Contract 2023-086A2023-086A JUVENILE CIVIL CITATION PROGRAM WORD IN LIEU OF ARREST (W.I.L.A.) MEMORANDUM Or AGREEMENT In accordance with Chapter 985 of the Florida Statutes: Section 985,12(2): "(a) A civil citation or similar prearrest diversion program for misdemeanor offenses shall be established in each judicial circuit in the state. The state attorney and public defender of each circuit, the clerk of the court for each county in the circuit, and representatives of participating law enforcement agencies in the circuit shall create a civil citation or similar prearrest diversion program and develop its policies and procedures. In developing the program's policies and procedures, input from other interested stakeholders may be solicited." ... (b) Each judicial circuit's civil citation or similar prearrest diversion program must specify: I . The misdemeanor offenses that qualify a juvenile for participation in (lie program; 2. The eligibility criteria for the program; 3. The program's implementation and operation; 4. The program's requirements, including, but not limited to, the completion of community service hours, payment of restitution, if applicable, and intervention services indicated by a needs assessment of the juvenile, approved by the department, such as family counseling, urinalysis monitoring, and substance abuse and mental health treatment services; and 5. A program fee, if any, to be paid by a juvenile participating In the program, If the program imposes a fee, the clerk of the court of the applicable county must receive a reasonable portion of (lie fee." Section 985.115(4): "Nothing in this section or s. 985.13 shall prohibit the proper use of law enforcement diversion program. Law enforcement agencies may initiate, and conduct diversion programs designed to divert a child from the need for department custody or judicial handling, Such programs may be cooperative projects with local community service agencies." Section 985.125(1)- "A law enforcement agency or school district, in cooperation with the State Attorney, may establish a prearrest or post arrest diversion program." 'file Sheriff of Lake County and municipal Police Chiefs understand there is a need to provide an alternative program for juvenile oftenders who commit delinquent acts of a non -serious nature, Such a program will (telp youthtlrl offenders avold a perntariwtt criminal record and entry into the juvenile justice system and Will relieve lire burden on (lie juvenile justice courts, as well.1'he civil citation program, referred to as the Work in I.lcu of Arrest (W.I.L..A.) Program, Will allow delinquent first- and second -time offenders who admit to having committed it misdemeanor the Opportunity to participate in community service activities to ensure swifl and appropriate consequences in lieu ol'arrest and entry into the juvenile justice court system. JUVENILE CIVIL CITATION PROGRAM, MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Page 2 WORK IN LIEU OF ARREST (W.I.L.A.), This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) shnil reflect the agreement of the signatories to support the Lake County W.I.L.A. Program and agree to participate in the program to the nlaximlon extent feasible as forth herein. With the purpose of providing swift intervention to juveniles \vho eonnmit delinquent acts of a non -serious nature, the Lake County Sheriff's Office and municipal police departments shall assist in administering the W.I.L.A. Program to the residents of Lake County, Florida, by cooperating to accomplish the following objectives: 1. Identify set -vice work detail projects; and 2. Provide to law enforcement officers the documents and information to administer the civil citation program referred to as the W.I.L.A. Program option for first- and second -time misdemeanor delinquent youth in and out of school; and 3. Encourage law enforcement officers to conduct and monitor youth who perform twenty (20) community service hours as a work detail; and 4. Lake County Sheriff's Office shall provide transportation for W.I.L.A. participants to and from the work site(s); and 5. Provide office space and computer equipment to the W.LL.A. P►•ogranl Associate, as needed, The Board of County Commissioners shall employ and provide all fringe benefits and Workers Compensation coverage to the W.I.L.A. Program Associate. The W.I.L.A. Program Associate shall: I. Maintain daily record keeping and office functions necessary to maintain the W.I.L.A. Program; and 2. Complete an initial screening of the juvenile participant, assess the juvenile's needs at intake, make appropriate service referrals; and 3. l,nsure service needs are met; and 4. Receive (lie civil citations and administer the W.I.L.A. Program; and 5. Disseminate copies of the civil citations to appropriate agencies; and G. Coordinate and assist in scheduling