2007-184 '~A ~~ r 4c~'~- CITY ®~ CLERI\IfO1VT Office of the Fire Chief To: Wayne Saunders, City Mana er From: Carle L. Bishop, Fire Chief~~~ Date: May 22, 2007 Re: FD Engine 31 Wayne, Attached you will find our research on manufacturer comparisons from KME, E-ONE and American La-France. I am recommending the purchase of the E-One engine from Hallmark Fire Apparatus based on the comparison schedule in the amount of $262,450 and request that it be placed on the 3une l2, 2007 council agenda for approval. The purchase of the Fire Department Engine 31 is budgeted in the fiscal year 2006-20071ine item 10522-66400. Please find proposal from Hallmark Fire Apparatus and competitive sealed bid information from Hillsborough County Fire Department. Thank you for your consideration. 439 WEST HIGHWAY 50 • CLERMONT, FLORIDA 3471 1 PHONE: 352/394-7662 • FAX: 352/241-4904 TI A~renue • Jcala, rlorida 3447 ;9-605 f Fay: 35~-62Q-30i~ FIRE APPARATUS PROPOSAL AND AGREEMENT 5-23-07 Revision "C" To: City of Clermont Fire Depairtma~t Apparatus Proposed: One (1) E-0ne CAR36 custaan built Rescue-Pumper built on an E-0ne Typhoon custom 4~oor chassis (Per factory carnponents list and Hall~latk Fire equipment list), NFPA 1901 2003 ~P~- • Apparatus Cost: S 263,652.00 • liIa>~Mark Supplied LetterviglStriping/GrouadLodders: 3,798.00 Apparatus Total: S 267;450.00 • Discount (S5,000.00) • Adjnst~ Total: S 262,450.00 _~ • Total Contract Price: S 262,450.00 `~ Delivery: Approximately 240 calendar days after Pt of Purchase Order. F.O.: Clermont, FL. Terms of Paymeiat: C.fl.D., unless PrzPayman Discount Plan applies Proposal Price Fapiration: 6-5-07 „ n Dealer Auk Typed/Printed: - Title: Date: Proposal Accepted B~fGustomer; Ty~~S~ignat~e n~~°~~s~-~/ Title: A ~,a /'~ Date: _1,/, l~~oa '7 w«rw.hall-r~arkfire..com E-~~ail: info~u.h:~l!-markfire.cou± ~.:,€ '~ _ w. ^~ E vwce Authorized Dealer Engine 31 Manufacturer Comparison E-ONE KME Am. La-Fr. Sutphen ITEM #1 #1 Structural Warranty 10 10 10 10 Motor 330 425 400 400 Front axle rating 16,000 18,000 18,000 16,000 Rear axle rating 24,000 27,000 26,000 24,000 Front Brakes S-Cam S-Cam Q-Cam S-Cam Wheels Steel Steei Aluminum Aluminum pump location side side top side pump size 1,250 1,250 1,500 1,250 tank size 750 1,000 1,000 750 ladder storage rear rear rear rear Generator No No hydraulic No Total Cubic Ft. Comp't. 244 278 223 241 Compartment Height 68" 68" 63" 66" Compartment Layout -Leff 26" 29" 24" lower. 12" upper 27" lower. 12" upper Com artment La out - Ri ht p y g 26" lower. 12" upper 29" lower, 14" upper 24" lower. 12" upper 27" lower. 12" upper Compartment Doors Roll-up Roll-up Roll-up Roll-up Booster Reel No No Yes No Scene Lights Yes No Yes Yes delivery time 180 90 60 90 Extras included Foam System Features NOT Included EMS Comp't. Cost 259,950 262,344 263,663 268,471 Delete Booster Line N/A -4,208 N/A Cost without booster line ~ 259,950 ~ 259,455 268,471 [IOARD OP COUM`f COMM15SiONERS Staeey L Easterling Pat Fnnk Chris Harz Jim Nomun jan K. Place Thomas Smtc Ronda Sctnms December 27, 2001 Emergency One, Inc. 1701 SW 37"' Avenue Ocala, FL 34470 Office of the County Administrator Daniel A. Kleman Dcpury County Administrator Patricia Dcen Assistan[ Cosnry Administrators Edwin Htmuker Jimmie Keel An[hony Shoemaker SUBJECT: NOTICE TO PROCEED, Blanket Purchase Order Number BPCW02000033; Emergency Vehicles and Ancillary Equipment You are hereby notified to proceed with the performance of subject purchase order. All work shall be completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the endosed agreement. The County's Project Manager for this Contract is Robert Hancock. Please coordinate all activities associated with this project with him. Mr. Hancock may be contacted at (813) 272- 6600. Sincerely, ~ ~~. ~~ John M. Benson Jr., C.P.M. Procurement Supervisor -Commodities Attachments: Purchase Order Agreement Cc: Robert Hancock, Administrative Chief Post Office Box 1110 • Tampa, Florida 33641 .oat A~rmariue Aetiaa/Equa(Oppaassvt7 Employer AFEE~'~€NT~ ~sET~~Fc_E~1 F~kLLSt~OR;Ci~C;H ,~C~Zl1~l~Y A~i~Q; . EIkItEt`~~ Y t7fVi=', r~l;C. - -- - -. ~hi~.°Ganract "is, c~~ade~ar~d°e~itered: ~FCta~ 6~,':and, ll~tv.~e~n fide goacd~ af~~oc~n~!~ Carr[~rissaoneGSS~f Kiils6d~o~g~i C~u~fy-~ F~rd~~, Vie: ~in~~ef catty".~o~ttty„~, Q~d, Er~~~geyrG,1~ arc :'f7-EY~i7~' iA~~~q~ ~i~zetrraFl'eiit ""~o~i~for"Z_ -~- - ~P-.~PC~`s~' --,---~. 1"f€e stucxt~Cr-acto'rsttat~ fesf~ ;air au~ii =.e~pe ~;i~ aoi~ .~ '~,~c~ i9r' ~~rspn~~ ~gwip~~= .~~~er~~,~~~~gr~er.e~. a~~~d~..aE~~~:~e.~~~~x Ei~~afa ~e pie"aat1~+Q~~; i~ ~ai~c~ii~li ~4i~r=egcrec~s~ fi u''~r~.t~ie °_ , ~fQJCd.~uii~ a Rd:~„~~e,~s, ~~g' r:TC?