NO. 1458
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Clermont, Lake
County, Florida at a meeting held November 1, 2005 approved this Conditional Use Permit for a
Planned Unit Development to allow for the construction of a residential subdivision at the
following location:
Between Florida's Turnpike and Old Highway 50 (C.R.50), east of Hancock Road and west of
The City Council deems it advisable in the interest of the general welfare of the City of
Clermont, Lake County, Florida to grant this Conditional Use Permit.
• NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Clermont,
Lake County, Florida that:
This application for a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development to allow for the
construction of a residential subdivision; be granted subject to the following conditions:
Section 1 -General Conditions
1. The conditions as set forth in this Conditional Use Permit shall be legally binding upon
any heirs, assigns and successors in title or interest.
2. The property shall be developed in accordance with the County-approved Planned Unit
Development, approved May 15, 1990 under Ordinance #8-90 (attached here as "Exhibit 1 "),
unless modified by the subsequently approved development plan subdivision plan (approved
4/28/05 and attached here as "Exhibit 2"), or by plats or permits or utility agreement. The City's
Land Development Regulations shall apply in areas not addressed in the approved County PUD
or any subsequently approved development plans, plats, permits or utility agreement.
NO. 1458
Page - 2 -
3. The City accepts all infrastructure plans and permits, as approved by Lake County. These
include the following, as well as any subsequent approvals finalized by December 13, 2005, or
the final adoption of the PUD, whichever is latest: planned development plan; preliminary
subdivision plan; recorded plats (Plat Book 56, pages 35-46, recorded 9/29/05);
construction engineering plans, including phasing details approved 9/26/05; hadscape plans
including project signage; landscape plans; temporary marketing signs along Florida's Turnpike
and C.R. 50; pool/cabana recreation center (including hadscape, landscape and architectural);
sales preview center (landscape and architectural); model permits (up to 10 model units);
construction trailers; and transportation capacity reservation.
4. The City also accepts the following agencies' approvals and any subsequent approvals
secured prior to December 13, 2005, or the final adoption of the PUD, whichever is latest:
Orlando Utilities Commission lighting agreement; Florida Department of Environmental
Protection (FDEP) water permit (WD35-0080588-147); FDEP sewer permit (CS35-0242625-
001); FDEP Notice of Intent (FLR10AC28); St. Johns River Water Management District permit
(40-069-89624-1); and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission gopher tortoise
incidental take permit (LAK-77).
• 5. If any of the stated conditions are violated, the applicant understands and agrees that the
City Council may revoke this Conditional Use Permit by resolution.
6. The Conditional Use Permit must be executed and filed in the office of the City Clerk
within 90 days of its date of grant by the City Council or the permit shall become null and void.
7. This permit shall become null and void if substantial construction work has not begun
within two (2) years of the date of this Conditional Use Permit is executed and signed by the
permittee. "Substantial construction work" means the commencement and continuous
prosecution of construction of required improvements ultimately finalized at completion.
Section 2 -Land Use
1. This permit is for asingle-family residential development with up to 402 homes, a
density of approximately 1.94 homes/acre.
2. The City will process an administrative large-scale comprehensive plan amendment to
Undeveloped District 5 (UD-5) future land use district to be processed with the first-cycle
amendments for 2006.
NO. 1458
Page - 3 -
Harold Turville, Mayor
Exhibit 1
~.. .
---- -- _ . _ ~ r,.
• 1= I L k 0 ~~s~ ~~..r
liHBj ~r5~()County Planning and Eoninq Commission did,
on the 25~h.:day_bi'~~1, 1990, review petition 98A-90-3, a
~iiii~ ~.~~~,.,; ~.i°~oR~o~
request to approve the preliminary development plan fo= resoninq
lrom A (A9sicultural) to ppD (planned unit Development) and
waivers of Section 70.281 to allow septic tanks on Tote lees than
1,500 sq. tt.= and waiver of Section 70.290 of the Lake County
Soninq Re9u14tione to allots setbacks o! 1S ft. from side iot line
abutting any intersecting street for lots greater than 75 ft.
