R-05-1461 CITY OF CLERMONT RESOLUTION No. 1461 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR THE CITY OF CLERMONT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2004-2005. • WHEREAS, it is hereby found and determined by the City Council of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, that the following budget amendments are necessary for the Fiscal Year October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005, as follows: GENERAL FUND 1. Increase Gas & Oil -City Manager (10512-55201) Increase Gas & Oil -Engineering (10516-55201) Increase Gas & Oil -Police (10521-55201) Increase Gas & Oil -Fire (10522-55201) Increase Gas & Oil -Transportation (10541-55201) Increase Gas & Oil -Parks (10542-55201) Increase Gas & Oil -Animal/Mosquito Control (10543-55201) Increase Gas & Oil -Fleet Maintenance (10544-55201) Increase Gas & Oil -Other Public Works (10549-55201) Increase Gas & Oil -Recreation (10574-55201) To amend the budget for gas and oil due to increased fuel cost. 2. Increase Electric & Gas Service Increase Electric & Gas Service Increase Electric & Gas Service Increase Electric & Gas Service Increase Electric & Gas Service Increase Electric & Gas Service To amend the budget to refl -City Clerk (10511-54300) - City Manager (10512-54300) -Administrative Services (10513-54300) -Planning & Zoning (10515-54300) -Engineering (10516-54300) -Recreation (10574-54300) ect the actual city hall electric expense. 3. Increase Professional Services -Document Imaging (10511-53186) Increase Capital Outlay -Equipment (10511-66401) To amend the budget for the carry forward of unexpended funds from the 2003-04 fiscal year for the purchase of the Laser Fiche Document Imaging System as approved by City Council on June 8, 2004. 423 3,356 33,557 14,845 1,443 5,752 1,277 1,571 4,002 517 641 1,863 8,270 5,360 3,497 556 7,419 5,978 C CITY OF CLERMONT • RESOLUTION No. 1461 Page 2 4. Increase Repair/Maintenance - IT Equipment (10513-54623) $ 10,866 Increase Software Renewals/Support (10513-55219) $ 55,911 To amend the budget to reflect actual city-wide computer network repairs and software license renewals. 5. Increase Professional Services -Computer Consultant (10521-53152) $ 67,148 To amend the budget for the outside computer consultant expenses incurred prior to the city's Information Technology Coordinator becoming responsible for the police department computer network. 6. Increase Capital Outlay -Equipment (10521-66401) $ 17,747 To amend the budget for the carry forward of unexpended funds from the 2003-04 fiscal year for the police department computer network upgrades. 7. Increase Salaries -Overtime (10522-12120) $ 107,068 Increase Salaries -Overtime EMS (10522-12124) $ 11,341 • Increase Benefits -FICA (10522-12224) $ 34,688 To amend the budget for higher overtime expenses due to the lack of part-time and volunteer firefighters. 8. Increase Capital Outlay -Equipment (10522-66401) $ 5,940 To amend the budget for the purchase of a copier as approved by City Council on January 25, 2005. 9. Increase Capital Outlay -Equipment (10522-66401) $ 6,946 To amend the budget for the carry forward of unexpended funds from the 2003-04 fiscal year for the fire department computer network upgrades. 10. Increase Debt Service -Library Interest (10571-77205) $ 1,205 To amend the budget for the final debt service payment on the old Cooper Memorial Library building loan. INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 1. Increase Transfer to 2002 Public Improve Bond Fund (16522-99113) $ 656 • To amend the budget to reflect the actual debt service transfer. CITY OF CLERMONT • RESOLUTION No. 1461 Page 3 FIRE IMPACT FEE FUND 1. Increase Professional Services -Architect (16522-53172) $ 3,800 To amend the budget for the carry forward of unexpended funds from the 2003-04 fiscal year for preliminary design work for the expansion of Fire Station No. 2. SANITATION FUND 1. Increase Contract Services -Collection (49534-53405) $ 165,179 To amend the budget to reflect the actual contracted services fees. CEMETERY FUND 1. Increase Transfer to General Fund (61581-99101) $ 7,383 To amend the budget to reflect the actual interest earnings transfer to the General Fund. • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above said budget amendments of the City of Clermont for the 2004-OS Fiscal Year and appropriations therefore are hereby adopted. DONE AND RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CLERMONT, LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA THIS 22ND DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2005. CITY OF CLERMONT ~~~.~..t-~ ,/ Harold S. Turville, Jr., Mayor ,, ~" .Attest: ,~ 4'~, ~ ~/ Tracy Aackroyd, City Cler ' ,.~ ` .