~rp~~;at~~ 6g~~acefe~eu ~rein~_ ~ ~ __ _ :: A~ _eri~::1;, ~fa~~ter~ti~if a7~ark ~3a~#3~N.E`rau~:e{ erne ~.~, . . .._. :. ~• A'tt. aehici-rent=~}~;, kryitEsbar~q~:~tli.:~v~iif~~Pi~rc asit~ ~AEI~i,.~ FE-~f0'f3 Q`~ Pi=•R~Q(4`FkEC'E_ ~'f~rs ~aee'r~:ta~:sE'ralt'~egi~t~Per~fo~a~vice upon ~i~=e'f~~c;Ei~r~ d~t~ ~~-~lc~ice ~Eas f~rac~ed~ and - - ~emaii~ in :e~c~,`~Ye. }? xea~~„ ~ujl_~ss~ t~ucn{ca~~e~~soo~ei: o~~eXt"e~ict~.~ ~ ~fliedE:-tn~ "~ ~ . •~,gre~e~t E03'T'FQ'A7 _TQE~€F1Ft=tom . At.the sole' opti©a+ af;ttie ~ouaty, ~Ftii`s~grQ,~knent~a~. b>rre~ewed fnr,°am acfd~iorral :aye t`'I~ }tear :per~od'~t ttre same,terr~s and.con~itioras. - _. . C O I ~l P, E 711 S A T IO' I C f Tk~e Courkty fs:to; pa~rthe Gon#r.•acforfar.tl7e p.eiforc~artce~.o~alf tfli~gs;ti~~cessar~ far, or cncid'e~tal.~ `to: tt~e° p~~rfcirr"na~ce of ~Yack as saC~#ortl~ 1n the: ~{~a#,e~ment:of Wa~~, l~ttaeFi'rne~# 1+; vuhPctt is~ 'attached hEret~ arz~~inco~wrated #~~t eefe~eu~ce'he~eiri: The Contracto~'sh~~11' accept-tfiis::-arxiaui~. ;as full corr+p~ns~~ion ;far:al~ services ~,pravided,, and: ra.ateciaEs::fu~ished;-;f~rr. all ~c9sts; and:te, <xp.~nses ;incarred and :loss ar: ~dar~aage~s c~oyding ,arm o€'fhe< r~afure,of~the ~serutees pGOVi~ieds a~, from :any: ui1i'eGeseer~©bstruction-or dtff euitces eneo~u~tersed ire tfie ~rovas~oo ai tles~ ser~sr,~s;;~far all- - :expenses mcui=red'.tay or irr consequence :of-.the siaspens'r_c~a or discort~iiu•arrGe° of fhe•:prov[sign of sarvic~, ~anc~ .forrnretl'artd faiff~fullyprar~ifietg'tCZe ~egeicfed~se~fces ~ :qtr e-~en~ wit #f`e totaF. - crimp:ensatro~rsarixouat.payatPe urt`der t{,~#eT[ns•o# this•Ag~eernent:6e:exceed~d ui~('~ss a~kerrri~e ;authorized ~by ttre Gounty;in a ~mod~fieation, fo tE~isAgceeme~f: F(1tdCl hJG .f ;ands becbme unavailable, th? County reserves the right to terminate this Agreement upon nc less than 24 hours written notice. The notice shah be delFvered by certified mail, return receipt requested„ by telegram or in person. The County shall reimburse the Contractor foralf authorized services provided prior to the issuance of this notice-. rVrETHO?] OF PAYMEfVT/BILLINr' Invoices and other. billing materials must con#ain of a.minimum thz Contractor's name, Federal . Employer Identification Number (FIEN), the date of delivery and quantity of equipment pro:ided, cost for the equiptrtent and al( other infomlat'son necessary fior a. proper pre-audit and. poshaudit thereof. The Contractor shall. submit to the County, at the. time of invoice, a detailed {isting of 'all accessories provided. Copies of ati invoices relating to the accessories provided shalt be attached to;the listing. The County reserves the right to verify priezs by examination of Beater or disiribuiot's invoices and to evaluate all purchases with respect to reasonableness of price. All paperwork, inGuding invoices, documents, and obtaining:unit's title, to~be Conttaetor°s responsibility. All necessary .paperwork, as above,, must accompany unit at delivery. Title, application, and supporting documents are~fo be made out to "County of H.i1{sborougtt°, P.Q. Box 1110, Tampa,. FL 336Q1, and must be dated the delivery date of unit to .Hillsborough County. Deafer to be responsible for and pay any penalties forlate title application. The Gounty may deduct a 1~2°lo discount for prompt payment, should such payment be made within 1 Q calendar days from receipt of a proper invoice. PUBLIC EIIGTITY CRIMES STATEMENT A parson or afniiafe who has beenplaced.on the convicted vendorii~st following a conviction for a pub!"sc entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods orservices to-a public entity, may not. submit a: bid on. a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids an leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, oc consultant under:a contracf with any public entity, and may not fransact business with any public entity in .excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.Q17, Florida$tafutes, `far CATEGORY TWO. #or a period of 36 months from tFie date of being- placed on the convicted vendor fist. Additionally, pursuant to County policy, a conviction of a public entity crime may cause the rejection of a bid, offer, or proposal. The County may make inquiries regarding alleged convictions of public entity crimes. The unreasonable failure of a bidder, offerer or proposer to promptly supply information in connection with an inquiry may be grounds for rejection of a bid, offer or proposal. " TERMINATION Hillsborought County may rescind or terminate this Agreement at wilt upon at least 90 days prior written notice to the Contractor. TERMINATION FOR BREACH Unless the Contractor's breach is waived, the County may upon 24 hours vrritten notice terming#e this Agreement.for