1994-12 . Alternative-Transportation Planning a Environment al Planning ., Community Planning & Landscape Architecture 8 ffi£ÐD@[f1)éID@~ & Michael April 11, 1994 (Revised per 4/5/94 Workshop comments) Mr. Wayne Saunders, City Manager City Council & Mayor City of Clermont Clermont, Florida Re: Clermont Waterfront Park Proposal for Plans & Services Approach # 3 Dear Wayne and Council, Our proposal for plans and services follows for your review. A. (East to West) Waterfront Character Elements: (Scope Elements) (*.. = Revenue generators) 0 "General" Elements (occuring throughout) . Lake Minneola Dr. - Elimination of existing drive - - Study traffic patterns through Downtown - Study access to IC Beach, 8th Street Pier and other areas Parking - (vehicular) throughout Waterfront Storm water - Throughout Waterfront (coordinate with City Continuing Services Consultant) East A ve'!Bell - Traffic configuration and ingress-egress Rail Trail - Coordinate traffic patterns with new development Aquatic Events - Sporting events relative to IC Beach and 8th Street Waterfront Fitness Course - Throughout Waterfront Playgrounds - Throughout Waterfront, childrens and tots . . . . . . . Page 1 Mjçhael & Mjçhael Associates, Incorporated. 2313 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32804. Ph: 407.897,1163. Fax' 4078971165 . License LCOO0212 I Clermont Waterf8tt Park fíJ~~ f!ßeau/ijU 9!ak .A(inn~ 0 Land~e Architectural Proposal Greenspace - (between JC Beach and EAST Avenue) (. Non-Revenue) . Primary Entrance from East . Pedestrian - Picnic Area - . . Parking - Recreation - . . Planting - . Irrigation - D JayCee Beach *** Controlled Access - *** Concessions - . Picnic Area - . Beach Expansion - . Water Facilities - . Buildings - . Pavilion w/Stage - . Restrooms - . Hardscape - . Site Furnishings - . Site Lighting - . Site Signage - . Planting - . Site Irrigation - . Maintenance - To JC Beach Park and Events Area, from East Avenue; Grand Highway - Highway 27; and Lake Minneola Drive - Minneola and the North; with access to parking areas Plan walks to Lake Minneola Trail from community Neighborhood - Develop area east of controlled access beach for "free" neighborhood usage Opportunity for large parking area Volleyball, horseshoes, basketball etc, (as determined necessary) Themed native xeriscape for minimal maintenance coordinated with rest of Waterfront Park Tie into JC Beach pumping station - (a controlled access water park) (***Revenue & . Non-Revenue) Themed barriers, fencing etc. to secure beach park and allow collection of user fees Food, equipment rentals Develop area east of beach Study potential (SJRWMD) Themed piers, slides, play areas, etc. Themed architecture with hardscape, seating Joint-use band stage combined with a functional public Pavilion for everyday usage For secured beach area with optional events access to greenspace crowds (trail occurs in greenspace) Walks and gathering areas connecting parking, trail, to beach Themed flag poles, seating, trash receptacles, water fountains, showers (could be water features), urns, waterfront bollards, etc. Themed pedestrian and area-scaled lighting elements Themed graphics program for specifically scaled signage Themed native xeriscape for minimal maintenance coordinated with rest of Waterfront Park Automatic, zoned system incI. connected to Waterfront Park system Identify existing room(s) for primary Waterfront Maintenance Facility at City Barn Site Page 2 Michael & Michael Assoçiates, Incorporated. 2313 North Orange Avenue. Orlando, Florida 32804. Ph: 407.897.1163 . Fax, 407,8971165 . license LCOOO212 , Clermont Waterf.t Park øn. fJJ~fid !l!ak .Ate:nnfflk D Events Space *.. Events Space - *.