City of Clermont
Proposal for Technology Evaluation
September 19, 2006
Technology Services
125 E. Colonial Drive - P.O. Box 530065 -Orlando, Florida 32853-0065
1i City of Clermont
P,,o,owL~m,c«~cmrx~~c. Proposal for Technology Evaluation
Table of Contents
Background ................................................................................................................... 3
About the Florida League of Cities ..............................................................................4
Project Approach .......................................................................................................... 6
Phase I -Project Initiation and Kickoff Meeting ........................................................ 6
Phase II -Review and Analyze the Current Technology Environment ..................... 7
Phase III- Compile Final Report and Presentation ................................................... 8
Project Deliverables ....................................................................................................10
Project Assumptions ..................................................................................................11
Project Staffing ............................................................................................................12
Franklin R. Hagy, CPM ...........................................................................................13
Sherry L. Hilley, CISA .............................................................................................14
Michael J. van Zwieten, MSCE, CNA .....................................................................15
Chris Noyes ............................................................................................................16
Project Schedule .........................................................................................................17
• Project Cost .................................................................................................................18
References ...................................................................................................................19
Contractual Terms and Conditions ............................................................................ 20
• Confidential Page 2 September 19, 2006
F~.orwnl.ewneovCmrs wc.
City of Clermont
Proposal for Technology Evaluation
The City of Clermont is located in Lake County, west of the City of Orlando and southeast of the
City of Leesburg. The City is rapidly growing with a current population of approximately 20,000
residents covering just less than 12.5 square miles.
The City of Clermont is a City Manager form of government with the City Manager is responsible
for the administration of daily affairs and oversees the operations of all city departments
including Police, Fire, Public Services, Utilities, Parks and Recreation, Engineering, Planning &
Zoning, City Clerk and Administrative Services. The City has approximately 269 employees.
The Information Technology function reports to Administrative Services consisting of a single
employee supplemented with outside contract labor. The network consists of approximately
167 total users, 288 network devices and 49 different applications using a Microsoft based
• Confidential Page 3 September 19, 2006
City of Clermont
F,.ur,wl.r.~t„curcn,rs,,NC. Proposal for Technology Evaluation
About the Florida League of Cities
The Florida League of Cities (League) has had a long history of assisting local government
agencies in their quest to provide efficient and effective services. City officials, who recognized
the benefits of uniting local governments, created the League in 1922. Since that time, the
League has grown to become one of the largest state municipal leagues in the nation and
virtually every City in the state of Florida is a voluntary member. The League is governed by a
Board of Directors comprised of elected officials from cities, towns, and villages in the state.
In addition to legislative services, the League delivers a number of products and services to
local government agencies. Through the use of the "pooling" concept, we have been able to
negotiate favorable contracts and collectively offer services and programs at a substantially
reduced cost in many areas such as finance and technology.
The League has an excellent team of professionals to assist local government agencies with
unbiased consulting and research services designed to give expert guidance and direction in
the highly complex technology industry. Through the use of on-staff League personnel
supplemented by highly specialized subcontractors, consulting services are provided in the
areas of technology organization and governance, business process reengineering,
software/hardware selection, strategic planning, e-government strategic planning, project
management/oversight, and various types of technology evaluations. All of our staff have
extensive knowledge in the area of technology, and also have a wide range of experience in the
local government environment. Our staff is highly experienced in the unique challenges that
face our local jurisdictions including utilities, public safety, fund accounting, finance, geographic
information systems, and alike. All of the staff, including the selected subcontractors, has
extensive hands-on experience in the local government arena. The League understands the
complexity and unique challenges in conducting business in the public sector and specifically in
the State of Florida.
In short, "We Represent Local Government".
The League began providing our local governments with technology services in 2001 and has
included many initiatives and engagements. In addition to providing consulting services, the
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(1i K~PuwroAlraaueorCmra,~nc.
City of Clermont
Proposal for Technology Evaluation
League offers a variety of other services. Also, the League maintains a subscription site for
technology research, Internet links, briefs, analysis, and vendor information specifically aimed at
local government technology in Florida. Seeing a void in the market place, BetterPlace, a
complainUrequest tracking system, was developed internally to provide our local governments
with an easy, cost effective way to interface with their citizens.
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City of Clermont
Proposal for Technology Evaluation
Project Approach
The focus of the technology evaluation is on the technology infrastructure and governance
rather than on the customer base. The technology evaluation will focus on answering four major
questions and providing recommended changes as needed:
1. Is the current network configuration appropriate for the City of Clermont?
2. Is the connectivity of the seven major data collection points (wide-area network) effective
and efficient for the City of Clermont?
