1989-43 í ~ 8 8 8-16-89 e,q- 04-3 ~~ II - /4 ~8q WHEREAS, the State Emergency Management Act, Chapter 252, Florida Statutes, authorizes political subdivisions of the state to develop and enter into mutual aid agreements for recip- rocal emergency aid and assistance in case of emergencies too extensive to be dealt with unassisted; and PUBLIC WORKS MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT WHEREAS, Chapter 252, Florida Statutes, sets forth details concerning powers, duties, rights, privileges, and immu- nities of political subdivisions of the state rendering outside aid; and WHEREAS, the State of Florida is geographically vul- nerable to hurricanes, tornadoes, sinkhole formations, and other natural disasters that in the past have caused severe property damage to public roads, utilities, buildings, parks, and other governmentally owned facilities; and WHEREAS, the Parties to this Agreement recognize that additional public works manpower and equipment may be needed to mitigate further damage and restore vital services to the citi- zens of the affected community should such disasters occur; and WHEREAS, to provide the most effective mutual aid possible, each Party intends to foster communications between their public works personnel and the public works personnel of the other Parties by visits and exchange of information; and WHEReAS, the Parties of this Agreement encourage their public works personnel, with guidance from the Florida Chapter of the American Public Works Association, to implement detailed administrative procedures to be used during emergencies; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, the Parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS A. "AGREEMENT" - the Public Works Mutual Aid Agreement. Copies of the Agreement with original signatures and copies of authoriz- ing resolutions and insurance letters shall be filed and main- tained at the Division of Emergency Management, Florida Depart- ment of Community Affairs, Tallahassee, Florida. B. "REQUESTING PARTY" - the political subdivision requesting aid in the event of an emergency. C. "ASSISTING PARTY" - the political subdivision furnishing equipment and/or manpower to the Requesting Party. - 1 - Î'\ ,~ D. "AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE" - an employee of a participating government authorized by that government to request, offer, or provide assistance under the terms of this Agreement (a list of the authorized representatives for each participating government is attached to this Agreement as Appendix A). E. "EMERGENCY" - any occurrence, or threat thereof, whether accidental, natural, or caused by man, in war or in peace, which results or may result in substantial injury or harm to the popu- lation or substantial damage to or loss of public property. F. "PARTICIPATING GOVERNMENT" - any political subdivision of the State of Florida which executes this Public Works Mutual Aid Agreement. G. "PERIOD OF ASSISTANCE" - the period of time beginning with the departure of any personnel of the Assisting Party from any point for the purpose of traveling to the Requesting Party in order to provide assistance and ending upon the return of all personnel and equipment of the Assisting Party, after providing the assistance requested, to their residence or regular place of work, whichever occurs first. The period of assistance shall not include any portion of the trip to the Requesting Party or the return trip from the Requesting Party during which the personnel of the Assisting Party are engaged in a course of conduct not reasonably necessary for their safe arrival at or return from the Requesting Party. H. "WORK OR WORK-RELATED PERIOD" - any period of time in which either the personnel or equipment of the Assisting Party are being used by the Requesting Party to provide assistance and for which the Requesting Party will reimburse the Assisting Party. Specifically included within such period of time are rest breaks when the personnel of the Assisting Party will return to active work within a reasonable time. Specifically excluded from such period of time are breakfast, lunch, and dinner breaks. SECTION 2. PROCEDURES When a participating government becomes affected by an emer- gency, it shall invoke emergency related mutual aid assistance by declaring a state of local emergency. The following procedures shall then be followed to request mutual aid from another partic- ipating government. A. The Requesting Party shall contact the authorized represen- tative of one or more of the participating governments and pro- vide them with the following information. 