wide end to sdd additional land, on property generally located in
the l'tinneole area - Property lying S of Sunshine State Parkway i
N of Old Hwy. SO. The property is more particularly described
ae r
~ (i8-903) Parcel As Tract 46, 50, 51, 62,
the r 1/2 of tract 63, Tract 35, 8 of Turnpike (Sunshine State
Parkway), lase the i+l 1/2 thereof, Tract 17, 8 of Turnpike
(Sunshine State Parkway) ae recorded in the plat of Lake Highland
Company, according to the plat thereof as reworded in Plst Bk. 3,
Pg. 52, Public Records of Lake County, BLS and the ~ifil 1/4 of the
NB i/4, N of Old Hwy. 50 of Sec. 22, Twp. 2ZS, Rqe. 26Q,; and
Tracts 39, 42, 43, 44, S3, S4, SS, 59 and 60 M of Old Hwy. 50 a•
recorded in tAe plat of Lake Highlsnd Company (containing 117.107
+/-acres); PARCL-L et Tract 5Z of the plat of Lake Highland
Compa~-y according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat 8k. 3,
p4• S~ of the Public Rscorde bf Lake County, llorida, Tract 61
all of that portion lying H of Old Hwy. 50 of the plat of Lake
Highland Company (containing 18.393 •/-acres)] p11A,CEL Cs Tract 49
of the plat of Lske Highlands Company according to the plat
thereof as recorded in Plat ek. 3 Pq. 52 of the Public Records of
Lake County, Florida, (containln 9.542 +/_
part of Tract 48 of Lhe plat of Lake Highland Coa~upanyRac ~~in9at
to the plat thereof as recorded in plat 81c. 3, pq. 52 of the
Public Records o! Lake County, Florida, lying SFl of the Florida
~rnptke (containing 0.030 +/_acres)= and PARCEL 6; All of
T'racta 27, 37 end 38= portions of Tracts ilA, 12A, 21, 28, 29,
29A and 36 lying N of Florida State Turnpike and the W i/2 of
Tract 35, lying N of Flo;,ids State Turnpike, all of said Tracts
according to the plat of Y+ake Higqhlands Company ~p of 8sc . 15,
~+P• 228, Rqo. 266, as recorded in Plat Hk. 3, Pg. 52 of the
Public Records of Lake County, FL (eontainlnq 57.93 +/-eeree);
AND THE pOi.L01~11N0 (98A~90-3) including the Clay Pit recorded in
Official RsCOrd 8k. 810, Pq. 2049 and that
Florida Turnpike 1luthority in that Csrtein N rrentyaDe~d re oi'dod
in Official Record Rk. 233, Pq. 192, public Records of yoke
. `-~,
County, FL; and All that part o! the follorrinqq deacsibed land
lying 3 0! the r/w of Florida's Turnpikes beginnirt at • point 'on
the Aid-section ling 1105.75 ft. 8 0! the N 1/2 Ai~e.oornes of
Soc. iS, 228, age. 26s, Lake County, Florida on the 8'ly
line o! th~sbandoned r/w o! the losmer Tavares and Gull
Railroads run M'ly along •aid s'ly line a distsnoe o! 1,75 ft.
to the N line of Tract 11A socording to the plat of the Lake
Highlands a subdivision in •aid Bec. 15, a• recorded in plat bk.
3, pg. 52, public records o! Lake County, Florida; thence B 11.26
ft.; thence E'ly pssallbl to said l~'ly lies of abandoned r/w
1,32.21 to a point which is 20.00 tt. M of the Mid-section line,
thence s 762.76 ft.~ thence W 295.15 ft., thence 8 245.25 ft.;
thena• E 315.15 tt. to the mid-section line, thence N along tM
mid-section line 1,130.25 !t. to the P.O.B.
AND, after giving Notice of Hearing on petition for
development plan approval, including a notice that •aid petition
would be presented to the Board of County Coswnisaionera of Lake
County, Florida, on the iSth day of May, and
i~iHEREA$, the Board of County Co~maissioness reviewed said
petition, the recomsendations of the Lake County Planning and
Boning Commission, and any comments, favorable or unfavorable
from the Public and •urroundinq property owners tat a Public
Hearing duly advertised, end
iIEIgR6A8, upon review, Certain terms, and oonditions
pertaining to'the development of the above deroribed property
have been duly approved, and
NOFi TNBRaFOR6, BE IT RSSOLVaD by the Board of County
Commissioners of Lake County, Plorida, that the toning Rules end
Regulations o! Lake Coartty, rlosida, be altered and arended a•
they pertain to the above tract of land subject to the following
terns and conditiorts~
1. Termsi The PUD shall mean and include the total of thA
I. Land Ose~
1. Nnmber/Tens ot_Ba!^ dontisi alnits
A total of X02 jingle-family~unitr will be
permitted at a gi^oss residential donaity o!
1.9 units/sore. The development will be
phased Eros, south to north.
