendment Total 2022 Revised Budget Beginning Reserves 34,174.00 105,227.76 139,401.76 LCWA Grant Winona 12A 38125 30,000.00 - 30,000.00 Stormwater Fees 1,734,000.00 66,000.00 1,800,000.00 Interest Earnings 2,000.00 - 2,000.00 Stormwater Fund Revenue Totals 1,766,000.00 66,000.00 1,832,000.00 Stormwater Fund Expense 2022 Current Proposed Budget Total 2022 Account Description Budget I Amendment Revised Budget Regular Salaries 467,598.00 - 467,598.00 Overtime Salaries 5,750.00 - 5,750.00 Fica 33,790.00 - 33,790.00 Defined Contribution Pension 47,335.00 - 47,335.00 Group Insurance 149,534.00 - 149,534.00 Life Insurance 1,473.00 - 1,473.00 Employee Assistance Plan 391.00 - 391.00 Workers Compensation 10,740.00 - 10,740.00 Pro Svc -General 10,000.00 - 10,000.00 Background Investigations 100.00 - 100.00 Drug Screens 400.00 - 400.00 Medical Services 400.00 - 400.00 Contract Svcs -General 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 Contract Svcs -General UB 30000 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 Contract Svcs -Cleaning 1,200.00 - 1,200.00 Cont Svc -Clean Victor Pt 38110 9,500.00 - 9,500.00 Contract Svcs -Mowing 7,500.00 - 7,500.00 (5% CITY OF CLERMONT CLERWOIT RESOLUTION NO 2022-031R Stormwater Fund Expense Account Description 2022 Current Budget I Proposed Budget Amendment Total 2022 Revised Budget Contract Svcs -Pest Cont 200.00 - 200.00 Cont Svc -Pest Vict Pt 38110 1,588.00 - 1,588.00 Con Svc-Elev Mtc Vic Pt 38110 1,460.00 - 1,460.00 Travel & Per Diem UB 30000 169.00 - 169.00 Telephone 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 Postage & Freight UB 30000 10,836.00 - 10,836.00 Elec & Gas Svc Vic Pt 38110 9,300.00 - 9,300.00 W&S Svc Vic Pt 38110 1,825.00 - 1,825.00 Solid Waste Disposal Fees 25,000.00 - 25,000.00 Rentals -Equipment 500.00 - 500.00 Commercial Insurance 47,485.00 - 47,485.00 R&M -Buildings Vic Pt 38110 2,200.00 - 2,200.00 Repair & Maint-Vehicles 25,000.00 - 25,000.00 Repair & Maint-Streets 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 R&M -Grounds Vic Pt 38110 2,500.00 - 2,500.00 R&M -Sod Vict Pt 38110 350.00 - 350.00 Repair & Maint-Systems 15,000.00 - 15,000.00 R&M -Systems Victory Pt 38110 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 Repair & Maint-Equipment 10,000.00 - 10,000.00 R&M -Fishing Piers VP 38110 2,000.00 - 2,000.00 Repair & Maint Storm Drains 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 Repair & Maint-Copiers 200.00 - 200.00 Printing 150.00 - 150.00 Printing UB 30000 4,200.00 - 4,200.00 Advertising 500.00 - 500.00 Other Current Charges 100.00 - 100.00 Other Curr Charges UB 30000 50.00 - 50.00 Aquatic Weed Control 2,800.00 - 2,800.00 Aquatic Weed Ctrl Vic Pt 38110 9,500.00 - 9,500.00 Administrative Services 162,947.00 - 162,947.00 Uncollectible Accounts 2,625.00 - 2,625.00 Bank Service Charges 6,365.00 - 6,365.00 Sec/Mon Svc Vic Pt 38110 2,100.00 (2,100.00) - Payments In Lieu Of Taxes 4,482.00 - 4,482.00 Office Supplies 500.00 - 500.00 Office Supplies UB 30000 150.00 - 150.00 Operating Supplies 4,000.00 - 4,000.00 Operating Supp Vic Pt 38110 1,200.00 - 1,200.00 Gas & Oil 25,000.00 5,000.00 30,000.00 Tires & Batteries 6,500.00 - 6,500.00 Uniforms 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 (5= CLER OIT Chwea« Stormwater Fund Expense Account Description CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO 2022-031R 2022 Current I Proposed Budget Total 2022 Budget Amendment Revised Budl Minor Equipment 2,000.00 - 2,000.00 Safety Equipment 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 Safety Shoes 1,500.00 - 1,500.00 Community Relations 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 Software Renewals/Support 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 Software Renew/Supp UB 30000 718.00 - 718.00 Subscriptions & Dues 500.00 - 500.00 Training & Education 2,000.00 - 2,000.00 Cap Out-Stormwater System 81,494.00 - 81,494.00 Capout-Prosv CDBG FFY17-38123 4,885.00 - 4,885.00 Cap -Pro Svc Swtr Lk Minn 38124 80,000.00 (40,000.00) 40,000.00 Capout-Prosv Winona 12A 38125 96,169.00 - 96,169.00 Debtsvc-17 MP Loan Pri 20000 288,888.00 - 288,888.00 Debtsvc-17 MP Loan Int 20000 101,815.00 - 101,815.00 Stormwater Fund Expense Totals 1,816,462.00 (37,100.00) 1,779,362.00 Ending Reserves (16,288.00) 208,327.76 192,039.76 STORMWATER FUND BALANCE — Net