2005-40i~T ~,-k'_ ~~1 1-~- ~~ ' " 11111111IIIiilllllllilillilllllillllilllillilllllllillllllll _'-~ _____ ~ r -(~ t~ ~~0 Fti~ ~t ~--~ *" f',~; i~G?1 F'9s 1:;7`. - ].7,77r ~:~;pss:~ L'~` ~ ~~~~ ~_'~ DATE: 11:':;ii,'~~iii5 ii?:~7:1~~ F'i`1 ,~D~ q .IAME:S C:, WATYtiIhaS~ f:LEfi:Y. pF ~[)U6:T ~~~ ~ ` / LAY.E ~=:UUh~TY FIRST ADDENDUM TO ~ ~~ f;:Ef:~6:C~Iha~1 FEES 7.inj ~ ~-~~d•'V1OyL~~ ~ ~~' • WATER & WASTEWATER SERVICE AGREEMENT This Addendum is by and between THE CITY OF CLERMONT, a Florida municipal corporation, (the "City"), and HARBOR FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK, and its successors and assigns (the "Owner"). and is to that certain agreement dated March 22, 2005 and any amendments thereto, hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Agreement". The Parties, in exchange for the mutual covenants contained herein and in the Agreement, agree as follows: 1. This addendum expressly modifies the Agreement and in the event of a conflict, the terms and conditions of this Addendum shall prevail. 2. Sectio:~ 3, Development S±andards, is hereby amended to amended in its entirety to read as follows: 3.1 The project shall be developed according to the City's Land Development Regulations unless otherwise stipulated in this Agreement or subsequent amendments to this Agreement. 3.2 The Owner will ensure that the City's waterline has a minimum cover of three (3) feet and a maximum of six (6) feet deep from the final surface of the ground. Provided, however that the south wall on the site may be within six (6) feet of the City's water line subject to and conditioned upon Owner's agreement to hold the City harmless for any costs associated with the removal and reconstruction of the wall as maybe necessary to service, maintain, • repair or replace the waterline and as more particularly described in the September 8, 2005 letter from Owner to City, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A" to this Addendum. 3.3 The Project shall be allowed 5 of the 26 parking spaces to be compact parking. The 5 compact parking spaces must be 10 feet in width. 3.4 The Owner will not be eligible to obtain a certificate of occupancy (CO) until the infrastructure has been completed and accepted by the City of Clermont for the overall Sundev development. 3. All other terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and unchanged as agreed to by the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement on the date listed below. • Page 1 CITY OF CLERMONT ATTEST: • ,,., . .t `, 1 s' w: ~- ~.: iC~:~ Harold S. Turville Jr., Mayor Tracy Ac, o}~d, City Cle • • ~ :~~ '~,,,, ~r~, OWNER r or Federal Savings Bank Name: ~iil c ~c.,~1 Its: ~c ~ / ~5~s~~,~~~T STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF LAKE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an pfficer duly authorised to dminister oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared ~ <'~a- /1'`e-~<< , as l/~ ~~ ~R~s%,o~;., ~ of ~~~ s o ~-~~~~ ., who provided identification in the form of ~~;,~zs o who is ersona 1 known to be the person escribed in and who executed the ~ foregoing, and that~Ie acknowledged before me that~he execute t e same. S~ / Witness my hand and official seal this~~ day of 1.. - ~ ~~`. , 2005. ,,,,",,, Nancy ~. VicgatTy ;=~~'~YP°•8~+=_ Commtsston #DD142950 *:~•:Q_ Expires: Aug 16, 2006 ~• .a~~° Bonded Thru '~ ~'oF ~ Inc. '~~rni~"~` P_tlant~c Bc~niirig CO, _ ~> otary Public Page 2 C~N1~i~ ,~ pry ~4:: ~'' Hra,rbor '~:~,; '' Federal September 8, 2005 RE: 16" Water main City Of Clermont P.O. Box 120219 685 West Montrose Street Clermont, Fl 34712-0219 To ~Jhom Ir Mav Concern: Downtown Fort Pierce 100 S 2nd Street Fort Pierce, Florida 34950-4393 Telephone: (772) 461-2414 As discussed in the meeting, Tuesday September 13, 2005, I have drafted this letter as agreed to between Harbor Federal and the City of Clermont. The water main that runs parallel to S.R. 50 on our property is closer to our retaining wall than what was agreed to be between Harbor Federal and the Ciry of Clermont. Based on the as-built drawings from SK Consortium and White Site Construction, there was plenty of separation between the retaining wall and the water main when this separation was agreed upon. Because our building is substantially completed and a large portion of the infrastructure is constructed, our options for keepuig the wall at the agreed to 7-10 feet separation is limited. Harbor Federal has revised our parking to maintain as much separation as possible; however • we will not be able to mauitain the previoush~ agr~:ed upon separation. We will be able to maintain the required coverage of 3 feet, but in some places we will be as close as 4 or 5 feet between the wall and the water maul. Because our options are limited, Harbor Federal will hold the City of Clermont free and clear of all harrrt, in the case they need to work on the pipe and need to remove a section of the wall. Harbor Federal will also pay for all associated cost that is involved with the removal and reinstallation of the retaining wall if work is required on the water main and requiring a section of the wall removed. Please feel free to contact me at 772-460-7258 or on my cell at 772-216-1391 if you need anything further. Thank you. • 14tEMBER FDIC harborfederal.com EOUILL HOUSING LENDER Assistant Vice President Physical Resources `~I«nager I /,, -- / • / / r ,, / ." ,--; „/ ' „--- ,' ,--; ---- --; ---r// 1i ' I I I I / / "1/ / // / ' /' / '-'' / •.- ' • ' / • ," - ,- II ! , / ,/ , / ./ /,- / / --' / , 7- , , / , ' ' ,,, 0,\,, - 1, L., - ,,, ,,, !,- / -. , /7/ ,,!' ," ,- ,- , , / / 7 ! -, , , „,; / - ,- ,.,-„../...,/ / /.,, ,- - , , / / / !, r' / I '.,''''''' II- \ -,_.„:.._ i'.--'' :-,' -/ /7, ,, ,/7//'z."/ /-/ "." ' „-- z -7 i. z' , , / / 1 / , 11-=\ \ ,--. 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O'13 q'Er A o ap 62 h'rl g - qg . cr. 1- i 1, -11 Ai; I o-oZCf,I gEA Ai ' irA 8 - i. F v, -i; 1---"'- - g..p, 9 i 21 • 'r i la g 11 i 0,I 1 ; 1 ;$ 1 --4 AA 1. 2 l' - '; a; 11 i •..1 RECORD DRAWING ,III- ....."`"....I..0.•^LLII.I... ENGINEER °II.' .... HARBOR FEDERAL 111,101101114..3.1M LOCHRAME ...suiting -.s..........÷:::÷r. GRADING Engineers %SECTIONS OODOOL LOY ,.. PLAN 14 --791-777-- &Surveyors HARBOR FEDERAL mom.ri,cp omaivro••maze