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~~ Kirr~ey-Hom ~~ and Associates, Irtc. February 15, 2007 Ms. Tamara Richardson 6$5 West Montrose Street Clermont, F134711 Re: Lake Shore Drive -Lake Winona Culvert Rehabilitation Project (Revised) Final Design Proposal Dear Ms. Richardson: 3660 Maguire Blvd. Suite 200 Orlando, Florida 32803 407$98-1511 407-894-0791 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (KHA) is pleased to submit this letter agreement to the City of Clermont to provide professional engineering services for the rehabilitation of Lake Shore Drive - Lake Winona culvert crossing. Our project understanding, scope of services, schedule, deliverables and fee are below. LAKE WINONA CULVERT REHABILITATION SCOPE OF SERVICES PROJECT UNDERSTANDING: The City of Clermont retained Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (KHA) to evaluate cracking problems observed in the asphalt pavement over the metal plate culvert in the canal connecting Lake Winona and Lake Minnehaha in Clermont, Lake County, Florida. The results of the evaluation along with recommendations for remediation were documented in a report prepared for the City of Clermont, dated July, 2005. On Tuesday, July 11, 2006, the City of Clermont approved Remediation Alternative No. 2, Concrete Slab Replacement. This alternative will leave the existing metal plate culvert in place, but will remove the existing un-reinforced 12" thick concrete slab which spans between older existing bridge end bents, and replace it with a new reinforced concrete slab. SCOPE OF SERVICES: Task 1: Project Coordination -Upon notice to proceed we will develop and submit to the City a comprehensive production schedule of the project's milestone activities. We will attend up to four (4) coordination meetings with the City's staff concerning the progress of the project. KHA will coordinate with the surveying and geotechnical sub consultants for their services on the project. We will coordinate with the utility owners concerning possible impacts to their facilities. This task includes initial contact letters, one (1) utility coordination meeting, distribution of construction plans and one (1) follow-up correspondence letter. Task 2: Final Design -This task consists of the final design and preparation of construction plans, special provisions (if necessary), and opinion of probable construction cost for the replacement of the existing un-reinforced concrete slab with a new reinforced concrete slab (with the same span length). This will provide two 12' travel lanes with a 2'-6" shoulder adjacent to a 32" FDOT F-Shape Traffic Railing Barrier on one side, and a 1'-6" shoulder with 6" curb. adjacent to a b' wide sidewalk with a 42" FDOT Vertical Shape Traffic Railing Barrier on the other side. New reinforced concrete approach slabs will also be detailed in the plans along with details for the replacement of the un-reinforced concrete slope protection surrounding the bridgeJculvert. Substructure design will replace the existing reinforced concrete bent caps with new reinforced concrete bent caps to support the widened typical section described above. The existing 14"x14" pre-cast pre-stressed concrete piling will be abandon and new steel H-piling will be provided at both end bents to support the entire superstructure. Existing concrete sheet pile walls and concrete wall caps are to remain. Roadway plans will be developed to adjust the approach and departing roadway grades over the culvert crossing. Plan & profile sheets will be develop at 1 "=20' scale for full size plans and will detail the barrier wall and guardrail location. Roadway cross sections will be developed at critical locations at a scale of 1"=10'. Appropriate details will be developed that are not covered in the FDOT Design Standards. The plans set will include an erosion control sheet with standard notes base on SJRWMD best management practices. Assumptions: i. The governing specifications will be the Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, version in effect at the beginning of design. ii. The design will be based on the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications Third Edition (2004), with current interim specification in effect at the beginning of design. The designs will be in English units. iii. The opinion of probable construction cost will be based upon unit rates obtained from the Florida Department of Transportation Basis of Estimates, version in effect at the beginning of design. iv. Two existing 6" water mains will be relocated by others. An existing 