1988-11 ~ . ,. At 8 ELIGIBILITY APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC AGEN:IES FEDERAL SURPIlJS POOPERI'Y t1I'ILIZATION PR(X;RAM 88 - 0 II legal NaIre of Applicant City of Clermont' 1\ddres s P.O. Box 219, #1 Westgate Plaza, Clermont, Florida ZIP 32711 County Lake Area Cede 9 0 4 '!'ele¡:hone 394-3350 Date Agency began Operation 1884 1. 01eck Type of Açency: (See defini tians on reverse side) a . Conservation b . Ec:onani.c Develq;I!elt - c. Parks & Recreation - d. Public Safety e . Museun . f . State Agency 2. AttaC.~ a narrative which describes the programs and services offered. Also attach evidence that the é1IXJlicant is a public a<JP..ncy. g . County Govt. h. City GoverrIœnt i . Indian Tril:e, Group , Band , (State Reservation Only) j . Other x Pueblo 6 3 . ~1 is the activity funded : (Please indicate percentages) a. Tax sup£X)rteå (other than a grant) b. By grant and/or contributions c. Ot.'1er (please be specific) 4 . Cœp1ete the attached Assurance of Cœpliance with GSA Regulations under Ti- . tle VI of the Civil, Rights Act of 1964, Section 606 of Title VI of the Fed- eral Property and Adr:ri.nistrative ServiceS Act of 1949, as arœnded, and Sec- tion 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as arrended, Title IX of the Edu- cation AIændments of 1972, as amended, and Section 303 of the Age Disc:riIn.i- nation Act of 1975. 100% 5. Cœplete the attached Authorization J:)ocŒent by the Governing Board or Body designating one or IrDre representatives to act for the applicant acquiring property fran the State Agency, to ca:mit the experrliture of fuOOs, and to execute the State Agency's invoice/issue sheet, including tems, cxmditions, reservations, and restrictions that the State Agency or <;SA may establish on the property. DATE : 4/14/88 ~:~~ s~gnature) City Manager TITI..E : FOR STATE AGEt cr USE /' CJ APPROVED r7 DISAPPROVED /7 roIDITICNAL ELIGmILITY DATE CJ UPDATED DIREX:TOR ~ /"', f', " DEFINITIONS - PUBLIC AGENCIES , -. 1. Conservation: Means a program or programs carried out or promoted by a public agency for public purposes involving directly or indirectly the protection, maintenance, development, and restoration of the n~tural resources of a given political area. These resources include but are not limited to the air, land, forests, water, rivers, streams, lakes and ponds, minera~s, and animals, fish, and other wildlife. 2. Econonic Development: Means a program or programs carried out or promoted by a.public agency for public purposes which involve directly or indirectly efforts to improve the opportunities of a given political area for the successful establishment or expansion of industrial, commercial, or agri- cultural plants or facilities and which otherwise assists in the creation of long term employment opportunities in the area or primarily benefit the unemployed or those with low incomes. 3. Parks and Recreation: Means a program or programs carried out or promoted by a public agency for public purposes which involve directly or indirectly the acquisition, development, improvement, maintenance, and protection of park and recreational facilities for the residents of a given political area. Such facilities include but are not limited to parks, playgrounds and athletic fièlds, swimming pools, golf courses, nature facilities, and nature trails. 4. Public Safety: :1eans a program or programs carried out or promoted by a public agency for public purposes involving, directly or indirectly, the protection, safety, law enforcement activities; and criminal justice system of a given political area. Public safety programs may include but are not limited to those carried out by public police departments, sheriff's offices, the courts, penal and correctional institutions including juvenile facilities, state and civil d~fense organizations, and fire departments and rescue squads including volunteer fire departments and rescue squads supported in whole or in part with public funds. 5. Museum: Means a public or nonprofit facili~y.w~iph j~,_~ttended by the public free or at a nominal charge and which provides museum services in- cluding the preservation and exhibition of artistic, cultural, historical or scientific objects. 6. State, County and City Governmental Agencies: Surplus personal property acquired through the State Agency must be used by ~~e public agency to carry out or to promote for the residents of a given political area one or more public purposes. While the Act lists certain specific public purposes such as conservation, economic development, education, parks and recreation, public safety, this enumeration is not exclusive and is not intended to preclude the acquisition of donable surplus personal property by a public agency for other public purposes. Each public program is conducted by designated departments, ~gen~i~s, or other instrumentalities of the State and/or local governments. . 