service hours for juvenile participants; and 7. Monitor the juvenile participant's progress and completion of the program; and 8. Complete and disseminate any reports necessary to document the juvenile participant's I)rog►•ess or successful completion of the program; and 9. Contact the State Attorney's Office, Juvenile Division, to initiate prosecution for the originai delinquent act if at nny tint the jnveniic participant does not satisfactory complete the progriun regtliretllerlts as agreed Upon. Although the issuiulCe of a Civil Citittion is not collsidered it referral to the Delurtment of Juvenile Justice, a copy of each Citatioll isstled shall be provided to the Department ol'Juvenilc Justice, and S!I)(K'll\Ilii�'1\20211pR(!nA'1'ln\Uir�cnik cleft cilnlirni prograur %wrl; rcgwsllMliM UI: Mall 11MINT • Rcvi.%M-07 17 23 ducx JUVENILE CIVIL CITATION PROGRAM, WORK IN LIEU OF ARREST (W.i.L.A.), MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Page 3 appropriate information will be entered Into the prevention side of the Juvenile Justice Information System. At the conclusion of a juvenile's par(icipatio>t in the program, the W.I.L.A. Program Associate shall report the outcome to the Department of Juvenile Justice. Each law enforcement officer should be mindful of the victims of a crime when making a decision as to whether or not to issue a civil citation. A juvenile civil citation may be issued by a law enforcement officer and processed using procedures of the Lake County Sheriffs Office and/or municipal police departments throughout Lake County, including but not limited to the following: l . The juvenile must be a first- or second -time offender between the ages of 10 and 17 years old. 2. The juvenile must consent to participate in the program and admit guilt to a qualifying misdemeanor offense. The deputy or officer shall move forward with issuing the civil citation even if the youth and/or parent/guardian refuse to admit guilt at the tithe of the qualifying misdemeanor offense. The W.I.L.A. Program Associate will reach out to the youth and parent1guardian to rurther explain titre program. if the youth and/or parent guardian still refuse to admit guilt to the qualifying misdcmcanor offense, then the W.I.L.A. Program Associate will contact the Chlof Probation Officer, or designee, far the Department of Juvenile Justice in (he Fifth Judicial Circuit to assist in explaining the program to the youth and parent/guardian. if the youth and/or parent/guardian still refuse to admit guilt or participate in the program. The W.I.L.A Program Associate will contact (lie State Attorney's Office, Juvenile Division, to initiate prosecution for the original delinquent act. 3. The deputy or officer should verify contact information and include as much information as possible in the narrative of tile citation. 4. Ti►e deputy or officer will attempt to obtain the signature of the juvenile on it completed juvonile civil citation form. If the juvenile does not sign or admit guilt, then the law enforcement officer can still send the juvoiilo civil citation form to the W.I.L.A. Program Associate who will attempt to got the signatures and admission ol'guilt. The completed civil citation form will affirm (lie following: a. That guilt to (lie misdemeanor is admitted (law enforcement officer can still send to the W.I.L.A. Program Associate who will attempt to have the admission of guilt signed); b. That (he right to a speedy trial is waived; C. That the juvenile has never previously been charged with oily misdemeanor or felony offense; d. That the juvenile has either never previously been in 11 diversionary program, or has only received ono other diversionary program; and NADf ICUNIM h202W'R(1BA] 117NOuconile civil cilatiar program mirk wquest1MilAl01: AORITNInNT • Revixd o7 17.2J dace JUVL:NILE CIVIL. CITATION PROGRAM, MEMORANDUM OFAGREEMENT Page 4 WORK iN LIEU Or ARREST (W.I.L.A.), C. 'That the juvenile and the juvenilo's parent/guardian will contact the W.I.L.A, Program Associate within seven (7) days from the date of the Issuance of the citation so as to arrange an intake screening. 5. At the time of issuance of the civil citation by law enforcement, the deputy or officer shall advise the child that the child has the option to refuse the citation at any time before completion of the work assignment and be referred to the Department of Juvenile Justice, G. Tire citing deputy or officer shall send a copy of the civil citation to his or her supervisor, tite State Attorney, the Department of Juvenile Justice, or (lie community service performance monitor designated by the Department of Juvenile Justico, the parent or guardian of the child, and the victim. 7. Any Juvenile issued a civil citation shall be released to his or her parent/guardian; if possible. 