3. Is the technology security appropriate for the City of Clermont in terms of hardware,
software and policy?
4. Are the technology governance functions for the City of Clermont appropriate in terms of
tasks, functions, policy, staffing and funding?
The project will be approached in phases with multiple steps in each phase. Many of these
phases and steps will overlap each other in terms of scheduling.
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Phase I -Project Initiation and Kickoff Meeting
Step 1: Gather Documentation
The City will provide the League with pertinent documentation relating to the technology
function's mission and vision, policies and procedures, current and planned projects, and
current strategic or tactical plans. The documentation may also include the City's
governance charter, a network diagram, a listing of enterprise standards, a catalog of
business applications, and inventory summaries of servers, workstations, laptops, and
other equipment managed by the technology function. This will provide the League with
a starting point for the current environment analysis. The League will schedule
. Confidential Page 6 September 19, 2006
City of Clermont
F~~~.K~cMp~~N~. Proposal for Technology Evaluation
• interviews sessions to take place with the City Manager and the Administrative Services
Director to discuss matters of technology governance, organization and staffing,
applications, goals, objectives. A continuing dialog will be established between the
League Chief Information Officer and the City's IT Coordinator to discuss systems
administration, database administration, network management, data center
management, security administration, connectivity topology, etc.
Step 2: Initiate Project
The first meeting will be a "Kick-Off' meeting which will include a review of the scope of
work to confirm mutual understanding, and review of the deliverables and a final review
of the schedule.
Phase II -Review and Analyze the Current Technology Environment
Step 1: Interviews
• Following the Kick-Off meeting, the League will begin the interviewing process as
scheduled. This will begin the S.W.O.T. (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats) analysis of the current technology environment.
The interviews with the City Manager and Administrative Services Director will focus on
the technology governance issues at the City of Clermont.
For the infrastructure interviews, the League will apply aseven-tier framework to ensure
that we have covered all aspects.
1 Individual Technologies 1
2 Desktop Applications 2
3 Desktop Devices 3
4 Enterprise Technologies 4
5 Local Area Network (LAN) 5
6 Wide Area Network (WAN) 6
7 IT Security 7
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City of Clermont
Proposal for Technology Evaluation
During the interviewing process, the League will attempt to determine and document the
cause of the security failure of May 24th, 2006.
Step 2: Perform Gap Analysis of Findings and the Current Strategic Plan
In this step, each of the League staff will formulate an "as it should be" analysis and
compare it to the "as is today". By identifying this "gap" the League will then be able to
determine what needs to be accomplished to reach the "as it should be" desired state.
Step 3: Apply Internal "Red Team" Review
This rigorous process is undertaken by the League's Project Executive and Project
Team to challenge and validate the findings, conclusions, and recommendations they
have reached before the report of our findings is generated and presented to the City.
Phase III- Compile Final Report and Presentation
Step 1: Compile Draft Report
All information and research obtained will be compiled into a single report with an
executive summary. The report will be provided in written and electronic form using
Microsoft Word.
Step 2: Review Draft Report
Once the City has a chance to review the draft report, the City Manager, Administrative
Services Director and IT Coordinator will review it with the League to address questions
and provide clarity. Once the appropriate changes are made to the document, if any, the
League will prepare the final version of the report.
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City of Clermont
Proposal for Technology Evaluation
Step 3: Create and Deliver Presentation
A slide presentation will be generated using Microsoft PowerPoint to provide a summary
of the findings. The presentation of the final report will be in MS PowerPoint format and
presented to the City Staff, City Council or any other group as directed by the City
i Confidential Page 9 September 19, 2006
Fuwm+IA:AWC lW Ctitl'.e, INf.
Project Deliverables
The final deliverable for this project is a Technology Evaluation with specific action items
summarized in a Microsoft PowerPoint format. In addition, there will be intermediate
deliverables that will be reviewed by the Project Team.
Intermediate Deliverables by Phase:
Phase I -Project Initiation and Kick-Off Meeting
• Interviews
• Kick-Off Meeting
Phase II -Review and Analyze the Current Technology Environment
• Documentation of the current technology infrastructure.
• Analysis of technology evaluation (S.W.O.T. analysis).
Phase III -Compile Final Report
• Draft technology evaluation report in Microsoft Word format that will
include our confirmation of direction and/or recommend changes.
City of Clermont
Proposal for Technology Evaluation
• Final technology evaluation report in Microsoft Word format.
• Final technology evaluation presented in a Microsoft PowerPoint format.
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September 19, 2006
Project Assumptions
Access to Personnel: It is assumed that the League will have open access to City department
heads, vendors and other key individuals for interviews. We assume that we will be able to
schedule timely appointments for these individuals.