1. A general description of the damage sustained; 2. Identification of the part of the infrastructure system for which assistance is needed (e.g. sanitary sewer, potable water, streets, or stormwater systems) and the type of work assistance needed; - 2 - , 8 8 3. The amount and type of personnel, equipment, materials, and supplies needed and a reasonable estimate of the length of time they will be-needed; 4. The present weather conditions and the forecast for the next twenty-four hours; and 5. A specific time and place for a representative of the Requesting Party to meet the personnel and equipment of the Assisting Party. B. When contacted by a Requesting Party, the authorized repre- sentative of a participating government shall assess his govern- ment's situation to determine whether it is capable of providing assistance. No participating government shall be under any obligation to provide assistance to a Requesting Party. If the authorized representative determines that his Participating Government is capable of and willing to provide assistance, he shall so notify the authorized representative of the Requesting Party and provide him with the following information. 1. A complete description of the personnel, equipment, and materials to be furnished to the Requesting Party; 2. The length of time the personnel, equipment, and materi- als will be available; 3. The areas of experience and abilities of the personnel and the capability of the equipment to be furnished; 4. The name of the person or persons to be designated as supervisory personnel; and 5. The estimated time when the assistance provided will arrive at the location designated by the authorized representa- tive of the Requesting Party. C. The personnel and equipment of the Assisting Party shall remain, at all times, under the direct supervision and control of the designated supervisory personnel of the Assisting Party. Representatives of the Requesting Party shall suggest work as- signments and schedules for the personnel of the Assisting Party; however, the designated supervisory personnel of the Assisting Party shall have the exclusive responsibility and authority for assigning work and establishing work schedules for the personnel of the Assisting Party. The designated supervisory personnel of the Assisting Party shall maintain daily personnel time records, material records and a log of equipment hours; shall be responsi- ble for the operation and maintenance of the equipment furnished by the Assisting Party; and shall report work progress to the Requesting Party. D. The Requesting Party shall have the responsibility of pro- viding food and housing for the personnel of the Assisting Party - 3 - f\ ~ ~ from the time of their arrival at the designated location to the time of their departure. E. The Requesting Party shall have the responsibility for pro- viding communications between the personnel of the Assisting Party and the Requesting Party. F. Whenever the employees of the Assisting Party are rendering outside aid pursuant to this Agreement, such employees shall have the powers, duties, rights, privileges, and immunities, and shall receive the compensation, incidental to their employment. G. The Requesting Party shall complete a written agreement regarding the assistance to be rendered, setting forth the terms agreed upon in the telephone request to the Assisting Party, and shall transmit it by the quickest practical means to the Assist- ing Party for approval. A sample form is attached as Appendix B. The Assisting Party shall acknowledge the written agreement by executing and returning a copy to the Requesting Party by the quickest practical means, maintaining a copy for its files. SECTION 3. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES The terms and conditions governing reimbursement for any assistance provided under this Agreement shall be in accordance with the following provisions, unless otherwise agreed upon by the involved Parties and specified in the written agreement executed in accordance with paragraph 2.G. of this Agreement. A. PERSONNEL - During the period of assistance, the Assist- ing Party shall continue to pay its employees according to its then prevailing ordinances, rules, and regulations. The Request- ing Party shall reimburse the Assisting Party for all direct and indirect payroll costs and expenses incurred during the period of assistance, including, but not limited to, employee pensions and benefits as provided by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The Requesting Party shall reimburse any amounts paid or due for compensation to employees of the Assisting Party under the terms of the Florida Workers' Compensation Act due to person- al injury or death occurring while such employees are engaged in rendering aid under this Agreement. While providing services to the Requesting Party, employees of the Assisting Party shall be considered "borrow servants" of the Requesting Party and shall be considered in the "dual employment" with the Requesting and Assisting Parties, subject to the supervision and control of both for purposes of Chapter 440, Florida Statutes. While the Re- questing Party shall reimburse the Assisting Party for payments made in workers' compensation benefits required to be paid to its employees due to personal injury or death, both the Requesting and Assisting Party shall enjoy immunity from civil prosecution as provided for in the Florida Workers' Compensation Act. B. EQUIPMENT - The Assisting Party shall be reimbursed for the use of its equipment during the period of assistance accord- - 4 - , . 