7. Indian Tribe, Band, Group, Pueblo, or Community: May be certified for participation in the Federal Surplus Property Donation Program only if located on a State Reservation. ' , ---, ~ 1, 8 AUTHORIZATION DOCU' ~NT 8 WHEREAS, the Florida State Agency known as the Department of General Services, Division of Surplus Property, by authority of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 as amended, makes available Federal surplus personal property to public agencies for public purposes, and to nonprofit tax-exempt health and educational institutions, and WHEREAS , City of Clermont (applicant organization) hereafter referred to as the Applicant, is desirous of utilizing the ser- vices and resources of this Agency, and WHEREAS, the Applicant further certifies that property is needed and will be used by the recipient for carrying out or promoting for the residents of a given political area one or more public purposes and for no other purposes, and WHEREAS, the Applicant further certifies that property is needed and will be used by the recipient for educational or health purposes includ- ing research and for no other purpose, and WHEREAs. the~~pp}icàRt agrees that all items of property shall be . \ "J placed in use for the purposes for which acquired within one year of receipt and shall be continually in use for such purposes for one year from the date the property was placed in use, and in the event the property is not so placed in use, or continued in use, the donee shall immediately notify the State Agency, and return said property to the State Agency as directed, and WHEREAS, the Applicant further agrées to abide by all additional periods of restriction placed on property by; the State Agency; that is, 18 months on all passenger motor vehicles and other items of property with a unit acquisition cost of $5000.00 or more, except for such items of major equipment on which the State Agency designates a further period of restric- tion as indicated on the distribution document, and " ('..: -------, ----- WHEREAS, the Applicant further agrees that during the period of f'. /"., restriction, it wil~ not sell, trade, lease, lend, ba4_' encumber, or other- wise dispose of such property without prior approval of the General Services :Administration or the State Agency, and in the event property is so disposed of without prior approval of the General Services Administration or the State Agency the Applicant will be liable for the fair market value or the fair rental value of such property as determined by the General Services Administration or the State Agency, and WHEREAS, the Applicant further agrees to remit promptly to the State Agency for all fees assessed on all property acquired for service and handling expenses, and WHEREAS, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Applicant requests that eligi- bi1ity be established to participate in the Federal Surplus Property Utili- zation Program, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Clermont (Applicant Organization) hereby certifies that he has read and understands the above. 4/14/88 (Date) P.O. Box 219 (Mailing Address) S undet~ignature)City anager hief Administrative Officer or Executive Head Clermont, FL 32711 (City, State, ZIP) ( 904 394 - 3350 (Telephone) ) EXT: Persons authorized to sign for and receive property and commit the expendi- ture of funds: Robert E. Smythe (print name) Wayne Saunders ~~ Joe Van Zile e Nor ID ISCRn -ITNAT I Œ J ASSUIW ICE 8 Assurance to be executed by autOOrized representative of donee activity pr:i:,Qr to receiving donations of surplus personal property fran the State Surplus Property Agency on arrl after October 17, 1977. Assurance of Cœ1pliance with GSA Regula- tions under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 606 of Title VI of the Federal Property arrl Administrative Services Act of 1949, as arænded, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as arænded, Title IX of the Education Arænd- rœnts of 1972, as amended, and Section 303 of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975. City of Clermont (nææ of donee) agrees that the program for or in connection with which any property is donated to the donee \'rill be conducted in canpliance with, arrl the donee will cx:rnply with arrl will re::JUÍre aIr:! other person (any legal entity) who through contrac- tual or other arrangaœnts with the donee is authorized to provide services or benefi ts under said program to cCItlpl y with, all requiranents :imposed by or pur- suant to the regulations of the General Services Administration (41 Œ'R 101-6.2) issued under the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Ric;:rhts Act of 1964, Section 606 of Title VI of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as axœnded, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, Title IX 0 f the Ed uca ti on AIœndrœn ts 0 f 19 7 2, as amended , and Section 3 0 3 0 f the Age D i s - crimination Act of 1975, to the end that no person in the United States shall on the grrn.md of race, color, national origin, sex, or age, or that no othervåse qualified handic~ person shall solely by reason of the handicap, be excluded fran participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimina- tion under aIr:! program or activity for which the àonee received Federal assis- tance fran the General Services Administration; and Hereby Gives Assurance That it will irrrædiately take any Iœasures necessæ:y to effectuate this agreement. , hereinafter called the "donee", hereby The donee further agrees that this agreaœnt shall be subject in all respects to the provisions of said regulations; that this agreaænt shall obligate the donee for the period during which it retains ~ship or possession of any such prop- erty; that the United States shall have the right to seek judicial