~. Setback Ra iramenta
ror'ths residential portion of the PUO the
following setbacks will be in effect:
rronts ~S ft. from property line
Rears ZS ft. from the prop+=tyy line {with
the ezoeption that acoearory buildings or
pools be able to asintain a 10 ft. rear yard
Side: 10 ft. fro~a the property line and a
waiver of Section 70.290 of Lake County •
Eoninq Regulations to allow 1'~ tt. from side
lot lines abutting any intersecting ,treat for
lots greater than 75 ft. wide.
tlinimum sotbacks from Black Still Lake Rd.
shall be fifty (SO') ft.
B. Recreational facilities
i. Ths applicant shall provide a ccaamunity
recrestional center in the aroa indicated on
the preliminary developawnt plan with derigna
to be submitted with the final developstient
2. Set, Dacke
The corumunlty recreational facility shall
meet the following setbackr~
!'ront~ SO ft. from street rights-of-way
8 ids /Rear ~ 10 f t. f roar property 1 Ines j
TMenty-live (15'y when ad~aoent to
residential use.)
A site plan will be required prior to the
issuance of any building peraits.
Public leciltt~A
• A. Nate, a 8e~rer w... ~ ~ ~ * t ~.
1. ]- central water system with individual septic
tanks ^hall be permitted.
A wsiver of Section 70.281 of the Lake County
Eoninq Regulations wee granted to allow
septic tanks on lot, less than 12,500 eq. ft.
The applicant ,hall cot~ply with the
requirements of Chspter lOD-6.
3 •
`. ^~n nom.. ~. ~'\
~~. Drainaoe end 6tbrmwate• ~~~
The applicant shall subsit drainage
calculations end a •to~ates ~aansgestent
plan, when filing for plat approval.
3. tir~Pro tibn
J111 hydrant locations shall be required to be
indicated on the utility plan o! the PUD and
will be submitted to Dire Protection for
III Open Bnaca/Buffer Ae` i'-"•~r"~:
1. Rea iden~,l
Twenty-five (Z5~) pe~ccent of the gross land area
utilised !or residential purposes shall bs
provided as open space.
Conservation and open space sees which contains
wtlend soils, shall be dedicated as an
environmental eesesient, which shall permit passive
recreational uses only.
TV TrsnsQO~ anon i~y~_
1. The applicant shall be required to provide right
end left turn lanes with storage and taper
pursusnt to l.D.O.T. stsndard~ at each entrance.
Z. An additional 17-1/Z ft. of right-of-way along Old
Hwy. SO shall be dedicated, pursuant to Lake
.....County Public /forks Departaent .
3. 1-ll underlying lots and roads must be vacated.
4. Long interios cul-de-sacs must be connected es
required by the Public Works Departsient o! Lake
5. Bxtend the right-of-way et the western property
line for future connection hookup to clack Still
V. The applicant will be required to pay, at a minimum,
one-hundred and tilLy (SiS0.00) for school impact tee.
Z. Conditions a• altered and awtended which pertain to the above
tract o! land shall wane
A. After ssteblishsient of the facilities as provided
herein, the aforementioned property rhsll only La used
for the purposes named in this ordinance. 1-ny other
proposed use lust be apecilicaily authorised by the
Planningq and Toning Commission and the Hoard of County
,.. B:-... Mo porso--,. rj~M. ~~ cvr`ic,ratlou gl~Aj,''Vreat, couatx'uct,
enlarge, .lter, repair, ~~.
convert, or deeoliah any buiidin .! ~• save,
the land in any sanner within thi stioture, °r alter
above dl•aorlbad land without li~at~adaries o! the
necoaaaYy p1aM in accordance Nith Bevtioni70.31eo! the
soninq Ordinance a! Lake County, and obtainin a
frogs the Chie! of poveloparnt Coord~ation upon pproval
obtaining the permits required Eros, th• other
appropriate governsiental g4enciea.
