1992-24 /" VISION SERVICE 4IÞ AMENDMENT III PW"N ~ To the Contract Between Vision Care, Inc. d/b/a Vision Servlce Plan - Florlda A Not-far-Profit Corporation (Hereinafter called VSP) and City of Clermont (Hereinafter called Group) The Contract shall be amended as follows: A The term of this new Contract shall be twelve (12) months effective the first day of January 1993, and continuing thereafter for consecutive twelve month periods until terminated by elther party upon Slxty (60) days written notice prior to the anniversary date. B. The current rates af $6.50 per employee and $17.03 per employee plus family are bath guaranteed for a period of twelve months. C. The premlum shall be adJusted on any date that increa5ed expenses are incurred by reason of a change in the charges 1mposed by public bodies, such adjustments being llmited to the amount of charge. D. Rates are subJect to revision on a yearly baS1S 1n conjunction with the anniversary date of this contract upcn 5ixty (60) days prior written notlce. The unders1gned above. hereby agree t:o the Amo?ndlllent: as c;t.;!r",-f City' of Clermçnt. Visiùn Ca'f'l::.'l ine. B~¿~' (Authorized Signature) By, . , . . . . . . . (Authorized Slgnature) Title....Mayor.........". Title. . . . . . . Date. . . . October .13, .1992. Date. . . . VSP Form FL207064 OFFICES NATIONWIDE