* Water Rentals - . Boat Access - . Site Grading - . Planting - . Irrigation - D Land8>e Architectural Proposal - (for CommuniJy gatherings) (*** Revenue & . Non-Revenue) Plan gathering space for community-scaled events (July 4th...) incorporating access to beach Restrooms, music Pavilion, trail, highlander hut, parking, etc. Non-motorized water craft, jet skis, etc, rental Pavilion located at pier for boat access to beach area To beach and events space by pier at existing boat ramp - exact location to be determined Modify grading of land between Sparkling Water Lake and Lake Minneola to accommodate larger crowds and to further screen new parking areas Themed native xeriscape for minimal maintenance coordinated with rest of Waterfront Park Centralized location for pumping station to supply the entire Waterfront Park east of West Avenue Greenspace - (between JC Beach and 8th Street) (. Non-Revenue) . Picnic Area - . Recreation - Storm water - Parking - Pedestrian - Planting - . . . . . Irrigation - D Neighborhood - Develop area west of controlled access beach for "free" neighborhood usage including BBQ, seating, shelters, etc, Volleyball, horseshoes, basketball etc. (as determined) Coordinate downtown requirements into greenspace Plan areas necessary with trail and walks Plan walks to Lake Minneola Trail from community areas Themed native xeriscape for minimal maintenance coordinated with rest of Waterfront Park Tie into JC Beach pumping station Eighth Street Waterfront (*.. Revenue & . Non-Revenue) *** City Lease Sites - *** Marina & Pier - Plan commercial sites for waterfront retail, restaurants, specialty establishments, and associated parking and service activities Plan existing pier conversion and marina activity area to promote commercial activities, chain of lakes destination, Page 3 Michael & Michael Associates, Incorporated. 2313 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32804 . Ph: 407.897.1163 . Fax: 407.897,1165 . LIcense LCOO0212 . Clermont Waterf8tt Park fßJt $eatÚifÙl flak JlIM14uda . Osceola Street - . 8th St. Focus - . Waterfront Walk - . Pedestrian - . Rail Trail - . Gardens - . Signage - . Furnishings - . Planting - . Irrigation - . Historic - . Maintenance - D Landee Architectural Proposal .' revenue generation (docking fees, fuel, boat rentals), lake pavilions, etc. (submerged land lease opportunity) Plan expansion of streetscape east and west of 8th Street to facilitate development of Eighth Street Waterfront concepts Visual terminus of 8th Street and Clermont Downtown core. Develop focal point to maximize impact of lake-to-downtown concepts established in Downtown Charrette Themed "On-the-Water" walking and visual experience involving terraced, bollard-lined, illuminated, hardscaped urban waterfront experience interconnected with City Lease Sites and 8th Street Focus, (character could be zoned into neighboring private lands to west) Plan pedestrian experiences relative to commercial sites, Lake Minneola Trail, waterfront walk, 8th Street Focus and Downtown connection experiences Trail may split uses (bicycle and pedestrian) requiring bicycles to travel along Osceola Street and pedestrians to travel along the Lakefront Walk for pedestrian safety Develop formal and informal garden experiences to convey the themed character of Downtown Clermont and the Waterfront Park with sitting and other user areas of varying scales and intensities. Utilize lake water for "Florida Themed" watercourse developments. Themed Waterfront signage similar but unique to the rest of the Waterfront Park Incorporate primary Waterfront Park signage into the 8th Street Focus landscape architectural development Themed furnishings package of seating, bollards, trash receptacles, etc. Themed native xeriscape for minimal maintenance coordinated with rest of Waterfront Park Tie into IC Beach pumping station Site analysis of past civic sites to incorporate into new development if possible Provide "annex" room(s) attached to other building to supplement primary Waterfront Maintenance Facility at City Barn Site Waterfront Maintenance Site - (east of old Blue Goose sue) (8 Non-Revenue) . Maintenance - . Neigh. Park - City to establish primary maintenance facility to service Waterfront Park and Rail Trail, possibly in existing buildings City architect to plan facility Provide small neighborhood park in conjunction with Rail Page 4 Michael & Michael Associates, Incorporated. 