8. *['(to W.I.L.A. Program Associate shall advise the intake office of the Department of Juvenile Justice that the juvenile has, in fact, reported and the expected date upon which completion of the work assignment will be accomplished. 9. The citing law enforcement officer shall complete ail offense report detailing the circumstances which led to the issuance of the civil citation, as well as any other related information. 10. Completed civil citations will be placed in the W.I.L.A. Program Associate's mailbox. 11. The juvenile and the juvenile's parent/guardian must attend the intake screening with (Ito W.I.L.A. Program Associate. 12. Any additional service roforrals Identified at the time of intake by the W.I.L.A. Program Associate, such as mental health or substance abuse classes, etc., must be completed before successful completion of the program. 13. A Waiver of Speedy Trial must be signed by tho juvenile and a parent/guardian on the citation, 14. 'The Juvenile will be scheduled to begin work following the intake screening; 15. The work assignment will be physically demanding and time consuming and shall be accomplished at a rate of not less than rive (5) hours per week for a minimum of twenty (20) hours spread across four (4) Saturdays within an allotted eight -week completion period. 16, If the child is deemed inappropriate for any reason, fails to contact the W.M.A. Program Associate, report timely l'or it work assignment, complete a work assignment, or comply with assigned intervention services within the prescribed time, or if the juvenile commits it subsequent act, the citation will be processed as it referral to the Department of Juvenile Justice, and rel'cr the report to the Sta(c Attorney for review. 17. Alter ail intake with Illc Department of Juvenile Justice, the 01'11ce of the State Attorney will slake it filing decision. ti:11)(1(ll1II:�11202311'I((>li,\"I IONJucruile civil cilarion program urork Ithimp<\n?M OV A(il(ITMENT • l(evisid• U7 17 2}.dues JUVENILE CIVIL CITATION PROGRAM, MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Page 5 WORK IN LIEU OF ARREST (W.I.L.A.), 'this MOA shall not be construed as creating any joint venture or joint employment relationsliip between the parties. Tliis MOA automatically renews each year for a one (1) year period.'I'his MOA may be terminated by any {tarty with 30 days written notice in advance of the termination. This MOA becomes final and takes effect upon the signature and dating of the last of the signatories/ngencies below, and shall remain io effect until written termination notice is provided by a signor to the other signors of this MOA. Peyton Grinnell, Sheriff of Lake y, Florida -71211 z- Date {antes R. f3axtey, Administrative Circuit Court Judge, Lake County, Florid ► Date WUU0A,., C 6a4twiv William Gladson, State Attorney, Fifth Judicial Circuit Michael Graves, Public Defender, Fifth Judicial Circuit '71.18/20a.3 Date M 812023 Date Randy R nol s, Cliief Probation Officer., Fifth Judicial Circuit, DJJ I)ate 6� d��%3 Clary C'ootte , C �1k o t e rnmly, FI a Date S:�ItOCII�IEVT�20?3U'RQn:\Tf0\�Ju�enile civil citation proa+nm wo+k OF AGREUNIE\T - Revised_07.17.23.do.x JUVENILE CIVIL CITATION PROGRAM, WORK IN LIEU 'Or ARREST (W.I.L.A.), MLMORANDUM OF AGREEMBNT Page G Chic l' Wttiltcr I onglatitu1, Ast Iln Police Departmcltt I)tIt G'hiel'Chnt•lesi;r��adt\ati�,(.,lertuun 'c�li^I? U,.�n'��._ ...__ _._.... __..•Date i1of Cral apri, Euslis%I'olice Department t / Date Chief Erik Luce, Fruitland Park Police Department / C Date ►lul t�V em , Or veland Pt i6c Department Dato Chief hick Tliou�as, lYo\vey-;,,-tho-IXilis Police Department Date It 20.1 inlcrili Chlcl'Stevan 4V. iiunl, Lady l.ltkv I>olicc Ucpflrlu�ant ��� Dale Chief Robert Hicks, Leesburg Police Departmont Date SADOCU\Itih7N2g3J011(011A I1UN,luwlI& chit dulklo pwaraw wmk ragwil%IEN 01' MiI14.{,\IIaV I - RvyMI.17 0 21 dncx JUVENILE CIVIL CITATION PROGRANI, WORK 1N LIE-0 OF ARREST (W.I.L.A), IvIEMORANDUA9 Or AGREEMENT Page 7 Chief Eric Pedersen, Mascotte Police Depal'tment Date interim Chief Mike Gibson, Mount Dora Police Department Date ,,...••- vim,,,. ... Cisie Sarali Courst y, Taval. Iloilo - )epartment Chief Adam Holton, Umatilla Police Department Date S \IHIt'U\IEN I\21)2hl'Rt)13:1'I It>\' hiv, nik ci%il 6,1110n progrr•iu 01: AG11ITNf l{N I' • Rey ed. U7 I7 2L&":'C Date JUVENILE CIVIL CITATION PROGRAM, MEMORANDUM Of AGREEMENT Page 8 ATTEST: Gary J ,onc er Boa,.( oar of ounty C nuuissioncrs �9 of La County, F orida �Fcor Approved as to form and legality: Melanie Marsh County Attorney WORK IN LIEU Or ARREST (W.I.L.A.), LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA by and through its 130ARD Of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Kirby S) ii h, Chair an ay of -LDy( , 2023. S 11)O('11\II;N 1%2023�I'ROIIA'111)\',)mvilde mil vilation laognnn \wrk 01• AGItI:li\II,N I Ro i wd 117 17 2.1 d,x\