the breach. Waiver of a breach of any provision of this Agreement will not be deemed a waiver of any other breach nor will it be construed to be a modification of this Agreement. -- ~ l~,fDE11~iNITY The Contractor shall inder~,nify, hold harmless, and defend the County, its agents and' employees from and against any and. a!1 liabilities, losses, claims, damages, demands, expenses or actions, either at law or in equity, including court costs and attorneys' fees, that. may hereafter at.any time be made .or brought by anyor7e on accoarrt of personal injury, property damage; loss of monies, or other loss, allegedly caused or incurred; in whole ac in part, as a result of arty negligent, wrongful, or intentional act or omission, or based on any act of fraud or defalcation by the Contractor, its agents, subcontractors; ~a~ssigns, heirs; and employees during perfi7rmancz under ti~i5 Agreement The`i=xtenfof t~h'ss indesnnificati.on shall not be [irt>ited in~any way as to the amount or types of damages or compensation payalite to the Cotiinty an account-ofi any insurance limits contained in.any insurance polic3( procured ar pro~ridedin connection wittt#his Agreement In any and all claims. against the County or any of its agents or employees 6y any employee of the Contractor, any subcontractor, heir, -assign, anyone directly or indir..ectty emplojred by a'ny oftherri, oranyone'for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obtrgation under this paragraph shalt not be limited in anyway as to the amount or type of damages, compensation orbenef+ts,payable by ar~for Contractor or any subcontractor under workers' compensation acts,, disability benefrt acts or otherempioyee bes;tefit ects. CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE /REQUIRED DOCUMElt(TATIQN This Agreement is ~conti'ngent upon the Contractor furia'ishirig_ the County, where required•a Certificate of fn~suranee and any other regurred documentation, within 16 days after Natificaticin of Award. STATEMENT OF ASSURANCE During the performance of~this Agreement, tiie~Contractor herein assures the County .that tl;te said Contractor is in cQmp[iance with Tit{e VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act,. as amended, and the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992 in that the- Contractor-does not an the. gn,unds of race, color, national origin, religion, sex; age, Iiariclicap or inarrta3 status, discriminate in.,any form or manner against said Contractor's employees or app{cants for employment. The Confraatdr~understands and agrees that this Agreement is conditioned upon the veracity of this, Statement of Assurance. Furthermore, the. Contractor heFeir?: assures the Courtly that said ,Contractor viii comply with.Title V1 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 when Federal grant(.sj .is/are involved. Qther applicatzle. Federal and State laws, executive orders and regulations prohibiting. the type ofi discrimination as hereinabove delinea#ed are included- by this reference thereto. This Statement of Assurance shall be interpreted to include Vietnam Era Veterans and Disabled Veterans within its protective range of~applicabitity. DRUG Fr?EE tNpRKPLACF The Contractor assures the County it will administer, ~. go6d faith; a policy designed to. ensure the Contractor is free from the illegal use, possession, or distribution of drugs or alcx?hoa. As part of such policy, the Contractor wi11 require, as a condition of employmenrt, that each employee notify their supervisor within free (5) days if they have been convicted under a cxirninal drug statute for activity occurring at the' workplace or outside the woric~tace, iE the offense could be reasonably erected to affectthe Contractor's function- The Contractor will, irl tum, immediately notify the County of the occurrence as well as any and all corrective action taken. A criminal drug statute is any law, federal, state, or lopl, which makes_cmlawful the manufacture, dstributron, dispensation, or possession of any oontroiled substance or illegal drug. AGREEMENT ALTERATIONS AND JUflJD1FICATIONS This Agreement may be modified by mutual agreement of the parties. Such modifications shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by the County and the Contractor. f~ECrJRDS, DGCUI~~?E1VTS, AIVD RE°ORTS The C:~ntractor shall maintain books, re~,ards, documents and other evidence of accounting procedures and practicES which sufficiently and,propErly reflect all d"sr.ect and indirect costs of any nature expended in the performaRCe of this contract TYiese records shall be subject at all reasonable times. to inspection, reviev~, copying. andLor audit by personnel duly authorized by the County and fiederal officials so authorized by larv, rule, regulation, oe contract. The Contractor wilt retain all books, records, documents,. and..other materials relevant to this contras for five. (5) years after settlement, and make them available for inspection by persons authorized under this provision. The Contractor shall be responsible for any audit exceptsons ar disallowed. costs incurred. by the Contractor or array of its subco~ttractors. INA~I uER A failure_.tiy either patty to exercise its rights under this.Agreement shall. cno# preclude that:party from subsequent exercise of such rights and: shall not constitute a waiver of.any other ri~gh~s under this Agreement unless. stated to be such in a writing. signed by an authorized representative of. the party and~atfached to the original Agreement. ATTORNEY FEES A~l1lD COSTS If any trtigation is brought to enforce this Contract or any litigation arises out of any contract term, clause yr provision, each party shall be responsible for its oven expenses, costs and attorney fees. GOVERNANCE This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with ttte laws .of tf1e. state of Florida and the venue shalt. be irF-Hillsborough County, Florida. ORDER OF PRECEDEIrICE The items listed below are. incorporated ,by reference herein. In the.event.of an incansistericy in this Agreement, unless othe[wis~e provided herein, the inconsistency shall be re.soived tip giving preeredence ir- the following order. 1. Applicable Federal and Florida State S`iatutes artid Regulatiaris_, 2. The Terms and Conditions° as contained in-this Agreementt 3. Any other provision ofi this Agreement incorporated by'reference otherwise. SEVERASlLlTY If any provision of this Agreement or any provision of any documecrt incorporated by reference shalt be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of thisRgreemec~t which can be given effect without the invalid .provision, or. part thereof if such remainder conforms to the terFns and requirements of applicable law and the intent of this Agreement, and to this end .the provisions of this Agreement are declared to be severable. Q PROJECT MANAGED, T#'ie Project Manager for the Contractor is: ~'he Project Manager far the ~Gounty ;s: Hallmark Fire Apparatus, Inc.. Hillsborough County Fire Rescue Jim Hal( Chie; Robert F. tiancoc4r 3731 N.W. 2~5~' Avenue 2708 East Hanna dive. Ocala, FL 34475. T anlpa, FL33n'f0 Phone; 352-629-63.05, 800-524-6072 Phone; 8'i3-272.-6600. FAY.: 352-629-2018 FAX:: $13-272-6092 E-mail: FireTrucks aol.com E-mail: HancockR Hitlsborau hGount~/.or ALL. WRITINGS C0IVTAINED HERE1lV This Agreement sets forth in full al! the terms -and- conditions agreed upon by thin parties. Any other agreement, representation,. or understandings, .verbal or otherwise, regarding. the:.subject matter of_ttlis AgreemEnt shall be deemed to be null and void and: of no farce and' eff, ect. whatsoever. !NWITNESS WHEREOF, .tire parties have executed this, Agreement. ATTEST: RICHARD AKE COUDil'Y: HttLSBOROUGE{ COUNTY GLERIS OF CIRCUIT COURT FLORIDA BY: ~ ~°: ROPoOA DEPUTY CLERK m , L •= BY: CFdAtR ,BOARD OF COUNTY COMIiAISSIONERS EONTRLICTOR r AUT RIZED SIGNATURE ~A v` 5~M PRINTED NAME ItIGF ~~S`t~Ent ii nlaC~ A~GcttR~! 5-•tz~,S' TITLE ~(a~EMRF,E~ P 2-C~O ~ GATE Fiie Approval Oate Dept Contracts B~S•.i ODFCO!!4•!'i'(CJi•-~!~tl;;ti;:'.~ri::, N#LL3(30r~tOl;G#~# CUt1s~.TY Ft~3F?!OA S Actx~la~rt_~~rF~I~f3T t3F r3~sPON~1Mi~rr. !~ a caf?P~fz.~ F iC1i~ STATI= CF Y ~f3ll ;~Ca.: COUNTY OF ! S~ ;.~ u'"L~. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged b ore me thig it ~s:. - Ot By ~. j ~. ~ 4~-- (Date} (Name of officer or agent,: title. of officer or agent) of l"~~~~~,flt~,~- ~~ , ~,!!`~,• . a ~ ~1~1 ~..- .corporation, (N me corporation acknowledging) (Sfate or place of incorporation) on behalf of the corporation, pursuanito the. powers confen'ed. upon said. officer or agent by the corporation. l;e/site personally appeared before. me at the time of notarization, and is personaNy known to me or~fias produced as identifieafion and did certify to have knowledge of the matters stated (Type ofi Identification) t in the foregoing instrument and eert~ed the same:to be true in all respects. Subscribed and-sworn to (or affirmed) before me this 4 ~- (p _ 0 (~ ~, , (Dade) ~,~., suzrwr~.alDn~,a ~~' \ ~~l'~./"``~ Commission Numbe '~~x ~Ye~iSStoNilec~a2s~s (D a >ylotary Si at re and Notary Seal} ~ ~~•.~~~~ T,u,~~u 3~~r~. ~~~~~ Coranirssian Expitati _ (Name of Notary typed, pr+nted or stamped} _ ACKNOWLEDGEME{VT r3F RESP'Oiti1DENT, 1F A i?