Proclamation #2024-004P2024-004P City of Clermont Mayor's Proclamation A Special Election of the City of Clermont shall be held on the 14th day of May, 2024, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time at such precinct locations as determined and noticed by the Lake County Supervisor of Elections. The purpose of this election is to fill the unexpired term for: City Council Member Seat 2 Expiring 2025 If more than two candidates qualify for Seat 2, a Special Primary Election will be held on May 14, 2024 in accordance with Sec. 26-7 of the City Code. If only two candidates qualify for Seat 2, a Special Election will be held on May 14, 2024. In the event that a Special Primary Election is held and one of the candidates does not receive a majority of the votes, the two candidates for whom the highest number of votes were cast shall stand election at a Special General Election to be held on August 20, 2024. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Clermont to be affixed on this 13th day of February 2024. ATTEST: Tracy AckroyAowe, City Clerk Mayor Tim Murry, (Feb. 16, 23, March 1, 8) Cuidad de Clermont Proclamacion de la Alcaldia Una eleccion especial de la Cuidad de Clermont se Ilevara a cabo el 14 de mayo de 2024, durante las horas de 7:00 am a las 7:00 pm, Hora Estandar del Este, dicha eleccion se Ilevara a cabo en el distrito electoral indicado y notificado por El Supervisor de Elecciones del Condado de Lake. El proposito de esta eleccion es Ilenar un lapso incompleto para: Puesto 2 del Consejo de la Cuidad Expira en 2025 Si mas de dos candidatos califican para el Puesto 2, una Eleccion Primaria se Ilevara a cabo el 14 de mayo de 2024 segun la Sec. 26-7 del Codigo de la Cuidad. Si solo dos candidatos califican para la posicion del Puesto 4, la eleccion normal se Ilevara a cabo el 14 de mayo de 2024. En caso que una Eleccion Primaria se Ileve a cabo y uno de los candidatos no recibe la mayoria de los votos, los dos candidatos con el mayor numero de votos se postularan para una Eleccion General Especial que se Ilevara a cabo el 20 de agosto de 2024. EN TESTIMONIO DE LO SUSODICHO, por la presente pongo mi mano y he causado que el sello de la cuidad de Clermont se inscriba este dia 13 de febrero de 2024. ATESTIGO: ��44 / - Tracy Ackroyd lgowe, Actuaria de la Cuidad Alcalde, Tim M ry (febrero. 16, 23, marzo 1, 8)