Increase of $208,327.76 SANITATION FUND Sanitation Fund Revenue Account Description Beginning Reserves Sanitation Fees Interest Earnings Sale Of Fixed Assets Surplus Property Sales Sanitation Fund Revenue Totals 2022 Current Proposed Budget Total 2022 Budget Amendment Revised Budl 2,853,350.00 3,825,000.00 23,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 3,855,000.00 3,734,082.92 175,000.00 (6,000.00) 169,000.00 6,587,432.92 4,000,000.00 17,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 4,024,000.00 Sanitation Fund Expense Account Description I 2022 Current Budget I Proposed Budget Amendment Total 2022 Revised Budget Regular Salaries 947,084.00 20,001.01 967,085.01 Overtime Salaries 12,000.00 68,000.00 80,000.00 Fica 66,535.00 - 66,535.00 Defined Contribution Pension 89,530.00 - 89,530.00 Group Insurance 293,647.00 - 293,647.00 CLEMOIT Sanitation Fund Expense Account Description CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION NO 2022-031R 2022 Current I Proposed Budget Total 2022 Budget Amendment Revised Budl Life Insurance 2,983.00 - 2,983.00 Employee Assistance Plan 681.00 - 681.00 Workers Compensation 26,664.00 - 26,664.00 Pro Svcs -General 166,550.00 - 166,550.00 Background Investigations 500.00 - 500.00 Drug Screens 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 Medical Services 500.00 - 500.00 Pro Svcs -Investment Advisor 997.00 - 997.00 Pro Svices-Safety Training 500.00 - 500.00 Contract Svcs -General 15,000.00 - 15,000.00 Contract Svcs -Gen UB 30000 1,000.00 500.00 1,500.00 Contract Svcs -Gate Maint 800.00 800.00 Travel & Per Diem UB 30000 169.00 500.00 669.00 Telephone 1,500.00 - 1,500.00 Postage & Freight UB 30000 10,836.00 - 10,836.00 Solid Waste Disposal Fees 540,600.00 60,000.00 600,600.00 Commercial Insurance 79,120.00 - 79,120.00 R&M -Buildings 500.00 - 500.00 Repair & Maint-Vehicles 216,000.00 - 216,000.00 Repair & Maint-Equipment 500.00 - 500.00 Repair & Maint-Copiers 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 Repair & Maint-Copiers UB 30000 - 1,000.00 1,000.00 Printing 2,650.00 - 2,650.00 Printing UB 30000 4,200.00 - 4,200.00 Advertising 500.00 - 500.00 Other Curr Charges 100.00 100.00 Other Curr Charges UB 30000 50.00 50.00 100.00 Administrative Services 257,361.00 - 257,361.00 Uncollectible Accounts 10,500.00 - 10,500.00 Bank Service Charges 9,812.00 - 9,812.00 Payments In Lieu Of Taxes 2,346.00 - 2,346.00 Office Supplies 500.00 - 500.00 Office Supplies UB 30000 150.00 150.00 300.00 Operating Supplies 226,560.00 - 226,560.00 Gas & Oil 170,000.00 - 170,000.00 Tires & Batteries 45,000.00 - 45,000.00 Uniforms 6,000.00 - 6,000.00 Minor Equipment 5,000.00 - 5,000.00 Minor Equipment UB 30000 - 200.00 200.00 Safety Equipment 500.00 - 500.00 Safety Shoes 3,400.00 - 3,400.00 (6; CITY OF CLERMONT CLERI" IOIT RESOLUTION NO 2022-031R ClacedChampions Sanitation Fund Expense Account Description 2022 Current Budget I Proposed Budget Amendment Total 2022 Revised Budget Community Relations 6,000.00 - 6,000.00 Software Renewals/Support 3,200.00 - 3,200.00 Software Renew/Supp UB 30000 1,784.00 - 1,784.00 Subscriptions & Dues 450.00 - 450.00 Training & Education 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 Training & Education UB 30000 - 500.00 500.00 Licenses & Certifications 200.00 - 200.00 Cap -Bldg PS Fac 49000 2,820,036.00 (1,400,000.00) 1,420,036.00 Cap Out -Other Improvement 65,000.00 - 65,000.00 Cap Out -Vehicles 350,000.00 - 350,000.00 Cap Out -Equipment UB 30000 - 1,500.00 1,500.00 Cap -Pro Svc PS Fac 49000 54,556.00 - 54,556.00 Debtsvc-17 MP Loan Pri 20000 89,013.00 - 89,013.00 Debtsvc-17 MP Interest 20000 31,371.00 - 31,371.00 Sanitation Fund Expense Totals 6,643,435.00 (1,247,598.99) 5,395,836.01 Ending Reserves 64,915.00 5,150,681.91 5,215,596.91 SANITATION FUND BALANCE — Net Increase of $5,150,681.91 Change to Fund Balance — All Funds — Net Increase of $10,307,799.05 CITY OF CLERMONT �LER��RESOLUTION NO 2022-031R NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above said budget amendments of the City of Clermont for the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 are hereby adopted. DONE AND RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, this 27th day of September, 2022. ATTEST: Tracy Ackroyd Howe, MMC City Clerk Approved as Daniel F. legality: CITY OF CLERMONT