05-05-1987 Regular Meeting• CITY OF CLERNONT MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MAY 5, 1987 The regular scheduled meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order on Tuesday May 5, 1987 at 7:30 p.m:., by Chairman John Sargent. Members attending were Adelbert Evans, Debbie Gaines, Cecil Smart, Don Smith, Marilyn George and Curt Dicamillo. Gloria Johnson and Ron Carden were absent. Also attending *acre Dean 'erlick City Planner and Jane Warren Plan.r~ing and Zoning Technician. MINUTES of the meeting held April 7, '"9s7 wte approved as presented. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Sargent introduced ITEM NO.1: Conditional Use Permit The Cler:~,or~t Church, of Christ is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to al`.ow a church in the R-1 Urban Residential District. The proposed Church would be '.ocated on a two (2) acre tract fronting on Grand Highway across from Edgeraood Pace Subdivision in the r_orthcast section of the City. ^E church is requesting that a grass parking area be allo*aed. The number of parking spaces provided exceeds the requirement of one (1) space for each four (4) perr~~anent seats in the sanctuary. :~~r. Penick presented the staff's recommendations for this ConY3itioral ~TSe Permit . 1. The property must be developed i_. substantial accordance with an approved site plan. 2. lf, at a future date, parking at t.;?is site proves inade- quate, the applicant understands and agrees that the City may require additional parking or rescind this Conditional Use Permit. ?. Ric further expansion of the use or additions to this facility sha' be permitted except as approved by another Conditional Use Permit. !`. A_1 atiplicable rules and regulations shall be met, including final site plan approval, l4ndscaping; drainage, parking and sign. regulations, and all yard setbacks. All rccuired landscapir;.g must. be served with a permanent irrigation system and must be properly maintained. The drainage and storm?cater retenti.or_ rL~c;uir~ments of the appropriate regulatory agencies :~ust be met, ar~d approved by the City Er_gineer. These areas must be properly :~aintaired. 5. T::is property may be used far church related purposes on'y. No other use may be conducted from `_hi, facility. This Conditional Use Permit is net t:.~ansferable to any other business sse, person or corporation. 1 i • CITY OF CLERdfONT MINUTES 6. The final Certificate of Occupancy cannot be issued until each of the stated conditions has been met. ?. This permit shall expire if construction has not begun within one (1) year of the date of thin Conditional Use Perl..it . S. If any of the stated conditions are violated, the applicant understands and agrees that the City Council may revoke this Conditional 'Jse Permit. 9. All two-way drives shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet in width. 10. All parking spaces s:~,all be delinated. Mr. Sargent asked if there was any response from letters sent to property oT~rners or if there was~anycne present wishing to be heard. Mr. Perlick advised the Commission that there had not beer, any response from letters sent to property owners. Mr. 6Jayne Guy, representing the church was present, and stated he felt comfortable with the conditions recommended by the staff . Mr. Smith stated he felt it rro?a'd be more appropri~ to for Condition No. 9. to eliminate "two-way". Fir. Sargent made the observation that Grand Highraay from: :-'.ighway 27 to East Avenue, is a sixty foot right-of-way, and taking into consideration the ~,.~~of~osed development of the land, perhaps the Planning and Zoning Commission should address the future role of Grand Highway as a collector street. Mr. Sargent suggested the an additional forty (4J} feet be required for the right-of-way on Grand Highway from Highway 27, west to East Avenue. ~Tr. Guy stated `?e would like to know beforehand, if there r~rere to be any changes in regard to the right-of-way on Grand Highway, so that such changes could. be incorporated into their plans. After further discussion a motion was made by Mr.Smart to recomriend approval of the Conditional Use Permit as suggest~;d by the City Staff, with the additional provision that aliowarces be made for a one-hundred !_00) foot right-of-way on Grand Highway, seconded by Curt DiCamillo. r~r. Smith requested the motion be amended to show that condition No.9 eliminate "two-way", and also that the church be required to construct sider~ralks when the adjacent property is developed, ?~:r. Smart agreed to incorporate the above recommendations into the original motion, seconded by Mr, Dicamillo, and approved by unanimous vote. 2 • There beinc not further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. A I ert Evans, ATTEST ice-Chairman l~e~~--y ~-- ane Warren Planning & Zonin% Technician 3