2313 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Flonda 32804 . Ph: 407.897.1163 . Fax 407897,1165 . license LCOO0212 Clermont Waterf.t Park (í)~'t $«Uf-o/Ùl Pak ulliJHwola Lan.e Architectural Proposal . Irrigation - Trail development on Waterfront Themed native xeriscape for minimal maintenance coordinated with rest of Waterfront Park Separate pumping station . Planting - D West Beach - (*** Revenue and . Non-Revenue) *** Boat Ramp - . Canal Area - Determine feasibility, plan new Clermont boat ramp and parking for vehicle-trailer and vehicular uses of approx. 100 boat capacity (single-launch or multi-launch?)(is it desirable to attract non-Clermont residents?)(dry-storage similar to Mt,Dora's @ 4.20/ft w/1 launch/day Provide picnic and fishing area with furnishings, lighting, parking, signage, plantings, all incorporated into the Rail Trail and future bridge across the canal Themed native xeriscape for minimal maintenance coordinated with rest of Waterfront Park Tie into JC Beach pumping station . Planting - . Irrigation - End of Scope Items Planning & Design Process Overview: *** Continuous Council & Public Involvement Phase 1 - 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 Waterfront Inventory, Analysis &Vision Facilities Programming Concept Master Plan Master Plan & Color Graphics State Grants Coordination Phase 2 - 2,00 Construction Documents & Administration Page 5 Michael & Michael Associates, Incorporated . 2313 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32804. Ph: 407.897.1163. Fax, 407.897,1165 . license LCOO0212 . Clermont Waterf.t Park ~~ flJ«uúifd flak .Atøwwola Land~e Architectural Proposal B. Services & Products Proposed: Phase 1.00 MASTER PLAN (of" Scope Elements" detailed above) 1.01 Inventory/Analysis Phase & Council Workshop # 1 (75 hours) a. * b. Inventory/ Analysis - 1. Documented Interviews - with key User Groups and City Staff 2. Physical Inventory - field verify site elements & transfer into cadd base prior to Counsel Workshop # 1 Prepare Base Plan - Enlarged base plan "working"graphic for Council Workshop (Base sheets @ approx, 1 :60' and 1: 140') Analysis - Illustrate traffic patterns (vehicular and pedestrian), opportunities, constraints, views, vegetation, etc, in graphic to present at Workshop # 1 3. 4. Council Workshop # 1 - (Initial Visioning Workshop) Council, Staff, Parks and Recreation Board and Beautification Committee meets in Workshop #1 for approximately 2 - 3 hours to review conceptual design opportunities and constraints and establish the Waterfront Park vision, character/theme, elements, function, etc. Michael & Michael Associates will have three personnel at this workshop and will provide detailed sketches and plans of proposed themes and characters of the various Waterfront Park elements and feature areas, All participants will be invited to bring photos and other descriptions of memorable waterfront experiences. A more COHESIVE VISION of the Clermont Waterfront Park will evolve from this initial workshop session. 1. Slide Show of other waterfront parks illustrating a "starting point" from which to promote discussion 2. Present Inventory & Analysis of park opportunities and constraints from Council (Opportunities and constraints defined at workshop will be incorporated into programming) 3. Workshop items sketched on plan in schematic/conceptual form at Workshop. All project goals and vision will be defined to assist ongoing planning and design Page 6 Michael & Michael Associates, Incorporated . 2313 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Flonda 32804. Ph: 407.897,1163. Fax 407.897,1165 . license LCOO0212 . Clermont WaterCr8t Park 1.02 * 1.03 * 1.04 * 1.05 1.06 1.07 Landsc8 Architectural Proposal Programming and Phasing (42 hours) a. Facilities List (to be Prioritized and Phased - see Scope Elements above) b. Concept Cost &timate c. Counsel - Public Workshop #2 - (Review Programming and Phasing) (Convey latest design to public for comment and assist staff with press release) Conceptual Design (150 hours) a. Incorporate 1.02, Programming and Phasing, into concept master plan graphics b. Council - Public Workshop # 3 - (Review Concept Master Plan) Council to hold public workshop to illustrate Waterfront Park design and the removal of Lake Minneola Drive. Final Master Plan (185 hours) a. Incorporate 1.03, Conceptual Design, into final Master Plan documents b. Master Plan Products: (please see pages 9, 10 & 11 of Proposal) 1. Plans (4) 36"x 50" - mounted (1 color ea,) boards of project and individual areas at approximately I" = 60' mounted (1 color ea.) boards of selected areas (8.5"x 11 ") with color maps and elevations 2. 