04-14-1992 Regular Meeting® • CITYOF CLERMONT MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 14, 1992 A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Clermont was held Tuesday, April 14, 1992 in the Council Chambers. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pool with the following Council Members present: Mayor Pro Tem Turville, Council Member Cole, Council Member Norquist, and Council Member Ivey. Other City Officials present were City Manager Saunders, City Attorney Baird, Planning Director Harker, and Deputy City Clerk Whitlock and former Deputy City Clerk Brandt. INVOCATION The Invocation was offered by Council Member Ivey followed by the repeating of The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag by all present. MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting held March 24, 1992 were approved as presented. CITY MANAGER SAUNDERS' REPORT Workshop Meeting City Manager Saunders stated that if there were no objections or conflicts, he would like to hold a Council Workshop at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Apri121, 1992 in the City Hall Conference Room to review Strollo Architect's proposed bid documents for the new Police Station and other items. After a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the Council to hold the Workshop. YMCA Request City Manager Saunders informed Council that the YMCA has requested to use the Highlander Hut for $10 a day for about nine weeks for their Summer Day Camp this summer (the same program and fee the Council approved last summer). The Highlander Hut's normal fee for eight hours is $40. 9 2- 0 4 6 After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Council Member Turville seconded by Council Member Ivev and unanimously carried approving • the rental of the Highlander Hut to the YMCA for their Summer Dax Camp this summer at $10 per day. Congressman Stearns Mr. Saunders reminded Council that Congressman Stearns will be visiting City Hall on Wednesday, April 15, 1992 from 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. to answer questions from citizens. CITY OF CLERMONT MINUTES • REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 14, 1992 PAGE 2 COUNCIL MEMBER NORQUIST'S REPORT Bike Path Council Member Norquist reported that City Manager Saunders had sent a letter to the County Commissioners requesting that a bike path be included in the road bid specifications for Highway 561-A on the north side of Lake Minneola as Council directed at the March 24 meeting. The County Commissioners, however, did not include the suggested bike path in the road bid specifications. COUNCIL MEMBER COLE'S REPORT Possible House Condemnation Council Member Cole asked to have a home evaluated on the corner of Scott and East Desoto (West side of Scott) for possible condemnation. MAYOR POOL'S REPORT Storm Damage Mayor Pool expressed thanks to City employees for a job well done in the cleanup of the March 25 storm. Recognition of Julie Brandt's Service Mayor Pool presented Julie Brandt with a plaque for her distinguished service of more than 10 years as Deputy City Clerk for the City of Clermont. The Council also presented her with a watercolor painting and thanked her for her dedicated and loyal assistance over the years. MAYORAL PROCLAMATION Earth Week April 19-25, 1992 Mayor Pool encouraged all Clermont citizens to attend the Earth Day events scheduled for Saturday, Apri125 at Jaycee Beach, including the "Cardboard Boat Race" . Mayor Pool read the Proclamation which recogtizes the many threats to the environment, proclaims April 19-25, 1992 as Earth Week in Clermont, encourages all citizens to participate in Earth Day activities at Clermont's Jaycee Beach on Saturday, Apri125, 1992, and further encourages all citizens to increase their knowledge and awareness of environmental concerns. CITY OF CLERMONT MINUTES • REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 14, 1992 PAGE 3 VISITORS WITH BUSINESS Resolution x#751, Pizzuti Equities, Inc. Mayor Pool stated that Pizzuti Equities is requesting a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development of a 173,000 sq. ft. shopping center. Mr. Ron Hensen of Design Services Group stated the CUP for the shopping center is 95 % the same as the CUP previously approved by the Council for the previous developer. Mr. Hensen pointed out the differences between the previously approved CUP and the requested CUP. The Department of Transportation has now approved a median cut on Highway 50 at the main entrance. The entrance onto Grand Highway will be aligned with Almond Street, and Quincy's parking lot will be accessible from the shopping center parking lot. The canopy of the center will be file instead of canvas, and design changes have been made to Retail A and B with approximately the same square footage. Resolution 751 was read by title only by Mayor Pool. Public Hearin Mr. Howard Barry asked how much more the building site will be expanded in regard to fill material, how many trees were to be planted, the plan for the road between the lakes, and the planned topography changes. Mr. Hensen responded that the fill dirt presently in place will be spread and about one-third more fill dirt will be brought in. The road between the lake and the pond will not exist when the fill work is done. Trees will be planted in the parking area and along the rear perimeter, but the number is not determined. Susan Wood asked what the City plans were for the homes on the other side of Grand Highway. Mayor Pool stated the area is currently zoned Residential, however it may be changed to R3-A at some point in time. Two letters were introduced by Mayor Pool that had been received regarding the Resolution. Willie and Noreen Creech submitted a letter opposing the proposed shopping center. Douglas McGrath (realtor for Grandview Apartments) submitted a letter of support. Mayor Pool then closed the Public Hearing. City Manager Saunders stated that Planning and Zoning voted unanimously approving the CUP. Mr. Saunders explained that the cost of signalization had been changed to state the developer will pay a pro rata share instead of the entire cost. This was changed because the DOT will not allow the signalization installed until the project is completed and actual traffic counts are taken. Council Member Ivey asked who would pay