`ARTNERStftP STATE pF - GOUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowiectged before me:this i3y (Date}.. (Name of acknowledging partner or agerrt} partner{or agenfi) on behalf a partnership. H.e/she personalty appeared before fine at the tlcne of notarization; and is personally known to me or has produced as identification and did certify to have knowledge of the matters stated (Type of ldentificatlan} in the foregoingins~rument and certified the same•to be true in all respects. Subscribed-and sworn fo (or affirmed) before me this ~~~ Coinmissidn Number (Official Notary Signature and Notary Sea(}. (Name of Notary typed, printed or stamped} Commission Expiration Date ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RESPUNDEiVT_, IF AiV INDIVIDiIaL STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me this Sy ~ _ (Date) ~ (Name of acknowledging) who personally appeared' before me at the time of notarization,.and is personalty known to me or has produced as identification and did cartify to have knowledge of the matters stated ('i ype of identification) in the foregoing~insti-ument and certified the same to be true in all respects. Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed} before me this (Date) Commission Number (Official ~dotary Signature and Notary Sealj Commission Expiration Date (Name of Notary typed, printed or stamped} ~_ Attachment 4 Statement of Work 1) The County estimates that the. resulting expenditures~resulting from this. contract wilF not exceed $27,5s}O,Otst3.04•focthe performance of all things necessary for or incidental to-the performance of work as-set fcsrth in the Stafemeaf of Work and in accordance with the_ Fee Schedule. There is na cabligation on the part of the County to purchase. any set or minimum. amount of fire apparatus or special application vehicles during. this contract period. 2) The County reserves the right to dev-ate. from this contract and procure the itern{s}from another source should it be deemed. ih the best interests. of the County. 3) This agreement shall be exEended to other State, .County, 11Aunicipality or Special Fire. Districts, under the same conditions, forthe same contract price, and for. the sartte effective period. 4) PURCHASING COUNCIL: REFERENCE LAWS O.F FLORfDA 69-11 i2 AND .69-11.19. This. agreement shall be extended to the~Govemmental Qurchasing Council of'Hiitsboraugh County, under the same,conditions, for the:same contract price-,. and for the same effective period, to atf public entities in HilCsborough County, (SEE ATTP;CHItAENT 4} a) Arty Hittsbarough County pulit"sc eniity may elect fo utilize this. agreement at their option_ All Hillsborough County public entities will issue theirown purchase orders and coordinate the delivery Igcations and quantitieswith the successful bidder(s). b) Hillsborough County~overrim-ent will not b_e~resDonsible for. arhv transactio~s~ fJetween t agreement. Alt terms, prices and oond~ions .of this agreement will apply between the Contractor,. and;any other Hillsborough County public entities :utilizing this: agreement. NOTE: THE QUANTITIES ESTIMATED=~IN TFIISAGR~EEMENTARE..FOR .HILLSBOROLjGH COUNTY ONLY. 5) The County shall issue a Btartket Purchase Order.to cover any suppliesor:services to be famished under this agreement The using department(s) wilt then issue Release Purchase arde~s against the 8ianket Furctrase Order on an as needed basis. The Contractor shall deliveronly on a Rete~se Purchase~Orxier...Such Qcders shall be issued.,from date:of.the award through the expiration of'the agreement fi) Atl shipments by the Contractor must be F.0.8 Ikstination, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the County. ~ Contractor shall deliver the equipment to the County, ready for service, within the following schedule: a) Tanker: 240 days after receipt of :order.. b) Pumper: 180 days after receipt of orcter. c) Aerial Apparatus (Elevating Platform, Ladder Trucks, etc); 210 days after receipt ofi order. d) Ambulance: 180 days after receipt of order. e) Special Application Vehicle: 240 days after receipt of order. t) delivery for equipment utilizing commercial chassis will be quoted on a per order basis.. Attachment 1, Scope of Work 7 ~) f~lanuals: a) Contractor shall include with the initial delivery of each model year vehicle the follGwing Three (3} Compact Discs (CD} that contain at a minimum; i) Technical and Service Manuals. for Cab and Chassis, ii} Technical and Service Manuals for'1/ehicle Body, iii} Parts Manuals for Gab, Chassis. and.Baciy, and iv) pperators Manuals. b} Three (3) sets of printed manuals shat! be provided with each vehicle ordered; to a maxstnum of -Four (4) sets per order of tike vekticles. c) A copy of manufacturers preventive maintenance schedule skim{ 6e provided with each vehicle. 