Access to Facilities: It is assumed that the League will have open access to City facilities in
order to review the technology equipment. We understand that, depending upon the area; we
may need to be escorted.
City of Clermont
Proposal for Technology Evaluation
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September 19, 2006
~i 1[~ Fuwew+l.e~aueovCmra.~nc.
Project Staffing
City of Clermont
Proposal for Technology Evaluation
Four individuals with extensive experience and background in the municipal environment and
public sector will staff the project. Frank Hagy is the Project Executive and is ultimately
responsible for the final product. In this role, he will lead an internal "Red Team" review of all
deliverables before they are sent to the City. Sherry Hilley, Senior Consultant and Certified
Information Systems Auditor will provide assistance to Frank Hagy in the governance issues.
Michael van Zwieten will serve as the Project Manager and will be fully involved in all aspects of
the project. He will also provide for the analysis of the wide and local area networks. Chris
Noyes will work provide the desktop analysis.
• Confidential Page 12
September 19, 2006
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City of Clermont
Proposal for Technology Evaluation
Franklin R. Hagy, CPM
Frank Hagy is the Chief Information
Officer for the Florida League of Cities.
He has over thirty years of experience in
the technology industry spanning both
public sector and private industry. The
past twenty years have been spent in
senior level management positions
developing and implementing technology
visions and plans.
Prior to coming with the League he was
an Associate Director with Gartner Group
Consulting specializing in State and Local
Government information technology
governance, strategic planning,
outsourcing, and implementation
Mr. Hagy served as the Director and
Chief Information Officer for the City of
Orlando, Florida. As the City's first
Director of Technology, Mr. Hagy created
a full service IT organization establishing
• and implementing all appropriate policies,
procedures and methods of IT
governance. Application systems
implemented include financial and
accounting, public safety computer aided
dispatch and records management,
permitting, geographic information
systems, public works, environmental
services, and recreation systems.
Implemented systems included Internet,
Intranet and mobile technologies.
Responsibilities included management
and maintenance of an infrastructure
necessary to support a two thousand plus
user base with associated local and wide
area networks.
During this period Mr. Hagy was twice
elected as President of the Florida Local
Government Information Systems
Association and was very active in
legislative issues regarding technology at
the Florida State capital.
Additionally, Mr. Hagy was Branch
Manager at EG8~G Corp. at Kennedy
Space Center. In this position he was
responsible for applications, databases
and the technology infrastructure
necessary to support NASA base
operations including facilities
management and public safety. Here he
served on NASA's quality assurance
council and received NASA's quality
contractor award. Mr. Hagy also provided
technology leadership in private industry
as the Director of Information Systems
and Director of Finance for a subsidiary of
General Mills, Inc.
Mr. Hagy holds an MBA from Nova
University, a BS degree in Management
Science from Shenandoah College and
has obtained a Certified Public Manager
(CPM) designation from Florida State
Mr. Hagy has also served an adjunct
professor for Barry University, Chairman
for the Business Advisory Council for
Vocational/Technical Education and as a
Board Member for Valencia's Community
College technology programs for the
disabled. He is the founder of the
Orlando Community Services Network, a
technology system that assists non-profit
agencies in providing quality services to
the homeless and indigent.
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City of Clermont
Proposal for Technology Evaluation
• Sherry L. Hilley, CISA
Sherry Hilley is the Training and
Development Manager for the Florida
League of Cities. She has over fifteen
years of experience in the technology
industry working for the public sector. The
past eleven years have been spent in
senior level management positions
developing and implementing software
Prior to coming with the League she was
Software Support Senior Manager at the
City of Orlando specializing in the area of
information technology strategic planning,
implementation strategies, implementing
all appropriate policies, procedures and
methods of IT governance. Application
systems implemented include financial
and accounting, public safety computer
aided dispatch and records management,
permitting, geographic information
systems, public works, environmental
• services, and recreation systems.
Implemented systems included Internet,
Intranet and mobile technologies. She
established a Learning Center for the
training of desktop and system
applications. During this period Mrs. Hilley
was elected several times to serve on the
Board of Directors for the Central Florida
Midrange Users Group providing IT
training for the technical group.
During her first four years with the City,
she worked with the Internal Audit
Department providing Compliance,
Financial and Information Systems (IS)
Audits. She assisted external auditors
with the IS portion of their review each
year. Mrs. Hilley is still very active with
the Central Florida Chapter of Information
Systems Auditors and Control Association
and the International Board supporting
their annual control conference.