the rest of the signalization cost. Mr. Hensen answered that if the south side is developed, then that development would pay a pro rata share. Council Member Ivey asked if this could be added to the Resolution, and that the City is not to bear any expense of a traffic light. City Manager Saunders stated language could be added to Condition #7, Section 4 defining who will pay the pro rata share of signalization. • CITY OF CLERMONT 1VIINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 14, 1992 PAGE 4 City Manager Saunders stated the Planning and Zoning has also specified a maximum of 50' spacing between for trees on the perimeter. Mr. Hensen stated that Condition #12, Section 2 had required 200 trees per acre of slope area. Planning Director Harker stated that language was changed to state that the Soil Conservation District will advise on this matter. Council Member Turville expressed concern that the site was a poor choice because of the large retaining wall required to keep it out of the flood plain and the impending traffic problems. He also expressed concern for the Grand Highway neighbors. He stated he did not support this CUP or the previous CUP. Mayor Pool stated he had not received any calls expressing concern and did not see anyone from the Grand Highway neighborhood in the audience. 9 2 - 0~4 7 A motion was made by Council Member Cole seconded by Council Member Ivev. and carried four to one by roll call vote with Council Member Turville voting no to adopt Resolution 751 granting a Conditi- onal Use Permit as amended to add to Condition #7 Section 4 language that will define who will pay the pro rata share of signali7ation costs. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Neighborhood Center Council Member Norquist asked to table this matter so he could attend a VFW meeting next Thursday and discuss it with them. 9 2 - 0 4 s After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Council Member Cole seconded by Council Member Ivey and unanimously carried to table the Neighborhood Center Lease Agreement for Lot 4 Block 90 until the April 28. 1992 meeting. Land Development Regulations City Manager Saunders explained that the City has developed a Comprehensive Plan over the last two or three years, and in line with it, a working draft of the Land Development Regulations will soon be ready to review. Council Member Ivey stated that the consensus of the Council Workshop on March 31 was to have a seven member committee, including Planning Director Harker and City Manager Saunders. He suggested instead that Mr. Harker and Mr. Saunders act as advisors and four general citizen appointments be made in addition to a representative from the South Lake Development Council, the Chamber of Commerce, and Planning and Zoning. Council Member Turville was concerned that a balance be achieved and that citizens that represent different aspects throughout the community are appointed. He suggested that Oakley Seaver and Rose Mulholland be appointed. • CITYOF CLERMONT MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRII. 14, 1992 PAGE 5 Council Member Ivey suggested that Don Bums and Lawson Wolfe be appointed to the review committee. After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Council Member Ivev and seconded by Council Member Turville to appoint a Land Develop- ment Regulations Citizen's Review Committee comprised of one member each from the South Lake Development League the Chamber of Commerce. Planning and Zoning and four general citizen appointments with the Ci Manager and the Planning Director as advisors After considerable discussion. Council Member Turville withdrew his second. After further discussion, a motion was made by Council Member IveX seconded by Council Member Cole and unanimously carried to appoint a Land Development Regulations Citi en's Review Committee comprised of residents of Clermont. one member each from the South Lake Development League. the Chamber of Commerce the Chairman of the PlanninP and Zoning. and four general citizen appointments with the City Manager and the Planning Director as advisors. Mayor Pool stated that the following Clermont residents had been nominated as general citizen appointments to the Land Development Regulations Citizen's Review Committee: Oakley Seaver Rose Mulholland Don Burris Lawson Wolfe A motion was made by Council Member Turville seconded by Council Member_ Cole. and unanimously carried that the nominations cease NEW BUSINESS Introduction of Ordinance 244-M Mayor Pool explained that Ordinance 244-M will increase the rate increase for sanitation service. The increase is necessary because of an increase in tipping fees by Lake County from $40 per ton to $65 per ton. The Ordinance had previously been adopted last fall in anticipation of the County increase, but was placed on hold due to the County's delay in adjusting their rates. City staff is working on ideas to help keep the County costs down. The effective date of the Ordinance will likely be the first meeting in May. Mayor Pool read Ordinance 244-M by title only. CITY OF CLERMONT 1VIINYTTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 14, 1992 PAGE 6 92-051 A motion was made by Council Member Cole and seconded by Council Member Ivev to introduce Ordinance 244-M. Introduction of Ordinance 243-M Mayor Pool explained that Mr. Dougherty is requesting a rezoning of property located on the southeast corner of Disston and Almond (Lot 127 from R-3 to C-1 and Lots 12, 11 and west half of 10 from R-2 to R-3). Mr. Dougherty was not present for comment. Mayor Pool read Ordinance 243-M by title only. 9 2 - 0 5 2 A motion was made by Council Member Cole and seconded by Council Member Norquist to introduce Ordinance 243-M. Bid Award City Manager Saunders explained that the City received four bids for a service crane, but the apparent low bidder may not meet minimum specifications. Public Service Director Davis has requested additional information. The bid award should be tabled until the April 28, 1992 meeting. 9 2 - 0 5 3 A motion was made by Council Member Norquist seconded by Council Member Ivev. and unanimously carried to table the service crane bid award until the April 28. 1992 meeting. There being no further business or discussion, the meeting adjourned at 8:56 p.m. /- Robert A. Pool, Mayor Attest: ~~ ~ ~. os E, an Zil , ty Cler