1987-17 ,8 87- 011 .. '\ 8. ill I, ~ CITY OF CLERMONT P.O. BOX 219. CLERMONT, FLORIDA 32711. PHON E 904/394-4081 /1, Ii " I .. I i . NOTICE TO . BIDDERS .I , The City Council of th~ City of Clermont will consider s~~led bids for the following: ! Janitorial ~ervices for City Buildings and Recreational Facility Restrooms '. l Specifi~ation and bid blanks may be obtained from the office of the City Clerk during regular business hours. Sealed bids will be received by the City of Clermont at the office of the " City Clerk, City Hall, Clermont, Florida, until 2:00 p.m. Thursday,' January 15, 1987, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud. The City of Clermont reserves the right to rejec.t any and/or all bids, in the whole or part; to waive any informality 'in any bid, and accept any bid which in its discretion, may be for the best interest of the City of . Clermont. I ( wJyne' Saunders, C~ty ,Manager PUBLICATION: 'I South Lake Press , , Jan. 1, 1987 Jan. 8, 1987 Leesburg Commercial Jan. 3 & 4, 1987 Jan. 8 & 9, 1987 I "', I ' I I 1\ \ , '\ , 8 8 CITY OF CLERMONT p,o, BOX 219. CLERMONT, FLORIDA 32711 . PHONE. 904/394-4081 JANITORIAL SERVICE CONTRACT . . This contract is made this 30th day of January 1987 by and Cox's Cleaning between Services"of',Clê:i:'mont.lnc., hereinafte.r called the Contractor and The City of Clermont, hereinafter called the IICityll. For and in consideration of the sums to be paid hereunder and the covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties agree as follows: SERVICES: LOCATION: FIƒQUENCY: TERM: Contractor agrees to perform and provide cleaning services, including labor, equipment and materials. excluding toilet tissue and paper towels, but to include hand soap, necessary to perform the work as described on the attached Work Procedure Schedule. which is incorporated herein and made a part of this Contract. Contractor agrees to provide the described cleaning services for the IICltyll locations as specified on Work Procedure Schedules. Work dayh shall consist of Monday through Friday. In the event a holiday falls on any work day, the work shall be completed on the business day immediately preceding the holiday. References to the word IIdailyll as used in this contract shall mean each work day as described herein. References to the term "as needed" or "as required" as used in this contract shall mean at times mutually agreed upon between Contractor and City. In the event the parties cannot agree upon a time, the final decision shall be made by the "City". Contractor shall commence performing the cleaning services ten (10) days after signing of this Contract and will include those locations specified on Work Procedures Schedule which are attached and a part of this Contract. This Contract may be 'termlnat~d by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice. COMPENSATION: The City shall pay contractor the sums as stated per location or group of locations on Work Procedure Schedule. Said sum to be .paid on the last day of every month following completion of the specified work. Contractor agrees to present a bill for the I . services rendered prior to payment. (page 1 of 8) .. 8 8 JANITORIAL SERVICE CONTRACT (cantinued) MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT & WORKMANSHIP: The Cantractar wi~l piavide cleaning and waxing materials that are af "Better" to. "Best" quality. All materials must pravide ,far the utmast in public safety, meet :OSHA an~ the Department af, Enviranmental Regulatians requirements'. All wo.rk will be perfo.rmed to. a level o.f wo.rkmanship that '/, .. is standard to. 'the trade. ' ' , I . , The City reserves the right to. disapprove o.f any material' ar warkmanship by m~tual agreement. In the event the pfI'rt:ies / ' cannat agree the final decision shall be/made by the City. CONTRACTOR: , ¡'" Cantractar is and shall at all t~mes be an independent cantractar: Cantractar shall berespo.nsible far all insu~an¿e as may be required ar desirable, including but nat ,limited to. wo.rkmen's',' campensatian and liability insurance. INDEPENDENT In witness whereaf, the parties have executed this agreement, the day and year first abave written. Witnesses: Co.x's Cleaning Services af Clermant, Inc. d::I: BY~ ß ~ , :::,y ~~~ (page 2 af 8) ~ 8 8., CITY OF CLERMONT Work Procedure Schedul~ ¡ " I I ' CITY HALL #1 Westgate Plaza I I Daily: After each work day L Empty all trash cans (new liners as needed.) :¡' .2. Dus~ all furniture, counters, desks and horizontal~s~rfaces.' 3. Clean all restrooms (3) (toilet paper, soap and towels as needed). 