6" gas main inside a 10" casing will remain in the embankment beside the bridge/culvert. No utilities will be attached to the structure. v. A permit exemption is anticipated from the SJRWMD. No permits will be required from other government agencies. vi. No new storm sewer lines or drainage inlets will be required for the project. vii. The contractor will develop and provide to the engineer and City a detour plan prior to construction. Task 3: Permit Pre-Application Meeting - KHA will attend one {1)pre-application meeting with SJRWMD. A permit exemption is anticipated from the SJRWMD. It is anticipated that no permits will be required for the project from government agencies. If it is determined through the pre- application meeting that permits are required, this task and effort required to obtain permits will be considered additional services. Task 4: Bid Documentation -This task consists of developing a bid package for the City for the purpose of soliciting competitive bids from construction contractors. The forms and format will be based on ASCE -Engineers Joint Documents Committee and any additional formats provided by the City. KHA will attend one (1) pre-bid conference. Task 5: Design Survey -Refer to Southeastern Surveying proposal Task 6: Geotechnical Services -Refer to PSI proposal Task 7: Post Design Services - KHA will provide construction phase services to assist the City during the construction of the project. These services will include attending a kickoff meeting with the contractor, the review of shop drawings, review of contractor's pay applications, review of contractor's construction schedule, provide responses to contractor's request for additional information or plans clarification and perform periodic site visits. The Consultant's visits will be for the purpose of endeavoring to provide the City a greater degree of confidence that the completed work of its contractors will generally conform to the construction documents. The contractor will be responsible for and will provide the Engineer a traffic control & construction staging plan, material testing report, pile testing & logs and an as-built survey of the prof ect. SERVICES NOT INCLUDED: The following services are not included in this Scope of Services. • Addressing comments arising fromthird-party plan reviews. • Environmental permitting ~ MOT or Detour Plans ADDITIONAL SERVICES: Any services not specifically provided for in the above scope, as well as any changes in the scope at the Client's request, will be considered additional services and will be performed at our then current hourly rates. Additional services we can provide include, but are not limited to, the following: SCHEDULE We will provide our services as expeditiously as practicable to meet a mutually agreed upon schedule upon notice to proceed. DELIVERABLES Plans will be submitted for the City's review at the 15°l0, 60% and pre-final stages. Upon approval of the pre-final submittal, one final submittal of construction documents will be delivered. The following outlines the deliverables at these stages of completion. I S% -one set -typical sections, plan and profile scroll plot (full size - 20' scale) 60% -five sets of 11"x 17" construction plans Pre-final -five sets of 11"x 17" construction plans Final submittal -Signed & sealed one set of 11"x17" original bond plots, one full size set 24"x 36" mylar, one CD containing PDF files of the construction plans and bid documents. Bid Documents - up to 10 sets FEE AND BILLING KHA will perform the services described in the Scope of Services for a lump sum fee of Task 1 Project Coordination .............................................................$ 11,940 Task 2 Final Design .......................................................................$ 45,390 Task 3 Permit pre-application meeting ..................................................$ 1,060 Task 4 Bid Documentation ...............................................................$ 6,415 KHA Direct Expenses .....................................................................$ 2,495 Sub Total $ 67,300 Our sub-consultants will perform their services described in their proposals for a limiting amount fee not to exceed of: Task 5 Design Survey .....................................................................$ 6,850 Task 6 Geotechnical Services ............................................................$ 11,159 Sub Total $ 18,009 Task 7 -Post Design Services will be provided on an hourly basis for a limiting amount fee not to exceed of .................................................... . ............................ $ 10,000 GRAND TOTAL $ 95,309 All permitting, application, and similar project fees will be paid directly by the Client. Fees will be invoiced monthly based upon the percentage of services performed as of the invoice date. Payment will be due within 25 days of the date of the invoice. CLOSURE All terms and provisions of our existing contract with the City of Clermont shall remain in effect. We look forward to continuing to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact me. Very truly yours, KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ~f~~',v- ---- Kim W. Elmer, P.E. Jay R. Jackson, P.E. Project Manager Vice President Q:U2oadway1049260001~Final_Design_Proposal \Winona Proposal.doc CITY OF CLERMONT Agreed to this ~ day , 2007 B: lease Prin pe Name and Title) Attes 1 ac~l A x ~ oyd .~1 Clec I~- (Plea a Print/Type Name) ~~~ ~In, foj~rz~tio~2 •!o ~Z41~~ Qf2 Engineering • Consulting • xestinrg i{imte~T4iiorn & Associates, Inc.. 3bG0 '~~aguire 13aulevard Suite 20Q C3rlai~lo, Florida 32803 tt,ttention: Mr. Kira Elmer, P:E. Dearlt~r. Elmer: A~~t~st z~, 2o0c IZ+~vised 1Kebruary 14, 2Q07 .1t:I~; Proposat Geoteehnical Engineering Services Lake ~'~'inana Bridge City of Clermozt, [:,~3ke County, ~'Iorida PSI Froposal Into. 75"]-G-33&I2 Pursuant to yntir equest for proposal, Frofessivnal Service Industries, Inc. (PSI) is .pleased to submit tlxe fol~owi~tg fee proposal to provide geoteclkr-ical sen-ices ii1 connection with thi: referenced projeef. Presented herein is a scope of services and .cost estimate fir our senices -based on our conversations ~~ith Kitr~ey-Korn & Associates, Inc, (K.I-IA). Project In;`orniatiot~ .The existing West Lakeside Drive cixlvertlhridge lies between :Latce Winona and Lake 1`9innehaha in the City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida. The bridge consists of an ~1liPtical corrugated steel. culvert pipe with d~ven steel sheet pile wing walls and concrete armored slopes. 1'he e~isti~ig culvert is supported on compacted stone ~~rith t ~-inch square concrete piles supporting an unrcinforced concree slab roadway. Settlement has occurred with related structural distress, eraclting and dipping.af the roadway, sidewalks azid curlis. PSi previously performed preliminary geotechnical services to provide design alternattfes for rehabilitation of the structure and roaci~vay which was presented in our Preliminary Geatechnical Scrviaes IZepc~rt (PSI Project. No. 757-5522`7} dated Jul}~ ~. 20tJ5. 1~4Te understand that the construction altentat~ve chosen by the City of Clermont will consist of having. the existing culvert in place, 11111 rc;tnoving tfie existing uri-reinforced concrete slab that driven. to accommodate the itew rein forced concrete slab. Proiessionai Service industries, !na • 1 ~4$ 33rd S#reet • oRando. Ft 32839 + Phone ~(17/304~55~i0 ~ Fax 407/304-5561 Fl Ettgine8ring Business 3Fi8+3 ~k:irt~lcE'-IIE~r~n ~C associates, inc. I'SI Proposal ?~10. 757-(i-~~8I2 Sc nee o(Gevt~clt~r.ical Sen~iees I~rbruar~~ l ~, ?{)CJ ' ry Page2of`~ To c.~aluate sail, ~raundwater gird pavetnetit conditions at the site, w•e propose to undertake a scope of w°orl that zncludefi the follawn~. As requested, perfarm one pavenresrt core near the beginning of the existing bridge its determine the type.and thiekrress of the ritrrCnt pavement.. • IhilUsample tvvo Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings. at :the site to depths of approximately l fl0 feet below existing grade. w Perfornr laboratory testing as necessary to .stratify the subsoils and determine pertinent errgineerir~g properties./parameters. Perform axial pile capacity analysis using the FbfJT's I'B-Deep pro~~rarn an the two SPT borings to be perforrrred. Vide will also pro~~ide soil pararrreters for use by the structural en¢ineer in evaluating lateral lands using. either the computer program 1^$l~ler or LPlle. I'repare~stibmit a geoteclrncal engineering Tephr# for the project. The report will transmit the factual data from the field~laboratory plus- pro~.'ide recommendations far the foundation design, Service F`ee 1t is proposed the fee for performar~e of the abcnr~ outlined services be deterrrrined on a unit price oasis, in accordance with our attached Schedule of Services and Fees, and,the work be perfarrned pursuant to our General Conclitiorts, Copies o.f our Schedule- Qf Senric~;s and Fees and General. ~"onditions are enclased herewith and incorporated lty referetrce into this proposal. Cjrr the basis ofthe estimated quantities and the Schedule of Setw~7ces and Tees, it is estimated the fees witl be $l 1,159.04. ~-, .. ~. -< - w _ d _. _.,_ ~Kintle~°-I-Torn ~ fl,sso~iates, Inc. PS1 t'ropoa~ I~`o. 7.