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CITY OF CLERMONT • ORDINANCE No. 506 - M AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE SMALL SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING ACT, CHAPTER 163, PART II, FLORIDA STATUTES; SETTING FORTH THE AUTHORITY FOR ADOPTION OF THE SMALL SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT; SETTING FORTH THE PURPOSE AND INTENT OF THE SMALL SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT; PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE SMALL SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT; ESTABLISHING THE LEGAL STATUS OF THE SMALL SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Clermont was adopted by the City of Clermont on August 13, 1991, in accordance with the Local Government Planning and Land Development Regulations Act of 1985, Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Clermont may be amended pursuant to Florida Statutes s. 163.3187; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Clermont have held public hearings on the proposed amendment to the plan in light of written comments, proposals and objections from the general public; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved and enacted by the City of Clermont, Florida that: Section 1. After public hearings held by the City of Clermont Local Planning Agency and the Clermont City Council, the Future Land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Clermont is hereby amended by changing the following described property as shown: • CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 506 - M Page 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of Tracts 54A, 54B, 53B, 59 and 60, as shown on the plat of Lake Highlands Company Map of Section 29, Township 22 South, Range 26 East, Lake County, Florida, as recorded in Plat Book 2, page 25 of the Public Records of Lake County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the South'/a corner of Section 29, Township 22 South, Range 26 East, Lake County, Florida; thence run North 88° 34' 23" West, along the South line of the Southwest'/a of said Section 29, for a distance of 1,318.75 feet to a point on the Southernly projection of the West line of Tract 59 of said Map of Lake Highland Company; thence departing said South line, run North 00°10' 19" East, along said Southerly projection, and said West line of Tract 59, for a distance of 468.47 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continue North 00° 10' 19" East, along said West line of Tract 59, and along the West line of Tract 54B of said Map of Lake Highland Company, for a distance of 922.06 feet; thence departing said West line of Tract 54B, run South • 59°15'53" East, for a distance of 822.20 feet; thence run South 30°44'07" West, for a distance of 618.33 feet; thence run North 85°41'41" West, for a distance of 394.58 feet to the Point of Beginning. CHANGE IN FUTURE LAND USE CLASSIFICATION FROM UD-2 RESIDENTIAL TO UD-2 COMMERCIAL Section 2. If any portion of this ordinance is declared invalid, the invalidated portion shall be severed from the remainder of the ordinance, and the remainder of the ordinance shall continue in full force and effect as if enacted without the invalidated portion, except in cases where such continued validity of the remainder would clearly and without doubt contradict or frustrate the intent of the ordinance as a whole. Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with any of the provisions of this • ordinance are hereby repealed. CITY OF CLERMONT ORDINANCE No. 506 - M Page 3 Section 4. This ordinance shall be published as provided by law and it shall become law and shall take effect immediately upon its Second Reading and Final Passage. First reading this $th day of March 2005. Second reading this 12th day of Apri12005. PASSED AND ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA THIS 12~` DAY OF APRIL 2005. Harold S. Turville, Jr., Mayor ~, ~! ATTEST~~~~ ,~~~~~ ~~ .Tracy Ackroyd, City Clerk • FRC~h1 :KELLY,~OLLiNS & GENTRY, INS FHX N0. :4075581486 ~?un 1 ~ (if (33 ~ 4 ~ a C ~ TY Q~ C'._ER!!~J"?? ..,~• I • Notioe of lrncambrance Jun. 15 200b 10:15AM F'2 ~~~ X44 X54? ~.? City of Clexxnont 6~5 W. tvfontrose Street Clermont, FI, 34TI2 TH?S INSTRUMF_.NT, Made this 22 day of April, 2(1(?5, between Ii'owland/l-4 Investr~ts, I.LC of the CQUnt~.r of ~1olt~~sia, State of Florida Grazttor, ar~d the C'I'TY OI:' CI.E#~MQ:~iT, FLORIDA, A lVlurn-'cilsal Corporation, Grantee: 1NITNESSETH, NOTICE is given that heretofore car contemporaneouFly herewith Grantor has petitioned the Grantee for approval of a Conditional Use' Perce2it for ~.m~rty lc~atcd ad2acent- frr the Px`tY d~cxilaed bglvw and 'as part thereof Granter haft voit~ntarily agreed to the er*curnbrance of the subject property as provided herein, ana GR ANTnR, for and in con~id!