C• Thia a~ndeent ahail inure to the
constitute a covenant running Mith~~:landfandn h~hall
terms, conditions, and provisions hereof, end shall be
binding upon the present owner and a
shall be subject to each and eve ~' avocessor, and
,out. ry oand~tion herrin set
~• Construction and o
all tiaNi oaply M~ha~ho rof the proposed use shall et
go'vernaAtal agencies. 4ulation~ q~ this and other
e• The transfer o! ownership or lease of any or all o!
property described in Ordinance #e.90 shall include ins
the transfer or lease aq~nt, a
purchases or leases is pde q~d ~sbviNioe thet the
conditions pertaining to the pop n+ar~ °! the
Dweiops~pt~ established iPlagned. Unit
to be bound by Ordinance ~~490, and,ags-ees
ieaae. sia ~ these conditions. The:pa~haser or
Y request a change from the a:latin4 plarur and
conditions by lollo~,-inq procedures coataiwd in
a~laas~~ aph 691.13, Lake County SoainQ ~qulationson
uuNa AND ueQLt/eD ,' ~ the Lake Count
COmmiseionera on t 15th day of ~IeY 8o~d ot'~~bvnty
Y, 1990, A....
sTATe o: aroRra- ~
cover or L~ ~
cam J' c, C
Board o! Count z~an
Y C~iasionsrs
r liBRBBY t~RTrrY that on
°f an Ordinenc• sdo ted tha above and tore9oir~ is a
regular session o by the Board of Count true copy
of Coun y Com~issl as the s Y Coaasissiorte~ in
~ - as'0o ePPpe s an record
JAN68 C . NA'1'Ar~B
Clerk oe the Circyit Court
•od ~s-Oltioidl Clork o! the
Board of Coyet~ Co~ir~ionora~
Lakes Co tY, ! orida ~ -
8Yt ~ ~ ~ -
`` .
FxnlnlT "A" _
~escE A ~ . • .. .
All of Traets 46, 50,.51 and•62, the North 1/2 of Traet.67, -and thoeo po'rtiona
of Teaeta 75 and 47 lyin;' South of the Florida Turnplko (Sunehlna State
Parkway), all of agld Trart^ af•tha Plat of LAKE IiIGHLANO COMPANY according to
tho plat thecoof as reeordod•ln Plat Book ~, Pago S2 of tho Pub1Yc~Bocorda .of
Lnks County,. Florida..
And -
That pact of the Northwest 1/4 of the Northdaot~l/4 of Sectlol 22, Townehip 22
South, Range 26 Eaat, lying North of Old IliRhway S0. ; '
And .-• •• -
All of Traets 79, 43, 44 and 53, and•thoae portions- o~•Traeto 42,54; ,SS,, S9
and 60 lying Borth of Old Iti;hway 50, all of acid Tracts of ths•Plat-of.LAKE
11IG11LAND COMPANY aceordln; to L•hs plat tl~aroof ar reeordid ~n;.'plat Hook•],
Po;e 52 of the Public Reeoida of Laka County, Florida. •
Tiaet 52 of the plat of LAKE HICIiLANO COMPANY according to the plat th~toof as
recorded in~ Plat Book 3, 'Page",52, of tho Public Rocords of. Laki•Cpunty,
Florida, And that portion•of Tract 61•of the i[oreaaid Plat of••Lako.High]~nd' •
• •Cow,peny lying North of Old 1[ighway 50. -
Treet 45 of'tho Ylat of• LAKE HIGHLAND COMPANY ~eecording' to tlio plat,•E~-oreof aa•
. recordod in Plat Book 3; Paga 52 of tho Publle Rseorda of Leks County, Florida
• Y'hat pert of Traet•40 of the plat of LAKE•$IGHLAND COIiPANY.according:-to the
.plat thereof as recorded in Plat Hook 7, Paie'S2 of'tha Public Reeor~i~.of•~Lake
County; F}orida, lying Sonthwost of the Florida Turnpike. (Sunshino State
• Parkway),
A11 of Tracts 27, 37 and 38, portions of Tcacta ilA, lYA;;21, 2H,•29,'•29A•and
36 •lying {lest of Florida State Turnpike and the VisE •oi-e-half of .Tract 75
ly1n; k'oat of Florida State Turnplke,•all of said Tc~cta ot•the PIat of. LAKE
HICNLANDS COMPANY NAP 'OF Section tS, Township 22 South,. Rango 2G F.aet, aa'
tccorded 1n Plet Book 3, •Paga 52 of tho• Public. Rocords• of .Laka.•Catunfy,•
-•.Florida. ,
. .