3. Elevations (2) 36"x 50" - Master Plan Publication - (Utilize current Autocad 12 files for concept design. Construction planning will require surveys by others), b. Council - Public Workshop # 4 - Review final Master Plan documents FRDAP Application to DEP Assist Staff with Application preparation and DEP negotiations (30 hours) Notice to Proceed - Define scope of Construction Documentation Phase 2.00, and obtain Staff approval to proceed. This item may vary in sequence due to some areas of construction documentation progressing faster than others. Total Phase 1.00 Hours Total: (482 hours) Page 7 Mjçhael & Mjçhael Associates, Incorporated. 2313 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32804. Ph: 407.897.1163. Fax, 407,897 1165 . license LCOO0212 , Clermont Waterfr8t Park Landsc8 Architectural Proposal Phase 2.00 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTATION (2.00 Scope of Services to be determined in 1.06) 2.01 Construction Documents & Permitting 2.02 Construction Administration Phase 3.00 OPTIONAL SERVICES (3.00 Scope of Services to be determined by City) 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 Other Landscape Architecture within general project area Additional 3-D aerial color views of Waterfront Park 3-D animated fly-through of Waterfront Park Engineering and Architecture (beyond selected assistance with concept) 4.00 Proposed Fees for Services & Products: 4.01 Approximate Hours: BASE ITEMS: 1.00 MASTER PLAN PHASE 1.01 Inventory & Analysis 1.02 Program & Phasing 1.03 Conceptual Master Plan 1.04 Master Plan & Publication 1.05 FRDAP Appl. Assist. 1.06 Notice to Proceed 2.00 Construction Documentation & Administration Phase (Scope to be determined) Optional Services (Scope to be determined) 3.00 Page 8 Michael & Michael Associates, Incorporated. 2313 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32804. Ph: 407.897.1163. Fax' 407,897.1165 . license LCOO0212 . Clermont WaterC.t Park Lands~ Architectural Proposal 4.02 Proposed Fee Amount - (1.00 Base Proposal, not including 2.00 & 3.00) 4.03 4.04 4.05 (482 hours @ $55. per hour average rate = ) $26,510. * Total Base Fee: (. Please see item 4.05, c, reimbursable, direct to Client, expenses estimate) PLEASE NOTE: Our average hourly rate at $55./hr. is determined by averaging the $65. Landscape Architect and the $45,/hr. cadd rates together, including OR, profit and salaries Payment Schedule One initial ~ (15 %) Retainer is to be paid to Michael & Michael Associates, Inc" prior to initiation of work. Monthly progress payments are to be forwarded to Michael & Michael Associates to be based on percentage of completion at the end of each month. Invoices are to be paid by the 15th of the following month. If the project is placed on hold for over 45 days, a 10% re-initiation fee will be required for the balance of the project. Unpaid invoices, over 30 days past the 15th, will be charged at a rate of 1.5 percent interest per month. &timated Completion Michael & Michael Associates is to endeavor to work as quickly as possible and is to provide Council and Staff with scope of services products in a timely fashion, relative to City approval and review schedules. Reimbursable Expenses &timates of approximate reimbursibles: (DIRECT COSTS/ no handling mark-up) a. Booklet Printing - ($375. Direct Costs) (20 booklets w /lamin. covers, color and black/white, at $ll.lbooklet = $220. - for final Master Plan submittal only, The production of more books would incurr a greater expense. All other information printing of stapled workshop submittals are estimated at $175.); (200. + 175. = 375) Mounting, Ploting & Printing - ($1,]41. Direct