Additionally, Mrs. Hilley was Assistant
Comptroller for American Bakeries Inc. in
the Orlando office. In this position she
was responsible for all financial
applications, databases and production
requirements for the Central Florida area
of product distribution.
Mrs. Hilley holds a BS degree in
Accounting from Florida Southern College
and has obtained a Certified Information
Systems Auditor (CISA) designation from
the Information Systems Audit and
Control Association.
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City of Clermont
Proposal for Technology Evaluation
Michael J. van Zwieten, MSCE, CNA
Mike has been the Assistant Director of
Technology Services for the Florida
League of Cities since 1997. His efforts in
developing the local and wide area
network infrastructure, implementing
standard practices and programming
custom applications has assisted the
League and other cities in reducing cost
while increasing efficiency.
Mike is currently responsible for all
network management and supervises the
implementation and maintenance of
complex application systems and
provides overall management direction
and quality assurance to network
infrastructure-consulting projects.
Mike holds a Masters degree in
Information Systems Management and a
BS degree in Aviation Management/Flight
Technology. He is a Microsoft Certified
Systems Engineer (MCSE) and a
Certified Novell Administrator (CNA).
His previous employment includes acting
as Network Administrator for Flight Safety
International Training Systems where he
was responsible for managing a complex
network including web, ftp, email servers
and other servers critical to the
Mike has also been aprogrammer/analyst
developing instructor led computer-based
training solutions specializing in Microsoft
Access and Visual Basic application
programming and design.
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City of Clermont
Proposal for Technology Evaluation
• Chris Noyes
Chris has been an Information
Technology Specialist for the Florida
League of Cities since October 1998.
Chris specializes in all aspects of
computer equipment including hardware,
software, and peripheral components. He
ensures proper operating system and
standardized software installation
including office automation applications
and other specialized software. He also
provides training and technical assistance
to end-users on an as needed basis.
Chris also supports, maintains and
resolves Internet, local area network, and
telecommunication connectivity issues. In
addition, Chris works directly with external
application service providers to resolve
system issues relating to unique League
software applications.
Chris graduated May 1998 from Stetson
University in Deland, Florida acquiring a
degree in Business Administration
including a core curriculum studying
Information Systems and Business Law.
Chris continues to provide technical
assistance to several municipalities
outside the League. Engagements mainly
• centered on the implementation and
support of computer workstations
attached to local and wide area networks.
During several of these engagements,
Chris was responsible for completely
replacing the entire network, all
associated workstations and establishing
Internet and email capabilities. He has
authored numerous articles and
whitepapers regarding technology issues
in the Quality Cities magazine published
six times a year. This periodical covers a
broad range of subjects of interest to
municipal officials.
. Confidential Page 16 September 19, 2006
F~.ort%~ Ixtaae orCmrx. mc_
City of Clermont
Proposal for Technology Evaluation
Project Schedule
It is estimated that this project, which will begin at a mutually agreeable time, will be completed
within seven weeks.
'hase I -Project Initiation
ase II -Review and Analyze
Current Infrastructure
ase III -Compile Final
port and Present Results
• Confidential Page 17 September 19, 2006
City of Clermont
Proposal for Technology Evaluation
Project Cost
Fees are based upon the amount of time required to complete our assignment in a thorough
and professional manner.
Total Cost
The Leaaue auarantees that total labor cost will not exceed the $14,500 to
complete this scope of work inclusive of expenses. We have estimated that project
will take 165 hours of work to complete. If the project takes less time than expected, the
labor cost will be reduced.
Fee Schedule
All fees are payable 30 days after completion of the project. No initiation fees or
intermediate payments are required. The City's obligations to the League under this
Agreement shall terminate upon receipt by the League of all outstanding fees due from
the City. The project is deemed complete upon the City's receipt of the report at the final
. presentation.
The League Guarantee
The League guarantees the City's satisfaction. Should the City find the
report/presentation to be unacceptable, no fees will be required. The League's
obligations to the City under this Agreement shall terminate upon the City's receipt of
said report.
Validity of Quote:
This project definition and fee quote is valid until October 19, 2006.
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City of Clermont
Proposal for Technology Evaluation
The following references are a sample of the engagements the League has conducted
throughout the state.