~7-6-3,SF~ Farre of S ~'~ appreciate the opportunity to af£~r our senlic~s to your Project and taak fonuar~i to warl:in~ ~~,~idl yat~. if this. proposal is acce~~table, Tease sign below as notice to proceed and-return one (1) copy of this proposal intact to our office. Should you have any yucstians in regard to tYris proposal, please rtd nQt hesitate: to contact this office. Sincerely, I'1~20>iF,SSIt~N4L SFRVICF INDUSTRIES, II~C:. - ni cI;~~:~`~ a ~a f . bud ~ p b a , P.E. Project n~ineer SenarProj t Engineer JAS.~4.4:~:cm JS°:757-4-338R(Iake Winorrat3cidge-Ct~rmcu~i}.}trp f~t13L1122]e11tS • 5ctiet3ute orScrvices and Fees Genera] Conditions .~,:+~~EA '3'O~ THIS D~-l' t}F B~' (Please Print}:: TITLE: COMPANY: SIGNATURE: ~.. , n _ __-~-~ _. ~_.~ r. ,~ .~ _.. , _ _ . _. _ _ __ _.. ._ _ ~.. __.. ~itzale~'-i~~rn ~ Associates, Inc. I~et7rua.ri~ ~ s, ~~}07 1'Sl Pro17~~~~lNc~. r ~7-S-~;BR ~ Pagc 4 cif ~ SC:H~,DUt.fF {~>F SF:Itt~ ICES ANIa i~'EFS GcoteelxniCai Engineeritg Services I,:ake V4%inona Bridge City of Clermont, Lake County, Florida I~SGtl~?ttpi2 ~, h1ELD IN~'FSTIGATION A: Mobili~:~aticrn oth'1_en & Equipment ~. utility Ccaordinatiota(I3aring Layout C. Standard Penetration Test {SPT"j Borings 4 do 50 Feet Deep 50 tc If~O Feet Deep D. Grout )~Qrehales 0 to 50 Feet Deep 50 to 100 T'eet Deep E. .install ~a$ing 0 io 50 Feat Deed 50 to 140 Feet Deep F. Maitxtenance of Tr~ffie, Flagging t~peration and Sign~ge {2 Man Party} II; LAI30ItATORt' TE5TIl~'G A. Engineering Techriiciax g, Sieve Analysis (-2Q{1) C, Natural Mnisture Content D, Qrgani~c Content ~;, Atte1'1)CFg LmxtS tri~it fiotal uantt ~ -Unit IZafc Costa 1 Trip ~ X40.00 $ 340.Q0 t> Hours 45.00 270.00 1d0 L.F. 9,75 975.OQ 100 L.F. 3 t X00 1,1Q0.04 100 L.F. 2.75 275:00' 10Q L.F. 3.54 356.44 100 L.F. 3.?5 32SACl L.F, ~=5th Days t500.(10 1,200.Q0 Snlf3tatal Field n~vestigatian ~ ~,795.Oi1 4 Hours $ Q5.00 $ I84,Ot1 i;G Each X5.04 SQO.a(3 l2 Eaelx 7.04 $4.40 4 Each 35.00 140.00 8 Each '75.fK1 600,40 SuUtotai Laboraton' Testing $ 1,x64,00 ar . ~ . h~lix~le}~-IIarr~ ~ t~ssaciRytes,Iric. 1~ebru~ir~~ t~, 2C}0? I'Sl I'rc~pasa~ i~«. i~7-fi-3 78R PKr~;e 5 of III, ~;1~'Gi\iF~EI2ING SF~2~'tCES A, Senior Project Engineer F3. Project Engineer C. Eitgar~eering Intern. D. C1a:D I3ral'ting E. Clerical 4 Fours ~ l l ~.pp $ ~6p:Op , I G Hours $S.pO 1,36p:pp 3Ci Hours (iS.pp 2,~4p.Op S Hours Sp.00 ~Op.pp Hours 4C1.pp 24p.Up Subtotal Engineering Services $ 4,$UUUO TC}Tt~L AFL SERVICES ~II,I59.Q() .s ~7 . r ~- ... ~_ . _ ~`~lI?i~•.°~'-ILo1.t1 & ?L"aSO~2c~~CSr IT1C, F?sI ~'roposal No. 757-6-338 GENERAL GQN[llTiONS 1. FARTtES AND SCOPE QF 1tlORK Proiessaonal Service Ir,dusUies Inc. tlteieinaffpr referred to as "PSI"~ siaatt riiciude said C4(tiparrt ar its U3rticu`:ar divigtorr, Sabsidrany ar afiihate perf4sm°tg the w.•:irir ~1'1-t:" ~;cans the specitic Beat , }ericat, anah~ticai. test+ng or other serylCC to 6e pertormed by PSf as se! tadh>in PSI's proposal; Cl,ent's acceptance thereof and these General Cnnditsens. Ado,.wnat v,ark owed b} Cliert shat! dl>c k~e subtect to these General Conditions. "Client" refers to the person or business entity ordering the work to b~ done by-PSI If Ciiant is arderingfhe v.~ark on behalf of anothe, Ciieril represents and waaa.'rt~-thrdt rt is the doh, authorized agehf of said party far the. purpose of ordering anddPrecti_ng said work. Un!ess otherartisestated in writing, Client a~sum;«s cote respansioitih~ for determrnrng wheiherthe quantity and the nature of-the work Ordered by ~ client is adequate and suffiuent for CGen"s intended purpose. Ghent shalt cammuniCate these General Conditions ro each and every#hird party fa whom Client transmits airy part of-PSI"s work. P51 shall have no duty ari7btigatipn to an}~ third patty greaterthan that set tarth`in PSI's pra- p€1~;1; Chortle aeCepiance thereof and these General Conditions: The ardenng of work from PSI, ar the reliance on arty of PSCs work, stiafl tonstdute acceptance of ttie terms of PSt's propasat and these General Conditiar)s, regardless a! the terms of any subsequently issued document. 