2007-06AMENDMENT N0.2 TO TASK ORDER NO.6 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES DATED APRIL 12, 2003 SUNBURST LANE WATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION General The City of Clermont (Client) and Boyle Engineering Corp. (Boyle) executed a Professional Engineering Services Agreement dated April 12, 2003. Under the Agreement, Boyle is to provide certain professianal engineering services related to the expansion of the Sunburst Lane Water Treatment Facility. The Scope of Services (Exhibit "A") included the Preliminary Design; Final Design and Permitting; Bidding; and Construction phases of the project. The purpose of this Amendment No. 2 is to authorize Boyle to provide additional professional engineering services related to Construction phase of the project. Additional Construction Phase Services Boyle's services during the construction phase were based on certain assumptions. Some of these assumptions were modified resulting in increased effort on the part of Boyle. Amendment No. 1 extended Boyle's services to a projected final completion date for the project of 1 September 2006. The contractor has exceeded the projected completion date and the revised completion date is projected to be 1 April 2007. With an extension of the project construction schedule to 1 April 2007, there are additional engineering services required to complete the project. These additional construction services axe discussed in more detail below: Construction Administration: Boyle will attend progress meetings and perform monthly site visits; review pay requests; provide assistance to the City in resolving construction related issues and provide interpretations of the construction contract documents to the City and Contractor. Resident Project Representative: Boyle's scope of setwices assumed there would be no resident project representative (RPR) services. During construction, it was determined that observation of certain portions of the construction process were not typical of what the City constructian inspectors were tasked to perform. Boyle will provide limited but regular RPR services in accordance with the Project Budget. Services Included All services and conditions associated with Task Order No. 6 remain in effect with this Amendment. Amendment No. 2 Pa;e I of 2 January 19, 2007 Sunburst Lane WTP Expansion Compensation Boyle shall be paid in accordance with Section 3 of the Agreement. A Labor budget showing the estimated number of hours and associated fee for the tasks described within the Scope of Services is presented in the Project Budget. An estimated budget for alI other project costs, which are expected to include sub-consultants, copying costs, mileage, postage, and long-distance telephone calls is also presented in the Project Budget. These budgeted amounts were used to determine the lump sum of $31,612 for the Additional Construction Phase Services. The additional services under Amendments 1 and 2 increase Task Order No. 6 from the original authorized fee of $249,993 to a total project fee of $317,106. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, BOYLE and CLIENT have executed this amendment thi~ day of _~ 2007. "BOYLE" BOYLE ENGINEE G CORPORATION By: S ~. "CLIENT" CITY OF CLERMONT e,~ Name: A. Thomas Brown, PE Title: Vice President Name: Harold S. Turville, 3r. Title: Mayor Amendment No. 2 Page 2 of 2 January, 19 2007 Sunburst Lane WTP Expansion d V w !o `ice .nr U .py a W H `p N 0 ~ ~ b a~~, '~ ~ o ~~ ~ .a ,x y ~ b ~ ~ ~ H ~ ~ r ~ 1 , , , , O ~h ~xao N V 6`1 Vi th iN N (fs Vi 69 69 t9 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O O bA ~ ~so~ .soge7-uoN V ~ pp , q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ r aogt:~ '~ N w vi s~ vi w en rA vi v~ as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o ~ M v O sanog Selo ', ~ aats~csaQ QUV. ~ , ~ u$ESaQ~ue~a~vyaay a , 0 d e lu9~Stss~' ~ , , e 0 u a a~e~aoss ° ~ j aorua ~ ~ ~ , N ~ !I aotuas , Esrdsauead , a N t~ O 0 N O ~ N ~ .-~ n °o ~ o ~. ~° , _ a y 3 ~ ~ d C ~ ~ ~ Q ~ •" . h, v r,, n 4J A LL , W v ~ u ["~ C ~ ~ O Oy M Y H ~ ~ ~ N C N ~ ~ F ~ ~ ~ ~`^.. ~ o Q. ~ ltt a: U ~ H ~ ~ d ai ~ ~ ~ Q op "' ~ nn m ~ ~ ~ ~ ;~ a .~ ~ .o ~ d d c d v o U ~ `~' °' U m ~ Y 'm ii ~ a is m its V ~ a ~ v ~ r O N p "' ~ ~ y 'n O `° p ~ tVS ~'i ~ N a H a y ~ y ~ ~ .~D y U ,n c4 oG a m r ~ ro rn t- 3 ra ~ ~ a ca v7 F- a ca m t- 3 m -- to M ~ ~, ~ M ,d v, ~ ~., ,~ C O .~ O 0 U vs C c w 0 m m m a U 0 '~ •wy U b O ... M~M YV a w a ~p N O azn ~ ~ ~ o ~ O 'b a A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Hd.-+ tY N ~ ~ ~ ~P.jO M N M b9 69 v9 69 iA ai of O O ~ ~so~ aogc'T-uo~[ t3 M ' M 3~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. e ~ a aOgC'j N N ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~, 0 0 sanoH Is~o `~' ~ `'~ ~ ~o ~ealaai~ .• aaa2isa~ ddV~ , ~ m uSisa~~a~lalugaay a , 0 v c lae~srss~+ ~ e 0 u a aaetaoss ] aONa M ~ M ~~ aoluag ~ ~ ~ ~ ~edwula~ ~ ~ ^~ _~ N .; ti 0 . u a ~~ ~ 5 Y . N a . ~ o ~ o ~ ~ O ~ O. C O H ~ o. V o pq ~3 0 ~~ , `" Ll ~ u U '~ 7 o '~ ~' :° n°. rn °- ~ ~ x a . a :° ~, ~ . ° ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n f - N O N N W a