Jurisdiction: City of Jacksonville Beach
Population: 21,531
Contact Information: Harry Royal, (904) 247-6268
Type of Engagement: Strategic Plan, Network Security, Disaster Recovery Plan
Date of Engagement: 2002 -current
Jurisdiction: City of Atlantic Beach
Population: 14,079
Contact Information: Chief David Thompson, (904) 247-5856
Type of Engagement: Technology Evaluation
Date of Engagement: Jan 2005 -Sept 2005
Jurisdiction: City of Wilton Manors
Population: 12,439
Contact Information: Boe Cole, (954) 390-2100
Type of Engagement: Technology Evaluation
Date of Engagement: June 2005 -Sept 2005
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ji City of Clermont
(~ ri.wueLra~weowcmrs.nuc. Proposal for Technology Evaluation
Contractual Terms and Conditions
If the Florida League of Cities, its employees, or agents fail for any reason, whether or not
negligent, to fulfill the conditions as contained in this contract, the only remedy to the City of
Clermont shall be to receive a refund of all monies paid for the project. In no event will the
Florida League of Cities be liable for any loss, special, punitive or consequential damages or
damages in excess of the amounts received by the Florida League of Cities under the terms of
this Agreement.
Our conclusions and advice rendered pursuant to this engagement constitute our expert
opinion. Such opinion is based on information provided by the City of Clermont and information
obtained from outside sources. We believe such information is reliable but, because the
information is provided by outside resources, cannot guarantee its accuracy, and, therefore,
must disclaim any liability for errors, inaccuracies, mistakes, or misrepresentations arising from
our use of such information.
This agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between the Florida League of Cities and
the City of Clermont with respect to the subject matter of this agreement and shall not be
modified or changed without the express consent of the parties. The provisions of this
agreement supersede all prior oral and written quotations, communications, agreements, and
understandings of the parties with respect to the subject matter of this agreement.
ranklin R. Hagy, C.P.M Date
Chief Information Officer
~~ ~ _
Signature Date
Printed Name: ~~Q~ U~c~ ~ ~ ~ ~<- ~ 'til ~'. J~
Title: `('~(1 C1y~~
Confidential Page 20 September 19, 2006
THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING, dated this 5th day of December 2006, is
entered into by and between the Florida League of Cities, Inc. ("FLC"), 125 E. Colonial
Drive, Orlando, Fl., and the City of Clermont, 655 W. Montrose St., Clermont, FL 34712.
Our Understanding of Your Needs:
It is our understanding that the City of Clermont (City) desires the Florida League of
Cities (League) to provide assistance in the reviewing, short listing and interviewing of
candidate's for Technology Manager.
The Approach:
The City will provide up to 75 resumes to the League for review and evaluation. The
League will perform the following functions:
1) Review the job description and advertisement for the Technology Manager
2) Review the resumes and recommend a classification for each resume of not
qualified, minimally qualified, qualified or highly qualified. This classification will
be based upon education, work experience and specific experiencerwith local
government technology organization.
3) Conduct telephone interviews of the highly qualified candidates in order to make
a recommendation as to the rank ordering of the candidates. A questionnaire
worksheet will be generated to ensure that each candidate is answering ithe
same questions. The result of this process will be to rank order the highly
qualified candidates.
4) The League will participate in the interviewing process and provide guidance and
a recommendationlor up to 5 candidates.
The Deliverables:
• The League will deliver a rank ordered list of the highly qualified
• Ranking of candidates after review of resumes.
• Ranking of candidates after interviewing process.
Assumptions and Variables:
• Initial review and telephone interviews will be accomplished within ten (10)
working days of receiving the resumes from the City.
• Interview schedules will be conducted-at mutually agreeable time between the
City and the League.
A total labor fee of not more than $2,500 and actual travel expenses will be charged.
The League will invoice the City at the conclusion of the engagement and the City will
have 45 days from the invoice date to make payment.
FLC and Clemiont Memorandum of Understanding Page 1 of 2
Resume Evaluation—December 5,2006
Terms and Conditions:
If the Florida League of Cities, its employees or agents fail for any reason, whether or
not negligent, to fulfill the conditions as contained in this contract, the City of Clermont's
only remedy shall be to receive a refund of all monies paid for the project. In no event
will the Florida League of Cities be liable for any loss, special, punitive or consequential
damages or damages in excess of the amounts received by the Florida League of Cities
under the terms of this Agreement.
This agreement shall constitute the entire agreement between the Florida League of
Cities and the Clermont with respect to the subject matter of this agreement and shall
not be modified or changed without the express consent of the parties. The provisions of
this agreement supersede all prior oral and written quotations, communications,
agreements and understandings of the parties with respect to the subject matter of this
This memorandum of understanding terminates upon completion of the League
presenting the recommended top five candidates.
fied„az. 06v,
5 Dec 2006
Franklin R. Nagy, Chief Information Officer Date
Florida League of Cities
��P -2.3-2401
ignature: Date
Title: Mcioc
FLC and Clermont Memorandum of Understanding Page 2 of 2
Resume Evaluation—December 5,2006