9} Specificatiac~s.: a) Alt: Equipment prAV.icled shall Fneet al( requirements. of the. latest edition of t~(HTSt~, . FMUSS,; State of. Florida, and NF.PA_ . ti:7 All~vehictes ancG equipment:fiarnished-shat! be manufactucer's latest txtodeC. c) Appurtenances and/oraccessories famished shall conform to best Rractice know"tb the fire fighting. or special application:trada~in° design., .c{uali~y afi'warkmanship and rr-aterial,: and be. subject to the s.pecifi~cations:provicied`f(ir at the time~the ocd'er'is pl""aced. d) All vehicles: ftafnished..stlall 4~e constructed vsiith due consi~es-ation~ta the. eq~:iptnertt's intended use:and per€ormance characteristics, including but not.limited to load distribution, such:that they: wi11'operate under'alt conditions.~weather, .errviiosiinental; load, etc.) in conformity wittrthe Couciiy`s specifications arrd all:applicab(e federal„ state, and local laws: 1 ~) The fire apparatus. andapecial application: vehicles shall lie as semtrled, serviced, adjusted, and demonstrated to the satisfaction of'the Cotirrty that the ege~ipment.is m-perfect mechanical condition. Corifractor is responsible for the completeconstruction aryd assembly of aH vehicles and equipment components. 11)Pre-Construction and Inspection Visits: a} The Contractor shall. provide all transportation, lodging and meals,for..up to three (3) members of f-liilsborough County to travel to-the vendors' mancifactyring facility- fiat which the vehicte is being constructed}, for a total of three (~) visits. The transportation, lodging.. and meals shall include air transportation (County~~opfion~, rental~car~(County option), lodging anei meals {2 nights per'trip) for up to three. (3) personnel 7oundtrip from Tarnpa. The Contractor shall coordinate with the County trip arrangements at least~twv~ (2}. weeks prior to the scheduled visit The. three (3) visits: are as follows: i) Apre-construction meeting to completely review the.specificatlonsond drawings prior to the vehicle assembly/construction commencing. ii) Amid-production meeting at the ~k5-55°k completion stage to inspect and verify integral specification compliance far wiring, integral component system installation, etc. prior to progressing to final completion. iii) A final inspectianlperformance test The vehicle shall.be 100% complete and ready for delivery. The County will perform a Etna{ inspection and full performance test of the vehicle -and all integral systems. The Contractor sfiaU provide the technical information and representatives} necessary to allow far a complete and Attachment 1, Scope of Work 8 thorough conformance meetingiinspection. Any and. al(tnird panty certifications shall be available for revieyu at this meeting. If the vehicle is found to be not ready any additional trips shall be at the expense of the' vendor with no additiona! cost to Hillsborough County. b) Any costs associated with the above Pre-Construction and Inspection Visits thaf: will bQ charged to the County must be: i} Clearly icCentified~~on the apparatus stripper (line item det`a'il}, Contractor to :use item numbers':2~000.:0.0_1D "Inspection Tiip" and 2 X0,0 01 00 "Pre-build Conference" to indicate these costs on the. apparatus stripper. u) Invoiced~separafely. 1 Z}Vehicles and equipment will be~ accepted only after altrequirements for delivery have bean met. Delivery of vehicle(s~, and' equipment to the County does not constitute acceptance for the purpose of payment. Final .acceptance and autfiorization of pay_merit stiatl` tie given only after a thorough inspection .indicates that the delivered vehicle(s)' or equipment rrteef speeifications. and the .conditions. Should the delivered vekticles or equipment differ in any , respect from the specifications,. paymsr~t will be~withhetd until sucfi time as the~COntractor comp[etesalt necessary eorr-ective~ aCtiQn. 13) Statement of Warranty: All warranty repairs covered by these requirements shat! indude all parts, mateiats•, labor and gther'expenses.roquired to complete the repair to the satisfaction of the County. a} 1 Year Standard: The.apparafcss manufacturer shall. provide a full one year standard .warranty. Alt co;ttponenfs manufactrared by the apparatus:rrarSUfaetureF.shauld~ tie covered against defects In materials or workmanship: for a one year period: Ail components covered by separate suppliers. sack as engines (minimum ~ year/1'00,000 rriiies), trahsmissions (minimum 2` yearlunlimited rniies), aides {minimum 1 year}, tires, .and' batteries shall maintain the. fnrarrarrty as provided by the .component.suppiier. A copy of the warranty document shall be provided: with the vehide: b} lifetime Frame: The apparatus manufacturer shall provide a:fuil !'rfefime frame warranty. This warrantyshall cover all apparatus manufaeturerdosigned-frame. and.frame.mernber-sagainst defects in maferials or workmanship for the I'tfetime of the covered apparatus. A oopj!.ofthe warranty document Shall be provided=with the vehicle, c} 10 Year1100,000 Mile Structural: The apparatus manufacturer shaft provide a comprehensive 10 yearl10.0,000 mile structuraf°warranty. This~warranty shalF cover all structural components of the. cab and/or body manufadured by the apparatus manufacturer against defects in. materials or workmanship for 10 years or 100,000 miles, whichever occx.rrs first. Excluded from this warranty. are;all~ hardware, mechanical. items,. eledrica! items, or paint~finishes. A copy of-the warranty document shall be provided with the vehide. d) Lifetime Polypropylene Tank The apparatus manufacturer shall provide a full 1'rfetime polypropylene tank warranty. This warranty shall cover atI defects in materials or workmanship of the' polypropylene tank for the lifetime of the covered apparatus. A copy of the warranty document shaft be provided with the vehicle. e) 10 Year Stainless Steel Plumbing Components: The apparatus manufadurer shall provide a full 10 year stainless steel plumbing components warranty. This warranty shall cover defects in materials or workmanship of apparatus manufacturer designed foamlwater plumbing system stainless steel components for 10 years. A copy of the warranty document shall be provided wi#h the vehicle. Attachmerrt 1, Scope of Work 9 f) 10 Year Pain= and Lifetime Corrosion Perforation: TRe apparatus manufacturer shall pra~~sde a full 10-year paint and lifetime corrosion perForation.warranty. This warranty shall cover paint peeling, cracking, blistering, and corrosion.pr..ovided the vehicle is used in a normal and reasonable. manner. Paint shall be covered 't00°!° for 10 yearsand corrosion perforation s hail be covered 100% for the. life of the vehice. A copy of the wan'anty document shall be provided- with the vehicle. g) Qvar-~r Protection Plan Custoat Chassis .Pumper Aerial,. Tanker, and Rescue Tbuo .(2) Year Standard ~IVarranty. The appari=tus ~manufacturershall prcvide-a full sepnd:yearextension on the siandard warranty. Aii components coveted :in ttie manufacturer's statement of warranty shai) be covered for. "a tataC of~twenty-faun months from delivery of the apparatus. Ali componen#s covered by separate suppliers such as engines (minirnum 5 yearl100,000 miles), transmissions (minimum 5~ year/unlimited miles), aides and brakes (minimum 1 year), tires, and ba+teries sflafi maintain the warranty as provided by the carnponent• supplier as tong as they meetthe minimums stated. A copy of the wan-arity extension document(s) shall be provided with ttie vehicle. 143 Warranty Work: a) The County desires to become a factory authorized repair facility for warranty work AN necessary training and expenses associated with this.authorization shai( tie provided to the County at no charge. b) The Contractor shall reimburse the County for warranty work performed .by the Cowr-ty at the rate indicated on the Fee Schedule. c) Contractor shall provide on-site assistance for unresolved warranty work as required. Attachment 1, Scope of Work 10 R:tfacFmenf 2 Fee Schectuie The County is to pay the Contractor for the performance- of all things necessary for or incidental to the performance of work as set forth in the Statement of Work, and in accordance with this Fse Schedide. The. Gontractiar shat) .fum%sh the County fire. apparatuses, emergency vel~iicies and ancillary equipment in accorda;~ce with the Scope ofWork at the,pricing indicated below: Item Description: unit Price 1. ~ Vehicles pealer net Options Deafer net Accessories, including freight charges (The term accessaties as. used herein- describes the basic equipment which in esser-ce becomes 3 part of the apparatus. Examples of which would include;. radios, intercom?hearing pfo#eetian system, deck gun/ground 12% above Dealer ~fet .monitor, ladders, intake valve, hydrant valve; adapters, supply hose, booster hase,.;aard'.suction hoer,. etc. Examples of items which would not fall under this provision are; Sett Gantained Breathing Apparatus, Personal Profedive Equi meat, etc... 2. Perceritege of Discounts and/or Incentives ta~Dealer 1~50~° credited to Coun 3. Reimbursement Rate for Warrant Work $55.00 er Haur Attachment 2, Fee Schedule Page 1i tittachment ;~ Insurance Requirements Contractor wil! maintain throughout the period. of this.corrtract General Liability Insurance with a combined single limit for bodily injury and. propeFty: damage of no less than $2,000,,OOQ per occurrence and with an annual aggregate limit for Prpducts/Completed Operations Liabiiity.of no less Phan $4,0OO,OGQ. The policy will be issued by an insurer, on a form and with a deducfible all of which are acceptat~te to the County. County wll be Warned as an addifional insured on the policythcvughoutthe period ofi this contract. ' Affarhnt~ant d (ncurmnco C?on~~irnmontc A?nP 17 ~:ttachiTtertt ~ 1-11ilEs~araugtl County Governmental Purchasing Caul~Gii Ctty of Tampa liittsbcrau9h County Schott Board ~,ro E. Jackson St, F_ O. Sax 3=x02 Tampa, FL 33602 Tampa, FL33E01-3408 Joan McDonnell, Purchasing Director William 6orrer, Purchasing Supervisor po24Q.