2: TESTS AN4 fNSPECTItINS: Girert shalt cause alt tests and lnspechpns of the site, materials and walk performed by PSi ar others to be timely and. property: performed .in accordance with the plan ~pecrfic.at~ans and contract documents and PSYs recammendatians. No claims for loss, dafnage or iFt(ury shall bebrougM agarnst PSt by Ctieni ararryt third-Arty urrl~ss all tests dnd inspec- titNis gave !wen so Gertormed and railess PSs's re;,omrrierutatfrorishave been~[oltaweit: Clierx agr to indettlri$y, desendand hold RSI, its anicers, employees and agents harmless trash any antl~ali Jai i u,ts. Insses, i'rnt; and expenses. mcl~Qing. but not kmrtetl to coucE costs and reazortafSeattorrsey's tees in the event that ah such-tests and Inspections-are not sa performedor PSf's rec- c,~:nmz.i~latrons are trot So tollo~:~ed exc@pttu ttre extent that such Failure is tfie result df the negtigenCe, wiAfut-or >faantan act or omission at f'St, its aff~ers, agents ar emplayei*s, subject to the lim- itat on eont<;riddrn paragraph 9. ~. SCHEtItfLltitG i3F WORK: The. services setforih in PSI's proposal and C{ieiit's acceptance ~uitf be accrxrtptished in a timely, workmanlike and protessianat manner by P'Si personnel at Ile prices ascot; d- if PS4 is regrtfratl to delay commenoement of the work or d, uponembarking. upon its uaark, PSI is required to stop ar iritertupt the progress of Its work as a result of changes in the ssop€ 4# the Mark requeste[f by Cfierrt, #a fulfill the requiremerts at third parties, interruptions in the progress of construction, or other causes beyorxi:the duecf reasortahfe control of PSI, additional charges v rtl ne appl ~eab.e aid pa~abie fr~r G#ient. A. ACCESS TO SITE: Client Witt arrange and'prowide such access to the-site as is necessary for PSf to perfofm the walk: PSf shall take reasonable measures and precautions to minimize damage to ihE ere and any' ~mprovem~enis faCated ttwrean as~the result of Ks work or the use of its aquiprhgnF hoiaeVet, €"St has cwt irtLKUded in its fee the cost of restoration of damage ~shich ntayoCeur. if Ghent dCS!res or requues PSI in restore the site to its former Condition, upon written ieq~st RSI wH! fserfd;m suctrad~fiaiat vrork as is necessary to do so and Client agrees to pay to pS( for the~[:~st. S. CLIENT'S DUTY TO NOTIFY ENGINEER: Cllenf represents and warrants that it has.aduisad PSl=trt anyknnwn or suspected hazardous tRaiarials, ulilitg tines and pollutants at any siteatar4~ch f a{ is~ tp,dr} work Hereunder; andirriless PSI floe assumed in writing the responsibility of locating Subsurface ott(ects, structures; lines or conduits: Clieritagrees t0 deterui, indemnity aril sa4e PSl harmless frCiiri atI-clair~rs, suits, kTSSes, casts and expenses rnctudittq reasoiiabie dit©nfep's tees as a resulldf-T,ersrtnat injury, deathor property damage aceUrnng with respect IaPSI`s pcrtorrnance of its work acid resaA rg to ar Catr&ed by contact wiftt Subsurface or tent objects. structures, times or pDi'k1uiL5 v.#tere the actual or pioteniial presuice and focatiait thereat score not revealed to PSl by Client. §. RF6POMSiRItfTY. PSYS work shall trot include: dettermining; sufiervisaig or implementing the. means, rnethads, trxhniques; sequences or procedures of construction. PSI chats not be resporisi- blefar evattiating, reporti;,g ar atfectiny jab conditions eorice€ning health, eatery or welfare. -FBI's work or failure to perform same shall not in any way excuse any contractor, subcontractor or sup- atier #rum performance of Its work in accordance with Uie contrac#: documents. PSt floe na rlgtit or duty to stop the eontrador's work. T: SAMPLE OISPOSAI- Unless otherwise$greed. ih writing, test specimens or sampfes'<+ill be disposed immediately igign completion of the test Alf drling samples or speciihens wltbe disposed si~ciy (C'Ji clays after suhm=scion of PSI`s report, ~. PAYMENT: Chem sfialf ae imro{cod once eadh momhlortvork pestormed;durlt~ the precedirt$ j~rfad. Client agrees to pay each-invoice rulthfrrthlrry (a0) days of its rec@ipt. Ghent further astrees to gay rnt~est on af4~amounts alvoieed and hat paid oC objected to for valid Cause rn W,[iUng tivdhin card tfvr#y ~3Q) day period at the cafe of eighteen (1 S j percent per annum {ar the rrtaximunt inter- es~~ rate p.,rrnitted uncles app#icatae law): until paid. Giiettt agrees to pay PSl'z cast~# ooHeClion of all amounts due and~rmpaid after Sia-ty {ti0) days. inClutfirtg court costs a<nd teasonabie attarney~ fens PSf shat: tint De bountl by any- provision or agreement requiring ar providing for a,bitration a! disputes or controversies arising out pf this agreement, arty pro:~sion rfierein PS! waives any rights to a rr~echanlcs' ken, or any provision conditioning PSt's right to receive payment for Rs work upon payment to Client by a~ third party_ These Gererat Conditions are notice, nrtiare requiret#, that PSI ;haft file a yen whenever necessary to colfeCt past due amounts_ Failure to make payment within 30 