CIdY PIT DESCRIP'fIOH - ~ -• ~ '
• ~s
All that p~rt of the following described land ]yind:South of•the •right-ot-wiy
of Florida a•1t:rnpike (Sunshino Stets Parkways Ha;inning at •a polnf.on:ths
mid-auction lino 1105.75 fast South of the North ono-half••mili~•Oorner of
Section IS,• Township 22 South, Hango 26.>;ast, Lake. County, Florida•on the
Southerly lino of the.abandoned ri;ht,-of-wey of the former Tavares' and'•Culf
Railsood,. tun k'esterly aloni said Southerly lini a distance of ••1,375 fact to•
the wont lino of Tract 11-A according to '!ho plat; of-.Lake Hlghlandi a ,
eubdlvlsion in eald Soction 15 as recorded Ln Plat Book •7; •Pags; S2; Publi'e
Rocords of Lake County, Florlda,•thonee South 41.26 •foet, thong iraotorly
parallel to said Southerly line of obendonod right-of-way 1,342,21 fat,t'to'a
point which !a 20.00 foot west of the mid-section lino, thence South•yH2s)6.
Eset, thanes Kest 295.15 feat, thence South 295,25 foot; thenco•Eest`•:315,15. '
feet to the mid-section lino, thence North along the mid-section line 1,130.,5 .
feet to rho Point of Beginning. •
•(R:052LC\L-495) - .'
'Pena 1 of 3-
. ~
A portion of LAKE II10111.ANDS COIIPANY~ MAP• OF SECTI,O{•1 • 15,- '
TOlfNS11IP 22 SOCn'H, RANOE 26 $AS7', reeordad' in Plat Book ~, . "-
Pe=a 52 of the Public Records of Lnkn Couaty end a portion '
of the Northwirt 1/4 of thr Northoaat i/4 of Ssetion 22, ••
Township 22 South, Ran1e 26 Eaat, i.ake County, Florida, ~ '
dseeribsd aa•.[allovs:
Coaananea at• tiia Southeast eornor of Ssetion '15, .Township . ~ -
22 South, Range 26 Fast, Leka County, Floclda and run '
•N 19'17'37" V along thr Snuth•llnr of the Southeast I/4 •o[ •
.raid Ssetion 15 for a- dirtonee of 131!.39 •.feat ~ to .the •_
Sauthwart corner ot'the Treat 63 of weld LAKE •.HIOIILANDS
CONPAHY and thi POINT OF BECJNNINO;• thence zun~.~;.;••
N 00'25'42" E along'thr. Vest line. of said Tyact• 63 for a :• '
distance of 371.09 font; thence run S 89°21'24" E' along •
•the' youth line of the North 1/2 of said •Tract 63~-:foe. a -
- disstaneo of 659.47, fret; thnnre run.H 00°23'26" E along ~• '
the Eeat linr of said Tract 6] and•the.eaat line of 'fract•
SO acid LAKE HIGHLANDS .COMPANY for a dlstiner of 995:46 • -
fast to the Northonst• corner thereof; thanca• run
S 69']2'46" E along trta South 1inr.oE Treat 48 of, said '
LAKE HIGHLANDS COMPANY for a distnnca of 67.95 fait to the
Vrstrrly Right-of-Vey lino of the Florida-Turnplka'•,' thence '
iun the following I1 couraei along acid Vraterly R3aaht- . •~-•:' -
of-Vey line: 1) N 46']6'32" V, 556.71 faat;~ 2) S 43'23l28!''~:•::•'• ~•
' V, 20.00 feat; ]) 'N 46'D6'72' V, 1752:93 ,feet; •• 4) -- •~ •'
• ~ N 13'23'28"'E, 20.00 frrt; 5) N 46'36'32" V,. •161.91 •frst-
to a .point on a euzvr'eoneave Northeaeterly•having a
radius of 5879.S1~foet, a central'anile•of OS~15'12" and`a• •
. chord bearing of N 44•'03'06" V; 6) 'thancd : iun• •;•-•; '
Northwesterly along. the are•of weld curer fora distance "•
of 539.09 fort to a point of non-taagancy;~ 7)~ thence '
S 89'51'11" V,. 13.32 fast to a point oa=a curve•conoitYa
Northaaatarly having a radius of 5889.51 tart a erntral•
- angle of 02°01'17" and a chord bairinl of N 40'19'33" V;~ '
• 8) thanca • sun Northaratirly along; the are of • acid ~ curve ~ • :~ .;; '
' 'for a distance of 208.35 fast to a 'point of nop-tangency; '
• 9)• thanca zun N SO°41'16': E radial to said outer for a
distance of 10.00 feat to a poiat oa a •curvs.~concays. '
Northaaatarly having a radius of 5879.56 feat a central '
angle of 03°36'22"- and a chord bearing oE,N 37°30'33"'V;.'•,:". •, '
1~0) thence run Northwesterly along ths'arc:of said curve= '
• for a distance .of 370.05 frrt•to a point oE.•no~-tangency;'• ,• ••
11) •thenco run N 35'37']2" .V Eor a dlstancr of 208.25.• felt .•?~'~' L,.
