2005-28J8/16/~'005 10:22 FAh 4074223866 BOYLE ORLANDO 1~j002/014 • TASK ORDER N0.9 TO PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 12, 2003 EAST SIDE WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY EXPANSION PRELIMINARY DESIGN, FINAL DESIGN, BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES Prepared for: City of Clermont (City) General Prepared by: Boyle Engineering Corporation (Boyle) The City of Clermont (City} desires to expand the East Side Water Reclamation Facility (WRF} from a permitted capacity of 2.0 million gallons per day (mgd) to a capacity of 4.0 mgd. The City has made the decision to retire its West Side Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) and to reroute the wastewater flow to the East Side WRF. The rerouting will be accomplished through the construction of a new force main and by rerouting existing lift stations if possible. Figure 1 shows the route of the proposed force • mains. Modifications to Lift Station E-4 and E-18 will also be required. The force main and lift station improvements are described in the report titled, "West Wastewater Treatment Facility Reuse Alternative Analysis'; prepared by Boyle and dated March 2004. The City desires to have Boyle provide professional engineering services relative to the design, permitting, bidding and construction activities for the East Side WRF expansion project. This Scope of Services is based on the following assumptions: 1. All above ground structures will be demolished at the West WWTF with the exception of the equalization tank with its blower building and the operations/electrical building. 2. The equalization tank at the West WWTF will be converted to a re-pump station with a concrete divided wet well. The aeration system will need to be reconfigured to accommodate the new wet well arrangement. New submersible pumps and appurtenances will be provided. The existing blowers will remain in service. 3. The route and sizes of force mains will be as shown on Figure 1. There could be modifications to the route based on the outcome of the Wastewater Master Plan being developed by Boyle. 4. Improvements to Lift Stations E-4 and E-18 will be limited to modifications to the pumps and piping. 5. The expanded East Side WWTF will consist of the following: • a) Preliminary Treatment: The capacity of preliminary treatment will be increased from 3.0 mgd to 6.0 mgd by duplicating the existing structure. The new reinforced concrete structure will be Boyle Engineering Corp. Page 1 of 9 August 16, 2005 Task Order No. 9 Clermont Task Order 9.doc 08/16/2005 10;22 FAX 4074223866 BOYLE ORLANDO C~7j003/014 --~v~-r • designed to house mechanical-screening and grit removal. An odor control system using bio-filter technology will be designed for this structure. b) Pre-Anoxic/Aeration: Two oxidation ditches with integral pre-anoxic basins will be constructed from reinforced concrete. The proposed process tanks will be similar in design to the existing tanks. c) Slitter Box: Anew reinforced concrete splitter box will be designed to split and feed mixed liquor to the secondary clarifiers. d) Secondary Clarifiers: One additional circular clarifier will be constructed from reinforced concrete. The new clarifier will be similar in design to the existing clarifiers.. A pump station for return activated sludge (RAS) and waste activated sludge (WAS) will be designed for the clarifier. It is assumed that the pumps will be placed outdoors on a concrete slab similar in design to the existing RAS/WAS pump station. e) Filters: Anew reinforced concrete filter structure will be constructed. The new filter structure will be similar in design to the existing filter structure. f) Chlorine Contact: Two chlorine contact tanks constructed from reinforced concrete will be constructed. The new contact tanks will be similar in design to the existing chlorine contact tanks. • g) Transfer/Reuse Puma Station: One existing pump will be replaced with a 3,500 gallon per minute (gpm) pump. A new 3,500 gpm pump will be installed in the space that was provided for a future pump. The firm capacity of the transfer pump station will be 10 mgd following the expansion. h) Aerobic S1udQe Digestion: Anew aerobic sludge digestion system will be constructed from reinforced concrete. tanks. A rotary drum thickener will be provided to thicken the sludge prior to digestion. The aeration blowers for the new diffused aeration system will be installed outdoors on a concrete slab. The new aerobic sludge digestion system will be designed to serve a wastewater flow of 2.0 mgd. Expansion of the new system by 2.0 mgd will be considered in the design. i) Sludge Dewaterin~ No improvements are planned for this facility. j) Reclaimed Water 5toraQe Tank: A prestressed concrete storage tank with a capacity of 3.0 million gallons will be constructed. k) Reclaimed Water High Service Pump Station• A pump station will be constructed that will be capable of meeting the peak hour demand for reclaimed water associated with an average daily demand of 4.0 mgd. An air condtioned motor control center building will be constructed that will house the electrical equipment for the station. • 1) Maintenance Building and Storage Yard• A maintenance building consisting of 5,000 to 7,500 square feet (sfj of space will be constructed. This building will provide space for the storage of materials and up to eight (8) vehicles. A monorail hoist system will be provided to allow items to be lifted off of delivery vehicles. This structure will be apre-engineered metal building similar in Boyle Engineering Corp. Page 2 of 9 August 16, 2005 Task Order No. 9 Clermont Task Order 9.doc 08/16/2005 10:23 FAX 4074223866 BOYLE ORLANDO