07-08-1986 Regular Meeting e e CITY OF CLERMONT MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING July 8, 1986 The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Clermont was held on Tuesday, July 8, 1986 in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pool with the following Council Members in attendance: Council Member Huff, Council Member Dupee, Mayor Pro Tem Turville, and Council Member Cole. Other City Officials present were City Manager Saunders, City Attorney Baird and Deputy City Clerk Brandt. INVOCATION The Invocation was offered by Nilsa Whitehead followed by the , repeating of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag by all present. MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held June 24, 1986 were approved as presented. REPORTS CITY MANAGER'S REPORT WORKSHOP MEETINGS The Council was informed that Workshop Meetings had been scheduled for Monday, July 14; and Tuesday, July 29 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room. A Workshop was tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, July 22, following the Regular Council Meeting at the Council Chambers. PARKS AND RECREATION LANDSCAPING PROJECT It was reported that when the planters in the downtown business area are removed, a request had been received for the used bricks to be donated to the elementary school for a school beautification project sponsored by'the Clermont Garden Club. 86-123 A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER COLE, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER TURVILLE AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED TO DONATE THE USED BRICKS TO THE CLERMONT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. It was also reported that volunteers were needed to plant trees in the the downtown area, and anyone interested in helping with the project could contact Parks and Recreation Committee Chairperson, Cuqui Whitehead. CITY LOGO Mr. Saunders stated that he had been contacted by John Allen of the Orlando Sentinel asking permission to use the City Logo in an adver- tising campaign for the Village Square Merchants, 86-124 After a brief discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER HUFF, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER COLE AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED TO ALLOW THE USE OF THE CITY LOGO IN THE VILLAGE SQUARE ADVERTISING APPEARING IN THE ORLANDO SENTINEL. LAKE COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY City Manager Saunders informed the Council that the next meeting of the Lake County Water Authority would be held on Wednesday, July 9, 1986 at 5:30 p.m. at their office in Tavares. e e CITY OF CLERMONT MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING July 8, 1986 Page -2- CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT WATER LINE EASEMENT - RUONA PROPERTY ON SUNSET DRIVE City Attorney Baird advised the Council that he had researched the property owned by Al Ruona in Alta Vista Subdivision, and that the City had no recorded easement for a water line which runs through the back of the property. It was explained that Mr. Ruona was building a home and swimming pool on the property and that the deck of the pool would be built over the water line which is located in the rear yard setback area. A copy of the agreement was presented to each Council Member. Mr. Baird then explained the terms of the agreement which included the following: Mr. Ruona would grant the City the right of ingress and egress to his property to repair the water line should any damage occur. If such repairs are needed, the City would have the option to repair Mr. Ruona's pool deck, if it chose to repair the existing line, or to abandon the existing line and relocate the w~ter line. It was further explained that an alternative to the agreement would be to go to court for a prescriptive easement which would be costly, and which, in the end, the City might not obtain. Council Member Turville expressed his concern that if there was a major failure of the water line and it was decided to relocate instead of repairing it, the City would be liable and have to pay motel expenses for the r~sidents served by the line while they were without water. City Attorney Baird stated that the City would not be liable. 86-125 After some further discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER HUFF, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER TURVILLE AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED TO ADOPT THE EASEMENT AGREEMENT AS PRESENTED BY CITY ATTORNEY BAIRD. At this point, City Attorney Baird left the meeting. COUNCIL MEMBER DUPEE'S REPORT "I LOVE AMERICA" PROGRAM Council Member Dupee thanked the ci,tizens of Clermont for the "I Love America" program which was presented on June 28, 1986, MAYOR POOL'S REPORT CRACK COCAINE Mayor Pool read a letter from Joan Messina, Substance Coordinator for Lake-Sumter Community Mental Health, asking for Clermont residents' help and support to increase public awareness of the crack cocaine problem in Lake County. Anyone wishing to volunteer may call 357-1550 or 357-6836 and talk to Ms. Messina. Nilsa Whitehead asked if she would receive Council support if she were to coordinate an an assembly-type program. It was the con- sensus of Council to support such an undertaking. VARIANCE REQUEST TO SIDE YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENT - LOT 170, EMERALD LAKES SUBDIVISION Mr. Russell Wagner appeared before Council on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. George Grubbs to request a variance to the side yard setback e e CITY OF CLERMONT MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING July 8, 1986 Page -3- requirement of 15' between mobile homes in order to en~lose an existing concrete patio on Lot 170 of Emerald Lakes. City Manager Saunders explained that when the request was made, it was thought that the lot in question was located in the new addition to the mobile home park which is developed with 15' setbacks.. The old part of the park was developed under the old zoning ordinance which required 10' side yard setbacks. Mr. Saunders stated that by taking this fact into consideration, the comment concerning denial of the request should be disregarded. Council Member Huff expressed his concern that since patios can encroach into side yard setbacks, everyone will be asking for a variance to enclose their patio. He stated that he felt the ordinance should be changed stating that a patio built into the side yard setback could not be converted into, a screen room at some future date. The ones existing at the time of the adoption of the ordinance would be grandfathered in. City Manager Saunders stated that if this would be the case, then you would effectively eliminate the variance procedure. Council Member Turville remarked that one way to solve the problem would be to not allow patios to be built in the setback requirements. After some discussion, it was the consensus of Council that the old and new sections of Emerald Lakes should be considered as separate entities with regard to zoning requirements. 86-126 A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER HUFF, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER DUPEE AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED TO GRANT THE SIDE YARD SETBACK VARIANCE OF 11 FEET 2 INCHES, WHEREAS 15 FEET IS REQUIRED FOR LOT 170 OF EMERALD LAKES RESOLUTION NO. 531 Mayor Pool explained that Resolution #531, which had been requested during the June 24, 1986 Council Meeting, supports a moratorium on the permitting of mobile home park developments in all of Lake County. Mayor Pool then read the Resolution ,in its entirety. 86-127 After some further discussion, A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER DUPEE, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER TURVILLE AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED BY ROLL CALL VOTE TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #531. VOTING WAS AS FOLLOWS: COUNCIL MEMBERS 'DUPEE, HUFF, COLE AND TURVILLE AYE AND MAYOR POOL AYE. THE RESOLUTION WAS READ IN ITS ENTIRETY. A copy of the Resolution will be forwarded to the Lake County Board of Commissioners. Much discussion ensued concerning sand and clay mining in Lake County and the manner in which permits are granted for such projects. It was the consensus of Council that they were opposed to the manner in which the permits for clay mining were granted without apparent regard for the County's Comprehensive Plan. Council Member Turville stated that he would like a representative of the County Planning and Zoning Commission to come and speak before Council concerning this matter. Council Member Dupee stated that she would like another Resolution written to slow down the random excavation of the County's hillsides. City Manager Saunders stated that he would write the Resolution and discuss it at the next Workshop. e e CITY OF CLERMONT MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING July 8, 1986 Page -4- APPOINTMENT TO THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD It was reported that an appointment would have to be made to the Code Enforcement Board to fill a vacancy c~eated by the resignation of Marvin Styles whose term will expire in December of 1987. 86-128 A MOTION WAS MADE BY COUNCIL MEMBER HUFF, SECONDED BY COUNCIL MEMBER DUPEE' AND UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED TO TABLE THIS MATTER UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE COUNCIL MEMBERS CAN FIND A PERSON WILLING TO SERVE IN THAT CAPACITY. CITIZEN COMMENTS NILSA (CUQUI) WHITEHEAD Mrs. Whitehead asked the status of the Hillside Villas Project on Grand Highway and stated that every time it rained the road was covered with sand washing out from the site. City Manager Saunders explained that the owner of the project was presently negotiating with two contractors to complete the work, and that he had given him fourteen days from July 3 to comply with the City's requirements. If not, the City would begin using some of the project's $30,000 bond money to complete the work. Mrs. Whitehead also asked what could be done about "Garage Sale" signs which people never take down after their sales. Several people stated that they had removed the signs themselves, and that it was really a matter for Code Enforcement. CECIL SMART Mr. Smart asked the Council if they would support a Better Business Bureau in Lake County which would be a branch of the one in Orange County. Council Member Huff stated that he believed that all the Chambers of Commerce in Lake County should support this type of an endeavor. It was the consensus of Council that they could endorse the concept, but could not endorse financial assistance when they believea it should be part of the Chamber of Commerce function. Mr. Smart also stated that he supported Resolution #530. WAYNE WELTER Mr. Welter who lives at 826 Waterview Drive asked if something could be done about the 7' high rag weed growing behind his home. City Manager Saunders explained the City's lot mowing procedure, and assured Mr. Welter that the problem would be remedied within the next few weeks, There being no further business 8:30 p.m. or discussion, the meeting adjourned at &-t}/~ Robert A. Pool, Mayor Attest: Cler