~atic+n of the sum of t7NT and (H?/ 100 {$1.ilU) and other good a:~d valuable consideration to Grantor in hand, paid by Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknozvEedg~ecl; I~l~ F•fEItEBY ~NCUIwFI~El~ the below - de.RCribed real property situate, Tying and being in Lake County, Ftc~ridx~ with the abeolute • z'ec~uimm4nt that the subject riat property shall not be developed in any lnannc~i• for nwlti-family residential purp~s, "Ilse subject property i9 describccl as:. Tracts 53,4, S3B, S4A, S4B, 59 artd!6Q, czccarding to the I.AKf: HIGHLANDS COs11PANY1'1.~4T t~FSEC~"1©N Zy, TOWNSli1P Z~ ;;C11}:l'D;RANGE 26 L~'~1,5'?: recvrtledtn Ptut Brx~k Z, ~-age 2.5, Publtc Records of bake Cuunty, F[uricGa. Together with the West 12 of the unnamed platted road acl~acent to Tracts 33A and 60. LESS: That portion of'land for the proposed realignment ~f Stcves Road. ANI~ Af.S~J LEiSS~ A portion of Trracts 34A, 54B, 538, ~S~ ttrtd 64, cxs shnia~n ~n tltc pltu of LAKE HIGHI.ANI~S G'()MPANI' MAP of Section 2Q T®avr~sha~ Zl SoutJt, Range Zb £,ast, Lake County, Flnridct, as recorded in flat Ronk 2, page 23 ojthe t'ulilic Records of 1:ake County, Florida, heirrg nznre partiur~ta; ly described as fQllaws: • c~~~..;;~i._L_`'.~~.^~~~:^.:1 ~ u~i~4`4'`; , i;`~ ~ti~;- N:C. :d't~7~39R148S ,gun i 5 t~B t~8: ~za C i T~ ur CLERi+Ot~tT • n aura. 15 ~flQS .~: i°~Pt P3 352 354 3542 ~.~ t^O!~IA~Er~1CINQ at the Sr~uth 1>4 ct~rtae-° ~~fSzetivx Z9, Tt;~mcJrip Il South, Range ~b t%ast, LuiEe ~:'o .,ty, f'lorida; thence ruts ~'~'arth ;fig°34'23" if'est, along the South line of the Southwest 1/4 of ,catd Sectir~n ~~, for a dastanee of i.iFl~ ?S feet la a point fro the Southerly projection ol'the West tine of7~-act 3y oj'said INaP GFLAKLs` I~fIGHLA11112 C'Q1LfPANY; thence departing said South time, run North 00°1 D'Iy" F~lst, along said Snuthertyprojectlnr~ and said West line oj'?~art S9, f >r n distance of 4b8.47 feet to the pO11d7' ElF' &F.GIIVNIIV(r; thence tvntinue Nrrrth (~0'1(I'I9" ~'t, along said West line afT'ract ~.9; r~»d ulnrtg the West lane nj'7frrrct S4I1 c~fsaki.'~f~~' f3~' LAKE HIGHLAND COMPANY, fc~r r~ ~i ~ tf.~rce o, f S~?2. Qb feet; thence. ciepurtitrg sae~l T~ t~s~t llne o, j Tract .~41t, rue S'vtfth S9°I S'S3" Easi, , fir a ttixtttttt~e of $22. ~ p, feet; tDtertce run South Ali°44'07" We.tt, , far a distance of ~ 18. ,I3 feet,-. ~hercce run North $S ^41 '4 f " , fr>'r' tt distancr of :15-9.3~t feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Containing 3tj.9J uc:res, more or lees, Grantor is used for singular or plural, as the context requires. IN WI'TNL~$ 'I'FIF.RF;oF, GRANTOR has hereunto set ~*antar's hand and seal the day and year first above w~rittt3t I~20PrR1'Y OWNYSR(S): i ~~ ~ ~ ~ _-- ~• elute ' ~Ty;p~ ar print name 2. Signature .. 7_ype or print name STAFF OF _~QC~~- .- W1TN'E~ wo required: Sigt>,ature~ Type or print name 1. ~~~~ ~ _ Si na re. ~~~ .. Type yr print name .COUNTY OF V ~~~,.; o,. The foregoing instrument was acf.nowlPdged before me an this _(,~`~! day of _.1~~R.. , 2Q.~6, by t`~l~Qe.LYlrs~~ ~ who is personally known to me or who lies produced _ _ _ _ A8 identification and who did not :tak€~ an oath. ~~"A°~e~ CHRISTIAIE M. MORRIS ~r,; ~ ~;;+ ,~ MY COMMISSION # DD 452171 ~E~L.: ffof6tn&• EX?IRES: August 12, 2009 1-8003•NOTARY FL Notary Di2count Assoc. Co. ?rotary Public C~~tJu,~~ ~.~ ;ype/print naive ~ s-1-~.4e._~-•_!,~. o~ns Fnrsut.nt Oo 9eeacx. b~.29(3)(~; this irvts~ertk K hnln C~aeptar FHS, P.S.,; Prepared by a Attbltc (N6cer, City Attar,~cy, City c if C.itsRinrc~ Flvritis ri47Y~ • Sun. 15 20136 10:19AM P4 :4078981488 ~`4 1NL ~N?C ~• ~~~ ~~4 ~~~42 ~ :KELLY . ~„ULL I N'6 & ~h1T RY , ~I°~ ~~ ~i_ERC4©N3 ;t~~ .5 i1~ 08~~2~ ~~ ~ , `\ ~ r '} ~ ~~ \: L~' ' P ,~ ._ y - ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ --r ; u 1. ,,r1.: /..- •,t~ t ~,` i ~ ~ ~ a4 ~ ` t r ~ >v ¢ t a `, ~ ` f= ~. S 4 _ ~. ,.~ \ ~~ ~ ,i.8 w6 , ~~ ~; ~ ~~'iit S ~ " ;~ i tt+ i ~tt .. z V ~~~-1 ~ 7_ tt ~ ~`r~~~ ~ ~~~~t~ °~ ~ ~j{~ . ~± i t _~--- . ~ ~, <. :~ n d a~~.. ~- s fir,. E `r~ y~~i ~ Jig J c+ `y ~n Cl t i 4~N'i' a~° r rl ~~C V ~{ ~'NqW * si ' ~JNt• ~.-,. .. WSW. lYA1'RF~ -" ---° Ci~VT'g~ ~'{C 1'1A _.. ~TlO~ilel 1~•.iE ~ IIP'h Ny, gT.~inA it