X004/014 _"'_" • design to the existing buildings. There will be no partitioned rooms within the building. Fans will be provided for ventilation. A fenced storage yard will be constructed adjacent to the maintenance building. m) Generator: An emergency power generator and fuel tank will be designed to support the 2.0 mgd expansion. It is assumed that the generator will be installed outdoors in a weather proof enclosure. The new generator will be similaz in design to the existing generator. n) Site Work: Approximately 30 additional parking spaces will be added to the site to accommodate the additional staff that will be based at the East Side WRF. o) SCADA System: The plant-wide Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system will be modified to address new and/or modified facilities. p) Office Building: A new 5,000 sf office building will be constructed that will include a new control room that will house SCADA for the WRF, the lift station system and the potable water system. The new office building will be designed be resist the effects of hurricanes. Design criteria such as wind loads will be selected during preliminary design. 6. The existing FDEP permit for the East Side WRF will require a major modification to address the expansion. The Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) will require a minor modification to address the changes that are required to conform to Boyle's design. • 7. Effluent disposal will be accomplished using a combination of the existing RIBS and the City's reuse customers. Expansion of the RIB sites will not be included in the project. The following presents the specific tasks, which will be performed as part of this Scope of Services. Because of the nature of this work, certain assumptions have been made in preparing this Scope of Services. To the extent possible, these assumptions are stated herein and are reflected in the budget for services. If the work tasks required are different from the assumptions presented herein or if the City desires additional services, the resultant changes in scope and budget will serve as a basis for modifying this Scope of Services as agreed to by both the City and Boyle. Boyle's Scope of Services Boyle's services will include serving as the City's professional engineering representative for the Project, providing professional engineering consultation and advice and furnishing customary process, civil, structural, mechanical, geotechnical, controls, and electrical engineering services and architectural services incidental thereto. Task Group 1-Preliminary Design/Permitting Boyle will prepare an engineering report that will summarize design criteria and unit process sizing for the 2.0 mgd expansion. The report will be structured to satisfy the requirements of the FDEP for • permitting the plant expansion. The report will include site and yard piping plans; process flow diagram/mass balance and a hydraulic profile. Boyle will prepare an opinion of probable construction costs based on the preliminary design report. Boyle Engineering Corp. Page 3 of 9 August 16, 2005 Task Order No. 9 Clermont Task Order 9.doc 08/16/2005 10:24 FAX 4074223866 BOYLE ORLANDO 0005/014 "'~ • • Meetings: Boyle will prepare for and attend akick-offmeeting for the preliminary design phase and a meeting to receive the City's comments on the draft PDR. Pemlittinl;: Boyle will prepare the FDEP permit for the expansion and a modification letter for the existing Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) including the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. Boyle will also prepare the FDEP permit for construction of the force main and lift station improvements. Boyle will respond to up to two (2) requests for additional information (RAI) related to each permit. Boyle will prepare the permit applications pursuant to regulatory criteria requirements in effect at the time this contract is executed. If any regulations affecting this project are implemented or changed, Boyle will advise City if any corrected and/or additional investigations, analyses, testing, design, or research will be required, and these additional work efforts will be performed by Boyle only after approval of Additional Services by City. Task Groups 2, 3 & 4-Final Design Boyle will assemble Bidding and Construction Documents for the Project. The Construction Documents will consist of the drawings, plans and specifications, which include: General Conditions; Technical Specifications; Bid Proposal, Construction Contract, and other documents. Boyle wilt use its standard package of General and Supplementary Conditions. One construction contract will include the modifications to the West WWTF; the East Side WRF and the new farce • main and lift station improvements. • Prepare Construction Drawings: It is estimated that Boyle will prepaze 171 construction drawings for the work proposed at the West WWTF and the East Side WRF. It is estimated that Boyle will prepare 67 construction drawings for the force main and lift station E-4 improvements. The force main will be depicted in plan and profile using a plan scale of 1 inch equals 20 feet. • Prepaze Specifications: Boyle will prepaze the Specifications for the project. • City Reviews : At the 50% and 90% completion milestones, Boyle will submit two (2) sets of drawings and specifications to the City for review and comment. The 90% submittal will include a construction cost estimate. Boyle will meet with the City to review and discuss each submittal. Each subsequent submittal will incorporate the City's previous review comments. At the 100% completion milestone, Boyle will submit three (3) sets of the bidding documents to the City. • Cost