1989-18 8 8 East !l:::entraf £Siorida a?egionaf ffJIanning [bollncif 1011 Wymore Road. Suite 105 . Winter Park, Florida 32789 . Telephone: (407) 645-3339 . FAX. (407) 647,4234 8q-ðlfI August 16, 1989 Mr. Wayne Saunders City Manager City o£ Clermont P.O. Box 219 Clermont, Florida RECEIVED AUG 1 8 1989 32711 RE: Comprehensive Plan - Interagency Agreement (7/1/89 - 6/30/90> Dear Mr. Saunders: Please £ind enclosed a £ully executed Agreement £or your £iles. We are glad to be o£ assistance to the City o£ Clermont and look £orward to a continued close working relationship with the City sta££. Sincerely, 9 ~'\ Aaron M. ~o:ing ~ Assistant Executive Director Director, Administrative Services AMD/cc Enclosure - Fully Executed Agreement r CHAIRMAN COMMISSIONER D, LEE CONSTANTINE City of Allamonte Springs VICE,CHAIRMAN COMMISSIONER THAD ALTMAN Brevard County SECRETARY.TREASURER MR THOMAS PATRICK GREEN Lake County EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MR. CLIFF GUILLET 8 8 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT MADE THIS ----}J~È_--- day of___~~E~_____-, 1989, by and between the CITY OF CLERMONT, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY, " and the EAST CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL, hereinafter referred to as the "ECFRPC," WITNESSETH THAT FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF the mutual undertakings of the parties to this AGREEMENT, the CITY and the ECFRPC hereby covenant and agree, each with the other, as follows: I. Services to be provided by the ECFRPC The ECFRPC shall undertake and provide assistance to the CITY. The scope of such assistance is set forth in Attachment A. II. Assistance to be Provided by the CITY The CITY shall be responsible for providing to the ECFRPC such information, data, and materials as it has in its possession which are necessary for the successful completion and fulfillment of this AGREEMENT by the ECFRPC. Such assistance shall include, but not be limited to: --suitable base maps for the depiction and presentation of information; and --copies of previous reports, plans, studies, maps and other information on the topics covered by this AGREEMENT. III. Compensation and Requisitions This is a lump sum contract in an amount not to exceed Thirteen Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($13,200). Thirty (30) days after contract execution the ECFRPC may invoice the CITY for an amount not to exceed 25% of available funds to be used as operating capital. The remaining amount shall IV. V. VI. VII. 8 8 be paid to the ECFRPC on a quarterly basis, according to the £ollowing schedule: 25% October 1989 25% January 1990 25% April 1990 Time Period The time period covered by this AGREEMENT is £rom July 1989, to June 30, 1990. Records An accurate record o£ expenses incurred in providing identi£ied in this AGREEMENT will be maintained by services ECFRPC. Contract Liability ECFRPC shall hold the CITY harmless against all claims 1, the o£ nature by the ECFRPC arising out o£ per£ormance of whatever work under this contract. Amendments The CITY or the ECFRPC may, from time to time, recognize the the need £or changes in the scope of services provided by time period and budget, which are mutually agreed upon including changes in the by ECFRPC hereunder. Such changes, and between the CITY and the ECFRPC, shall be incorporated in written amendments to this AGREEMENT. VI I I. Termination by the This AGREEMENT may be terminated at any time by either party other giving £i£teen (15) days' written notice to party. I£ the AGREEMENT is terminated by either party, ECFRPC shall be compensated £or work per£ormed and incurred under the o£ this AGREEMENT terms and Notice to or £or the ECFRPC shall as documented by the ECFRPC. be given to or by its Chairperson. the costs 8 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT the day and year first above written. CITY OF CLERMONT --- n. I 0:. -'14.,--~ Wit;(t~ By' --- -----"---~--- Robert A. Pool, Mayor EAST CENTRAL FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL -_J -r;j- ~ ~£jdi Wit~rs b T By : -~-~----- Lee Constantine, Chairperson . - , , 8 8 ATTACHMENT A Scope o£ Services Proiect Activities The Regional Planning Council will assist in an e££ort directed toward the preparation o£ the Conservation, Housing, and the 8anita~y 8ewe~, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water and Natural Groundwater Aqui£er Recharge Elements o£ the Clermont Comprehensive Plan. This e££ort will involve completing the analysis requirements identi£ied in Rule 9J-5, F.A.C. £or each o£ these elements. The speci£ic sections o£ 9J-5 to be completed as a result o£ this project are shown below; ELEMENT ANALYSIS REQUIREMENT SECTIONS Housing 9J-5.010(2) Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water and Natural Groundwater Aqui£er Recharge Element 9J-5.011£ Conservation 9J-5.013(1)c Schedule o£ Work Submittal o£ Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water and Natural Ground- water Recharge Element October 31, 1989 Submittal o£ Housing and Conservation Elements June 30,1990 ¡ ,;