enforcaænt of this agreaœnt; arrl, this agreerœnt shall be binding upon any successor in interest of the donee and the word "donee" as used herein includes any such suc- cessor in interest. Dated 4/14/88 City of Clermont Donee P.O. Box 219 or Clermont, FL 32711 Donee n:riling address t. ~ fA7Ey OF PROPERI'Y NEEDS, AJ~ ~ tmLIZATlOO CAPABIL.l:r:æS The State Agency for Federal Property Assistance, to nore equitably serve the needs of all participants, requests the below infonnation and stipulates that the data subni tted will be used only for the purp.JSe of facilitating the fair and equitable distribution of pxoperty and for no other purposes. Public Law 94-519, October 17, 1977., mrends the Federal Properly arrl Administrative Services Act of 1949 and mandates that the State 'Agency will provide for. fair and equitable distributicn of property within the State ~ up:m relative needs, resources and ability to utilize available personal surpl~ p~~ '!his survey will be used to make those detenninations. Your cooperation in S\.JPP:LyiÌ1g ~ ~ted data will œ appreciated. - - I . GENERAL DATA A. Type of Agency: [::Jl Public Agency CJ Private Nonprofit Institution- B. Resources Available: 1. Funding source [::J Tax appropriated ftmds [::J Tuition or charge for se1:VÌces t:::J Federal or State Grant (contract) [::J D:>nations or contributions 2. Statarent of relative financial ability (budget limitations, inability to pur chase fran ccmrercial sources, extraordinaJ:y econanic problems, etc.): Note: Other factors may be considered in the distribution of available property such as, per capita incane of residents of area, assessed property values, econanic ranking, and other data as published in the Statistical Report of the Departrrent of Revenue and other similar reports. c. Population served: 6400 D. Capability for repair and naintenance of property: "~ E. Ability to utilize requested property (statement of utilization potential, ongoing need, temporary need, reserve backup, etc.): On going need (con I t. on reverse side) II. SPOCIFIC NEEDS ~ ,~ Indicate major itans not' ~Æerally available in the agen~ Jistribution centers such as, but not limited to, aircraft and cx::IfP)I1el1ts: vessels and caIlpOIlents: vehicles and u..allt~J.uents: oonstruction equiprent and carponents: heavy construction materials: material handling equipœnt and L:Ulll--ULleIlts: generators: carpressors: nusical j nstru- ne:nts: machine tcx:>ls and CCJt1?O11el1ts: scientific equiprent: photographic equipœnt: printing equitJY1eI1t¡ refrigeration equipœnt: transportation equipnent: shop equipnent: carputers and u.JIllJ:-'UlleIlts: reproduction equipnent: major itans of electronics: and other specialized i terns of property. rrL.\1 DESCRIPTION NARRATIVE JUSTIFICATION ( ) Vehicles & Components Cúnstruction Equip & Componen s Materials, Handling Eq. & Component- Generators Compressors Transportation Equip. Shop Equip Major items of Electronics Other Specialized items of property , [II. SHIPprnG rnSTRUCTIONS l:.7 Direct pick-up at federal holding agency fY7 Pick-up at agency distribution center CJ Ship directly by cx::mron carrier Date: 4/14/88 City of Clermont Eligible Organization Signed: If~~fy' ff" 1 Certi 1ng 0 :LC:La hi Wayne Saunders, City Manager (type or print narre and title) STATE OF FLORIDA ~EPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERV.S BOB MARTINEZ GOVE./>NOR LARSON BUILDING, 200 E, GAINI'.S ST, TALLAHASSEE. FLORIDA 323'J!l-O!J50 GEORGE FIRESTONE SECRETARY OF STATE ROBERT A BUTTERWORTH ATTORNEY GENERAL GERALD LEWIS STATE COMPTROLLER January 27. 1988 BILL GUNTER STATE TREASURER DOYLE CONNER COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE RONALD W THOMAS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR BETTY CASTOR COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION I'I.FA~E A ) )HE~S HEP!.Y ' () 813-A Lake Bradford Rd. Tallahassee. Fl 32304 Mr. Robert Smythe. Public Works City of Clermont P. O. Box 219 Clermont. Florida Director r- 3271 L Dear Mr. Smythe: Thank you for your interest concerning the Federal Surplus Property Utilization Program. The program can provide valuable support in obtaining good used feder 11 property at remarkable savings and we are anxious to include your organiza- tion as an eligible recipient. A brochure is enclosed which describes the eligibility requirements and provides information about the program's history. In addition, a copy of the most recent newsletter is included which depicts a small sample of our inventory. After reviewing the information. complete the enclosed application. attach any necessary supporting documents and return them to us as soon as possible. Your application will be processed immediately. If you have questions or need assistance in completing the forms. please call us at (904) 488-3524 or Suncom 278-3524. We look forward to your participation in a very worthwhile program. Sincerely. Ollie L. Evans. Jr.. Director Division of Surplus Property '-- ~l --ð /7/ó l ~~aff. Chie~ Bureau of Federal Surplus Property JAN/gw 0O3F Enclosures - Application Brochure Newsletter ()IVI~I()NS ^ )MI~I'I'I\IIII1\'III)" )I'I"\"'1 '"I'II )I~' ,'11""'11'1 1II:oI""\f,\II':oI/I,\II'o"" .\IIIIIII,'\\,\:-;.\<I\IINI I:oIHIII\t\IIIIN'IIII'III"\IIIIIIIII'IIIII'I'I'"'"^'INI .qIIJ\I-<'"J~IIIIII\, NIIIIN., lII 'JI"I'II<II'I"I\ DEI.IVEHINC GOVI':HNMI' Nl AI. SUIV ( ;1,:<;