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_I GiS/TEC I 8p 0 BOX 1921 PLANT CITY, FLORIDA 33564-1.PHONE (813) 757-0091 FAX (813) 759-0939
, AmOCARTO, INC Geographic Information Systems
July OS, 1994
CIty of Clermont
PO, Box 120219
CkmlOllt, Flonda 34712
AfT, Wayne Saunders, CIty M:mager
Rl:': CIty of Clermont MappIng :md Aenal Photography
Dear Mr Saunders,
\Ve have been mfonned by Ralph W:1rnock of Spnngstt:aJ & A:-,sOClaks that you h<l\\:
accepted our rum as the lowest bidder for Aerial Photography and Mappmg service~ In West and
East Ckrmont. We would hke to submit a final proposal for the Base bId area and Alternate ..f
area of Clermont West plus Area 1 and 3 of Cknnont East as revIsed by Ralph Warnock on
bluelmes receIved All mapping and aenal photography wIll meet or exceed natlOnal mdppmg
slandard'i peflammg to the negatIve scale used The cost breakdown IS as follows
BASE BID AND ALTJ;:RNATE 4 - Clermont West
Aenal photography - $1000,00
,AnalytIcal TnangulatlOn- $170000
Stereo ComptlatlOn @ 1 "50' database and database edIt
Base BId - $3750,00
Alternate 4- $375000
Rect1Ì1ed Photo Screened Mylars @ 1 "=50' $130000
Rectttìed Photo Screened Mylars @ 1 "=1 00' $500,00
Area 1lll1d Arell 3 - Clermont Elist
Aenal photography - $1000,00
AfU\lyllcal Tnangulallon- $180000
Stereo CompIlatIOn @ 1 "50' database and database edit
Area 1 - $4200 00
Area 3 - $5200,00
Recl1Üed Photo Screened Mylars @ 1 "=50' $2200 00
l<,ectltied Photo Screened Mylars @ l"~ 100' $600 00
It 1S understood that all ground control wlll be targ~ted and ~uppl1ed by Spnngstead Engineering
as per our control dIagram, All mapping wIll be based on 1 "=330' ncgattve scale l-JI mapping
will be submItted m ACAD DWG Vl2 format Features to be mapped me as specIfIed III your
ongmal package All photography wlll be flown utlllZlng our Ces:.na 206 aircraft: ec¡u!ppL"d W1lh a
Ze1ss RlvIK A 15/23 Camera with a cum:nt USGS Camera cahbmtlOn The photography will be
t1own at appropnat~ alt1tudes above mean telTmn to achIeve proper negatIve scale
photogrammetric surveys / analytical photogrammetry / stockpile inventories / raster to vector conversion
.! . ,
-, (Ù~/TEC
I 8 POBOX 1921 PLANT CITY, FLORIDA 33564-11 PHONE (013) 757-0091 FAX (013) 759-0939
AErlOCARTO,INC Geographic Information Systems
NIT, Wayne Saunders
July 05, 1994
Page 2
The total fee for Base BId and Alternate 4, Clennont West, is $12,000 The total fee for :\Wi
1 and Area 3, Cknnont East, IS $15,000 Tills IS aU inclusive and th~ lotal balance shall be due
and payable upon delIvery of the aenal photography and mapping
If the foregomg proposal concurs with your understanding of the agreement between GIS/TEC
Aerocarto, mc and The City of Clermont, We have provided an Acknowledgment anJ
Acceptance by The CIty of Clennont herem below. To expedite the conswnmatlOn of the
agreement, the proper authonty of The City of Clermont accepting responsIbIlity for the pa)'lì1ent
to GIS/TEC Aerocarto, Inc should execute and return one (1) origmal or thiS letter t,) fmallj'e
this contract.
GIS/TEC Acrocarto, mc apprecIates the opportunity to submIt the foregomg prùpo<;al and we
look forward to workmg WIth you on thIS }xoJcct. Should you have any further questlOns or
requIrements, plea.<;e do not hesItate to contact us,
Very truly yours,
~ 4?1. Y. .p JR
Carlos M. Vidal Jr
V P - Marketing
The CIty of Clennont hereby acknowledges, agrees }U1J acœpt~ the foregoing proposal and
agrees to the tenns and conditions set forth herem,
Dated thiS ___CL- day of -.::[~~
The City of Clem1Ont
By Prin~~ "dvs
TItle _~44- ~~
photog ram metric surveys / analytical photogrammetry / stockpile inventories / raster to vector conversion