Cost) (Typical board size: 36 x 50") Plotting (17.1) & Blackline prints (3.1) & Dry Mounting (35.1)= (@ $55,ea. board) Note: No additional charge for color plotting (1 each; others at cost) Workshop #1 (4 boards @ 55.1board = $220.) Workshop #2 (12 prints @ 3.1print = $36,) (prints will be attached to #1 boards) Workshop #3 (5 boards @ 55.1board = $275.) Workshop #4 (5 boards @ 55.1board = $275.) Final Product: (5 boards @ 55.1board = $275.) (6 - llx17" reduced plots @ lO,ea. = $60,) &timated total: $1,516 &timated Total. Other expenses: All photographic work, long-distance phone and fax (Orlando is direct), courier and express delivery, to be billed at direct costs piNs 1O~ for in...oiee and material handling. Per Diem - (If requested by Client) lodging, food, travel and project related expenses as req, b. c. d. Page 9 Michael & Michael Associates, Incorporated. 2313 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32804. Ph: 407.897.1163. Fax: 4078971165 . l..Jcense LCOO0212 < Clermont Waterf.t Park Landsce Architectural Proposal e. Michael & Michael will incur additional reimbursable costs beyond $1,750. (except if the Client adds more booklet printing, more board preparations, and any items associated with item d., all of which are not within the Landscape Architect's control. 4.06 Hourly Rates for Additional Services All items beyond the proposed scope of services constitute additional services, and if requested in writin1! by the Client, are to be billed at the following rate schedule: Principal and Landscape Architect @ 65./Hour; Cadd Tech @ 45./Hour; Clerical @ 35./Hour. 4.07 Base Information Provided by Client Autocadd or GIS dxf disks of current infrastructure and all other appropriate real feature mapping information; tax map information; aerials at 1 :200' with contours from SJRWMD; current surveys of boundaries, natural public lands and other required base information items requested by Michael & Michael. Wayne and Council, We have proposed to provide you and the City of Clermont with plans and services for a first class Waterfront Park and related areas. Maximizing our opportunities will propel Clermont well into the future and will forever change the face of the community, Weare excited to work with the various groups you have suggested and will seek input from others who may benefit by the new Waterfront Park developments. If this proposal is accepted, please send a signed copy and retainer check by mail to our office and we will continue planning for Council - Public Workshop # 1 in April. We are looking forward to a successful project completion. Respectfully Yours, Michael & Michael Associates, Inc. City of Clermont Representative: æ Forest Michael, Principal File: T-C-WAT,PO5 Date of Acceptance: Page 10 Michael & Michael Associates, Incorporated. 2313 North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32804 . Ph: 407.897.1163 . Fax' 407,897 1165 . license LCOO0212 ~i /' -, --:-.. Þ r- ~ (' Po'1.£. D C? ~D(l.~~ ~ , 'ÀW\lvriç ç. 1 L-\velJ\.-t-o<ï 0/ Vf W CADi) ~S~ g~t 1 - GLErtv....6V\\ ' I oø . 0 \1 ~ IL M...L \ÁJ A- ro...ç. Clov\. i MÞt ~ fW\ C~(""~~ Wll~~/.,,\ .f4.(1'- .' ~D~Stn\A\- Up Ùl.~ Q\)lfOJ \ -< 4 f \tN\^ ~ (cMj~OvJ\ proc'$C)" frov'" Wo~ÞS \u>f' q. rICl\A~ \~1 gESllLT5 8 /'" - JI. I r , 'f~t-os -u . ~ ""'-> . 'Mf \:. sk () ~ \v- Þ ec.c~oM~<' frcP)(ðS b ", (), ~. . ~ V(SIOY'- &. (::J ~ lev\... 2ø \ 0 0 t- C ,.. f'(~ @ øo~~~ -!:\: r~~~ 1 i\w~ 8 -t PlA \7l, lCATlotJ Ccrt -\-tÚ~I"~ a.U qr'\r"'(~4) ,{-or . ~ )'\Vrrz.\L~ti\l\((' to f'q ßU L * * AtJO PEf - F.~I).t\-P * À,^ ç> 'Oo\-CLA\(L\ fleA 1Ìðì" . II Clermont Waterfront Park - * P óLoJ ec.. r PH-A 5 I ~d:> Sketch views of Proposed Plans c . C;OALc, '< V'5(o~ f~~ II - ...:I ~ ~ r ,"'" - ,.. I \f -. \ '-) ~::ç. '-- ,-> r - >v" {. -Z $' , ç' l 00(') ~- (t) 0 -""1 n 3 ::r'o -< ::3 -."'" ~ ~ CI:I þ) 0 ..... 0 ....,""1 Ioé~ .., 0 0::3 ~..... 0 '"t:I ~ ~ c..þ;"" ~ I pj ::3 CI:I ~ . I - ('J -- '\..'1 ~ ...... cgQ ~, ~ ~;> ~ \j ~~.\1 ~ ~1T \r .). ~ ~ ..;F. ~1§? ~ 11:'1 - 8 - - .. ~ ~ .::t- $' V') 8 - - -:. ~ .. ~ f1~, \ ;, \ .$ ~.. 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