dares of imioite St>alf constitute a release of PSt from any and till Jaime itiltip_fi Cttenimay have. whether in tort, contract nr otherwise, and iyhether known or unknown at the time- 9. WARRANTY' P5t'S SERViCESY>IILL $E PERfORME4ITS FIWOINGS OBTAINED AND ITS REPORTS PREPARED IN ACCOHDANCE WITH ITS PROPOSAL, CLIENT'S ACCEPTANCETHEfiEDPTPCESE GENERAL GONDlTI0N5, AND WITH GENERALLY ACCEPTED PRtNCiPLES AND PRACTICES. IN PERFORMItIG ITS PEIOFESStONAI SERVICES, PSI bVtLL USE THAT DEGREE OE EitRE ANO SKflt ORDtNARiLY EXERC[SED IINDEf2 SIMILAR CIRCUf.4STANCES $Y MEMBERS OF ITS PROFESSION. THIS WARRANTY IS IN UEU OF ALL O1HES WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATtf9NS, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. STATEMENTS tviAOE IN PSI REPORIS ARE OF'ifQtONS BASED UP~IENGINEERING dUOGfJIENT AND ARE-NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS REPRESENTATIONS fSEC-{1CT. ~SNOUtO PSl OR ANY OF1TS PROFESSiONAl: EMPLOYEES BE WUND TO HAVE $EEN NEGLI~ENi' IN THE PERFORMANCEDF ITS WORK, ON TONAVE MADE AND BREACHED ANY EXGRES$ OR IMF'LlEO WARR/r~1TY. REPRESENTAT[ON OR CLNd7ftltCl, CLIENT ALL PARTIES CtAlMING THROUGt# GLtENT AND AEL PARTIES CtlilMlt~ TO NAVE iN ANY WAY RELIED UPON PSFS VrlORK ASREE TttkTTHE htA3(t1vtUM AGGRC~kTE AMOitHT t}F Tf#E LtABtLlil° OF PSI, ITS OFI3CERS, EAdPLpI'EES AND AGENTS SHALLBE LtMtTED TO S2S;U0p.00 OR THE TOTAL AMOUNTOf THE FIE PAkD TO PSI FfSR IT5 WORK PERFORfvtED WITH RESPECT TO TfiE PROJECT, WHICHEVER AMOUNT tS GREATER. tIY Tl1E EVENT CLIENTtS UNWILLING OA UtdABLE TO UMIT PSI'S LIABILITY IN.ACCORDA<VCE WITH THE PROV#SSONS SET FORTH ly THIS PARAGRAPH, CL[ENT MAY, UPON WRITTEN Rff~tfEST. BFCUENT RECENED WITHIN FIVE GAYS Of CUENT'5 ACCEPTANCE HEREOF, fNCREASE THE LiMtT OE PSI'S LIABILITY TO $250,000.t?O Oft THE AMOUNT OF PSI'S FEE, WHICHEVER tS THE ^vREATER. BY AGREEING TO PAY PSl A SUM fOUIVALENT TO AN AD#JITIONAI AM4tiM i?P ~°k OE THE Tt1TAL~FEEIO BE CHARGED #OR PSPS SERVICES. THIS CHIrRGE IS MOT Tfl $E Cf3a1- STRUEO AS BEING A CHARGE POR INSURANCE QF ANY TYPE. $UT tS tPtCREASEO:COPIS[OERATION FOR THE GREATER 6tABlLITY INVOLVED. IN ANY EVENT, A1T6RNEY'S FEES EXPENDED $Y vsl IN CONNECTION 1h'lTH ANY CLAIM SHALL REOt1GE THEAMOUNT AVAlLA$[E, ANO ONLY-ONE SUCH AtulOttNT WfLt APPLY TO ANY Pf2QJEGI. ND ACTIOPt OR CLAIM; WHETHER IN TORT, CONTRACT. OR OTt#ftrVittSE, fNAY SE BROt1GHT ARAINST (?SI, ARt3tNG.FROM OP't'RELATED TO PS#'S VItORK, MORE THAN TWO YEARS AP"FER THE CESSATION OF PSI'S WORK HEREUNDER, REGARDLESS OF THE DATE dF bfSCOVERY OF St~H`CLAIM: f0. tNOEMMITY` Subieci to the foregoing hmdatksis, PSI igloos to indemnity an3 hold CSent harmless from and against any and alt clairtis, suits, costs and expenses including reasonat;'ie attor- 'riey's fees and coact costs arising out of PSI's rteg}jyenee !o the extent of PSI`s pegGgepee ClienEshall prole ~ same protection to ttre i'Xterit of its r~tiQence: to the eYeia2`Ifk1t Ghenfor Client's principal shall bring ar~y sort, cause of action, ctairtt<trCpuntErclaim against PSI, the parry initiating such action shall paY to PSl ifre cosh aru# expenses-kicurred by PSl.ta investi~fe, answer and deierid it, ind~tinq reasonable attomeyrs apd Mess fees and court costs to the extent that PSl 5ha#Lprevail in sugh3uiti tt. TERMEWAT1pH: This Agreetrient may be terrrfinated by either party upon seven days' print written notice In the event of termination. PSI shall tre campet-sated by Cllikit for allservices per- ta,ned up to aril including the termliiation date, lnduding reimbursable expenses, and`for tkre camptetion of such services atxf rttadrf~ as are necessary to place PS!'s tiles iii orifer andlor protect its proieCsianal reputztian. 12, EMPtOYEEStWiTNESS FEES: PSt's employees shall trot be retained as expert wiih~5ses except ay separate, wtitteri agreement Giient agrees td pay pSt's legal expenses, administrative costs and fees pursuanf to PSI's then curr@rit tea sctredu#e f~ PSl io respond to any subpts~a. CGEnt agrees not to hHe #'~f's dm>5loyees except through PSI: #n the event Cken1 hares a t~temployee r vrithir tine year following arty prpject through whichd~ient had GUFltaot'with card empioy~eB• Client Shah pay PSI an amount e~al to one-half of the employee's annua4ized teary, a3 Nquidated darn- ag6s withnui PSI waiving other remedies ii may have. 93.H.AZ.AROOt1S MATERIALS: Nothing uantairied within this agreemenist>afl he construed arimerpreted as tegoirirfg PSt'to assume the status of an owner, operator, generator. store ; trartsportec treater or disposal faciNty as chose terms appear within RCIiA ar vviininany