Estimates: An estimate of probable construction cost will be prepazed for submittal along with each of the 50% and 90% review sets of drawings and specifications. Lake County Buildins; Permit: Boyle will submit plans to the Lake County Building Department for review and comment. • Boyle Engineering Corp. Page 4 of 9 August 16, 2005 Task Order No. 9 Clermont Task Order 9.doc 08/16/2005 10:25 FAX 4074223866 BOYLE ORLANDO 1~j006/014 • Task Group 5 -Bidding Phase Boyle will provide assistance to the City in distributing documents, responding to questions, receiving, and evaluating bids and awarding and executing both construction contracts as described below: • Issue Construction Documents: Boyle will provide Construction Documents to prospective bidders for anon-refundable fee. Boyle will retain the collected fee to offset the cost of printing, postage, and handling. Boyle will provide up to six (6) sets of complimentary copies of the bidding documents to the Tampa and Orlando Dodge Rooms and other plan review rooms. • Respond to Questions: Boyle will respond to questions from bidders and vendors. • Pre-Bid Conference: Boyle will conduct and attend aPre-Bid Conference in the City's preferred location to review and answer questions from prospective bidders regarding the Construction Documents and to tour the Project Site. • Addenda: Boyle will prepaze and issue Addenda to the Construction Documents, if required, which will address the questions raised at the Pre-Bid Conference; and respond to other written issues and questions. It is anticipated that no more than two addenda will be issued. • • Bid Review: Boyle will review bids submitted to the City, tabulate the bids, check the low bidders' references, and prepaze and submit a letter of recommendation of the lowest, responsible bidder. Task Group 6-Construction Phase Boyle will provide construction phase as described below. The Scope of Services is based on a construction period of eighteen (18} months. • Assist with Completin>; Construction Contract: After the City awazds the bid, Boyle will assist the City with compiling and executing the Construction Contract. • Conformed Documents: Boyle will conform the documents by including copies of executed contract forms and copies of addenda issued during bidding. • Pre-Construction Meetin>?: Boyle will conduct and attend aPre-Construction Conference with representatives of the City and Contractor to provide a clear understanding of the objectives and goals to be achieved in this Project. • On-site Representative: Boyle will provide an on-site resident project representative (RPR) for the work conducted at the West WWTF and the East Side WRF. Boyle's RPR will observe • the construction process, be the focal point of communication with the contractor, receive all requests for information about Boyle's design and will coordinate with Boyle's appropriate design team members to obtain the needed information, prepare weekly status reports and Boyle Engineering Corp. Page 5 of 9 August 16, 2005 Task Order No. 9 Clermont Task Order 9.doc 08/16/2005 10:25 FAX 4074223866 BOYLE ORLANDO ~-007/014. _ .+swr~_ --vrv~~ • assist in start-up of the facility. Boyle's RPR will be housed in a construction trailer provide by the Contractor. The City will provide its own RPR for the force main/lift station work. • Construction Contract Administration: Boyle will assist the City in administering the Construction Contract including processing the contractor's pay requests, reviewing the contractor's compliance with the schedule and negotiating, preparing, reviewing and processing change orders. • Site Visits: Engineers from Boyle will make specialty site visits to observe the construction progress as requested by Boyle's on-site representative andlor the City's representative on the pipeline work. • Requests for Information: Boyle will evaluate requests for information (RFl) and respond to those requests. • Shop Drawing Review: Boyle will review shop drawings provided by the contractor. • Monthly Report: Boyle will prepaze and furnish a monthly report to City which summarizes the progress of work, Contractor's compliance with the progress schedule, schedule of shop drawings, and sample submittals and construction photographs. Two (2) sets of the monthly report package will be prepared. One (1) set will be submitted to the City, and Boyle will • retain one (1) set. • Substantial Completion Review: Boyle will conduct a construction review of the Project with City and Contractor to confirm substantial completion of construction in substantial compliance with Construction Documents. • Final Punch List: Based on the results of the Substantial Completion Review, Boyle will prepare a final contractor's punch list, which details uncompleted and/or improperly constructed items identified during the substantial completion review and submit this list to Contractor and City. • Final Inspection: Boyle will conduct a final inspection of the Project with the City and Contractor (and FDEP, if necessary) to review completion of construction in compliance with the Construction Documents. • Record Drawings: Based on information provided to Boyle by the Contractor and City, Boyle will prepare and provide City with a set of reproducible record drawings that incorporate significant changes made during construction. • Certify Completed Construction: Boyle will certify, the completed construction to FDEP (Construction Permit and Environmental Resource Permit) and City. • Maintenance Manual: Boyle will require the Contractor (and equipment vendors) to prepare a • Maintenance Manual the major items of equipment that were furnished and installed at the East Side WRF. Boyle Engineering