1 8 8 ing to either a pre-established hourly rate or according to the actual replacement, operation, and maintenance expenses incurred. The Assisting Party shall pay for all repairs to its equipment as determined necessary by its on-site supervisor(s) to maintain such equipment in safe and operational condition. At the request of the Assisting Party, fuels, miscellaneous supplies, and minor repairs for the Assisting Party's equipment during the period of assistance may be provided by the Requesting Party, if practical. The total equipment charges to the Requesting Party shall be reduced by the total value of the fuels, supplies, and repairs furnished by the Requesting Party. C. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES - The Assisting Party shall be reimbursed for all materials and supplies furnished by it and used or damaged during the period of assistance, unless such damage is caused by gross negligence, wilful and wanton miscon- duct, intentional misuse, or recklessness of the Assisting Party's personnel. The Assisting Party's Personnel shall use reasonable care under the circumstances in the operation and control of all materials and supplies used by them during the period of assistance. The measure of reimbursement shall be the replacement cost of the materials and supplies used or damaged, plus ten (10) percent of such cost. In the alternative, the Parties may agree that the Requesting Party will replace, with like kind and quality as determined by the Assisting Party, the materials and supplies used or damaged. D. RECORD KEEPING - The Assisting Party shall maintain records and submit invoices for reimbursement by the Requesting Party using formats recommended by FEMA publication DR&R 7 (Di- saster Response and Recovery). Requesting Party finance person- nel shall provide information, directions, and assistance for record ke~ping to Assisting Party personnel. E. PAYMENT - Unless otherwise mutually agreed in the writ- ten agreement executed in accordance with paragraph 2.G. or a subsequent written addendum to the agreement, the Assisting Party shall bill the chief fiscal officer of the Requesting Party for all reimbursable expenses with an itemized Notice not later than sixty (60) days following the period of assistance; and the Requesting Party shall pay the bill in full not later than thirty (30) days following the billing date. Unpaid bills shall become delinquent upon the 31st day following the billing date and once delinquent shall accrue interest at the rate of twelve (12) percent per annum. SECTION 4. INSURANCE Each participating government shall bear the risk of its own actions, as it does with its day-to-day operations, and determine for itself what kinds of insurance, and in what amounts, it should carry. If a participating government is insured, its file shall contain a letter from its insurance carrier authorizing it to provide and receive assistance under this Agreement, and - 5 - ~, ~, indicating that there will be no lapse in its insurance coverage either on employees, vehicles, or liability. If a participating government is self-insured, its file shall contain a copy of a resolution authorizing its self-insurance program. A copy of the insurance carrier's letter or the resolution of self-insurance shall be attached to the executed copy of this Agreement which is filed with the Director, Division of Emergency Management, Flori- da Department of Community Affairs, Tallahassee, Florida. Each Assisting Party shall be solely responsible for determining that its insurance is current and adequate prior to providing assis- tance under this Agreement. SECTION 5. INDEMNIFICATION Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, the Requesting Party shall indemnify and hold the Assisting Party harmless, to the extent permitted by Florida law, from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, damages, and causes of action related to or arising out of or in any way connected with mutual aid assistance rendered or performed at the Requesting Party's emergency or disaster site. The Requesting Party shall defend any action or proceeding brought against the Assisting Party and shall indemnify and hold the Assisting Party harmless from and against all costs, counsel and attorneys fees, expenses, and liabilities incurred as a result of any such