- to. a point oa' .the Southrrly• Right-of-Way lint of ''•=r'
Blaekstill Lakr Roed; thanes run S 87'52'.28" V• along. said' ~r:~;=
Right-of=Vay lint for'- a dlstancr of 40.79:=•frrt • to the ~ •:5:~~:~• • ~~
point of curvature of a curve concave Northerly having "a" -`''
radius of 1205.92 fart .end a central angle'oE• 14°00'00." -_•1~:"~-,1
thenea•run Vealerly along the are of eaid'etirvi and'asid• ''•;;;,•,<..
Right-of-Vay line for a distance of 294:66- feel; •thenco• . :,_, -,~ ~ -:
• iun- N,78 O7 32 V along •said• Right-of-Vay•ains. for s •-ti':~;::~;~~:'
distance of 98:60 foot to tho point •of curvaturs• bf a :;{:~,'~•µj?'• • .
curer concavr Southerly having a radius of • 1085.91 fort . :='i'~~~' '
end a central angle of 13°10'49"; thenco run• ltestacly•. •:',..:i•:'.
along thr are of acid eurva and said Right-of-Vey line for ~:~~*:!~'."
a diatanu of 249.80 fort to • point of non-tan~ene t••4•; '. '
thanca !raving' said• Right-of-Va • uy'' • ''1'' ~' ~ ~~
aloe thr Y ~.ina run S~•00. 31 47. •V •'~?o-;;f•;Y..;r,. ,
8 ti(rst' lino of Tract 11A said LAKE HIGNLANDS•~'~~'.~;~r• .
COMPANY and its Southerly prolongation' .thezdof for a•'; ;i~l~F:~~ .
distanea• ot.69.96 fsst.ta ,t rsferenee,polnt "A"•,~, laid :_~~~:•
point being on• tho Wosterly•itiglit-of-Vay lins'oE a plattsd• •?~;•.•s,+,•;•`•..
un-named road ae ,shown •on said Plat 'of LAKE HIGHLANDS •:.•'=.:~;`'::y•
COMPANY; thanca tun Southeasterly, Southorly•end Veaterly•~':.~.;'.
olong acid Vssterly Right=of=Way lino tot a •diatancs_of ••
2760 fret more or lass to a• point• on• the •Northerly `•'
prolongation of the West line of Tract 39. of shad LAKE _ ••
HIGHLANDS • COMPANY, acid point lyint . S 25°40'00" .W' a' ;r -~ ••
distance. of 1550,43 -feet from the aforsaeid ~Refsrence•• • ~''.'•••`~~
• Point "~"; thence run S 00°51'25"'W Along. the I~'est line•of,~~~s:~-.~•
•reld Tract 39 and said Northerly protontation•and the Waat~:.•~, ~.~~,
lino of •Tract 42 of ^aid LAKE I]ICHLANDS C6HPANY: for a •.,~.'~~:.'~•, .
diatancs of• 1221.48 feat to ~tho Northerly -Right-of-Way, :~ :.;.•:~•'
line of Old Nighway 50; tlionce ran the tollowlna 8 courses ., ,
-Page. 2 of 3- •,
E: -~
- • - J •.
•~ -- -
along said Norther]y Right-of-Way .lines 1) S-bl°23'27"•E,
- -
• - 611.30 feot to the point of curvature' of s curva• concave
' ~ .;~ •j- ~ ~•
. So4rthwesterly •having
a radius of 1133.00 'feet, •, and• a' _
central angle'of' 14°54'34"; 2) thence run- Southeasterly
~ -
tha- arc of-said curve for a distance of• 294.83 feet; -•- -~
• .. 3) thence S 46°28'53" F, 234..91 'fast.. to the point• of~• _
-~• - -
-curvature of a'curve. concave NorthoRaterly•.having.a 'radium ,...
.;:' •
of~792.00 feet and a central angle of 18°34'42";
4) thence .
- -,' run. Southeasterly . along •tha .arc of asid.• curva for ~a
• dietencs of 256:81 feet; S) thence S 65'03'-35" • E, :701.89-
- -
foet to the point of a curve conaave'Southwb'aterly•heVing •• .-•
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6) thence run' Southeasterly
along the arc of said •curva - ,
for a diatanca of 396.92- feet; '7) thence S 52°58'56" E, '• `•
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• central angle of 29°15'34•'; 8). thenc¢ •Southeasterly.along
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