Federal or State statute or regul~tiomgovemmg the generation, transportation, treatment, storage and drsposai at paltu• tints. Client assumes full responsitiifiy for CompliariCewiiTi~ih8 provisions of RCIiA ar[d any otherfede~df 4r State'statutBYrr reptdation governing She handling, treatment, s;aragearni dispo5af of lio{Irr'ants- 14. PROVISIONS SbVERABLE: The parties Have enterQtt into thisaliraement in f faith, and iT iS the spec~ic intent Df thg partiestfiat the terms of these General Cotiditlons be enfiarced as writ ten. In tt.e etiuwit any at the prauisions 0##fiese General Conditions should be found #o be unenfarseahfe, n_stiae bestrjeken and the semi#ning provi'siorrs shall be enforceable: T5. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This agreement constitutes ttie emire understanding of the porkies, ilia there are rfo representations, warranties or undenakings madeother than'as setfoith herein. Ibis agieement may b8 anfended, modifred ar terrriinated Drily in wntiiig, signed kyeach of the parties hereto. Psi B-9p0-tt t8j 7.%Q5 James M. Dunn, I1, P.S.M. Brian R. Garvey, P.E. Gary B. Krick, P.S.M. Myron F. Lucas, P.S.M. Thomas K. Mead, P.S.M. Timothy Mosby, P.S.M. James L. Petersen, P.S.M. Lany W. Prescott, P.S.M. (+~~ 3 L ~ 50UTHEASTEFiIV SURVEYlAtG & MAPPING CORP. SURVEYING FLORIDA SINCE 1972 William C. Rowe, P.S.M. Marcia E. Russell, P.S.M. George E. Snyder, P.S.M. Roger Lonsway, P.S.M. (Retired) Donna L. Canney, C.S.T., IV Frank B. Henry, C.S.T., 1V David M. Rentfrow, C.S.T., IV Celeste B. van Gelder, C.S.T., IV Land Surveying & Mapping Services •Sub-Surface Utility Designation & Location Services • GPS Asset Inventories • Geographic information Systems February 15, 2007 Mr. Kim W. Elmer, P.E. Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. 3660 Maguire Boulevard, Suite 200 Orlando, Florida 32803 Via email: kim.elmernu,kimley-horn.com RE: City of Clermont -Lake Winona Culvert Rehab. Project Section 25. Township 22 South, Range 25 East, Lake County, Florida Dear Mr. Elmer, We are pleased to submit our Proposal for Surveying Services and Subsurface Utility Designation and Verification on the above referenced project. Project Area: 150 feet East and West of the centerline of the bridge at Lake Shore Drive. The bridge is located at the canal between Lake Winona and Lake Minnehaha on Lake Shore Drive. SCOPE OF WORK: TASK I Provide Surveying Services in accordance with Chapter 61G17-6 F.A.C. to include the following: 1. Perform a Topographic Survey to extend 10 feet beyond the established right-of--way within the project area. 2. Determine the right-of--way of Lake Shore Drive. 3. Locate the closest driveways in the four quadrants adjacent to bridge to 20 feet beyond the right-of--way with detail. 4. Locate canal and retaining walls 50 feet North and South of bridge with detail. 5. Locate existing guard rail. 6. Locate top of metal arched culvert as well as inverts. 7. Locate utilities initially marked by utility owners after calls to the Sunshine One Utility Network. 8. Locate existing (8) piles with ground penetrating radar (GPR). OFFICE 6500 All American Boulevard, Orlando, Florida 32810 407/ 292-8580 Fax 407/ 292-Oi41 a-mail: infoCc~southeasternsurveyinq.com LOCATIONS 1130 Highway 90, Chipley, Florida 32428 850/ 638-0790 Fax 850/ 638-8069 a-mail: info(a~southeasternsurveving.com Page 2 Mr. Kim W. Elmer, P.E. City of Clermont -Lake Winona Culvert Rehab. Project February 15, 2007 9. Four (4) utility locates (horizontal and vertical) in locations provided by the engineer post design. 10. Establish vertical control in NAVD'88 and set two (2) benchmarks. 11. Horizontal control will be assumed with Lake Shore Drive right-of--way located with recovered monumentation. Deliverables: All CAD files will be in MicroStation V8 format. A DTM either in a 3D MicroStation file with triangles or a Geopak TIN file will be provided. Our fee for the above referenced work will be Four Thousand Eight Hundred Ten Dollars & 00/100 ($4,810.00). We anticipate completion of the above described work within six (6) weeks after receipt of a written notice to proceed. Payment is expected within thirty (30) days from date of invoice. SCOPE OF WORK: TASK II Provide Subsurface Utility Designation and Verification on the above referenced project. Perform Ground Penetrating Radar scans to identify and field mark abandoned bridge piles for addition to survey and eventual removal. 