claims, demands, suits, actions, damages, and causes of action, including the investigation or the defense thereof, and from and against any orders, judgments or decrees which may be entered as a result thereof. SECTION 6. LENGTH OF TIME FOR EMERGENCY The duration of such state of emergency declared by the Requesting Party is limited to seven (7) days. It may be extend- ed, if necessary, in 72-hour increments. SECTION 7. TERM This Agreement shall be in effect for one (1) year from the date hereof and shall automatically renew in successive one (1) year terms unless terminated in writing by the participating government. Written notice of such termination shall be made in writing and shall be served personally or by registered mail upon the Director, Division of Emergency Management, Florida Depart- ment of Community Affairs, Tallahassee, Florida. SECTION 8. EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be in full force and effect upon ap- proval by the participating government and upon proper execution hereof. Each participating government shall attach a copy of its ordinance or resolution authorizing execution of this Agreement to the executed copy of this Agreement which is filed with the Director, Division of Emergency Management, Florida Department of Community Affairs, Tallahassee, Florida. - 6 - 8 8 PUBLIC WORKS MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT APPENDIX A Date: November 14, 1989 Name of Government: City of Clermont Mailing Address: P.o. Box 120219 City, State, Zip: Clermont, FL 34712-0219 Authorized Representatives to Contact for Emergency Assistance: Primary Representative Name: R.E. Smythe Title: Public Works Director and Fire Chief Address: P.o. Box 120219 Day Phone 394-3350 Night Phone 394-3264 FAX No.: 1st Alternate Representative Name :. Junior Beach Title: Public Works Superintendent Address: P.o. Box 120219 Day Phone 394-3350 Night Phone 394-1338 2nd Alternate Representative Name: Jeff Jones ,. Title: Street Department Foreman Address: P.o. Box 120219 Day Phone 394-3350 Night Phone 429-3521 - 8 - 8 8 . \' ... PUBLIC WORKS MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT APPENDIX A Date: Name of Government: Mailing Address: City, State, Zip: Authorized Representatives to Con~act for Emergency Assistance: Primary Representative Name: Title: Address: Day Phone Night Phone FAX No.: 1st Alternate Representative Name :. Title: Address: Day Phone Night Phone 2nd Alternate Representative Name: Title: Address: Day Phone Night Phone - 8 - I . .~ ~. l> SECTION 9. ROLE OF DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT The only responsibilities the Division of Emergency Manage- ment, Florida Department of Community Affairs shall have under this Agreement are to serve as a central depository for executed Agreements, to maintain a current listing of Participating Gov- ernments with their Authorized Representatives and contact infor- mation, and to provide a copy of the listing to each of the Participating Governments on an annual basis durlng the second quarter of the calendar year. SECTION 10. SEVERABILITY Should any portion, section, or subsection of this Agreement be held to,be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, that fact shall not affect or invalidate any other portion, section or subsection; and the remaining portions of this Agreement shall remain in full for~e and affect without regard to the section, por~ion, or subsection or power invalidated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreeæent has been duly executed this 14th day of November , 19 89 GOVERNMENT: CITY OF CLERMONT BY: ~ a~<- ATTEST: Robert A. Pool, Mayor (Typed Name and Title) ~~ ifL ~Am.dT: (Secretary) Julie M. Brandt, Deputy City Clerk (Typed Name and Title) ATTACH AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION OR ORDINANCE AND INSURANCE LETTER OR RESOLUTION. - 7 - . " . '. . 8 8 PUBLIC WORKS MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT APPENDIX B It is recommended that the following sample letter or telegram be used when requesting assistance: Date: (Name & Address of Assisting Government) SUBJECT: Assistance Request In recognition of the personnel, equipment, or other emergency assistance being sent to us by your government in accordance with a telephone request from our Mr. to your Mr. on , we agreed to be bound by the Public Works Mutual Aid Agreement. (Insert any mutually agreeable changes or exceptions here.) Requesting Government Name: Address: Authorized Representative's Signature: Typed Name and Title: FAX No.: REPLY: DATE: This government agrees to provide the emergency assistance re- quested by the government of and agrees to be bound by the Public Works Mutual Aid Agreement with the excep- tions noted above. Assisting Government Name: Address: ,. Authorized Representative's Signature: Typed Name and Title: FAX No.: - 9 -