4~ Sweep and mop all floors, I. 5. Vacuum all carpeted areas. 6. Clea~ glass doors and stationary entran~e panels, inside and out. 7. Police and sweep 'outside walk area. . 8. Spot clean hand smudge~ and other blemishes on vert~cal surfaces in high traffic areas. . 9. Clean drinking fountain. /, F' Following items to be included as needed or ~pecified~ 1. All air vents kept cleari, 2. All inside and outside gr-uund level windows c.l.cancd two times' pCI~ year-. 3. Cob and spider webs removed as needed. 4. All floors to be stripped and waxed twice per year. I 5. All blinds to be dusted as needed. 6. Deodorant blocks to be preplaced as needed. 7. Carpets spot cleaned as needed. 8. Shampoo carpets yearly. I ' Price Per Month .t 300.00 ' ,. i (page 3 of 8) , I I ,I ,I ¡ .. 8 i( 8'¡i , , JENKINS AUDITORIUM 691 W. Montrose Ave. Daily: after each work day . I 1. Empty all trash cans ,(new llners as needed). 2. Dust all furniture (including counters and desks). 3. Clean all restrooms. (4) (toilet paper, soap and to~els as n~edcd. provided by the city). , 4. Sweep and mop all floors (including kitchen). ¡ 5. Clean glass doors and stationary entrance panels inside 'and out. 6. Police and sweep outside walk area. I 7 ~ Spot 'cl~an h~nd ,smudges, and other blemishes from verot:ical surÜJces in high' traffic areas. I " ., 8. Kemove all butts from ~a~d urns. 9. Clean drinking fountain. , . ! ',I I, Following items to be included as needed or specified. 1. All air vents kept clean. 2. Office winqows cleaned inside and out two times per year. 3. Cob and spider,webs removed as needed. 4. Sweep and mop stage once per week.. ' 5. All floors to be stripped and rewaxed twice per year (April-October) 6. Deodorant blocks and urinal screens to be replaced as needed.' ,I Price Per Month $ 350.00 ,I ! ' 'I . (page 4 of 8) , , ;, I e 8 " i " POLICE - flRE STATION 8MZ W. DeSoto Street I', Daily: 1. Empty all trash cans, (new liners as needed). 2. Dust all furniture, rem.ove smudges as needed, (including c.ounters & desks). 3. Clean P.olice Stati.on restr.o.oms, (1) (t.oilet paper, s.oap and t.owels provided I , by City). 4. Sweep and map all flaars. &. Clean glass d.o.ors and,statianary ~ntrances 7. Pal ice and sweep .outside walk area. 8. Empty all ash trays. Y., Sp.ot clean hand smudges and ather blemishes in'high traffic areas. 10. Clean drinking f.ountain. , I panels inside and aut. fr.om vertical surfaces , . { , ¡I F.oll.owing items t.o,be included as needed .or specified. 1. All air vents kept clean. 2. All windaws cleaned inside and .out, twice per year. 3. Cab and spider webs rem.oved as needed. 4. All fl.o.ors ta be stripped and waxed twice per year. 5. Deadorant blacks and urinal screeni t.o be replaced as needed. 6. Clean Fire Stati.on restra.om .once per manth. '1 7. Clean & rewax, prefinished paneling .on walls & desk in C.ouncil Chambers I yearly. , i Price Per M.onth $ 275. 00 ~'. ' , ' " I ! ' ;/ (page 5 .of 8) ,I , ¡ " I I ., \ , , , I 8 8\;1' ! ! ' ¡: ( , I Ii' " ! "HIGHLANDER HUT 102 Third Street Twice per week: 1. Empty all trash cans. 2. Dust all furnit~re. 3~ C¡ean rest rooms. 4. Sweep and mop floors. 5. Police and sweep outside ,. ;,,' , walk area .(front and south side). I i I , Following items to be included as specified or needed. 1. Windows cleaned inside and out twice per year. 2. Cob and spider webs removed as needed. 3. Floors to be stripped and waxed twice per year. 4~ Deodorant blocks to be replaced as needed. 5. Kitchen area cleaned as needed. , , ! ¡' I " , I Price P.er Month $ ¡¡OO. 00 i' " I , I " ; I " ' (page 6 of 8) / ! r I, . , /, 8 8 'I , I PUBLIC WORKS UFFlCES City (;arage 1.015 West Lake NinncolaDrive Weekly: 1. Clean Restrooms. 2. Empty.all trash can~. 3. Dust a.1.l furniture 4. Sweep and mop all floors. 5. Clean office windows. 6. Clean drinking fountain. 7. Vacuum all carpeted areas. 8. Memove cob & spider webs in ; , entry-way as needed. 1 , f Price Per Month' ~o.oo I I /' ' r' :1' , . , , , ' (page 7 of 8) I ;r ' . 8 8 . , ./ ,I ! I, RECREATION FACILITIES: , I, Bishop Field, West Park, Elementary School Field 950 East Avenue Montrose/12th Street 100 Block 'Carroll Street Kestrooms are to be cle':lIled three times per week dur.i.n~ p Laying season. /, :(February thru July) , I Jaycee Beach 320 West Lake Minneola Drive, ' Restrooms are to be cleaned daily from Memorial lJ;lY ,thru L:lbor I);iy. (BalaIH;c of IllIJJdJng to he clean'ed hy Ik;lch ^ttendent).' ~, , ; , ¡ I I Price Per Month $',50.00 'I ' I I ! 'f r' I I II : II' " I , I , , (page 8 of 8). . , { I