1987-32 93oa'lJ t¡ 87 -03:1.. County' Comnffssione'ls -Cake County PHONE 315 WEST MAIN STREET TAVARES, FLORIDA 32778 DIVISION OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING (904) 343-9634 ZONING (904) 343,9641 CODE ENFORCEMENT (904) 343-9639 DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT (904) 343-9642 SUNCOM 347-1642 September 2,1987 RECEIVED SE? . t. Wayne Saunders, City Manager City of Clermont P. O. Box 219 Clermont, FL 32711 RE: Planning Interlocal Agreement Dear Mr. Saunders: Enclosed for your records is a signed copy of the Planning Interlocal Agreement'between the City of Clermont and Lake County. Please note the following basic provisions. Section (3) indicates the formation of a Joint Planning Committee to be formed when your municipality begins its comprehensive planning effort under the Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Ch. 163, F.S. Section (8) provides for the mutual notification between the County and your municipality of projects, annexations, rezonings, etc., proposed for the area encompassed within the adopted Joint Planning Area as shown on Attachment "A." The form to be used for notification is Attachment, "B." We very much appreciate your cooperation in this effort and look forward to working with you. Sincerely, ~D1 Director of Dev. Coordination enclosure cc:Rudy Marchese, Planning Director (w/encl) " .' . ,i' " . . 48 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT LAKE COUNTY JOINT PLANNING AREA WHEREAS, the City of Clermont (the City) and Lake County (the County) wish to cooperate to plan for future growth in the unincorporated areas surrounding the City; and WHEREAS, the City and County agree that the unincorporated areas adjacent to the City might appropriately be served by urban services provided by the City and might therefore be annexed into the City in accordance with State Law; and WHEREAS, the City should plan with the County for the development of the unincorporated areaB surrounding the City to insure that adequate public services and facilities can be provided to these areas; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act provides for the establishment of Joint Planning Areas, to allow cities to plan with the County for the development of unincorporated areas surrounding the City; and WHEREAS, the City and County agree that a Joint Planning Area should be established with conditions that enhance the interest of both parties; NOW, THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. The City of Clermont and Lake County hereby eBtablish the Lake County Joint Planning Area, as provided for by the Comprehensive Planning and Land Developmnt Regulation Act, Section 163.3171, F.S. The City of Clermont/Lake County Joint Planning Area Bhall encompass the area shown on Attachment "A", and hereby made a part of this Agreement. 2. 3. The City of Clermont and Lake County hereby establish a Joint Planning Committee to monitor and review the develop- mnet of a plan for the Joint Planning Area, and to recommend Buch a plan to the Clermont City Council and the Board of County Commissioners for mutual adoption. The Joint Planning Committee shall include one (1) member each of the planning staffs of the City of Clermont and of Lake County; and two (2) other members each, to be appointed by the Clermont City Council and the Board of County Commissioners. 4. The City and County agree to jointly prepare and adopt a Compre- hensive Plan for the entire Clermont/Lake County Joint Planning Area in conformance with the Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act. ". .': ., . , . .'" .'.' ("5 ) (6) (7 ) (8 ) , . .T."'"' ";.- 8 8 -2- The County agrees to adopt the Comprehensive Plan fpr the unincorporated portion of the City of ClermonflLake County Joint Planning Area, when adopted in accordance with the Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act. The"City agrees to annex properti in accordance with state Law, and provide adequate urban services and facilities to serve those areas within the Joint Planning Area, as appropriate, in accordance with Chapter 163, F.S. The City and County, in the interim period prior to adopting amended Comprehensive Plans in accordance with the" Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, will regulate development in the Joint Planning Area in accordance with their currently adopted Comprehensive Plans, as may be amended accord ing to law.. In order to regulate land development within the Joint Planning Area for the mutual benefit of all parties, the Citv(ies) and County agree to notify each relevant party to this Agreement of any application for "voluntary annexation,. contraction, density change, rezoning, comprehensive plan' change or other land use action within the area shown on Attachment A. Notice by the County or City(ies) shall be given prior to official action, with sufficient time to respond. (a) To facilitate performance under this Agreement each party shall have the full cooperation and assistance from each other party, its officers, agents and employees. (b) Each pa~tv agrees to be responsible for the prepàration and. delivery of the required notice to the other affected parties~ A notification form is attached hereto as Attachment B. Notice provided on this form shall be deemed to fulfill the intent of this Agreement. Notice shall be deemed timely if delivered within two weeks of the receipt of application for official action. The parties hereto agree that the opportunity to comment and voice concerns during staff review would be mutually advantageous. Therefore, "each Darty agrees to use its best efforts to provide notice required hereunder to the other affected parties prior to staff review and recommendation so that the parties can meet to discuss and comment on the request and sugç¡ést" ways to alleviate the adverse impacts, if any, or to suggest .constructive options or alternative proposals. (c.) This Agreement shall be 1 iberally construed SO" as tc) resolve any Ques~ion in favor of providing notice. " (d) Notice required or permitted hereunder shall be in writinç¡ and be deemed properly made: (1) when hand delivered to the official hereinafter designatedr or (2) upon deposit in the united States mail, postage prepaid, addressed a~ set forth herein, or at such other address as shall have been specified by written notice to all other parties delivered in accordance herewith: Lake County' Michael Szunyog Planning Director 315 West Main Street Tavares. PL .32778 City of Clermont : ~tayne Saunders Crty Mana~er ';"..', - . '," ;, '" ,,' \, -',. : '. . ' . . 8 8 -3- Notwithstanding notification as outlined above. the, parties agree to provide to other par~ies agendas of all relevant public meetings wherein items of mutual interest are to be discussed or decided. . '~ (9 ) The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of one (1) year. The Agreement shall be automatically renewed for successive one year terms as to all partïes. (10 ) If any party wishes to terminate this Agreement as it applies to said party, notice of such termination shall be given to all other parties as provided herein. Termination shall be effective 30 days from the date notice'is perfected as provided herein. ' . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this agreement have caused their names to be affixed hereto by the proper officers. ROARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA ,,(Ä~ ',' B~~~~ ",-., iI.- ~~~a!r'!1)q 'Attest: CITY OF Clermont By: ~ a/~' Robert A. Pool. Mayor' " ---'\ " ;, . ~ . . ." . . 8 .I ATTACHMENT A " ':,-- 8 r/- Cl) "~"i:'!:,/r:'/f: ~þ:r.;:'f!¡iií;:~;~~'::"'::( "f - ... h ,¡ -"I I,j ~- Ii>' I.. :': 'r~1 ....... . - '"" .i. !I( ;~ t.:: '.1 q t: - <.; ',-.; ..; '. City of Clermont /LAKE COUNTY JOINT PLANNING AREA See Map .I , , . . . ~"""'!:~~'-';"- ., - - --.. -, - , -- ;. .- . ., '\":~ !. .." ','.. 8 . ATTACH~EN'T R -. NOTICE OF APPLICATION AFFECTING LAND USE OR DEVELOPMENT I From: To: Date: Name of Applicant: Name of Project: Street Address or General Location: , " Legal Description: (Attach copy if lengthy) Action Requested: Annexation Contraction Density/Intensity Change Rezoning from to Comprehensive Plan Change from to Other Land Use Action (describe): Proposed Use of Property: Publishing Dates for LegaL Notice: 'S.taff -Review Scheduled- for: Date, Time, Place of Public Hearing: Contact Person: Telephone: