2007-17Memo To: Wayne Saunders, City Manager From: Tamara Richardson, PE, City Engineers CC: Date: May 11, 2007 Re: Sodium Hypochlorite Purchase Request to Piggy-Back City of Orlando Contract The City's Utilities Department purchases bulk sodium hypochlorite for disinfection of potable water and reclaimed water. Previously, the City paid $0.70 per gallon, but that price increased to $0.75 per gallon. The City's Utilities Department researched a variety of bids and is requesting to piggy-back the competitive bid from the City of Orlando for the purchase of bulk sodium hypochlorite at $0.66 per gallon from Allied Universal Corporation. Because this is a change in companies for us, initially we will purchase only the sodium hypochlorite used for disinfection of the reclaimed water. Once we have first hand knowledge of Allied's response and reliability, we may use them for the potable water system as well. The contract and fee schedule are attached. I am requesting authorization to piggy-back the City of Orlando, Florida bid for bulk sodium hypochlorite from Allied Universal Corporation. ^1ar 27 2007 8:33RM Rllied Universal Corp (3051 463-8369 .rr ~. ~_ ,rty1' ALUM tJNIVER5A1. CORPORATION March 27, 2007 Mr. James Kinzler Assistant Utilities Director City of Clerrnonf FAX: (352} 249-0542 Dear Mr. Kinzler: 3901 NW 11 S Avenue Miami, Florida 33178 305-888-2623 office 305-885-4671 fax As you are aware the City of Clermont had elected to piggyback on the City of Orlando Sodium Hypochlorite Bid No. 6104- 1878, as listed below: Sodium Hypochlorite/Bulk - $.66/Gal. (Full truckloads of 4,600 Gallons} This price will be firm from May 28, 2007 through May 27, 2008. All other terms, conditions and specifications remain the same as on the original request for bid. If you are in agreement with this, and wish to be included in this contract, please indicate your acceptance by signing below and faxing a copy back to my attention, if needed, please send us your standard approval contract, staling this change. If approval must be submitted to your City Council for final approval, we will accepf a "Letter of Intent", notifying us that this has been approved locally and final approval will be given at your next City Council Meeting. Please fax back of copy of your intent no later than April 13, 2007. We have enjoyed working with you in the past and look forward to our continued business relationship. Respectfully, ALLIED UNIVERSAL CORPORATION ~~ ,- - ~~ Catherine Guill rm d Executive Administrator lcg cc: J. Palmer, AUC President -CEO C. Fernandez, AUC Vice President of Sales B. C3reenberg, AUC Regional Sales Manager R. Smith, AUC Area Sales Rep CITY OF CLERMONT ~- a ~ -o '7 3901 NW 115 Avenue Miami, Florida 33178 305-688-2b23 9501 Rangeline Road Ft. Piercc, Florida 34987 772-464-6195 30 Neil Gunn Drive ELlisville, (v1S 39437 601-477-2550 5215 W.Tysan Avenue 'T'ampa, Florida 33611 613-832-4868 8350 1VW 93ie Street 204 SCM Road 1405 Possum Hollow Roac Miami, Florida 33166 Brunswick, GA 31525 Ranger, GA 30734 305-888-2623 912-267-9470 706-334-7377 2100 Port Road West Memphis, AR 72301 870-732-3107 305$854671 ALLIED UNIVERSAL -2 ~~I^o~ CTfYOFOR~ANDO Apri12, 2007 Iim Palmer, CEO Allied IJnivetsal Corporation 3941 N W 115s' Avenue 1Vliami, F+larida 33178 SUBJEC'Y': Extension of Anraal purchase Agreement for Sodium Hypochlorite BT04-1878, Are~~ndn~ez-t Ntmlber Three 13ca~r Mr. Palmer. The subject A,greemcnt will expire on Msy 27, 20(1'1. PAGE 01 Zn accordance with the terms and conditions of subject Agreement, the Agreement may, by mutual assent of the parties, be extended for an additional twelve {12} month period. The GSty has evaluated your performance during the past year and decided to extend the Agre~nt, £or an additioaai year effectioe May 28, 2007, at the existing pricing, terms aAd conditions. Please indicate your approval of this offer by having an officer of yang fixm execute the acceptance portion below and s+ecurn the anginal of this totter to Diane Tisdale, at the addltss txoted below by April 13, 2487, Upots execution below by your #mn's authorized representative, this ArneudmClti wit] ~ ypuf official ~natice that the contract has been extended for one (1) year and no additional documentation wiII be r~uired. sinceaceiy, Mead, C,p,M, Director of Parchasing ~ Mauls M~$~t JM/dt a_ B~: vial g;gnaw Pre,~~a@nt - ~0 Tine Apr~Z 9 - 2'Q07 Date --,.. Cam' H+s t.r . ~ ~,~ ~ ~F ~~~ ~~ 1~fa 77r~vra r c tts~ ~..