11-08-2005 Regular MeetingCity of Clermont
November 8, 2005
The Clermont City Council met in a regular meeting on Tuesday, November 8, 2005 in the Council Chambers at City
Hall. Mayor Hal Turville called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm with the following Council Members present: Council
Members Mullins, Goodgame, and Renick. Other City officials present were: City Manager Saunders, Assistant City
Manager Gray, City Attorney Mantzaris, and City Clerk Ackroyd.
Council Member Goodgame gave the invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
City Council Meeting Minutes held October 11, 2005
City Council Meeting Minutes held October 25, 2005
Council Member Renick clarified the exact spelling of Mr. Molmar's name who spoke at the October 11, 2005 meeting.
Council Member Goodgame moved that the minutes o, fthe October 11 `" be approved as corrected and the
minutes of October 25`" be approved as written. The motion passed with all members present voting
~y Holzman asked to express concerns about a proposed office development along Hwy 27 North of Kings Ridge.
City Attorney Mantzaris stated there could be issues with the project requiring them to be heard by the Council. At this
point, it would be best for him to direct his concerns at the staff level.
Mr. Holzman understood and noted he would take his concerns to the Planning staff.
Frank Lyon, 935 Brogden Drive, reported problems with speeders on Brogden and requested speed bumps.
Mayor Turville asked City Manager Saunders to focus on enforcement; if that does not work, then to consider alternative
traffic control.
Council Member Renick requested the issue be placed on a workshop agenda to discuss.
Mary Jo Phiffer, Operator of The Vintage View, expressed concern with the lack of business in downtown district.
Mayor Turville requested she advise staff of any ideas she may have.
City Manager Saunders scheduled a Council workshop on November 29 at 6pm and a CRA meeting at 7pm following the
City Attorney Mantzaris - No Report
City of Clermont
November 8, 2005
Council Member Goodgame stated a traffic study was conducted at the intersection of Hwy 50 and Hancock which
indicated a turn lane is needed and it is now in the engineering phase. Also, there is a traffic study being conducted at
Johns Lake Road and Hancock.
Council Member Mullins - No Report
Council Member Renick reported the next meeting of the South Lake Growth Summit is tentatively scheduled to be held
in the Minneola Council Chambers on December IS` at 6:30pm.
City Clerk Ackroyd administered the Oath of Office for elected Council Member Mullins for Seat II and Council Member
Goodgame for Seat N.
Mayor Turville advised the next item on the Agenda for consideration was the Consent Agenda and requested anyone
wishing to have any item pulled for discussion to please come forward at this time.
Item No. 1 -Event Request
~tem No. 2 -Scope of Services
Kimley Horn & Associates
Item No. 3 -Purchase Approval
Utilities Department
Item No. 4 -Purchase Approval
Utilities Department
Item No. 5 -Fire Station Expansion
Item No. 6 -Professional Services Agreement
CT Hsu & Associates
Requesting the use of McKinney Park on Sunday, December 25
Christian Men in Action
Request authorization to accept Scope of Services from Kimley
Horn & Associates for the Streetscape Project, Phase 2
Approval to purchase a Perma-Liner system from
Perma- Liner Industries for $9,667.25.
Approval to purchase a crane truck and crane for $62,325.
Request approval to bid expansion project for Fire Station 2
Agreement with CT Hsu & Associates for professional services
for the Community Center
Item No. 7 -Plat Approval
Nottingham at Legends
Council Member Goodgame moved to approve the consent agenda as written • seconded by Council
Member Mullins The motion_passed with all members present voting "aye ".
Mayor Turville noted Ordinance 504-M and Ordinance 505-M has been requested to be postponed to March 14, 2006.
Ordinance No. S04-M Final Hearing
City of Clermont
November 8, 2005
Council Member Mullins moved to table Ordinance 504Mto March 14• seconded by Council Member
Good~?ame. The motion passed with all members present votin~aye "
Ordinance No. SOS-M Final Hearing
Council Member Mullins moved to table Ordinance SOSM to March 14• seconded b_v Council Member
GoodQame. The motion passed with all members present votin~aye "
Mayor Turville requested these ordinances be re-advertised at the time of the public hearing.
Ordinance No. 348-C Final Hearing
An Ordinance under the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida amending the
Code of Ordinances chapter 2, article VI, division 2 "Impact Fees"; amending section 2-263
"Definitions"; amending section 2-264 "Impact Fee Schedule" providing for a new impact fee schedule;
amending section 2-265 "Special Study Option"; deleting section 2-270 "Refunds" providing for liberal
construction; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinances to the extent
of such conflict; providing for severability, and providing for an effective date.
City Manager Saunders stated the City contracted with Public Resource Management to do an impact fee study. This
ordinance will adopt new impact fees for police, fire, utilities and recreation. The consultants were present and available
for questions. Mr. Saunders reported that staff worked closely with the consultants with the fees based upon population
~stimates and level of service.
