1990-32 «' , 11-20-90 10: 02AM FROM LATe,::,: ' . ~P~l-"=-' ~ THE LATHAN COMPANY, INC. COMMERCIAL ROOFING CONTRACTORS (205) 853-5503 Novèmher 20', 1990 ~ 0 .- 03.;1... " . ,~ , --J City"ot Clérmont". P. O. Box 120219 Clermont, Florid~ 34712-0219 Subject: Warranty - Jenkins Auditorium Dear Sir,: The Lathan Company, Inc. guarantees for five (5) years under specifications associated with the work dated 28 September 1990, for the Jenkins Auditorium roof. Specifically, Paragraph J of page JRR19 of General Conditions shall apply. , ' ',: : > JDL/tdw I . , .. / , . / / / . " FI)t Main Office: P,O. Box 190308, Mobile, Alabama 36619 Shipping Addrell: 5851 La Rue Steiner Rd" Theodore, Alabama 36582 Roof America Pensacola In!'" ."" ......" Roof Amerloa Orlando I","" ...... ,~~, ... 11-2D-90 \ lO:O2AM FROM LATHAN 8 PO2 8 \ ", . FINA~ RELEAS! OF LIEN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PR~SSNTS: That the undersiqned, for ahd in eonsiderat1on of, the payment of the contract price paid by the City of Clermont, hereby releases the quit claims to the said city of Clermont, its successors and 8ssiøns, and City of Cl~rmont, tne owner, all liens, lien rights, claims or demands of any kinð whatsoever, which the undersigned now has or might h~ye against the buildinq on premises legally described as , \, " Jenkins Auditorium Roof on account of labor þerformed and/or material furnished tor the cons true' tion of any improvements t.h,ereon. 'l'ha t all labor and materials ~sed,_by the undersigned in the erection of laid improvements have been fully paid for as stipulated in the " contract. This release is exercised in consideration of the sum of $ ~25,605.00 , receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, which is the full consideration due under the contract numbered and dated September 28, 1990 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand seal this day of Novemb~r . . ., - .' 19 90 '. 20th state of Alabama County of Mobi Ie ;' ea1) WITNBSSES: ~.. I hereby acknowl.edge thä"tthè' statements contained in the " ' I: Release of Lien are true.and corr~~~. to and subscribed before me this ({"Ii day of ,,""""'" f o.t'e'ä(d."nQ'~ .' ,<' ,'-"', .' ....... _0'- - . . ~ ... --., .'-S..y;"rn ' ~ , " ~~ .- "~l ~~ ~ :- ,,-: , ~'¿¿;¡q . -- , ~:~9~: ;; , ~':.~;~:<-:- :~':.,,:. - - -. ," , r -~ . , .... ':-.,' ,Or" ~ , " , .y, My Commission Expires: 5 '1). -:9 ,;.l- II In" . r