2. Coordinate Sunshine One Call and utility locates to include supplemental calls to each locator to expedite the field marking of each subsurface utility as required by law. 3. Expose the subject utilities by using non destructive vacuum excavation methods at four (4) specific locations as indicated on plan sheet(s) provided or marked by client in the field. 4. Confirm/determinetbe vertical and horizontal position ofthe subject utilities and record the information. 5. Any asphalt/concrete removed will be repaired using like materials. 6. Tie each test hole location into a minimum of three visible physical features to enable this data to be added to your base map and also enable future recovery. The final product will be Utility Designation Field Sketches and Test Hole Data Reports/Sketches of the project area reflecting all pertinent data for your use. G:\DATA\Proposal\Kimley-Hom\52124 City of Clermont-Lk Winona Culvert Rehab Proj.wpd Page 3 Mr, Kim W. Elmer, P.E. City of Clermont -Lake Winona Culvert Rehab. Project February 15, 2007 It is our understanding that Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. will make available all plans and utility records that have been obtained for this site. Additional research will only be conducted if requested by Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc.. Please note that non-metallic lines without trace wire cannot be traced with conventional designating equipment. Every effort will be made to identify the location of underground utilities within the project area. However, please note that Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation will not be responsible for utility lines which are not field located or shown on plans and/or records provided to our personnel. Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation will certify that the surface designation is within two (2) feet of the true underground position of the utility relative to the mark as shown on the surface. Note: Due to regulations set by Embarq; No one other than an Embarq representative is allowed into Embarq facilities (pedestals, manholes, etc}. Therefore, if Embarq facilities exist on said project, SSMC personnel will NOT designate said facilities. SSMC will, however notify SSOCOF for a Locate Ticket to have Embarq locate their facilities if requested by Client. M.O.T. will be used only if absolutely necessary and these invoice charges will be an addition to the total per day rate and reflected on our invoice to you. Note: If permitting is required for said work, these charges will also be additional and reflected on our invoice to you. Note: Test Holes that require a depth of greater than ten (10) feet, or require a substantial amount of increased effort (sleeving, shoring, de-watering, etc.), then said Test Holes may need to be negotiated separately on a case by case basis if normal vacuum excavation practices do not allow said utilities to be exposed. Note: Any additional overlaying or restoration of pavement, other than the replacement of materials removed and cold patched, will be the responsibility of Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc.. Our fee for this project will be as follows:. GPR Scanning $ 720.00 Test Holes $330.00 Dirt/each (anticipate 4) $1,320.00 $380.00 Asphalt/Concrete/each We anticipate completion of the above described work within two (2) weeks after receipt of a written notice to proceed. Payment is expected within thirty (30) days from date of invoice. G:~DATA~Proposal~ICimley-Horn152124 Ciry of Clermont-Lk Winona Culvert Rehab Proj.wpd Page 4 Mr. Kim W. Elmer, P.E. City of Clermont -Lake Winona Culvert Rehab. Project February 15, 2007 We look forward to the opportunity to work with you on this project. Sincerely, James M. Dunn, Il, P.S.M. Project Manager rn~ro:gae If your firm requires a contract to be in place, a PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT will need to be furnished to Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation in lieu of your signature of approval. No work will be commenced prior to the acceptance of said agreement in writing by both parties. If the above scope, period of service and method of compensation meets with your approval, please execute below and fax to Southeastern Surveying & Mapping Corp. as notice to proceed along with the notice of commencement. ACCEPTED BY: Authorized Signature Printed Name Date Title The person signing this Acceptance Statement has the legal authority to bind this firm to the terms of this proposal and additionally has the legal authority to guarantee payment for the tasks completed under this agreement. G:\DATA\Proposal\Kimley-Hom\52124 City of Clermont-Lk Winona Cu1veR Rehab Proj wpd