Contract 2020-064A RDocuSign Envelope ID: 70670A7F-247D-4C1B-BCDD-4D4BA346F5EC
Sarasota County
May 24, 2023
Engineered Spray Solutions, LLC
Attn: Jim Collier
1306 Banana Rd
Lakeland, FL 33810
VIA: DocuSign and/or Email
RE: Amendment No. 1 to County Contract No. 2020-435 for the Unit Price Contract
for Manhole & Structures Rehab
Dear Mr. Collier,
Pursuant to Section III of the Contract, upon written agreement of both parties this
Contract may be renewed for a period of one (1) year. Upon execution below by
your authorized representative, this letter will serve as written agreement that the
Contract has been renewed, and no additional documentation will be required. The
Contract renewal is effective June 3, 2023 through June 2, 2024.
For services provided pursuant to this renewal the County shall pay the Contractor
in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract. In no event shall the
County be obligated to pay the Contractor in excess of amounts that are lawfully
appropriated for this purpose.
Please have an authorized representative indicate your acceptance by signing
below. This letter must be executed and returned no later than June 2, 2023.
Insurance certificates covering the renewal period should be forwarded to the
Administrative Agent, Susan Raines at Please contact the
Administrative Agent with any questions or concerns.
FDocuSigned by:
Jennifer Slusarz, CPPB, CPPO
Procurement Official
Cc: Susan Raines, Administrative Agent
Roger Feeley, Contracts Manager
Engineered Spray Solutions, LLC
DocuSigned by:
By. E2B8&-'F8F9B34FA...
Jim Collier
Title: Managing Member/Manager (LLC)
Office of Financial Management, Procurement —1660 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota, FL 34236