~ci.tampa,fl.us Hank Morbach, Principal Buyer (Altemate) Kendai Capaz, Purchasing Mgr, (Alternate) Phone: (813} 272-4327 polS~ci.tampa.f(.us FAX: (813j272-4007 http:!/vrww.ci.tampa.fl,us Bll.Borrer~sbhc,kl2.fl.us Phone: (813} 274-8353 http://www.ideas-classraom.org FAX: (613) 2745355 City cf Plant City Hi{Isbgrough Community College P, O. Drawer C P. O. Box31127 Fiant City, F L 33564 Tampa, FL 33631 ~t 27 Phil Watdon, City, Manager Paul Johnson, Purchasing Manager Bob Bedell (Alternate) Phone: (813) 757.-9144 pjohnson@hcc.cc.fl.us FAX: (813) 757154 Vonda Melchior pwaldt ~ix.netcom.com Melchior~hcc.ce.fl.us httn:L/www.ci.niant-citv.Fl.us Terry Fryman Phanx: (8.13) 253.7060 FAX: (8'13) x...-,';-7664 City of Temple Terrace Hittsborough Cautrty Purchasing Ge9t. Mr. Kim D. Leinbach ~'I E Kennedy Bivd., 18th Fioor City Manager P. O. Box 1110, Tampa, FL33601-1 11 0 11250 N. 56th St. Luca F. "Lu" Banks, Director P. O. Box tf~30 Lynne Fitimon, Purchas~g Manager Temple Terrace, FL 33667 Phone: (813) 272570 (813) 959-7100 FAX: j8t3) 272-6290 FAX: (813} 989-7185 FOD: (813} 272-5938 h2Fp:!lwww.tempieterrace.com fillmonl~htllsboroughcourtty.org Clerk of Circuit CouK Hel{sboraugh County Sheriff 601 E. Kennedy Btvd: 13th Ftoor P. O. Boz3371 P.O. Box 1110 Tampa, FL 33601-3371 Tampa, FL 33EOi Carolyn Hendrickson, Exec. Buyer Jackie Bums, Genera( Manager I Phone: (813) 247-8054 Joy Caruso, Buyer tAiternme) FAX: {813) 247-090T Phone: (813) 276100 Ext7721 sterfita~hcso.tampa.fl.us FAX: (Bi3) 272-5521 httpl/www.hcso.tampa.fl.us E;cpressyray quthority HIIlsborough County State Attorney 412 E. Madison, Suite BDO South Annex Tower nth Floor Tampa, FL 33602 Tampa, FL 33602 Shari Callahan Elvin Martinez, Jr., Administrator shari~ithcea.org Geraldine Battle Patrick McCue, Executive Director battle~Qsaol3th.cam Mary Halt, Asst. Directar (Attemate) Phane: (813) 274.1998. Phone: (813) 272740 FAX (813) 272-7t7i4 FAX (813) 273-3730 Hills. Area Regional Transit Authority Property Appraiser 4305 E.21 st Avenue 601 E. Kennedy Bivd., lfith Floor Tampa, FL 33605 Tampa, FL 33602 John Clark, Procurement Manager Mike Codk, Asst Deputy Prop. Appr. Phone: (813) 623-5335 Brandon 5picala, Storekeeper (Alter.) FAX: (813) 6641119 Phone: (813) 276~83i BittekeE~Hartline.org FAX: (813) 2725519 Lakat®Hartiine.org custsenr~proppr,ca,hilisborough.fl.us http:llpropappr.co.hillsborough.fl.us 4-tiitsborough County Aviation.AUttwrity Supervisor of Elections P. O. Box 22287 601 E Kennedy Bivd., 16th Flovr Tampa International Airport Tampa, FL 33602 Tampa, FL 33622-2267 Donna Schomer, Purchasing Agent Doue Hanlon, Purchasing Manager Phone: (813) 27b-274 Richard Frensley, Buyer (Alternate} FAX: (813) 272-7043 Phone: (813) 870-$730 http:!/vnvw.votehilisborough.org FAX: (813) 875-6570 dhanlon~tampaairportcom City, of Tampa Housing Authorty o0ii-South Rome Ave. Tampa, FL 33607 Denise Surles, Director Andrew Persaud; Purchasing Agent Pfiane: (813) 253-0551 Ext. 315 or Phone: (8i3) 253-05x1 Ext. 315 FAX• (813) 251-4522 Tampa Palms Community Dev. Dist. 18311. Tampa Palms Bivd VV Tampa, FL 33647 John Daugirda Phone: (813) 5775933 Fax: (813) 577-6571 cddtampa@.+gte.net Tampa Port.Autliority 1101 Channttside Drive Tampa, FL336a2 David Webb; F'~scaf Analyst Phone: (813} 905-7878 FAX: (81 $} 5051x1 f59 iswenson tam oaoorl.com Tampa Sports Authority 4201 N. Date Mabry Hwy. Tampa, FL 93607 Joseph Haugabraok; Purchasing Director Phone: (813) 350-6500 ext, tiE10 FAX: (813} 673-4'308 hauga bje~ mai t.state.fl. us Tax Culiector 601 E. Kennedy Btvd.,.l4th Floof Tampa, FL 33602 Dawn Antinori, Senior Manager Phone: (813) 30T-8222 FAX: (813) 307-6521 a ntinoriQhctc.co.hiUsborough.fl:us The Ctuldren's Board of Hills. County 1205 E. 8th Avenue Tampa, FL336o5 $II3 Jones, Sr_ Manager Phahe: (813) 229-2884 FAX: (813) 2i8-3'1 ~ bjones~chitdrensboard. arg Hillsborough County Pucchasing Council bids may be available to alt chartered nutnicipat-rties, local public agencies, boards, and other authorities existing in Hiitsborough County, Attanhmont d 3-iillchnrnnnh (:n~anty P~~rrhacinn f:nnnril patio i'2