Corp. Page 6 of 9 August 16, 2005 Task Order No. 9 Clermont Task Order 9.doc 08/16/2005 10:26 FAX 4074223866 BOYLE ORLANDO [~j008/014 ~~~ • • Operations Manual: Boyle will prepare an Operations Manual supplement for the East Side WRF. The supplement will address the modifications and additions to the WRF. . Services Not Included The following services are not included in this Scope of Services: • Services related to new and/or expansion of existing effluent disposal sites. • Services related to the design of alternative bid items. • RPR services for the force main/lift station project. City's Responsibilities The City shall be responsible for providing the following in a timely manner so Boyle can complete its work and not delay the performance of services. • Designate the City Engineer, or her designated agent, to act as City's representative with respect to the services to be rendered under this Agreement. The City Engineer or her agent shall have complete authority to transmit instruction, receive information, and interpret and • define City's policies and decisions with respect to Boyle's services for this Project. • Provide ail criteria and full information as to City's requirements for the Project, including design objectives, constraints, capacity and performance requirements, flexibility, and expandability, and furnish copies of all design and construction standards which City will require to be used on/included in the Project. • Provide RPR services for the force main/lift station portion of the project. • Promptly review, comment on, and return Boyle's submittals. Seven (7) days have been allocated in the schedule for each City review. • Pay all permit and approval fees. • All information provided to the Boyle by the City, and others retained by the City, shall be used without verification. However, the Boyle shall use engineering knowledge and experience to identify reasonably identifiable errors. • Promptly advise Boyle when the City becomes aware of any defect, deficiency or changed condition. • Provide other such services and assistance as needed to expedite and complete this Project. • Deliverables (BOYLE) Boyle will provide the City the following deliverables: Boyle Engineering Corp. Page 7 of 9 August 16, 2005 Task Order No. 9 Clermont Task Order 9.doc 08/16/2005 10:27.FAX 4074223866 BOYLE ORLANDO • • Five (5) copies of the Preliminary Design Report in draft and final form. • Four (4) copies of draft construction documents, at the 50% and 90% level • Ten (10) sets of conformed construction documents. -~]oos/o14 • Sufficient sets of each permit application to supply the permitting agency plus one copy for the City's files. • Two (2) copies of the Maintenance Manual. • Two (2) copies of the Operations Manual. • One (1) set of reproducible Record Drawings based upon information provided by the City and Contractor. Period Of Service The schedule provided herein is based on the timely receipt of the information to be provided by the City. Should the City's activities require more time than anticipated, the schedule described below will be modified accordingly. The overall services for design are anticipated to be completed within 10 months of receipt of the Notice-To-Proceed. • Boyle will commence work upon receipt of an executed copy of this agreement. • The draft Preliminary Design Report will be completed within 45 calendar days of the date that Boyle is in receipt of the required information from the City as outlined above. • The final Basis of Design Report will be completed 7 days following receipt of written City comments on the draft. • Draft 50% construction documents (plans and specifications) will be provided for both contracts within 90 days after approval of the Preliminary Design Report. • Draft 90% construction documents (plans and specifications) will be provided for both contracts within 60 days after receiving comments on the 50% submittal. • Final construction documents 15 days after draft documents have been reviewed. • Bidding phase services will be completed 60 days after that task's authorization. • Construction services (when authorized) shall continue throughout the construction activities and shall be complete 60 days following the end of construction. • Boyle's services under this authorization will be completed within 990 days of receiving a notice to proceed. Boyle Engineering Corp. Page 8 of 9 August 16, 2005 Task Order No. 9 Clermont Task Order 9.doc 08/16/2005 10:27 FAx 4074223866 BOYLE ORLANDO ~ 010/014 - • Compensation Boyle shall be paid in accordance with Section 3 of the Agreement. A budget showing the estimated number of hours and other project fees for the tasks described within the Task Order is presented in the Project Budget. These budgeted amounts were used to determine the Lump sum of $1,608,703 for the project. Monthly progress payments are allowed, based on Boyle's estimate of percent complete for each Task Group. Authorization This Task Order serves as an Exhibit to the Consultant Agreement dated, August 12, 2003, between the City of Clermont and Boyle Engineering Corporation, and is hereby incorporated into this Task Order by reference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, BOYLE and CITY have executed this Task Order this ~ ~ ~ day of A> ~ , 2005. "BOYLE" "~Ty" BOYLE ENGINEE G CORPORATION CITY OF CLERMONT • By. ' By. ~--- e A. Thomas Brown, PE By: • Regional Harold S. Turville, Jr. Mayor Boyle Engineering Corp. Page 9 of 9 August t6, 2005 Task Order No. 9 Clermont Task Order 9.doc Vice President b8/16/~2005 10:28 FAX 4074223866 BOYLE ORLANDO ~ l~jUll/014 • • w G1 (~ .Q m V d ~O a •~., b ~~y a~ ,.. 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