2005-26• Memo To: Wayne Saunders, City Manager From: Tamara Richardson, PE, City Engineer CC: Date: August 31, 2005 Re: Famer Barley and Associates, Inc. Greater Hills Water Treatment Plant Surveying Proposal Attached is the Proposal for Farner Barley and Associates to provide surveying services for the Greater Hills Water Treatment Plant and associated off-site water main extension. The task includes surveying the water treatment plant site, the water main route from the plant to Old Highway 50 and the raw water • main route from the Elevated Storage Tank Well to the water treatment plant site. The task also includes performing a topographic survey of the site and underground utility locates. The total fees for the proposal to survey the project are $51,250.00. The project budget includes fees for the survey. I recommend approval of the Surveying Proposal from Famer Barley and Associates to perform the survey for the Greater Hills Water Treatment Plant project and associated off-site pipelines for $51,250.00. • • Page 1 bH/2212bb5 16: b3 352-343-5641 EARNER BARLEY SURVEY PAGE 01107 ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ AND ASSOCIATES, INC. VIA FAX & US MAIL 352-39,4-4087 August 22, 2005 Ms. Cheryl Canada CITY OF CLERMONT 685 W. Montrose Street - 2nd Floor Clermont, Florida 34711 RE: SURV~1lING PROPOS L/AGREN;MVIENT FOR CITY OF CLERMON'ti'. CyR~ATE ~ HII,iI.S W-T.P~ ffiI'~'IE Dear Ms. Canada: Enclosed please find our Earner, Barley & Associates, Inc.'s proposal for surveying services • for the above-referenced project. Shouid you have any questions with regards to #his proposal, please feet free to contact our office. We look forward to the possibility of working with you on this project. Sincerely, EARNER, BARLEY & ASSOCIATES, INC. . G~'/, James M. S ughan, P.S.M. Survey Manager -Tavares Office JMS:df Enclosure H;ldeldra\WOrd PertecnPropo^aalslSubmltta! letter.wpd • ENGlINERRS,~- SURVEYORS~PLgNNERS 350 North Sinclair Avenue • Yavares, Florida 32778 Phone: (352) 343-8481 • Engineering Fax: (352) 343-8495 • Survey Fax: (352) 343-5641 E-Mail: fbai@farnerbarley.com • www.farnerbarley.com bb11'1!'LbbS lb: b3 • 351-343-5641 EARNER BARLEY SURVEY SURVEYING PROPOSAUAGREEMEINT FOR CITY OF CLERMONT GREATER HILLS W.T.P. SITE • • Engineer: EARNER, BARLEY & ASSOCIATES, INC. 350 North Sinclair Avenue Tavares, Florida 32778 (352) 343-8481-PHONE (352) 343-8495-FAX Client: PAGE 02107 Ms. Cheryl Canada CITY OF CLERMONT 685 W. Montrose Street - 2"d Floor Clermont, Florida 34711 (352} 394-4081 -Phone (352) 394-4087 -Fax • 08!22/2005 16:03 • s~L-.i4.i-5b41 EARNER BARLEY SURVEY PROJECT: City of Clermont, Water Line form Well #4 to Greater Hills W_T.P. and North to Old S_R. 50 CLIENT; Ms. Cheryl Canada, Cify of Clermont DATE: August 22, 2005 PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES SURVEYING SERVICES: PAGE 03!07 TASK 1 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY OF GREATER hIILLS W.T.P. SITE; ROUTE SURVEY WAXER LINE FROM WELL#4 TO GREATER HILLS V11.T.P. AND NORTH TO S.R. 50. Fees $41,250.00 TASK II UNDERGROUNp UTILITY LOCATIONS PROVIpED BY CENTRAL FLORIDA LOCATING. Fee $10,000.00 FEE SUMMARY TASK AMOUNT TASK I $4'i,250.Q0 TASK II $10,000.00 TOTAL $51,250.00 2 08/22/2005 _16:03 352-343-5641 EARNER BARLEY SURVEY PAGE 04107 • PROJECT: City of Clermont, Water Line form Well #4 to Greater Hills W.T.P. and North to Old S.R. 50 CLIENT: Ms. Cheryl Canada, City of Clermont DATE: August 22, 2005 HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE (2005} Professional Services shall be charged at the following rate schedule: ENGINEERING PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER $160.OO/HOUR PRINCIPAL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER $115.00/HOUR PROJECT ENGINEER $105.00/HOUR ENGINEER TECHNICIAN I ~ $9D.00/HOUR ENGINEER TECHNICIAN II $70.00/HOUR PLANNER $90.00/HOUR PLANNING TECHNICIAN $70.00/HOUR SURVEYING PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR PRINCIPAL $160.00/HOUR PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR 3 MAN FIELD CRAW $105.00/HOUR $135.OOMOUR 2 MAN FIELD GREW $120.00/HOUR GREW UTILIZING GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM $150.00/HOUR SURVEY TECHNICIAN I $85.OO/HOUR 3 0812212005` 16:03 352-343-5641 EARNER EARLEY SURVEY PAGE 05/07 • PROJECT: City of Clermont, Water Line form Wel! #4 to Greater Hills W.T.P. and North to old S,R. 50 Ci_IENT: Ms. Cheryl Canada, City of Clermont DATE: August 22, 2005 1. GENERAL CONDITIONS A. TERMINATION: The agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice. B. REQUEST FOR SERVICE; Any request to replace or repair existing work such as survey control points shall be complied within a reasonable time period of twenty-four (24) hours. C. DOCUMENTS: All original drawings, computations, details, design calculations, and electronic media that result from Fanner, Barley & Associates, Inc., services are the property of Earner, Barley & Associates, Inc. Upon payment if full far services completed, client may at his expense, obtain copies of any documents or reproducible copies of drawings. In doing so, client agrees #hat no additions, deletions, changes or revisions shall be made to same without the express written approval of Earner, Barley & Associates, Inc. D. FEE RENEGOTIATION; The hourly rates given in this contract for additional services requested by the client outside the scope of the contract tasks are applicable through December 31~ of the year~the contract was executed, and are subject to renegotiation on January 1, each year, thereafter. Contract prices shall remain as quoted for two (2) years after execution of contract after which, contract prices shall be renegotiated for any remaining tasks. E. REGULATOR'1( REQUIREMENTS: The fees quoted herein are quoted based on all regulations, state and or local that are presently in effect as of this date. If regulations change during the permitting and design phase of fihis project, Famer, Barley & Associates, lnc., reserves the right to renegotiate fees for services that may be affected by regulatory changes. 4 ' 08I22~2005 16:03 • PROJECT: CLIENT: DATE: 352-343-5641 EARNER EARLEY SURVEY City of Clermont, Water Line form Well #4 to Greater Hi11s W.T.P. and North to Oid S.R. 50 Ms. Chetyt Canada, City of Clermont August 22, 2005 PAGE 0607 F. PERII~IT ACQUISITION Farrier, Barley & Associates, Inc., cannot guarantee the acquisition of all permits/approvals. However, we will . strive ~ toward this end. Client is responsible for payment of all consulting fees due Earner, Barley 8~ Associates, Inc., regardless of agency/governmental actions. Il. COMPENSATION A. ADDITIONAL SERVICES: Earner, Barley & Associates, Inc., wilt be compensated for additional services, such as: • 1. Changes in scope of services defined in this contract at the client's request. 2. Revisions caused by changes of governmental requirements afterthe date of this agreement. 3. Redesign per client after preliminary design has been submitted to the approving agency, B. OUT-0F~POGKET EXPENSES; In addition to the fee schedule and any additional services, Farrier, Barley & Associates, Inc., shat( be reimbursed for oufi-of--pocket expenses for actual cost, such as: blueprints, copies, plots, aerials, express deliveries, specialized postage, and travel outside of the Central Florida area. S ' 08I22r2005 16.03- _ 352-343-5641 - 1=ARNER BARLEY SURVEY F'+~GE 07/0 i PROJECT; City of Clermont, Water Line form Wetl ~4 to Greater Hills W.T.P. and North to Old S.R. 50 CLIENT; Ms. Cheryl Canada, City of Clermont DATE: August 22, 2005 C. ACCEPTANCE: Prices included in proposals are valid for 90 days from the date issued. Billing shall be sent on 'a bi-monthly basis and each shall reflect the percentage of work completed during the billing period. All invoices shall be paid within fourteen (1~4) days, All unpaid balances afterfiourteen (14}days shalt be subject,to a finance charge of 1.5% interest. Farner, Barley 8~ Associates, tnc., reserves~the right to withhold submittal of applications until such time that atl unpaid balances have been satisfied. The undersigned will pay all costs and expenses, including a reasonable attorney's fee, incurred or paid by Farner, Barley ~ Associates, Inc., in the collection of this obligation by suit or otherwise. Farner, Barley & Associates, Inc., reserves the right to stop work on the above agreed scope of services if any invoice ~. remains unpaid in its entirety for more than 60 days. Any and all outstanding balances shall be paid or brought current before submittal of Final Improvement Drawings and or Final Plat for approval by state and local agencies. Thank you for your time and considerafiion. THIS PROPOSAVAGREEMENTRCCEPTED THIS ~ ~~-~` DAY OF ~ m ~ , 2005. BY „~--~~~ TITLE ~ G .Y'_ P.O. # BY & , ~~Y~ Duane K. Booth, P.E. James M. Str han, P.S.M. Director of Engineering, Tavares office Survey Ma er, Tavares Office Farner, Barley ~ Associates, Inc. Farner, Barley ~ Associates, Inc. 6