1987-16 8 87 ~~ð I ¿, 8 PURCHASE CONTRACT - 1 , ,.- THIS CONTRACT, müde this 13 day of May 19~, by and .. between City of Clerrmnt P n Rr\v?l Q C1errront~ ~?711 (Mailing Address) here i nafter referred to as Se II er, and BLUE GOOSE GROWERS" INC., having offices at Vero Beach. Fla. hereinafter referred to as Buyer. I ~' is merchantable and suitable for fre$h ~. ,¡ I: Seller agrees to sell to Buyer all of the 19J!.L bloc,m citrus ðS shipment in Interstate Com- merçe ot tJme of picking, title to pass when picked; on-- Hook Street groves, located in Clermnnt ~hich crop Grower hereby warrants to be free and clear of all encum- I (, t Var, I, - ~ Valencia or~qes brance., on the following terms: Price Per Mo\ing Dates Field Crate On or Before -- Eatimated Field Crates C:;OO }YW<=>C: $3.35 oer f;plQ box . .-.'- 'n.- . ~ ! I Grower acknow I edges rece i pt of an advance payment of $ --- Check No. to apply on the purchase price of said fruit and to be deducted as fruit is picked under this contract. Upon fruit picked having equaled said advance-payments, the balance of saic fruit Shdl be paid for weekly as harvested. . T~s co~tract is subject to all hazards, conditions. laws and reg- ulations over which buyer has no reasonable control. . . II " Buyer. its agents, employees. and vehicles may enter upon Seller's premises and the above-described grove from time to time for the purpose of inspecting, testing. and picking said fruit. and for the purpose of . !emov1ng said fruit. (Bö Do Not) deduct fo~ Mutual. . This contract (~ does not) cover late bloom fruit. !' In witness whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. 8)' ~~/ I E 1-- {}, 'Í I ç¿;:~~~ Witness as to Sener WItnesses as to Buyer- BLUE GOOSE GROWERS, I Ne:. ' ~y{JtD ' ~~~ I \ au ER ,-- - -