Mayor Turville opened the public hearing. There were no comments. Mayor Turville closed the public hearing.
Council Member Goodgame inquired about the effective date.
City Manager Saunders explained this ordinance will become effective on January 1, 2006 with impact fee payments
received at the time a building permit is pulled.
Council Member Mullins moved adoption of Ordinance 348-C: seconded by Council Member Good ame.
The motion passed 4 to 0 on a roll call vote with all members present votin,~aye ".
Ordinance No. 533-Mlntroduction
An Ordinance of the City of Clermont, Florida, amending the comprehensive plan for the City of
Clermont, Florida, pursuant to the local government comprehensive planning act, Chapter 163, Part II,
Florida Statutes by adopting a text change to the mixed-use land use classifications matrix for
undeveloped district 7 (UD-S) and a corresponding future land use map change to include three properties
into the UD-7 mixed-use classifications Idistrict; setting forth the authority for adoption of the
comprehensive plan amendments; setting forth the purpose and intent of the comprehensive plan
amendments; establishing the legal status of the comprehensive plan amendments; and providing for
severability, conflict and an effective date.
City of Clermont
November 8, 2005
Council Member Renick moved introduction o Ordinance 533-M• seconded by Council Member Mullins.
The motion amassed with all members present voting "aye ".
Ordinance No. 534-M Introduction
An Ordinance under the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, providing for
the annexation of a certain parcel of land contiguous to the present city boundaries; providing for an
effective date; providing for severability; and providing for publication.
Ordinance No. 535-Mintroduction
An Ordinance under the Code of Ordinances of the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida, amending the
official zoning map of the City of Clermont, referred to in Chapter 122 of Ordinance No. 289-C, Code of
Ordinances; rezoning the real properties described herein as shown below, providing for severability,
providing for an effective date and providing for publication.
Council Member Mullins moved introduction of Ordinance 535-M• seconded by Council Member
Goodgame The motion passed with all members present voting "aye ".
~chool Concurrency
City Manager Saunders stated that Lake County was chosen as a pilot project for the school concurrency issue. By
November 10, 2005, each City within the county and Lake County has to come up with a list of school concurrency
issues. Those issues will then be discussed at a joint meeting on November 18. The purpose is to formulate a combined
list of concurrency issues and how to address the issues. Then, a model inter-local agreement is to be submitted to DCA.
Staff has drafted a list of issues for Council to review. Council could address the issues at a separate workshop prior to
November 18. The Council can appoint one Council Member as a spokesperson or each Council Member can attend the
joint meeting to express their views.
Council Member Goodgame suggested adding funding to the list of issues.
Mayor Turville recommended a level of service that we aspire to have that is reflective of a quality education.
Council Member Renick concurred with Mayor Turville and recommended no more than 100% capacity.
Mayor Turville opened the floor for public comment.
Cindy Barrow suggested to keep it at a simple level and recommended a tiered level of service such as having it at 100%
in five (5) years with a percentage reduction each year.
Becky Elswick, Lake County School Board Member, suggested topics for consideration to discuss. She explained the
tiered level of service could be to establish 100% as the target. With an increased capacity of 150%, the goal in 3 years
could be at 130% and in 5 years to be at 120% and in 8 years at the target goal of 100%.
City of Clermont
November 8, 2005
Council Member Mullins suggested smaller neighborhood schools.
City Manager Saunders suggested having an advisory committee comprised of the cities and county to review the defined
Council Member Renick brought up the issue of appropriate utilization of schools for each city to consider.
Mr. Saunders noted the importance for the Council to have a consensus on how to deal with these issues or for each
Council Member to speak as individuals at that meeting.
Council Member Good~ame moved to have Ms. Renick be the representative from our Council: seconded
Council Member Mullins. The motion passed with all members present votini; "aye ".
Council agreed to have a workshop for further discussion.
Jim Purvis, 4206 Hammersmith Drive, made a suggestion to not issue any additional building permits.
Council Member Renick stated that Clermont has provisions in place for schools with the Growth Resolution approved by
the City Council. Permits that are being pulled now have previously been approved. With the Growth Resolution in
place, an applicant has to provide for the student stations to be used or that application is incomplete and Council will not
hear it.
~ancy Fullerton remarked the school district is too large and recommended dividing the school district. She also
suggested a moratorium in South Lake County until capacity is caught up to 100%.
Council scheduled a workshop for further discussion on Wednesday, November 16 at 6:OOpm in the Council Chambers.
ADJOURN: With no further comments the meeting was adjourned at 9:17pm.
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APPROV>F _~~'~
G~ Mayor Harold Turville
...~p ,.
/ ~ '
Tracy Ackr~oyd, City Clerk ~.i